Drawing results


Long Time Member
First time applicant. Book says results out on April 24. Are they generally available sooner than the stated date or do they wait til that day?
We shall see!!! OTC harvest reports due by Sunday.
They have all the ability to do the draw on the 10th, and audit and release results by the 17th 🤷🏻‍♂️
Not so patiently waiting for the results. Used to draw every 2-3 years before NM cut DIY guys down to 6% of available tags. Have not seen a tag since. Hoping for a tag but not really expecting one again this year.
Not so patiently waiting for the results. Used to draw every 2-3 years before NM cut DIY guys down to 6% of available tags. Have not seen a tag since. Hoping for a tag but not really expecting one again this year.
Same…. I don’t even anticipate NM results anymore. It’s a shame because I used to hunt every year pretty much
Dont feel to bad Non residents. Res odds are pretty bad now also.
Remember about 5 years ago when main stream media was pushing the narrative that there are less hunters, and only hunters were old white men. I guess that was a lie.
One of the great things about EPLUS! You always have another couple options in New Mexico.

Buy some land or buy a tag. Quality elk land can be somewhat afforable in the right areas and give you the ability to elk hunt long term.
Did you? Also, why is it that you can’t receive a PM. And what is EPLUS?
I PM'd you if you meant me...EPLUS is the the New Mexico Elk Private Land Use System.

It is the pool of tags that go to landowners outside of the draw. And the system in place to encourage landowners to support and develop better elk habitat.
What does everybody realistically think they are gonna draw?? By the odds I should get a deer tag, elk I’m not counting on but I have decent odds for the first hunts I wouldn’t be surprised if I get one. Oryx I’m not counting on as well as big horn, antelope and Barbary. Just curious what peoples strategy for residents and non residents, as a resident we have pretty dang good odds in a lot of units. Do you swing for fences on all the trophy units or would you rather be hunting in general in a not so great unit but at least your hunting every year. Just some food for thought and some conversation going in anticipation for the draw.
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I personally don’t put in for the trophy units for elk or deer. I go for the in between hunts. Instead of doing 16d I would do 15, instead of 34 I would do 36. The only real trophy hunts I put in for would be big horn and antelope I guess.
I personally don’t put in for the trophy units for elk or deer. I go for the in between hunts. Instead of doing 16d I would do 15, instead of 34 I would do 36. The only real trophy hunts I put in for would be big horn and antelope I guess.
15 is definitely a “trophy” unit in NM. Atleast as far as draw odds go. I haven’t looked but I’m guessing most of the hunts in unit 15 these days for NR are 1:100 or harder.
15 is definitely a “trophy” unit in NM. Atleast as far as draw odds go. I haven’t looked but I’m guessing most of the hunts in unit 15 these days for NR are 1:100 or harder.
Ya for non residents it’s definitely not good. I guess when I mean “trophy units” I’m just basing it off of the odds for a resident. 16d and 34 just were the first ones that came to my mind. I think unit 15 is great but it doesn’t get the numbers some of the other units get.
There are no non-resident draw odds that are good. Outside of maybe a 6 point, end of the season archery hunt.

Any other non-resident draw odds for elk are 5% or less. Most in primary zone units are 1% to 2% and the really premium hunts in 34, 36, 15, 16s are under 1% odds for non-resident.

On residents, if yall build your apps right, odds are pretty good to at least draw something fairly often.

1st choice - premium, 2nd choice -mid level, 3rd choice - low percentage elk harvest...you will draw something most years doing that.

If you go 16A, 16d, and 15, 36, 34 ect as your full app. Don't expect to draw often at all as a resident.
I know a gentleman that lives in 34. He hasn't drawn a tag in that unit for 17 years. He's pissed. He and his friend have horses and they go every year to a spot he says holds huge bulls. I said huge. He said 360 plus. He said when he wants elk meat he goes over to a friends ranch and they drink a glass of whiskey and he shoots a cow from his porch.

He just tells me maybe one day he will draw and just shakes his head.
I know a gentleman that lives in 34. He hasn't drawn a tag in that unit for 17 years. He's pissed. He and his friend have horses and they go every year to a spot he says holds huge bulls. I said huge. He said 360 plus. He said when he wants elk meat he goes over to a friends ranch and they drink a glass of whiskey and he shoots a cow from his porch.

