dutch oven


Long Time Member
Looking to start cooking with dutch ovens, anyone recomend a good cook book for them?

Google " butch CEE-DUB Welch dutch ovens"

He has a really good book and puts on great shows about dutch oven cooking
My wife does not like it when I give her a Dutch Oven, She almost gagged one night when I pulled the covers over her head!!:)
No....thats a covered wagon !! Not a dutch oven. :) What kinda of meals are you looking for. Dont use a book anymore we just do our favorite's !
I always heard it as a Dutch Oven too and have surprised many girlfriends over the years. I guess thats why i am single again, that and too much time spent hunting!
All my dutch oven dinner recipes start with a half pound or so of bacon. Add onion and whatever veggies and meat you want. Season to taste. Hard to go wrong. Fantastic backstrap in hunting camp.
be careful muzz....they're really heavy...

Its ok D13, Im used to packin your old lady around.

>Its ok D13, Im used to
>packin your old lady around.
LOL....no way. Even you aren't that strong...

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

I have been cooking in those things for a long time now and love em. I bought a couple cook books but found by talking to buddies some of the best advice is word of mouth.

Cook books are great for ideas to start but you can modify to suit your tastes..
Some of my favorite are of course dutch over taters. Every meal must have taters with the man course.:) We have a sweet and sour chicken thats good. Mountain man breakfast is awesome ! Then your cobblers or black forest cake.
Oh and never trust a skinny cook !! haha
Really the only thing you need to get help with is how to control your heat with the charcoals. After that you can pretty much adapt any recepie to work in the oven. My best advice is to find camp chefs dutch oven break in liquids. You can use grease, but it can and will go rancid. The camp chef stuff works really well. I ususally spend the winter playing with the ovens when there isn't much going on. I prefer lodge pots, but any pot that the lid fits tightly(stops heat loss) is good, I have my grandpas pot and I have no idea who made it but its old as dirt and still top quality. Look up Joan Larsen on google, she is/was a top quality cook and has literature on cooking and recepie books.

When they came for the road hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the oppurtunists I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the public land hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for me there was no one left to say anything!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-15-11 AT 10:00AM (MST)[p]BigJohn you talk my language. This spring my wife said that I could not possibly NEED all those dutch ovens, and that I probably don't even know how many I have. She was informed that she was wrong on both accounts. I desperately need all 18.
My favorites are 1. Murphys (potatoes) 2. Peach/blackberry cobbler. 3. Mountain man anything 4. Potguts (boneless pork ribs) 5. Sourdough biscuits/bread

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