Current Occupation and do you like it



I am just wondering what each of you do for a living and if you like your job. I am accountant/production manager for a plastics company. I am like my grandpa and will absolutely make sure that my son is not an accountant or works at a manufacturing facility. Just my own opinion after doing it for many years. I have been fortunate and sat at some camps and met all walks of people that love to hunt from a guy that made maple syrup at home to about everything under the sun. I do wish that I was the guy that never worked a day in his life, said he was thankful his grandpa had made enough selling a fortune 500 company that several generations would not have to work. He invested well and uses his growth to hunt and he hunts all over the world. Give you the shirt off his back and never worked one day and he will admit that he has a good life. Met good and bad people. Just wondering what we all do as we all enjoy the same past time. I live for the fall but it seems like work gets more and more in the way each year. If I was to start over I think an orthodontist or lawyer would be the route I would take. Possibly a pharmacist as a third choice.
Please don't tell my Mommy I work in the Oil patch,She thinks I'm a Piano Player in a CatHouse in Fallon Nevada!

Thought about this a few times in my day!

Swear to Gawd in my next Life I'm gonna be a Hugh Hefner Jr!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
I love my job and look forward to going to work every day. I own a busy magazine publishing company that prints several publications including the The Utard, Unpopular Mechanics and the Huntin Junkie. Subscription numbers are going through the roof.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-23-10 AT 06:44PM (MST)[p]operations manager for a modern dairy and beef production facility.2225 milking total 6000 head and growing . I love my job wouldnt trade it for any 9-5 5 days a week for a nothin.
Drink milk, eat cheese and beef when you dont have a freezer full of elk/deer please!
Uh oh, they have been out of business for a few years. Moundhouse is still running strong.

>Please don't tell my Mommy I
>work in the Oil patch,She
>thinks I'm a Piano Player
>in a CatHouse in Fallon
>Thought about this a few times
>in my day!
>Swear to Gawd in my next
>Life I'm gonna be a
>Hugh Hefner Jr!
>I love not acting my age,
>Damn I love my NASCAR race,
>And Hell yes I love my

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Currently doing a guarenteed 18 month stint at Joliet. Head stamp operator isn't bad. Prior to that I worked for Rod Blagojevich. It was cash money & I only hurt people if they deserved it. Before I started this part time stuff I was a Alameda County Sheriff. That was Ok too. Stiffing C-Store clerks for free beer and doughnuts gets kinda old. Found out early retirement sucks especially if you like to shoot. So here I am!

I'm a real estate appraiser and a flyfishing guide. Absolutely love it! I work for myself doing appraisals, work from home, make my schedule around the guided fishing trips. Its a good balance and I live life on my schedule!
i went to school te be a diesel tech but couldnt stand to be in one place too long. i went to work as an ironworker [rodbuster) and worked in las vegas arizona and southern utah. work dried up down south and i went back to slc and continued busting rods for two more years. i couldnt see myself doing that for life so i made a big change and went back to school at southern utah university where i am majoring in vererinary medicine. i am currently working with disabled people. i would advise your son not to go to school for anything too specific until he has some work experience and knows how he wants to spend hid life
I work as a mold at Studhorse Condom Inc. The pay is good and the bennies are awesome. Meet a lot of nice girls this way.

Those condoms are great NV. I really like the interlocking system they have for connecting two of them together to make one for us bigger guys.
lol, NVB, you're nuts. lol.

Been working 5 years out of college for a financial services company, running numbers here in PHX. Keeps my mind going; but I need something more. I'm only 28, so I'm searching for the next step and path for the future...

"...I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six..."
I work at a pinto bean cannery. I maintain the the machines that put the lids and labels on the cans.
Geologist/water quality guy. Have worked as a consultant and now working for an irrigation district/utility company. Pay is good but the burecratic BS sucks. Work is ever changing due to the ever changing laws and regulations.
I am a outfitter august through november then once the hunts taper off I'm a sales manager at a local off road fabrication shop. I am lucky that my "day job" gives me the flexibility to take off during the fall months to do what I love and still be there waiting for me to put the 9-5 in once the hunts get over. Hoping this year will put me over the top and I will be able to do outfitting/guiding year around. If not this year, hopefully one more year of 9-5 dues should do it.

-KILLSHOT Productions Guides & Outfitters-
I am a patent agent working in a law firm. We perform patent services (write patent applications, negotiate patent rights with patent office) for technology companies. This is a great job. I earn lots of money and get as much time off as I want and when I want it. The necessary background is a solid technical education -- mine is electrical engineering with 14 years of experience as a software engineer in various technologies. I get paid proportional to my production (collection from clients based on my work) -- so I work extra time to earn more money. I guess another way of looking at that time off thing is that I can get the time off, but I don't get paid when I don't work. You need to be a good and efficient writer (e.g., write fast) to do well in this field, and not everyone has this ability.
I'm a senior lease operator for a natural gas company. Work an awesome schedule 8 10 hour days and 6 days off. Had awesome benefits until this new company came in, now we are waiting to see what they decide for wages so that sucks. The job itself I really like. Its challenging physically and mentally. The area I'm in is getting old though, a change of scenery would be nice but I'm not in a cubicle so how much can I complain? Pay is good it allows my wife to stay home with our 2 kids and still have a little to play on. I like where I'm at but definitely want to advance!