He just tells me maybe one day he will draw and just shakes his head.
My guess is, he either hasn't actually entered every year or doesn't use a very good strategy if he has actually entered the last 17 years.

As a resident, he either has truly terrible luck...or a terrible strategy and has no luck what he is doing from an odds perspective.
My guess is, he either hasn't actually entered every year or doesn't use a very good strategy if he has actually entered the last 17 years.

As a resident, he either has truly terrible luck...or a terrible strategy and has no luck what he is doing from an odds perspective.
If he's putting in for 2nd Archery, Muzzy or Rifle bull in 34, I can see him not drawing for 17 years very easily.

My Dad only puts in for the good Bull muzzy and rifle hunts around the state. First choice is usually < 2% odds, 2nd choice 2%-7% odds and 3rd choice between 7% and 12%. He hasn't drawn in 20 years. Statistically on those odds, you would think he should draw every 10 years at least, but doesn't work out that way since every year is the same odds regardless of how many years you've been applying.
My guess is, he either hasn't actually entered every year or doesn't use a very good strategy if he has actually entered the last 17 years.

As a resident, he either has truly terrible luck...or a terrible strategy and has no luck what he is doing from an odds perspective.
I don't believe he's lying to me. I guess it's bad luck. However, I have another friend in NM that hasn't drawn in almost 15 years. I don't think he's lying to me either.
I don't believe he's lying to me. I guess it's bad luck. However, I have another friend in NM that hasn't drawn in almost 15 years. I don't think he's lying to me either.
Again, goes back to his strategy.

For example

ELK-1-351 in unit 34 in 2023

126 tags for Residents
8419 resident appilcants across 1st thru 3rd choice.
1.5% draw odds

If he goes all in Unit 34, yea, terrible odds.

Does he mix in a Unit 9 as a 3rd choice every year to make sure he draws something? Probably not.
Again, goes back to his strategy.

For example

ELK-1-351 in unit 34 in 2023

126 tags for Residents
8419 resident appilcants across 1st thru 3rd choice.
1.5% draw odds

If he goes all in Unit 34, yea, terrible odds.

Does he mix in a Unit 9 as a 3rd choice every year to make sure he draws something? Probably not.
What I stated was he has applied for 34 for 17 years without being drawn. Not sure why you're trying to read more than that into it.
What I stated was he has applied for 34 for 17 years without being drawn. Not sure why you're trying to read more than that into it.
The only point I am making is residents get mad and say they can't draw and havent in X number of years....but likey they can, most years. They just can't go all in on super premium hunts.

If they really wants to hunt elk most years, he just needs to change his approach and he can.

Example if he would prefer to at least hunt over not,

Add this code for 3rd choice

31 Resident Tags
88 applicants
35% odds.

A good strategy could be pick a 34 option as 1st choice, something middle of the road for 2nd choice and something with bad success rates at a 3rd choice and he is likely at least hunting every other year or so.

I would do this over not hunting for 17 years. But most people have no idea how these draw odds work and how to stack choices.

Maybe he needs this explained to him?...if he is open to hunting vs only hunting Unit 34.
The only point I am making is residents get mad and say they can't draw and havent in X number of years....but likey they can, most years. They just can't go all in on super premium hunts.

If they really wants to hunt elk most years, he just needs to change his approach and he can.

Example if he would prefer to at least hunt over not,

Add this code for 3rd choice

31 Resident Tags
88 applicants
35% odds.

A good strategy could be pick a 34 option as 1st choice, something middle of the road for 2nd choice and something with bad success rates at a 3rd choice and he is likely at least hunting every other year or so.

I would do this over not hunting for 17 years. But most people have no idea how these draw odds work and how to stack choices.

Maybe he needs this explained to him?...if he is open to hunting vs only hunting Unit 34.
He wants to hunt in 34. Not sure how that's confusing.

What part of he goes to his friends ranch and shoots a cow when he wants meat is confusing?
The only point I am making is residents get mad and say they can't draw and havent in X number of years....but likey they can, most years. They just can't go all in on super premium hunts.

If they really wants to hunt elk most years, he just needs to change his approach and he can.

Example if he would prefer to at least hunt over not,

Add this code for 3rd choice

31 Resident Tags
88 applicants
35% odds.

A good strategy could be pick a 34 option as 1st choice, something middle of the road for 2nd choice and something with bad success rates at a 3rd choice and he is likely at least hunting every other year or so.

