Ending landowner tag abuse


That's 'Occupations'!


For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
m_freeman,I can see what you're getting at,but you seem to be advocating that LO put up a high fence to keep our big game that happens to be on their property locked INTO their property.That would give the public zero chance at that herd segment.Seems to me that would be worse than the present system.To completely privatize the system,as you seem to be saying,would be a huge step towards the European system(as someone said previously on this thread).I think as long as LO's keep quality big game habitat on their property,and allow some public hunting on same,the system is okay.The system encourages the landowner to maintain that quality habitat(if he wants to make money).Some of that quality management will spill over onto adjacent public lands.Not only would a high fence situation prevent that from happening,it would also inhibit free-range movement of big game.Although the sysyem is by no means perfect,it seems to be working to an extent.I agree with NVB-stay out of the courts.
I guess the land owners could sub-divide their ranches and make a whole lot more. VS manage for wild life. Say Cabin lots? A guy has 60000 acres sells 20 acre cabin lots for say $80,000 a parcel at 3000 parcels that is only 4k an acre, which is only $240 million. Vs. 30-60 tags at 5k = $150k-300k. My vote let him manage for wildlife. I have drawn a couple tags, play the game if ya want to have a chance of hunting it. Or chance loosing it to development. We need ranchers land that host wildlife if nothing else as a sanctuary. If you loose the critical winter range that is protected by the land owner costs then who is going to protect it? What the State or maybe Obama's common-kissing canker-blossom's!!!!????
It generally doesn't take too long to get to the real issue on these types of threads.

You have it, I don't, so you should give me some of yours.
in some sense this thread is acting as a venue for the facts to be seen. I was blind and now I can see there is indeed some value to using the voucher system especially when it comes to the free range movement of wildlife. So what about the landlocked issue, which is part of my original complaint, how do we make it right when a public tag is used to gain access to landlocked public lands? Clearly the landlockers benefit from the public resource, they have their own private wilderness they didn't pay for. Furthermore, the intended users aren't allowed to use the land.

Access to public lands should NEVER be restricted by private property. THOSE particular farmers and ranchers that will not allow reasonable passage are simply wrong.

The exact same logic I used previously, applies to this subject. Peoples rights.

An access road, which in 98% of all cases, already exists, should not be closed to the public, and used as a "pay to enter" program for the landowner. Millions of acres of Western public land is inaccessable because this situation exists and I personaly find no reasonable excuse for it.

Over the years, I/we have had some dandy interaction with lessees' and landowners, regarding access and hunting. Some have actually had firearms brandished....by both sides, and in the days before cell phones, it got "Western" fast!

Are there inherant problems?.....surely, but that is the way it is.

There is a right way and a wrong way for all these issues.....the right way is usually best, but determining who is right, is where the "chit starts flowing backwards"!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
In Southern CA landlocking is a very big problem, there are some tree hugger foundations that buy land for the sole purpose of landlocking public lands. I think I will narrow my focus to the landlock issue and set the other aside for a while. I see what CalGuns Foundation is doing with strategic lawsuits to reverse anti gun legislation and it is working. Using the concept of well thought out and strategic lawsuits we should be able to open more public lands. I'll tell ya, reading the sales pitch, "this elk tag will get you acccess to thousands of acres of landlocked public lands" pisses me off enough to look into this. It's just not right.
>It generally doesn't take too long
>to get to the real
>issue on these types of
>You have it, I don't, so
>you should give me some
>of yours.

You guys crack me up, I dont want anything anyone else has. Only what belongs to EVERYone. Everyone should have the same crack at those tags, NOT GIVEN, YES, GIVEN TO SOME PRIVATE ENTITY. I DO NOT WANT TO TRESPASS, I DO NOT WANT YOUR LAND!!!!!
But those tags belong to everyone!!!!!! Let the ranchers sell trespass rights, guided hunts after the tags are drawn. I know it will never happen, just too much money and politics swayed by wealthy powerful landowners. And too many lampreys lurking around hoping to catch a crumb to let it happen.

thank you sir, may I have another. some of you guys are pathetic. Grow a pair and stand up for whats right!!!!

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