DWR and Archers


Very Active Member
Has anyone noticed that a lot of the support for the DWR comes from archers and their groups? It sure seems that up until the recent WB was in place that the archers pretty much got their own way? Do you think those two things have anything to do with each other?

Just a thought I have been kicking around for a couple weeks? Maybe I'm way off?
'morning Cody,

I am not sure if any weapon of choice gets any real help or favoritism any more!

Seems like rifle-muzzy-bow are all getting sheep herded into real tight corrals of hunting time frames........ to some extent.

Maybe when all this 2012--30 units gig gets all worked out there may be some type of Premium tag to be able hunt all three weapon seasons in one of the 30 units..... and keep our Utah earned money in Utah during a hunting season.

Hope all is well down your way,

yeah, pretty much agree with ya Robb. am sure there will be more and more premium tags to be had, well see.
Archers have pretty much gotten their way??? Please explain the LE elk hunts with the guns in the peak of the rut???
Traditional >>>------->
+2 Horse

"We must hang together, gentlemen...else, we shall most assuredly hang separately."
Benjamin Franklin
Ok I agree that the rifle hunt could be moved back. However the peek of the rut seems to vary year to year. There have been many years the muzzy hunters may have a better rut hunt than the archers or rifle hunters.

The archers still first crack and triple the time in the field. Yet obviously that is not good enough?

Ok is that the only thing that archers are being shorted on? I'm guessing from the lack of response that archers have been happy with things until they lost the statewide hunt starting next year?
LAST EDITED ON Apr-24-11 AT 10:19AM (MST)[p]Cody--

Now don't try and start stirring the pot on this one, I don't see a reason for it.

How could anyone or any group be completely happy with their opportunity or hunt, as such, you will always have folks seeking more and more. Archery hunters in Utah, are fairly small number (compared to rifle hunters) but growing and fairly well organized into a couple of groups (UBA and BOU), they talk and discuss with RAC and Board members quite frequently have regular discussion with the UDWR. As such, the above have a pretty good idea what archers want, complain about, and seek.

I don't see a rifle group or a ML group doing this? Perhaps that is the simple answer the rifle groups and ML groups are not organized in Utah so UDWR, RAC, WB, don't here much from them rather than a few individuals that attend these meetings but as a group they are poorly, wait well lets just say it like it is, they have no representation or presence at all in Utah as a group and as such don't get air or ear time.

Todd Black

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I think the only hunt that the bowhunters ever got there own way for was the statewide archery hunt cause that was the only way at the time the DWR could sell all the tags. Thats not very sound management but they got the tags sold. I think that was done more for revinue than anything. I'm just glad the wildlife board had enough ba!!s to stop it.
Okay Cody---

Seeing as you are trying to get some life outta this---stirring the pot gig--------calm down brothaaa...

Here is my proposal to you----

Right now---draws done in these states-----okay.....

I will give you an Open Invite to come with me and chase Wyo bow Bull ( I will toss ya a tank full of fuel $$)----


You can go down to Az. with me on my Late date bow Bull tag (again, I will to$$ ya a fill-up in Page Az. going down and a fill up coming home when ya leave Flagstaff area)....these dates--Az. late bow bull-- are very similiar to our own WF late bow Elk dates for us bow hunters in Utah.

I really want ya to look at this Offer more as an Invite than a challenge to how great we bow hunters have it with the Utah hunt dates/WF option dates---- okay?

I will toss ya an Email with my hunt dates----so you can kinda decide which one (Wyo bow bull or Az. late bow bull) ya wanna hang with me on...

'Nuff said,


(If I draw my Az. Strip (13a) bow buck---I 'aint' given ya chit for fuel---just come down for the experience!!haha)
Cody, I'd rather think that you are keeping the troops awake rather than stirring the pot. We certainly don't need a state-wide archery season again.

Back many season's ago I loved the limited extended archery hunt, then they continued to leave it open longer and longer. Then, when everyone else had to cut back on their season, the archers got a statewide season. If I was in my youth, maybe I would still be fighting for all that extra attention as an archer. I would only hope I may have more foresight now than even suggest such a thing.

