Very Active Member
I have 14 elk points and I am on the fence as to if I should put in for a unit that I can draw and early rifle tag in now, or wait until I have enough points to draw the Pahvant or SJ?
he units that I am debating on this year are the Book cliffs, Wasatch, or Manti.

Are the bulls on the SJ and Pahvant going to be any bigger in general, in 3-5 years as the quality declines, than the bulls on the Wasatch are now?

Thanks for the help. I just want to make sure that I spend my potins in the best possible way.

So you think Pahvant is still kickin ass?

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
What Voltage of Cordless Sawzall are you running & what's your quickest Drive-By at hackin the Horns off of RoadKills?

This Favorite Shhit is getting old already!
I've been waiting, hoping to draw a premier LE tag, in an area with a legit shot at a 380+ bull. Decided that the experience of the hunt and having fun with my buddies is more important. So I'm cashing in this year on a local LE unit that is in our backyard. Might not kill a huge bull, but by damn we are gonna have fun trying!
I think this is the year I am going to cash in as well. Its been a fun ride, but I can see bad things happening in the future if they keep killing spikes, cows like they have been. Will take alot of years to recover.
i have spent the last 6 years on the pahvant and 2007 was a banner year but it has steadily declined down there, there are still big bulls but not like it was 4-5 years ago its tough to score on a 375+ bull down there now, thats just what i have seen. elk populations down there are definately on the down side right now
SLIVER, here are a couple of Manti bull's I saw just today.
They will be decent bull's next year, That said, this area
in years past has held WAAAY more wintering bulls.....
And I have been on the Wasatch during the L/E elk hunts
for many years in a row,,,,Quality is definitely declining.



Sliver just to point something out to you with 14 points you have roughly 220 people with points higher than you on the unit, that means it will take roughly 14 years to get to your group at 14 points, there are 101 people with the same points as you which means it would take another 7 years for your group to all draw a tag on the san juan.

So your looking at between 14-21 years before you will draw a early rifle tag on the san juan.

But there is always luck and you could draw next year.
"So your looking at between 14-21 years before you will draw a early rifle tag on the san juan."

I distinctly heard the hissing sound of air rushing out of the room.
Personally I think that the vast majority of premium UT units will be managed identically to the wasatch....Honestly the wasatch has done nothing but improve since spike hunts were introduced ten or so years ago.....I remember when a 350 bull on this unit was the closest thing to the divine that you would ever come across and you wouldn't come across one unless an act of the divine happened.....now, with a bit of luck and hell of a lot of hard huntin we see each year one or two bulls that are well over 380. The average bull that we are killin with our hunters is around 350. That bein said, the average joe blow, struggles mightly to even have a chance at that type of bull. I believe that this is where UT elk hunting is going. Not a bad place but not what it was a few years ago for sure.......


Wildlife population control specialist
I am in a similar situation and I am going to try and draw a tag now. You never know but I would bet the Fish and Game won't change anything to make the elk hunting better for atleast several years and then it would take a few years from that point to really improve.
Thanks for the replies guys. I have been so set on drawing a premium tag but I really don't want to wait another 7-14 years, just for the qulaity on the premium units to be equal to the current quality on the average units. I may consult my hunitng buddies and see if they will be on board to help me find a 350 bull on the Wasatch. I saw three bulls on the wasatch last year that were around the 340 mark, and I would have been happy to take any of those.

>SLIVER, here are a couple of
>Manti bull's I saw just
>They will be decent bull's next
>year, That said, this area
>in years past has held WAAAY
>more wintering bulls.....
>And I have been on the
>Wasatch during the L/E elk
>for many years in a row,,,,Quality
>is definitely declining.



Sring City Cemetery? If it is it is too bad, a few years back we counted 50 bulls, no spikes just to the south on that mean old bastards land. It seems to have slipped a lot lately.
sliver. check this link out to view my 2008 early wasatch rifle bull.
i think wasatch is hard to beat. it is a huge unit, with lots of different cover to hunt. i saw 10 bulls that were 320-340 and a pig on the last day that was 370. if you choose wasatch and get the tag, i would be happy to help with the info i have. good luck. i would not wait to draw either.

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