Favorite/Worst Hunting Personalities


Long Time Member
My favorite would have to be Stan Potts on Norht American Whitetail. He is so intense when he looks into the camera and says "Folks, I just shot a monster whitetail. Gimme a second." Those who watch him know exactly how he would say this, too.

Michael Waddell comes in second.

My least favorite would be Wayne Pearson. Not that he seems like a bad guy...its just when he's hunting with a guide, he doesn't let the guide do his job. Wayne tells the guide, "Lets go do this"...or "lets go this way because we'll probably see deer over here." I feel like yelling at the TV, "Listen to your guide....HE KNOWS THE AREA...HE KNOWS THE GAMES PATTERN..THATS WHY HE'S THE GUIDE!!!"

Anyway...just something for some fun!

I would have to say Chuck Adams. Even though I have gotten away from bow hunting, he is still my favorite. Larry Weishuhn would be a close second. Ther is a 3 mile gap between #2 and #3. The rest are a long way down the list.

I will have to say the one I dislike the most is Tred Barta. That guy is an asshat.
I'd have to agree - my #1 would be Stan Potts. He is so intense, he can't take it after he harvests an animal. Even the small bucks - he's still intense.

I like it how he says, "folks, stay with me".
I don't pay for any programming anymore. I occasionaly watch the Sprortsman Channel on the Billings station, late at night!

My favorite was and is Keith Warren, least favorite, with out a doubt! ZUMBO!
There is so many hunting shows now I get them all confussed. But the Eastman hosts ranks up there for me just because it is alot of DIY public land hunting which is what I mostly do. Tred Barta, Mr. I am the best and have done it all even with my bare hands, is also on the bottom of my list.
AZ402- Tiffany Lakosky...I didn't want to go that route...but since you brought it up....HELL YA, BOY!!!! The cool thing about her is she has fun. She's not all business. I like the ripped jeans that she often wears.....see what you did. I'll be thinkin' about her all day now! Thanks for nothing!!


I'm glad to see another Stan Potts fan here. I wasn't sure if I was the only one. "Stay with me, folks"...classic.
I would definitely have to say that jim shockey is my favorite with micheal waddell and uncle ted coming in a close second and third. Babe Winkelman really pisses me off
LAST EDITED ON Jan-12-08 AT 01:36PM (MST)[p]How can you guys not like Tred Barta? Wouldn't you just love to go and fling all your homemade wooden arrows at anything that flies just to say it took you 5 yrs to hit something...heh heh.
I'd have to say one of my favs is Bob Foulkrod, seems like he's always having a good time- Stan and the Primos boys would be up there too. For fishing personalities I have to say I like the staff of the In-Fisherman magazine.
I think a couple of my least favs would have to be Steve Pennaz (NAHC), Ron Spomer, and Jack Brittingham- seems like he won't kill anything unless it makes the record books, but I guess that's one of the perks of being him.

On a different note, I posted a question relating to Bob Foulkrod in the moose forum under the title "curious ?". Was wondering if anyone could give an answer.
I don't like any hunting show where the hunter sits in a elevated box over a food plot whitetail hunting, I like the rest........except for Babe Winkleman....I can't stand him.
Really like the Primos boys, Fred Eickler, the Eastmans are all for real.
Can't take that Kieth Warren dude, don't care for Wayne Pearson either.
Top Fav: The Eastmans and Cameron Hanes

Middle Fav: Roger Raglin. That feller reminds me of santa clause :)

Least Fav: Tred Barta

-Cody AKA BigBuck92
That makes 3 of us now that think or can't wait to watch "sweet" Tiffany Lakosky show.
Guess the next one on the "best list" would be Bob Foulkrod, then Jim Shockey, Primos seriers, Michael Waddell and then Jim Zumbo. Larry Weishuhn is at the bottom of the best list I guess.

Bottom of the list and I mean bottom is a tie between Trey Barta and Babe Winkelman, he just can't get away from that coffee cup, must be Gorilla Glued to his finger, then working their way up from the bottom, sorry guys, but your Uncle Ted I can't stand him even though he is pumping gun ownership and NRA. Next Keith Warren, and Stan Potts, I can't stand the way he talks and acts.

Some of these guys act like a child and get so over excited at even hitting an animal. And most of them are gut shots to boot.

My thoughts on this subject.