I would do this over not hunting for 17 years. But most people have no idea how these draw odds work and how to stack choices.

Maybe he needs this explained to him?...if he is open to hunting vs only hunting Unit 34.
I think your point is well taken, but more in general not for this particular case. I don't think WestTxHunter was soliciting input or advice, just making a statement.

Does get frustrating seeing on social media usually all the people complaining about not drawing year after year. Agreed that most complaining probably don't know how to use the draw odds correctly or even look at the odds at all.
I think your point is well taken, but more in general not for this particular case. I don't think WestTxHunter was soliciting input or advice, just making a statement.

Does get frustrating seeing on social medial usually all the people complaining about not drawing year after year. Agreed that most complaining probably don't know how to use the draw odds correctly or even look at the odds at all.
I guess what plays into his thinking is he can get a cow tag whenever he wants it. But yes, I was just making a statement.
You talked about two example where NM residents don't draw long term. I am showing how they can...not just for your example but for the constant narrative people read on these boards about how bad residents think their odds are in the draw.

Residents can draw, and pretty often...just not with a bad strategy.
You talked about two example where NM residents don't draw long term. I am showing how they can...not just for your example but for the constant narrative people read on these boards about how bad residents think their odds are in the draw.

Residents can draw, and pretty often...just not with a bad strategy.
What part of him getting a cow tag anytime he wants it is confusing?
Those are still some Doozies to draw 🤣
They definitely are awesome tags but I’m just saying they are more realistic of actually getting a tag if you put in for the right tags. Those early rifle and muzzleloader hunts are hard to draw, there are some decent units you could draw dam near every year if you are archery hunting. Usually the early archery hunts have decent odds across the state for residents I would love a second hunt but odds go down drastically. So I settle for first hunts
They definitely are awesome tags but I’m just saying they are more realistic of actually getting a tag if you put in for the right tags. Those early rifle and muzzleloader hunts are hard to draw, there are some decent units you could draw dam near every year if you are archery hunting. Usually the early archery hunts have decent odds across the state for residents I would love a second hunt but odds go down drastically. So I settle for first hunts
That last few days of 1st archery can be really good though!
I’m interested to see how the draw odds for the late Oct mzzldr seasons in some of the quality units are after this year. 2nd year for iron sights, gonna save some bulls and improve quality but definitely a tougher hunt with the limited range and bulls being bachelored up and not rutting nearly as much.
They definitely are awesome tags but I’m just saying they are more realistic of actually getting a tag if you put in for the right tags. Those early rifle and muzzleloader hunts are hard to draw, there are some decent units you could draw dam near every year if you are archery hunting. Usually the early archery hunts have decent odds across the state for residents I would love a second hunt but odds go down drastically. So I settle for first hunts
I’ll take a 1st season archery tag as many times as they want to hand it out!!!
I’m interested to see how the draw odds for the late Oct mzzldr seasons in some of the quality units are after this year. 2nd year for iron sights, gonna save some bulls and improve quality but definitely a tougher hunt with the limited range and bulls being bachelored up and not rutting nearly as much.
I'm excited for this in 13, 15 in a couple years. Gonna really help increase the age class in those unit which are already good units.
I know a gentleman that lives in 34. He hasn't drawn a tag in that unit for 17 years. He's pissed. He and his friend have horses and they go every year to a spot he says holds huge bulls. I said huge. He said 360 plus. He said when he wants elk meat he goes over to a friends ranch and they drink a glass of whiskey and he shoots a cow from his porch.

He just tells me maybe one day he will draw and just shakes his head.
These guys are my favorite. Definition of insanity, etc.

All the more reason to… I don’t know… look at draw odds and adjust your strategy.
I did not know you could figure draw odds with out the number of applicants.

But I do know its not uncommon to go years without drawing a elk tag.
I did not know you could figure draw odds with out the number of applicants.

But I do know its not uncommon to go years without drawing a elk tag.
You won't know what your odds are exactly until after that season, but you look back at last year's draw data that is easily accessible m...exactly like I did above for example, to have an idea what you are gonna be up against this year.

The odds are generally getting worse from that point, year over year. But if they are 1.5% for 1st gun in 34, you can bet that will be similar or worse in the 2024 draw.
These guys are my favorite. Definition of insanity, etc.

All the more reason to… I don’t know… look at draw odds and adjust your strategy.
Once again, he gets a cow tag whenever he wants it. He wants to hunt 34. Not sure why that is hard to understand.

