Draw drama yet?


What is the latest from our guys in the know? Is the draw complete? Any legit way to know anything yet?
Early results?
Starting to jones for some results.
>I tell you what's happening...nothing until
>May 1st just because they

Dont give them any ideas
This time period between March 1st to late April is the worst as far as draws. Lots of stuff to put in for and lots of money put out there but no results from anywhere until Mayish..... Wish some GF agenciea would make March and April their draw posting month to spread all the draws out.
>>I tell you what's happening...nothing until
>>May 1st just because they
>Dont give them any ideas

I'm using reverse psychology. :)
Best way to check is to see if you can still delete an application.

Log on and let us know if you were able to delete an application.
Getting a bit antsy myself, maybe turkey season will take my mind off of it. Last year they posted on April 18, hoping they will be early this year, but doubt it.
Well as of 10:30 a.m. delete app. option still available. Doesn't seem like draw has taken place yet. Not too confident that we will see another April 11th draw results posted. Feel Like a little kid waiting for Santa!
>>The delete app option has been
>>removed! Game on!! My money
>>is on the 17th
>Still there for me

Ok, now mine is gone
Best case scenario is 1 week, and probably 10 days so they drop on a Friday.
Best guess, but, will take them sooner
>This time period between March 1st
>to late April is the
>worst as far as draws.
> Lots of stuff to
>put in for and lots
>of money put out there
>but no results from anywhere
>until Mayish..... Wish some GF
>agenciea would make March and
>April their draw posting month
>to spread all the draws

Yep, April is the tough month to get through.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-19 AT 06:14AM (MST)[p]Best case would be like 2 years ago when they were out on the 11th. I believe the draw was done similar on the 10th a few days after harvest deadline.
>Delete App is gone. ?

Yup! Also:
Harvesting Reporting is Unavailable on Harvest Reporting Link
Once and a Lifetime status is Unavailable on the My Account Tab

Don't the results normally get posted on a Wednesday? That may mean we get to wait until the 17th unless some big brain finds a backdoor.
>>Delete App is gone. ?
>Yup! Also:
>Harvesting Reporting is Unavailable on Harvest
>Reporting Link
>Once and a Lifetime status is
>Unavailable on the My Account

OTC Barbary Sheep, Ibex & Oryx purchase links removed
Believe me I am paying attention and would take any of the tags I applied for in New Mexico. If I do not draw I am burning my antelope points in Wyoming (9). But we are in the middle of our turkey season and my youngest daughter is really getting into this whole hunting things so I have a nice distraction here.



Good for you! Spent last season taking my daughters out on their tags, I didn't have any in my name and probably enjoyed that more than me hunting for me.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-19 AT 01:41PM (MST)[p]NM handles the draw better than any state. Affordable, quick turn around and fair odds for all. Now if they can just complete the entire draw process through a single credit card payment cycle, we wouldn't have to either pay for the application or pay interest to carry the application fee into another cycle. Still...can't complain with how quick they process the data.
Now it's the fun time for Game and Fish. They can email corrected fishing reports and other messages to get us excited.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-19 AT 03:23PM (MST)[p]So what is the big incentive to know the results Now rather than waiting till the 24th?
Maybe it gives you more time to either hit the treadmill or the lotaburgers. LOL
LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-19 AT 11:39AM (MST)[p]>Best way to check is to see if you can still delete an >application.

>Log on and let us know if you were able to delete an application.

I was able to delete all of them! Did I win?!?
>Now it's the fun time for
>Game and Fish. They can
>email corrected fishing reports and
>other messages to get us

White bass were fair to good, not fair to slow at the Butte this last week. LOL
The incentive to know earlier is to plan sooner for more days chasing crappie and smallmouth or mule deer and elk...
LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-19 AT 09:51PM (MST)[p]>LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-19
>AT 01:41?PM (MST)

>NM handles the draw better than
>any state. Affordable, quick turn
>around and fair odds for
>all. Now if they can
>just complete the entire draw
>process through a single credit
>card payment cycle, we wouldn't
>have to either pay for
>the application or pay interest
>to carry the application fee
>into another cycle. Still...can't complain
>with how quick they process
>the data.

The bighorn is by far the biggest bargain for non rez! Yeah rite!

Oh yeah great odds as well for bighorn southern elk and pronghorn. I like nm lottery as well but its a stretch to call it fair odds when nr receive 6% tags and affordable 3300$ sheep tags
Just here anxiously waiting for results to see whether or not to buy a bow since my bow got stolen out of my pickup last year for the deer hunt. Good luck to everybody!!
That sucks man.