Hunters, My favorite hunting personality is Jim Shockley. He seems capable, independent, experienced, and confident. I like his style. On the other hand, coming in dead last is Jim Zumbo. I actually change the channel when one of his shows comes on. Nothing personal, I just don't like his presentation. Cow Tag from southern Illinois.
Not counting TL
tops: Schockey, Eastmans, Waddell

least: Zumbo-even though he gave his big appology!
LMAO at this one........ Shockey, Eastmans and that crew, couple others whos names escape me now that I respect. The rest of them are a pack of losers who promote science fiction and pimp useless junk. The guys I mentioned previously hunt circles around the food plot growing, managemenbt buck shooting, sell you a hunt for ten grand pimping, private zoo/wildlife preserve hunting, sit on your ass in an elevated blind recommending, jokers who are mistakenly called huners by the general TV watching hunter wannabes..........
I would give anything to sit in a tree with Tiffany Lakosky,too bad there's that Lee guy in the picture.They put together a pretty good show besides being HOT.Gotta agree with others,don't care for Zumbo.
I laugh when shows call these hunters to be experts. Anyone can be an expert if they hunted the ranches and farms they hunt.
Besides that I would say favorites are Tiffany Lakosky because she's hot, Bob Foulkrod and Jim Shockey seem like they really know their stuff. Roger Raglin and Michael Wydell seem like they would be fun to hunt with. Ron Spoomer is an idiot as is Toyota driving Tred Barta. No one mentioned Bill Jordan. I know he's rich but is a horrible hunter. I couldn't believe my eyes while he was whitetail bow hunting in a ground blind along a field edge with a fence. What does he do when a monster buck appears but shoots through the fence and of course his arrow hits the fence and he misses his deer! Then he takes his 7 year old kid at the time to some Texas ranch to shoot a 180" buck. I bet his boy really appreciated that!
Well i'll start off by saying that Ted Nugent is the man! Hands down the coolest guy in the world to listen to! In terms of the types of animals hunted I relate more to primos or Shockey,Wadell is in there too he's funny as hell,along with blake shelton.Personally...and this is just my opinion,I cant stand stan potts,roger raglin! They are cool guys and good at what they do,I know exactly how they feal when they are excited,but on television they are complete goobers! It's like nail's on a chalk board to me!
OK....Who is Tred Barta? Never heard of him!

What did Zumbo have to appologize for?

Tiffany Lokosky is HOT...we've established this several times during this post!

Shockey and his Dad are entertaining to watch...but I gotto say something about this. Tesm, it is entertaining and I know the father is old....but he doesn't seem excited when he kills a huge animal! No emotion!! Even at 85 or whatever he is, when you kill the biggest moose you ever have in 70 years of hunting, you should at least crack a smile.

The cough Silencer? Oh Lord!! This probably would be a good product if it weren't the size of an elk bugler!! We all know it's about the advertising dollar. To me, it is in the same boat as gum-o-flauge! WTF? This stuff can't taste good!! Someones got to pimp this stuff!

Saw this guy this morning early on TV and had forgot about him, Trev Goudy, what a jerk and his US TEAM ball cap. What kind of scope is that he has on his rifle?? He must be damn near blind the way he sticks that against his eye.

My two very favorite are Larry Jones and Dewight Shue. If you can find it buy or rent "Elk Fever" Great video.
I like shockey eastmans and fred eichler. The worst is the host on Mcmillan river adventures. His show consists of ten minutes of advertising, 18 minutes of him talking, and maybe 2 minutes of the actual hunt. The guy never shuts up, its a shame to because he goes on some really cool hunts that would be exciting to watch if he ever showed the actual hunt, instead of himself talking.
Will primos- i always admire rich guys that are humble

bart lancaster- his entire crew seem like guys that would be a blast to be around, they seem to put out more effort than anyone else and enjoy doing so

paul kendall- his videos are by far the closest to my style of hunting.

least favorite:
Bill snodgrass- the guy seems to have pretty good taste in hunts and seems like a nice enough guy, but how he has his own hunting show ill never know, hes like mr. rogers' boring brother.

julie mogenis- had to look her name up, she's the gal that hosts 'huntin with the judge.' its all high fence and she seems like one of the worst people you could ever have to be around.

btw, anyone else notice how big lee lakosky is? just something to think about...
what a fun thread to read!i dont have any cable channels,but i'll be damned if i dont get a look at this TIFFANY after the big stink on here. thanx 4 the laugh guys keep up the good work!
I have never seen a bigger joke than the guys on "Flyway Highway"! Talk about making complete asses of themselves!
Stann Potts is retarded!!!! Cant stand the way he acts. No body mentioned Bobb Robb, Ca native. I also like Foulkrod, Shockey, and the Eastmans. In my eyes alot of those guys are handicapped by the fact that I'M SICK AND TIRED OF WATCHING HIGH FENCED WHITETAIL AND TURKEY HUNTING. I'd rather watch Guy Eastman pack out a 170" muley on his back anyday. Stann Potts is just tryin to stand out in a buisness that is increasingly seeking out newer younger people that are more apealing, nobody I know acts like that.

