Desert Sheep unit 15C North


Long Time Member
Just got my tag in the mail, got real lucky on the draw, beating huge odds as a NR with 11 points.

I've been in the unit before, but if anyone has any information they'd be willing to share I'd appreciate it.

I plan on hunting DIY as I have 45 days I can and will commit to the hunt.

Been applying for sheep in a lot of states for a lot of years...pretty exciting.
Hey Buzz,
Congrats on drawing a sheep tag! I don't have any hot spots but have spent a bit of time hiking in the area as I live in Boulder City just across the dam. PM me your contact info as I know a few folks that may be able to help out. If I'm free I would love to come down and lend a set of eyes. Again, congrats and enjoy the hunt!

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