His strategy is keep applying for 34 Bull and shoot a cow when he wants elk meat until he draws. Oh the horror.
Once again, he gets a cow tag whenever he wants it. He wants to hunt 34. Not sure why that is hard to understand.

His strategy is keep applying for 34 Bull and shoot a cow when he wants elk meat until he draws. Oh the horror.
What’s hard to understand is that he employs the same silly strategy and then complains about it when it doesn’t work.

Again, I don’t care. I love these guys. It’s why I’m able to get tags in other places.
I PM'd you if you meant me...EPLUS is the the New Mexico Elk Private Land Use System.

It is the pool of tags that go to landowners outside of the draw. And the system in place to encourage landowners to support and develop better elk habitat.
EPLUS is the reason for low draw odds...40-50% of available tags go to land owners, depending on the unit.
EPLUS is the reason for low draw odds...40-50% of available tags go to land owners, depending on the unit.

About 38% of total tags in NM go to landowners for elk that are associated with private lands. In the public draw pool, 90% are in the hands of Residents already.

EPLUS tags are not removed from the Public Draw pool, but an entirely seperate pooling of tags. About 25% of those 38% of Landowner tags choose the unit wide option, opening 600k acres of private land to the public for elk hunting.

EPLUS also has led to a tremendous amounts of water development, among other private land developments, which allows for larger herds of Elk. Man made water is absolutely critical for elk being dispersed across the landscape in NM, as NM has little to no surface water across much of the state without it.

These overall larger herds spill into public lands equaling more draw opportunities out of the public draw pool of tags....as greater overall populations can be supported due to landowners and their land developments.

While providing you and everyone else two additonal options to control your elk hunting destiny and 600k acres of additonal land to hunt. Now you can buy some land and develop it, buy a tag, or maybe offer your services in exchange for a tag...in places like Catron County where few people are available to help landowners.

EPLUS is a great program and a huge reason there are 2x or 3x the elk in NM vs the best comparison of AZ.

Let's keep more options for elk hunting, not go strictly to a draw where your odds would change a very insignicant amount to begin with...while eliminating options / opportunities, land access and resources for elk.
EPLUS is the reason for low draw odds...40-50% of available tags go to land owners, depending on the unit.
Additonally, the breakdown of where tags go makes perfect sense too.

Most of the Gila is public, not many private tags exist at all in Units like 16A, B, D, 21A.
Some of these units have less than 20 private land tags. with hundreds and hundreds of public tags available in the draw.

In 16C, also a Gila unit, A single unit wide ranch opens up over 30k acres of private land to EVERY public tag holder in that unit. Plus additional unit wide ranches open more in that same unit. Not just those that know a landowner or can afford a trespass fee....everyone with a legal tag can hop that fence and hunt that private land....no other permissions needed.

But in units like 12 or 15, lot more private land is there so a lot more private land tags. Only makes sense.

Unit 16A - Primo Gila Unit
615 Tags in the Draw
25 Landowner Tags
~4% of this unit is Landowner tags
Roughly 3% of the land in that unit is Private (according to TopRut / OnX)

Makes sense

If those 25 tags were in the draw, the odds would be almost unchanged for Residents, Outfitters, or Non-Residents.

But those 25 tags, represent the ability own land and get a tag or buy a tag.

In 16A, of course the unitwide Bull or Archery tags sell for a ton. of the 25 landowner tags...there were only 18 tags you could buy that were bull or archery in 2023.

However, 22,815 1st to 3rd choice for a draw tag were entered in unit 16A last year for the draw.

EPLUS isn't the reason you struggle to draw a tag, especially in top end units, as you can see here.
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Unit 16A - Primo Gila Unit
615 Tags in the Draw
25 Landowner Tags
~4% of this unit is Landowner tags
Roughly 3% of the land in that unit is Private (according to TopRut / OnX)

Makes sense

If those 25 tags were in the draw, the odds would be almost unchanged for Residents, Outfitters, or Non-Residents.

But those 25 tags, represent the ability own land and get a tag or buy a tag.

In 16A, of course the unitwide Bull or Archery tags sell for a ton. of the 25 landowner tags...there were only 18 tags you could buy that were bull or archery in 2023.

However, 22,815 1st to 3rd choice for a draw tag were entered in unit 16A last year for the draw.

