Deputy who killed Oklahoma man


Founder Since 1999
What's your thoughts? Do you think that 73 year old deputy knew he pulled his gun? Or honest mistake?

Brian Latturner
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It's easy for me to say how do u not know which weapon is in your hand? I have several pistols and if I were blindfolded I would know which one u placed in my hand. But I've never been in that high stress situation of pulling a weapon on another man. Bad deal, hope some good can come from it.
Sad deal for everyone involved.
I'm glad I wasn't there.
My life has pressure but not THAT kind of pressure.
I think it was an honest mistake. I just wonder why a volunteer deputy was placed in that type of situation.
Mistake He11 yes, Several cops there already why taser him with some cops already having hands on him and him on the ground. One very stupid mistake by a guy who shouldn't be there to begin with.
First mistake was made by the guy running from the officers, second one by the 73 old guy acting out his fantasy of being a police officer. It is now a no-win situation for everyone.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
You Guy's know I tried my Hand at being a Cop!


The Thoughts of still being a Deputy at middle 70's kinda bothered me!:D

We laugh, we cry, we love
Go hard when the going's tough
Push back, come push and shove
Knock us down, we'll get back up again and again
We are Members of the Huntin Crowd!
On the surface it sounds like an honest mistake.

elkassassin, you ever taser anyone while you were a "cop"?:D


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!
Well Eel!

T'was back before the Cops got their TAZER Toys!

A lot of the Locals are Ranchers & my Friends always had the HOT SHOTS We'd use!

They got a little SMACK to them!

I got Ex-Communicated from ever being a Cop again & had to hand in My Gear!:D

Came with a Big Threatening Fine if I ever got Practicing as a Cop ever again!

We laugh, we cry, we love
Go hard when the going's tough
Push back, come push and shove
Knock us down, we'll get back up again and again
We are Members of the Huntin Crowd!
This sounds like a story that needs tellin.

Might be the only thing that saves this boring site.
I have to believe it was an honest mistake. In that high stress situation, I think an individual could make that mistake.

I agree that 72 definitely is too old to be doing such a job. I don't care if you're Jason Bourne, it's too old to have that kind of power/choice in your hands...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
+1 What Gator said.Perp did not deserve to die in this situation. Department needs to examine the roles their volunteers play in LE situations. No winners with this outcome.
To help clarify:

He's not a "volunteer" per se... Reserve officers are often paid, albeit a small wage, or they reserve to maintain their police certifications. He was not just a random citizen on a ride along with a gun. More than likely he was a retired officer who was reserving to stay in the game.

I cross draw to avoid this situation. I'm right handed and obviously my gun is on my right hip. My taser is in a cross draw holster on my left hip only to be used by my right hand. I do this because I too often see weirdos pulling out both and pointing at someone. We all know our hands are trained like mirrors and whatever my right or left finger does the other hand's fingers will follow.

This is a bad situation and though he probably had no intent to kill this guy the courts will decide what level of negligence was had and either decide to leave this case alone or file an appropriate charge.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-15-15 AT 09:20AM (MST)[p]I read he was an officer for 1 year 1964-1965.
Bottom line is that any copper can kill anybody at any time and have just about 0 chance of suffering any serious consequence...

That cop in jail on murder charges would be on patrol if not for that guy with a camera, and he first went to the cops so they would know what "really happened" and they took 0 interest in it, they had their story and were good with it

" it was a legit use of deadly force, he had a gun and there were people around"

Have any on a hunting site had a gun and had people around???

All the squawking for video may help but some will grandstand for the camera hoping to make an episode of "cops" with the clip.

If there is a chink in the "blue wall" public apologists with pro cop bias will quickly mortar it back up, if necessary in the jury box.