If huntin is a sport.....Well your lookin at an athlete!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-13-08 AT 09:18PM (MST)[p]Hardway- I'm very disappointed in you. Stan Potts' enthusiasm is rivaled by no one. Sure he gets excited and is a bit of a freak....sure he over does it a little bit....but that's what you've got to love about the guy!! I just think he's entertaining is all.

Yes, Lee Lakosky is a large man.....but I know people. You ever hear on Nancy Kerigan?

Tiffany #1...Duh!
Michael Waddell #2...I crack up every time I watch this guy.
Cameron Hanes & The Eastmans...Great to watch

Ralph and Vickie Cianciarulo.....Can't stand them!

Here is my order Shockey, Eastmans, Eichler

Can't stand Potts, Cody and Cody, and the rest of the hillbillies that sit over food plots shooting deer that are trained to come to the dinner bell, and hunt the whole time whispering out of a "treehouse".

And yes Tiffany is hot!
Tiffany for eye appeal. Cameron for his toughness. Waddell for being the kind of guy you would love to hunt with, laugh with, and hang with later over stories and a beer. I also enjoyed Ralph and Vicki Ciancirulo (sp?)on the Archer's Choice when I used to get it on Dish

Don't care for Shockey.


I don't know if anyone has mentioned him yet but I enjoy Dave Watson. He is down to earth. And of course Tiffany Lokosky
but then I miss the real aspect of the show...

There are a bunch of bad ones! The are just too cocky and know it all!!
Favorite quote from Jim Shockey's show showing him taking his dad hunting.
The dad dragging along after his son and says: " why do I get the same lousy guide every year"? unquote. LMAO

Larry D. Jones and Dwight Schue, I like their videos, although they're oldies.

Is Stan Potts that old guy on North American Whitetail that gets excited about every thing, his eyes are all bugging out and looks as if he's been on a 3 week crack binge? If that's him then I can't stand that fool. He is so over the top obnoxious I can't take it, he's embarrasing to watch. I wouldn't be surprised if he's snortin lines during commercial breaks!LOL!

Oh Buck McNeely is up there on my least favorites, along with Roger Raglin, Jackie Bushman, and I'm sure there are some others.
STAN POTTS IS PURE ENTERTAINMENT!! I don't know....he has grown on me!!

Oregon- The way you described him cracks me up!!!

Michael Waddell (would be a hoot to hunt with)
Cameron Hanes (is probably the hardest hunter and gear savvy guy in the biz)
Ted Nugent (how can you not like a guy that cares about our rights to hunt like he does?)

Least Favorite:
Keith Warren (he and his sons cripple more critters on film than I care to watch)
Mike Eastman (the guy makes good shows, he just needs to not talk during them)
I like how the Primos crew puts their product out there.

I dislike how Eastman's seems to be always 'lecturing' when father/son are talking. Way to full of themselves for me. I do like Cameron Hanes, just wish he worked for a 'classier' outfit.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
Yes, thats her. I was watching the Outdoor Channel last summer when Lee and Tiffany were bowfishing for Asian flying carp on a river in IL. Tiff was wearing a bikini top for half the show!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had it recorded on our DVR & my wife kept asking me how many times I was going to watch it.
Least favorites

Tred Barta is an Asshat lol - thats some funny stuff- The being said he is such a Arrogant Goober. Did anyone see the one where he pissed his pants on camera and then told the audience he did (duck hunting in maine) ##### the guy can't even kill a mule deer doe.
Mcmillan River outdoors and Roger Raglin - Undeniably the most annoying people in the hunting bus
Jim Zumbo - Hust don't like him

Jim Shockey
Eastmans Crew
Michael Waddell
Bowhunter Magazine and crew
Lee and Tiffany would get higher rankings if they hunted other critters besides whitetail
Hunting with Lee and Tiffany shows very little hunting, and it is almost exclusively whitetail. But of course I still watch. I don't think hunting with Lee would be quite so popular.
I forgot Phil Phillips with Scent Lok's show. Met him at a hunt seminar a few years ago and he spent some time talking bow hunting like a regular guy.


Roger Raglin, he kills me with jimminy christmas!! Jim shockey's dad and his prank calls, His wife is a looker also!

stan potts and craig boddington not so much, and any show with grain feeder whitetails.