EPLUS isn't the reason you struggle to draw a tag, especially in top end units, as you can see here.
Meh…. 🫤
I’ll agree to disagree.
We can revert to eplus thread if you like and carry on 🤣🤣🤣🤣
The age old discussion …..
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UT apps are due on the 25th. Hopefully, NM results are out before then.

Hoping for some NM love again this year. Our family has been blessed with several great tags in the past.
The NM results will 100% be out by or on the 24th, and as you have stated Utah is due on the 25th. You’ll know your NM results before the Utah application period closes, don’t worry.
I expect nothing, have been more lucky than I deserve. OIL ibex, oryx, elk in 16d and 16 e twice and a 36 archery deer tag.

I still put in though so when I draw the sheep tag I can REALLY piss everyone off. :p
Is that resident or non-resident draw? You have a popular name with the computers either way!
I expect nothing, have been more lucky than I deserve. OIL ibex, oryx, elk in 16d and 16 e twice and a 36 archery deer tag.

I still put in though so when I draw the sheep tag I can REALLY piss everyone off. :p
Like Philthy pissed everyone off a phew years ago by drawing desert and rocky mountain sheep tags within 3 years? ha ha, good luck in the draw!!!
waiting for the results. What was your best year for tags? and how many?
Back in 2011 we struck gold and I made three trips to NM:
- Son and I drew 50/52 muzzy antelope.
- Son drew youth ibex.
- I drew 16D first rifle elk.

On top of that we drew three hunts in Colorado:
- Dad and I drew 76 archery elk.
- Son drew early rifle deer.
- I drew G17 mountain goat.

I almost forgot what my wife looked like that fall.
Three 16A antelope rifle tags.
One archery elk Valle Vidal tag.
One RC Oryx tag.

For my family/friend group. Draw odds have decreased a bunch since that time. I prefer to spread them out - give my group one great tag a year and I am more than happy.
I haven't drawn in New Mexico since 2019 when I drew a pronghorn tag and a deer tag. Filled both tags with great animals. I used to at least draw my third choice deer tag every year. I am looking forward to becoming a resident again in my home state. All I need to do is finish up my career, retire, and move home!!!
I haven't drawn in New Mexico since 2019 when I drew a pronghorn tag and a deer tag. Filled both tags with great animals. I used to at least draw my third choice deer tag every year. I am looking forward to becoming a resident again in my home state. All I need to do is finish up my career, retire, and move home!!!
Where do you live now?
They send an email but I can't remember how timely it is.

Just keep checking this thread it will be as fast as anything out when results are posted.:cool:

Not much hope for elk and oryx but I'm hoping for that 3rd choice deer in a marginal unit...:unsure: I'm getting off the beaten path this year and looking for that one deer.
They send an email but I can't remember how timely it is.

Just keep checking this thread it will be as fast as anything out when results are posted.:cool:
If you are successful you will get an email , maybe 10ish but by then many already know as its released on customer accounts . You can call 888-248-6866 but be patient as there is limited staff taking heavy call numbers.
Rio is here! Going Turkey hunting soon?
You know it !! Could leave this "afternoon" if things work out, my buddy is up on the hill with his son for this youth weekend and I just enjoy being apart of it.. ... Or maybe I head out next week, just need some things to be approved and such! The real question is northern NM still covered up in snow and do I just go back to central stuff???
You know it !! Could leave this "afternoon" if things work out, my buddy is up on the hill with his son for this youth weekend and I just enjoy being apart of it.. ... Or maybe I head out next week, just need some things to be approved and such! The real question is northern NM still covered up in snow and do I just go back to central stuff???
Tear it up brother !
You know it !! Could leave this "afternoon" if things work out, my buddy is up on the hill with his son for this youth weekend and I just enjoy being apart of it.. ... Or maybe I head out next week, just need some things to be approved and such! The real question is northern NM still covered up in snow and do I just go back to central stuff???
Good luck and have fun! I'm not going to make it out till end of the month, but can't wait to get out. Hopefully I'll be celebrating some soon to be good news... haha
Definitely easier waiting for the results as a NR. Expecting a sea of red for me, but hoping for some green for my son.

Hope it’s a great year for many in NM. Snow pack seems solid and horns will be growin!!

New Mexico Guides & Outfitters

H & A Outfitters

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505 Outfitters

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Urge 2 Hunt

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Mangas Outfitters

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