Electronic/Digital Predator Call



I would like some advice on what would be the best call to get. I am thinking about the Extreme Dimension Pro Series with remote. It looks to be some what small, compact and loud. Looks like it has a lot of other sound modules that can be used with it. Any advice would be appreciated.
I read about e-callers long and hard on PredatorMasters.com The long and the short of it..... There's only ONE, FoxPro! My 532 & Jack-in-the-Box Decoy came this past week. Pricey? Maybe? I didn't even consider another manufacturer after reading up on the FP units and their customer service. Guessing you could expect about a 4 week wait if you ordered one right away? Hope this helps, Gregory
You get what you pay for. I tried one of the "$150" units and found it worthless. I went right back to the hand call. I've heard nothing but great things about the foxpro and may pick one up next year. How is the volume on the foxpro, I live in the wide open country of Northern NV?
Have not even had time to try mine out yet, outside. My guess is you wouldn't want that Bad Boy sitting next to you screaming at the max volume?
LAST EDITED ON Feb-06-05 AT 09:27PM (MST)[p]Foxpro definately gets my vote as the best digital caller. They have more volume than you'd ever need. I think most people have a tendency to call too loud when using electronics anyway.

The best part about Foxpro is they're one company that truly cares about their customers. Nine times out of ten if you call the factory, you'll speak directly to the owner, Mike Dillon.

I used a Johnny Stewart 512 tape player for years with good success, but got tired of lugging it around, but for someone just getting into the electronic game, a Johnny Stewart might be the way to go at first. Would give you the chance to see how much you'll actually use a caller, without costing you an arm and a leg.

If you're interested, do search of my user name to find a picture I posted a while back of two Utah coyotes I called and killed using my Foxpro 532 and a Remington BDL in .17 Remington.
I researched this very subject for nearly a year before buying the Foxpro. It's the best company and the caller is great.
Check out the Wildlifetech.com website. I used one in Az. this fall and had a coyote come in first stand 3 min. Pricey but probably the best by far. I am a novice predator hunter though.
Wildlife Technologies is hands down the best on the market. Expensive......yes! But if you are serious about calling, you will never regret the purchase. If you need some more info. shoot me a line. Myself and two of my hunting buddies have them.
Thanks for your input folks.

Still learning here.

Have you folks tried the modules that can be played on the fox pro and others? How is the sound?

One of the reasons I thought about the Extreme Dimension is the other modules they have for like say turkey, elk, etc.

Has anyone compared those sounds with fox pro?
The FoxPro doesn't take modules. Depending on the model, you select either 16 or 32 sounds from FP's list. They custom program the unit for you, the sounds, the order you want, the side(s) you want them on, etc. There is an accessory jack for MP3 players, or something? I'not familiar with that feature. Try: www.gofoxpro.com Gregory

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