"I work as a mold at Studhorse Condom Inc. The pay is good and the bennies are awesome. Meet a lot of nice girls this way. "

Zigga always did say you were a big $%$%..... and now.... the rest of the story...... Terry
Electrical Contractor in Central California and I really do love it when times are good. Right now it sucks ass but we're hangin' in there. One thing I won't do is sell myself out and hire illegals to make a buck. The money is just as good with American workers as it is doing the job myself.

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
AZStickman I dunno what you're smokin' but I want some.[/img][/url]
LAST EDITED ON Aug-25-10 AT 08:39AM (MST)[p]Midget wrangler and Crisco salesman.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

I appreciate those that gave an honest response and I am pleasently surprised to see how many actually enjoy their jobs. I am obviously in the wrong field as none of us like it. Best of luck this fall.
Littlejoe - I hear you man. It is not fun to do something you don't like, but let me assure as one who has struggled with very little income over the last few years that even though I love what I do, I would gladly trade this for a job with a good steady paycheck that provides for my family. Now, that is not to say that I haven't done that because I have, just not in all aspects that covers both their needs AND wants. We have had the basics yes, but as I have been a grad student for way too long, it has been difficult and I can't wait until I am totally finished and have the Ph.D. after my name and can work at a job that will take care of us in the way we both need and want or at least to live like we have been without working 2 jobs and hustling a dozen or so others to do it.

My official title is Adjnuct Assistant Professor of Spanish, and hopefully I will be an Assistant Professor of Latin American Literature or the equivalent within 6 months to a year. It has been a long road and I love to teach Spanish, I love to interact with the students, but it doesn't pay very well, and I am limited as to the number of classes I can teach every semester.

So in my book, loving what you do is great, but providing for your family is tantamount to that.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I do wish I knew Spanish. I will force my kids to learn. I work with several spanish speaking people in our production facility and life would be so much easier if I could actually communicate with them. The translator thing and hand signal thing gets old. I admire you for doing the PHD thing. I wish I had done more schooling but a house, kids and stuff came along and I guess I was just not disciplined enough to make it happen so good for you and anyone else that has spent the time. You deserve to be rewarded for it.
I work as a powerfeed drill repair person for a large airplane manufacturing company in Everett Wa. maybe you have heard of them.Boeing, been here 21 years in Sept.Jerry
I am a Corrections Officer in the jail. Work is never dull and I love the adventures. I love going to work and enjoy what I do. Oh the stories I could tell, lol!!!
I'm a turd herder currently running my own putty truck, plumbing Contractor,.. when the phone rings. Today i drove 70 miles each way to take a 1 hr service call. Once there, i picked up a full days work for Friday so the trip payed off. Work is way slow but ironically, i've had one of my better years. I really like being my own boss!

Years ago when i learned my trade, the owner was busy as all get out. He could pick and choose his jobs. He retired, i went into business, and new custom housing starts, what i do best, just dried up. Go figure! They say that you have nothing if you don't have timing... no truer words ever spoken!! Just call me, "empty pockets!!" :)

I manufacture and distribute a great product called "spice"...sold some to this one guy a while back and he ended up going to jail and told rugarm77 that his tree, which he lived in, was under attack }> }> }> anyways let me know if you guys need some...

I work in the Natural Gas industry also, on the distribution side. The work has its good days and bad, Everyone always wants more pay. I would say for the most part I like my job. It has definetly been steady while the rest of the country is crashing. I need stability. I do think my benefeits are good. I get to hunt every year, just not as much as I would like. Maybe one day if I am here long enough I will make good money.

I was going to school to be a dentist. but it turns out you have to be smart to get into dental school. Then I changed my direction and got a business degree, but after working a paper job for a couple years decided I would go nuts. I need to be outside working.

Its the most wonderful time of the year!
I spend a lot of time developing my "Valley Doe Guiding Service" but my success has been very limited the last few years and not many returning clients...
So in my spare time I am Operations Manager of of a 100 truck fleet of 18 Wheelers....
and now days that is about as tough as doe guiding!!!! lol
Trauma nurse. Travel all over the Western United States and work in ER's and ICU's. I love what I do. It allows me to provide a good living for my wife and 4 daughters. I have also been known to hunt an elk or 2 in the fall months.

It's always an adventure!!!
I work as a Professional Wildland Firefighter. My wife and I own our own contract company that provides wildland engines and crews for suppression and prescribed fire work. Do I like my job no I LOVE IT.

Got bored after retiring and designed and sell a new thing that is becoming a big hit on the a lot of customers right here on MM that buy from me.


Kilo, can you send me three?


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
I'm an Industrial Mechanic. I fix/maintain machines that make diapers for Kimberly Clark Corp in North Ogden. Those machines are amazing! We have 12 machines that make about 1,200,000 diapers a day. That's freakin' cooking!! When one goes down they are all over us to get it running again. I definately love my job. They treat us really well and 95% of our 40 mechanics make more than six figures. Somebody said "if you want a mechanic job at KC, someone has to die before there's an opening." That's probably true too.

