You're a PLICK! haha

I wondered how the heck my buddy drew the SAME elk tag this year!

I'll be looking at the REAL list tomorrow, I hope.

Man...I wish I would have read the comments before I wasted 15 minutes pouring over the site and getting more and more pissed as I went!!

You got me.....you plick! :)
I did the same thing. Sent a few texts and a nasty e-mail to SFW... Seriously, I had one hand over my eyes, peaking through to see if I had drawn and was PI$$ED when I didn't. There's still a chance!!!! :)

LAST EDITED ON Feb-16-12 AT 11:17AM (MST)[p]I just fell off my chair from laughter! That's the dirtiest trick I've seen in a long time.... and funniest!

It's hard to be mad at you while I'm laughing so hard!

This is one post I plan on following all day long just to see the reactions.


PS: You're a JERK!!!!!!!! LOL
>LMAO Im laughing so hard im crying! }>
> Probably just cursed
>myself in the real draw

I sure hope so! LOL

I think we have out Plick of the year award winner.

Outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man.
The people that don't care to read the thread will be SOL when they actually post the results tonight.. ha ha love it
One Dry,
I bit a hunk out of that one like it was a 7 layer chocolate cake!!
I was real pissed to see that a friend drew two years in a row!
You got me!
Oh man, I already had sent a text message when I realized the results were from last year. LMAO!!!!

Good one man!!!
Now I look likea dumba$$
I was just about to call my brother to tell him that none of our group drew anything when I read the thread.

I'd say that one dry is a dog but it's a good thing. There's still a chance now.

Now if you really wanted to mess with us you would have found out our names and city of residence and put together a 2012 results list made up completely of MM menmbers.
Called my buddy and told him I thought he was an arzz for drawing two years in a row. He was jumping and screaming on the phone. Hung up, then realized they were from 2011....FUNNY GUYS, got both of us big time! Felt like a jerk calling him back, but atleast there is still hope, albeit very little hope. Thanks for the laugh today....fstop
Fstop, if your buddy drew last year then he deserves a cruel joke like that! :)

I wish someone with all their computer backdoor powers would just sneek in and find a list to post for us. This is driving me nuts...

The "big boys" are telling us that the list will be out by about 6pm today based on historical information.

I'm excited!


PS: one_dryboot is still a jerk!!!!!!!! LOL
Oh boy this has been great. Sorry to all those that fell for it but hey, at least you still have a chance! Fstop, tell your buddy im sorry from the bottom of my heart. Thats just cold.

You guys are really going to hate me when I pull a tag now. Or because I've laughed so hard at this thread I wont care when I dont draw a tag? Either way it was well worth it. Good luck to all who have posted. And the suckers that will continue to fall for it tonight. :)
HA ha i was all excited thinking we drew the same tag as last year. Now i dont think i will sleep tonight cause you got me all hyped up Thanks!
Couldn't come, but they did send me a postcard inviting me..........got it this past Monday (the 13th!)


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Boot that was so very mean . What cha goin to do for a encore , kick some baby ducks in a storm drain ?

I made some phone calls and found out you drew the henrys rifle deer tag and also a smokin elk tag , but for your little prank they are going to draw again .
LAST EDITED ON Feb-16-12 AT 07:53PM (MST)[p]http://www.monstermuleys.info/photos/user_photos/7317plickaward.jpg
I have been walking around pi$$ed all afternoon. Ready to kick the dog (I don't have a dog) You got me too.
dryboot now you have got me all excited for the expo tags that i keep checking every ten minutes to see if there posted or not. i wont even be able to sleep now until i see the results got my fingers crossed!
One_dry boot,
Your award reminds me of something. I just can's seem to put my hands on it right now. Oh wait..... there it is!

PS: My buddy drew a bighorn sheep tag at the expo...for real!
>One_dry boot,
>Your award reminds me of something.
>I just can's seem to
>put my hands on it
>right now. Oh wait..... there
>it is!
>PS: My buddy drew a bighorn
>sheep tag at the expo...for

Well I didnt draw a expo tag but I did walk away with something very few have won. I'd like to thank all of you for helping me get to where I am and receive this award. Its been a dream to put my hands around this special trophy.


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