The politician's have broken us in Washington DC. Let's not let the archery politician's break our deer herd.
Let me get this right. So you are saying that the archers meet with the DWR and organize their groups to attend the RAC and WB meetings. They do this and as a result they get some of the the agendas passed that they like or lobby for?

Now I thought that was what everybody on the is site and others was screaming was under handed and crooked about the RAC and WB meetings this past year? Am I completely misunderstanding this?

I look forward to your email. I would love to spend some time out in the elk hills chasing bulls. Or even just cooking at camp! I agree that other states have more oppurtunity than Utah has. However I would also say those states have also done a better job of managing their herds to give oppurtunity for all weapons.
Some of my fondest hunting memories are chasing bucks out on the TV towers with you. Nothing but bow and few arrows, miles of sagebrush and few patches of quakies. Hell our camo didnt even match back then! I remember those bachelor groups of bucks stringing out across those open ridges. Those were the days that I truly believed I would never hunt with anything but a bow if given the choice! As I have grown older, I miss those innocent days and the smell of the sage on the wind. Thanks for the memories!!!!!!

Do you think the guys siding with the option #2 are mostly the lifetime license holders? I for one know of several blow hards on this sight that complain about shooting "pisscutters" on the general units. These guys know dang well when this all goes down they will now have the rifle rut LE elk hunt, and they will then get a general deer tag every year for LE deer!! The rest of the guys in this state can just sacrifice 5-6 years off their life waiting for a tag! The rest of the guys can watch every year the pro rifle SFW crowd go to the racs and raise the age objective on the deer units every year so they can always hunt the LE quality and the rest can all go pound sand.

Let me guess Cody you have a Lifetime liscense?

I clearly remember when my dad and I and two brothers heard they were ending the lifetime license sales. We actual had a family set down about finances. We just didnt have the cash flow at that time to pull it off. My dad and I talked about this just the other day, wishing we would have been able to come up with the funds. Even know what we know now coming up with the money was just not an option.

So no I'm not a lifetime license holder. I've hunted with a bow or in another region than my home stomping grounds more than once over the last few years.
I'd rather have option #2 and have no lifetime lisence. I highly doubt that any general archery tag will take over 2 points to draw and it will probably be your wasatch tag if they keep late dates for it, is that what truly bothers you about option #2? I look at it as this will give me a good oppurtunity to look at some new country if I cant draw the tag I want 1st choice.
I do think archers are more correlated and organized since they are the minority. However, I do not see any extra benefits for the archers vs other groups. Rifle hunters still have it the best with regards to LE hunts, etc. I always thought the muzzy hunters are the ones getting the short draw on Utah hunting seasons and have the most to complain about. Having a season date after the rifle tags is makes it the toughest LE hunt, in my opinion and experience.

With deer, the muzzy guys used to have that good late season hunt. Now, they get stuck while the deer are in transition. Just my 0.02 on the subject
At the last RAC meetings the hunt success figures were shown and the muzzleloader hunters have as good of success rate as rifle guys. All in all I think each group has good opportunities-- not perfect but at least good. Its definitely a balancing act to make it "fair" to all concerned.
I will have to double check my print outs from the last couple of years, but I am pretty sure the muzzy success rate in most units is a bit lower than the rifle guys. The age class is more than likely lower as well since they are the last in the line.

I have had experience hunting or assisting on all three hunt times. The elk are pretty call shy by the time the muzzy guys get a crack at them. I personally like the archery hunt since it is nice an quiet...
Last I heard there were about 3,000 lifetime license holders, but I know a few who don't actually hunt anymore.

I believe there are going to be 87,000 permits issued for general deer.

3000/87000= 3.45% of the tags go to lifetime license holders. Not a very big chunk. Youth need to get out there, so they will do okay on 20%, and those that don't draw can try the normal draw with everyone else.

The way I understand the process is that the lifetime guys will get first pick. Traditionally they have taken tags close to home. Of course you would want to hunt the southern units every year if the guy across the street waits 3-6 years for the same tag. Supply and demand often drives desire.

The lifetime license guys really need to watch out through. If they all flock to just a few units the state will set a cap on each unit and make them draw the tag they want. They will all get a tag, but maybe not where they want to hunt.

I wish my dad would have got me a tag when they sold them. He almost sold out truck to get one, but my mom put down her foot.
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