That's what I'm waiting on the results for too mainly.

Had the current bow a few years and it's as cheap as they come. Now that I've finally killed something with it though I'd like to upgrade a bit for the next hunt. If I draw a sheep tag though I'll probably hold off on the bow and put that $ into other stuff. Don't think I could bring myself to carry a bow only on that kinda hunt yet...
>24th @11:30 a.m. you will know.
>Have no fear gentlemen.

Not if the site takes as long to load as it did last year once the results were released haha.

I'm hoping for next Friday!
Is it safe to go fishing this week, or will they drop the results in the middle of the week. Nothing worse than being on a lake with no service when results are coming out.
>But you're the only one that
>can see your results, so
>no worries. Just check
>when you come back in...

I look forward to the spectacle of it every year. People getting excited, dreams crushed. Seems every year someone I know draws a BHS tag. Hate to miss it.
I saw this on my application,

"Draw 2 Special Hunts Applications Pending (DOES NOT REFLECT DRAW RESULTS)"

What does it mean ?
>So far the DGF website still
>lists 4/24 as the date
>they'll be out...

just a mere recommendation.
>>So far the DGF website still
>>lists 4/24 as the date
>>they'll be out...
>just a mere recommendation.

>Hahahaha ....Este loco...

Give us the dam scoop rio , you been MIA and you come back you gota give us something .... u know this is torture for all of us
All sarcasm aside, what is this green/red stuff?

Under license purchases it tells you what has been sold. Basically what you bought and paid for. Next to the small game license it allows you to print license. But next to your tag application it doesn't show a printable link.

The small game is ?Green? and the Elk and Deer are ?Green?

I'm assuming this just tells me that I've paid for those as was required to upfront the fees. Or would that be a tip that those two licenses are pending? Just kinda new to NM system.
Broomer - It's under NM draw hunt applications. On the far right is is either red and says unsuccessful or green and gives the hunt code you drew in. Or says pending
>All sarcasm aside, what is this
>green/red stuff?
>Under license purchases it tells you
>what has been sold. Basically
>what you bought and paid
>for. Next to the small
>game license it allows you
>to print license. But next
>to your tag application it
>doesn't show a printable link.
>The small game is ?Green? and
>the Elk and Deer are
>I'm assuming this just tells me
>that I've paid for those
>as was required to upfront
>the fees. Or would that
>be a tip that those
>two licenses are pending? Just
>kinda new to NM system.
Where it says pending will turn red or green when results come out.
In my case red the last 6 years.

Wednesday the 17th is the day!
Draw is done! Good luck to all. T-24 hrs till we here about how the NMGF sucks. Draw system sucks. ???
>Wednesday the 17th is the day!
>Draw is done! Good luck
>to all. T-24 hrs till
>we here about how
>the NMGF sucks. Draw system
>sucks. ???

Where you seeing that?

I'll reserve judgement on how much this years draw sucks til I see if I drew anything!
>They pulled ibex and oryx license
>purchases again.

that is very interesting they pulled barby otc back off too
Rumor is they are not posting until next week. So relax folks and go on an Easter egg hunt. May be the only hunt you go on . Lol
ya with them moving stuff around today could be they running draw tomorrow even . I figured it was done last week as it delete app went away right on que on wed. I just dont get why the sit on the results that is frustrating if you have them release them.

hard to believe the wait till 24th i cant remember the last time they were not posted early
When was the last time they didn't post the official results on a Wednesday?

Good Point. Tomorrow maybe?

It was Wednesday, April 18th last year.
they are messing with the system either prepping for release or they just ran draw in last hour reason being under harvest reporting the 2019 drop down just appeared . it for sure wasn't there before . SO either they are prepping for release or it just ran and now 2019 tags are in system
For the last few years, I received the email after the results were posted. Usually within 2 hours after the draw.
>>Did they send emails out day
>>before results posted last year?
>No. They haven't done that
>for a couple years I

Last I remember was 14 like posted above.
Would be neat to see it again!

I'd stay up all night waiting for more haha
Well something went on because I could finally checkout with my cougar and trapper licenses. Fingers crossed!

Let's hope they come out tomorrow, they are going to give everyone one day(Thursday) to call and complain and take a 3 day weekend for the holiday. ??

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