In one of these which a guy ended up dead or beaten to ##### the press reported he "once killed a puppy" therefore he deserved it?? (now if he had killed the cops' puppy in front of him 5 minutes earlier it would be a pertinent fact)

Up above are perfect example of pro cop bias... "there are no winners here" yep but I can sure point to a loser now can't I? HINT: It's the dead guy with a hole in him...
>Bottom line is that any copper
>can kill anybody at any
>time and have just about
>0 chance of suffering any
>serious consequence...
>That cop in jail on murder
>charges would be on patrol
>if not for that guy
>with a camera, and he
>first went to the cops
>so they would know what
>"really happened" and they took
>0 interest in it, they
>had their story and were
>good with it
>" it was a legit use
>of deadly force, he had
>a gun and there were
>people around"
>Have any on a hunting site
>had a gun and had
>people around???
>All the squawking for video may
>help but some will grandstand
>for the camera hoping to
>make an episode of "cops"
>with the clip.
>If there is a chink in
>the "blue wall" public apologists
>with pro cop bias will
>quickly mortar it back up,
>if necessary in the jury
>In one of these which a
>guy ended up dead or
>beaten to ##### the press
>reported he "once killed a
>puppy" therefore he deserved
>it?? (now if he
>had killed the cops' puppy
>in front of him 5
>minutes earlier it would be
>a pertinent fact)
>Up above are perfect example of
>pro cop bias... "there
>are no winners here" yep
>but I can sure point
>to a loser now can't
>I? HINT: It's the
>dead guy with a hole
>in him...

Unfortunately you know not what you speak of. Unfortunately you only know what you see on the news and social media. You have no knowledge of those who were fired, reprimanded or even jailed unless the reporting news and media outlets find no story in it.
RAS1954, I watched the dash cam video of the cop taking out the armed suspect with his car. The suspect by his actions was a threat to not only the cops, but to any citizen he may have encountered. If you view the video, you will notice he started running towards some office type buildings that probably contained citizens and they end up with a hostage situation that could have resulted in the death of a citizen.

At that point, deadly force is justified, and using the patrol vehicle to take him out is no different then using a gun. As it was the suspect lived and suffered no broken bone according to a newspaper account.

Some departments give training on using a patrol vehicle to end a deadly confrontation. Main rule that apply is that deadly force would be justified.

I think honest mistake

Actually Relh, I know quite a bit about it virtually none of which came from social media, (since I am too techno-stupid to use it) almost none from interpretive media but from personal experience and reading from reports and interviews in old fashioned news papers/police reports. But all that really matters is you love cops and I hate them so we really don't need to discuss anything further, I believe we may have irreconcilable differences, good news is we aren't married so we don't have to get divorced.

If a guy gets killed for no reason by a cop and the cop gets reprimanded +/or fired. Your position is I should be impressed??? No need to respond it was rhetorical.
Squirrel then do all cops and good citizens a favor. Since you hate cops do not ever call them if you find yourself the victim of a crime. I do commend you for being honest enough to come out and admit you hate cops. Most cop haters do not have the balls to do so.

You do not need to worry, I could not possibly imagine any scenario of calling a cop, coroner, maybe, but not a cop. I am as amiable in a traffic stop as a card carrying Hamas member would be in an Israeli synagogue, and don't you worry about my balls, they hang just fine.

Now the thought of Bess with a paper badge and a sharp stick is a bit terrifying... outa be a law.
>You do not need to worry,
>I could not possibly imagine
>any scenario of calling a
>cop, coroner, maybe, but not
>a cop. I am as
>amiable in a traffic stop
>as a card carrying Hamas
>member would be in an
>Israeli synagogue, and don't you
>worry about my balls, they
>hang just fine.
>Now the thought of Bess with
>a paper badge and a
>sharp stick is a bit
>terrifying... outa be a

EASY Squirrel!

T'was a Brass Badge to match my Brass..................!

Call it a Stick!

But it had some ZAP!:D

Had to Hand in my Siren & Red Light as well!

We laugh, we cry, we love
Go hard when the going's tough
Push back, come push and shove
Knock us down, we'll get back up again and again
We are Members of the Huntin Crowd!
Don't sweat it Bess there is always volunteer fire fighting available, and you get a rain coat and a hat... use your imagination with the coat at the bus stop...
LAST EDITED ON Apr-15-15 AT 07:52PM (MST)[p]Squirrel you're an idiot. Matter of fact were you not marching with the hands up don't shoot crowd? How did that lie work out for you. And please don't call the cops as I hate to see grown men like yourself cry after being slapped for thinking you're a tough guy. Makes my job easy when i/we don't have to worry about turds like yourself.
Yep you coppers are well known as being the sharp ones on the block I'm just an idiot... In fact if you knew the real story your post is really quite humorous in the way you word it... but I need to go back a bit, as (unlike most on this site I actually read and think about what others write), and completely reject the premise of Relh in his specific wording "and GOOD CITIZENS" emphasis mine... therefor implying that if you do not love the coppers you cannot POSSIBLY be one of the good people, you have to be PRO-criminal... this is a false choice I choose to hate them both. I have real life experiences that would strongly indicate that all too often they are actually one and the same or at best case scenario (giving the coppers every benefit of the doubt ) they share a symbiotic relationship...

