Cutting edge California


Long Time Member
At it again.

Surfrider Foundation Wants You to Post Photos of Washed Up Shotgun Wads to Its Data Collection Map

?What's up with all the wads??
That's the question the Surfrider Foundation is asking beachgoers across the world.
The non-profit environmental organization is concerned with all the used shotgun wads polluting the earth?s shores, and it's asking concerned citizens to collect the wads and upload photos of them to its Shotgun Wad Data Collection Map.
?Plastic shotgun wads show up in great numbers along waterways and shorelines throughout the world,? the San Francisco chapter of the Surfrider Foundation wrote on its website. ?Projected from shotgun barrels ? the plastic wads are shot into marshes or over water where they are difficult to retrieve. Heavy rains and high tides cause the wads to float to the sea where they remain until picked up and sometimes photographed by concerned citizens.?
What high dollar biodegradable material can be used as a steel shot wad cup?

I'd give you $100 and a month to walk the beach to find one wad.....


GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans -- when they're dead...
Homer you can bet your last dollar they will find them. I will not put it past a liberal enviro nut case from San Francisco that will go to a trap shooting range and pick up a hundred used plastic wads and pass them off being picked up on the beach. Just so they can ban plastic wads being used in CA.

I Give it a year or two & it'll be here as well!

What Happens in KALI doesn't stay in KALI!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
LAST EDITED ON Jan-21-19 AT 06:52AM (MST)[p]I do see their point and as an outdoorsman know we can do better. I've seen some littered shorelines after the duck season opener where I could have filled a couple trash bags with wads. I am sure there are alternatives but it will come at a cost and grumbling.

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
Next thing you know those dang blasted wads will be showing up along the Idaho and Nevada coastline!
Just dreaming!


"One can take my life but not my faith or my
"I fear none and respect all"
>Homer you can bet your last
>dollar they will find them.
>I will not put it
>past a liberal enviro nut
>case from San Francisco that
>will go to a trap
>shooting range and pick up
>a hundred used plastic wads
>and pass them off being
>picked up on the beach.
>Just so they can ban
>plastic wads being used in


?Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. "
>I'd give you $100 and a
>month to walk the beach
>to find one wad.....

>GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans
>-- when they're dead...

No deal. I fish the ocean surf pretty much year around and I don't remember ever seeing one.
Here's an idea. Let's ban skeet shooting off the fantail of ships for 5 years and see if that fixes it.

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