Defund the Police


Long Time Member
What exactly does that mean? Swap police officers with social workers who drive ice cream trucks and carry candy bars instead of guns?

This is a serious question by the way.
What I saw talked about cutting the budgets and narrowing the mission by eliminating a bunch of public service stuff (vin inspections, cats in trees, etc). The justification is that the $ would go to schools, daycare, etc.

They think its vengance, but the most vulnerable populations will be the ones who lose again.
They don’t care about tracking crime. They will follow arrests. Less officers means less arrests, so in their “pie in the sky” world things will look better. We will have a kinder gentler social service working with the community, and we can save the court system to prosecute those nasty old vigilante gun owners!
There will be a drop in most crimes in the black communities of large cities. This will be due to police officers ignoring crimes they see for fear of something happening that will put their job on the line and taking away their family income.
They will feel that it is better to ignore making certain arrests then getting caught in a abuse complaint where they know the city leaders will not support them. Then later down the line the homicide rate will jump with the gang bangers running around killing each other over turf control. Chicago is a very good example of this due to p!ss poor leadership at city hall.
I saw a CNN news clip from one of the Minneapolis Councilmember was asked how do you get help if someone breaks into your house in the middle of the night if you defund the police? I am paraphrasing, she stated. " that help from cops now is only good for white privilege, so it will only hurt white privilege"
I will try and find that news clip and post the link, it is very telling.
I saw a CNN news clip from one of the Minneapolis Councilmember was asked how do you get help if someone breaks into your house in the middle of the night if you defund the police? I am paraphrasing, she stated. " that help from cops now is only good for white privilege, so it will only hurt white privilege"
I will try and find that news clip and post the link, it is very telling.

The obamas are more priveleged than me, they have personal bodyguards.
My cousin is thinking of starting AAARP. American Assn of Armed Retired Peoples. The time seems right.:unsure:
I see the independent truckers are saying they will not take loads into cities that defund the police. Say it is too dangerous for truckers as they are always targets for robbery.
I see the independent truckers are saying they will not take loads into cities that defund the police. Say it is too dangerous for truckers as they are always targets for robbery.

We all know behind the scenes the WOKE companies are telling the Mayors the same thing. Of course that’s after their shake down donations to the proper groups.

Buisnesses are suicidal, it will be a slow, quiet exit.

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