Or to use that guy whose name I will butcher... assad ayyoob or some such... his analogy is the sheep, the sheepdog, and the wolves... I have noticed the ##### of both the wolves and the sheep dogs consists of mutton... little difference in the smell. But for some reason ( and I have pondered this a lot) the sheep seem to largely accept the teeth of the dogs without resistance. (it was largely the same throughout history, right up until everything collapses then they drag the hiding cops out in the street of their 3rd world ##### hole country and execute them. People are strange) Largely the populace is bragging about the tooth marks on their ass actually... very strange but probably a bit deep for this crowd...

My theory is that people will put up with almost anything from law enforcement as long as they think they can count on them to show up when the ##### hits the fan and they are cowering in their closet ala Sandra Bullock last week.

My favorite case goes back a bit but it was a classic..,
recent immigrant moves into a ##### hole apt in Denver, no job no possessions, NO FOOD!!! Cops transpose 3 numbers on the warrant (cause they are those sharp tacks) kick in the door of 123 instead of the crack house at 321...

Coppers kick in the door shoot him dead, all agreed he raised a gun and was going to kill them all, had to do it, damn shame he was so violent... blah blah blah. He had NO PROPERTY, not even food but yet in his 2 weeks there he had a cheap gun, he gets a cheap coffin and a ride back to Africa, coppers got 2 weeks off with pay and had to buy a new throw down gun. Official line cops exonerated. One dead guy vs. 4 good public servants??? Who could have foreseen the outcome?

This will be my last post on the matter, cause to be honest I don't really give a flip what y'all think or say and I'm sure it is mutual.
Squirrel, don't go away mad, just go away. People like you are not needed and really not wanted. As for the "good citizens" that was implying the hard working tax paying citizens that does not need to spend their hard earn tax dollars on trash like you. Just because you called the cops to pull your sorry butt out of the fire.

What I love about those whom oppose Police/LEO's in general is they assume and theorize so much about cases and specific events. But what I love the most is for being the awesome tough guys they project themselves to be and how they lack the need of police assistance, they still have never nor will ever be required to act and make the decisions that an officer makes every day.

But just so we can all agree to disagree:
All "cops" are good and bad. All have little-man syndrome and were picked on in high school/all are heroes.


Probably one of my fondest things to hear is a person telling me or anyone they have no need nor foreseeable need of police assistance. They will not need help when their vehicle is stolen because they have the resources to enter a stolen vehicle into a international database and they also have access to magical information as to the vehicle's location. They also will find, apprehend, jail, feed, care for, provide trial, provide jury and convict the person who victimized him or a family member.
Compelled to break my my self imposed vow of silence... there would seem to be a new development in the case, further review may be required, but it would appear that the salt of the earth may have committed a crime as well as criminal negligence... Methinks there may not be enough chairs for all of the wind driven snow asses to find a seat, there may be more to come as self preservation kicks in.
Judging only from what I read on the internet, this guy was trying to sell a gun illegally. He smelled a rat or got busted and bailed. He accidentally got shot and killed by an officer while they were trying to detain him.


Send his girlfriend a sympathy card and maybe put in a $20 bill.

A. Don't sell guns illegally
B. Don't fight with LE on the scene. Accidents can happen.


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!
Well eel you may be right on the left digit being a 2, but if the order came from above to falsify his firearm certification as is being reported, I'm quite certain there will be more than one zero to its right.
That deputy needs to be put behind bars along with others in that dept !! You can't be that STUPID and be allowed to get away with it. The old guy has a lot of money, he had just sold his Insurance company for 6 million dollars and I'm sure the police dept that let him play cop is in it for the money.

Squirrel, if you haven't watched TV the last 6 months or read a news paper or looked at the news on the internet most of America thinks the same way you do.

The only thing anyone needs a cop for is to make out accident reports.

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