"My sickle has a boattail"
"hidden soles leave .308 holes"
Longbow6360, you might have the most important job in the US. People like Kilowatt "Depends" on you!

Natural resource lawyer and I love it. Spend my days protecting the traditions we love and fighting with the government and big industry to ensure that wild, public lands remain just that.
I own a construction company and a home remodeling center. I would love to sell out and do something else with less stress. The bad thing is my wife and I have worked hard to get the company to making big $$. We are both burned out but think it would be dumb to leave a profitable growing business when there are so many struggling. Besides there aint no one out there going to pay me 6 figures with no education. So I guess I will just have to suck it up!!

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
work as a control room operator at a power plant in northern nevada. lots of days off...lots of overtime also. do i like it? hmmm its hit and miss i guess...make 6 figures but hate the b.s. but it does afford alot of days off so i guess for the most part its good. i've never worked so little and been paid so much..although it does come with its stress when everyone wants thier air conditioners and lights to work. most people dont realize that pretty much the whole country is tied together on an electrical grid, and what happens in Wyoming could very well affect me here.
I work as an Industrial Maintenance Millwright in a veneer mill. Four years of college, and I have missed every archery opener to date! Guess I should be grateful I have a job though!
I'm a certified welding inspector through the American Welding Society and a process piping (570) and pressure vessel (510) inspector through the American Petroleum Institute. I worked on the road for some time but always scheduled those jobs around my hunting. I have worked at both of the refineries in the Minneapolis St. Paul area but I now work at a 3M chemical plant. I dont get much for overtime anymore but that allows me to have split custody of my 3 year old son and they are very flexible about time off. I love my job and know that I am vert fortunate!

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free... it expects what never has and never will be." -Thomas Jefferson
Underground miner. Good pay and you only work 6 mo's a year. Plus the weather doesnt change.
I am happy to see how many of you enjoy what you do. I obviously picked the wrong line of work but the economy is terrible and I can still go to work everyday right now. So time will tell I guess. Best of luck to all of you this season. We are all from different walks of life and share the same passion; amazing to see the different courses we have all taken.
I'm retired Navy. I really loved my job, but, decided to spend more time with my family.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
I go to Hill AFB everyday but I do not know of this word "WORK" you guys talk about? It doesnt sound fun.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-31-10 AT 03:56PM (MST)[p]I go to Hill AFB everyday but I do not know of this word "WORK" you guys talk about? It doesnt sound fun!
I once was a trackhoe operator when there was work. I enjoyed the challenges that would be put in front of me from day to day. My favorite thing about running a trackhoe was crossing existing utilities, when digging trench for new pipe. didnt get paid much never could afford to take time off. Now I am a government worker I collect unemployment. I hope things get better soon.

I work in my Father in laws company. Have I said enough? :) Definitely do have a lot of perks, but let me tell you it is not all roses. I take the brunt of most hits because "you are going to be the boss some day". Boy those talks get old every other day.
As for my job title? We run a few C-stores, unattended fuel stations, wholesale fuel delivery and propane to the oilfield and homes within a 40 mile radius. My job on a daily basis involves all of these. We fired our so called "farm manager" so I have been plowing getting ready to sow wheat when I get back from CO on my Muzz hunt. I dont get to spend as much time on MM as I once did, my days are pretty much spent with my duties getting bigger:( Work hard, play hard!!!
I work in Information Technologies fixing desktops for users here at Microsoft. Some days are better than others but all in all I dont mind going in to work. Waking up everyday at 5am really makes getting up at 3:30 for hunting just a little bit easier.
I'm a Tool and Die Designer. I also have some other engineering roles, but my main job is designing progressive stamping and forming dies for sheet metal parts. I enjoy what I do, I have a decent work schedule and sittin at a computer all day allows me to surf the web and kill time on MM. Biggest problem is that our busiest time of year is right during huntin season.

Nocked N Loaded
For the last 12 yrs. I've owned my own landscape design and install Co. Started out doing landscape maintence then decided that if I wanted to eat needed to turn it into something more. So slowly but consistently began to do nothing but new installs on new homes and have built it into something that makes money and allows me to hunt, fish, vacation on my own schedule. This and a few rent houses will allow retirement in a couple more years.

Before that I worked the oilfield for National Cementers, Western Co, Haliburton, and B.J.Services Co. fracing and cementing oil, and gas wells, in NM., Co., Tx., Ut., Az., loved both jobs because had/have time to hunt, fish and such and always close to the Rockies.

My wife has the college degrees and a "career" works at Raytheon Missle Systems To put it in her words "I make things that kill people"

Been a good life so far doing what we want when we can got 3 daughters and 4 grandaughters and I'm only 53.
Career Firefighter for SLC. I get to drive the Engines and Trucks everyday! Absolutely love my job! Pay is not that great but I get a lot of time of to hunt and spend time with my Family! Glad to see a a lot of you love your jobs too!

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