? Will Primos- love his smooth style and story telling ability.
? Waddel- funny sum beatch.
? Lee and Tiffany- did you see the buns on that?.yea, he must work out.
? Paul Kendall: killer goatee and down to earth DVD?s

Least Favorites

1. Jack Brittingham- never had a shot he wouldn't take- angled toward him, walking, running even, then the wild celebration of his skills ?got that sucker? crap, then it is straight to the teeth to tell you how old the animal is and what a bad ass he is for shooting it. Can?t stand him but I still have 2 of his videos.
2. Jim Zumbo- lethargic ol codger should consider retirement.
RE: Tiffany's bikini shot..........

I hated Tred Barta the first few times I watched him, but I realized that he is making fun of himself half the time and now I think he is pretty entertaining.

Ryan Hatch is fun to watch, that guy gets sincerly excited when somebody dumps a big buck.

Paul Kendall is great, and does a great job of bringing his audience along on his hunts.

Primos guys seem down to earth and are fun to watch.

Can be cheesy, but I like Mike Rogers on the SCI show. My favorite was an episode when he helped a disabled kid on a CO elk hunt and the kid started hyperventilating he got so excited.

Ron Spomer bugs me, but I like Mike Hanback.

Can't stand any of the Bucks of Tecomate guys, except maybe Foxworthy when he is joking around.

Eastmans, sure produce a "qualty" show, and are often very helpful in exposing the "Achilles Heel" of mule deer. They even invented a new style of hunting, it is where you glass until you find the animal you want and then you go after it. It is called the Eastman Way, but some uneducated folks call it spot and stalk.
I like their footage and do enjoy lots of their stuff, but I about have to mute it when they lecture (I can't say "rack bracketing" or "tangs" without starting to laugh)or talk about inventing spot and stalk, wildlife videography, and fair chase hunting.

RE: Tiffany's bikini shot..........

Stan Potts is a freaking moron. Lay off the acting a little bit. Barta's a moron.

THe only ones worth a crap are Cameron Hanes- Micheal Waddell and Lee and Tiffany.

Oh yeah the Flyway Hiway guys are the biggest idiots out there.
My favorites?Shockey, Eastmans, Waddell, Weishuhn and Foulkrod because I respect them and think they are true hunters.

Like watching about all of them but know they are hunting high dollar areas where the average man will never have a chance to go. Being from the Texas panhandle, can't stand to watch the high fence, overfed pen raised whitetail hunts in south Texas. Don?t care who is hosting. That's killing, not hunting.

My least favorites are the arrogant few. Tred Barta, Wayne Pearson and yes, Jim Zumbo. These guys think they are above the rest of mankind.
RE: Tiffany's bikini shot..........

1.Eastmans - Crew except Mike. He is knowledgable but comes off as arrogant. I truely admire Camron Haynes and his hunting buddies. They hunt the west the way it should be hunted.
2. Gettin Close - Tiffany for obvious reasons and Lee I guess.
3. Shockey is ok.
4. Realtree Roadtrips - M. Waddell is very funny.
5. The Primos crew when they are hunting western big game. they seem to enjoy each other.
6. Ted Nugent - Love the passion but VERY annoying guys.

Not So Much
1. Crew at American Whitetail Magazine. Potts is way too much.
2. All the rest of the boring treestand sitting over food plot whitetail deer hunting shows. Along with turkey hunting.
You guys never fail to crack me up. 98% of those shows are so phony......but you are buying their BS.

Then half of you turn around and slam Jim Zumbo, a guy who's contributions far outweigh any misstatement he may have made.

I've been a life long fan of Col. Craig Boddington. The guy has been just about everywhere and killed just about anything you can think of. I consider him to be one of the Worlds top authorities on African Hunting, I think he has killed a couple hundred Cape Buffalo.

I absolutely can't stand Jackie Bushman.
I don't know what you guys are talking about with Zumbo. What exactly did he say that is pissing people off?

Sorry to burst your bubble on Weishun but I personally know he hunts high fenced animals-deer and elk. Check his ranches hunted in detail.

My favorites are Eastman boys (Mike is arrogant though).

Least favorite: Potts, Bushman (high fencer too), Barta, and Uncle Ted (liked Cat Scratch Fever though).
Favorite: Cameron Hanes is my hunting hero.

Worst: Ted Nugent, I think he is a good spokesman for our sport, just can't stand to watch his show, he is wayyyy out there. Too many good drugs I guess???
I prefer Shockey and Eastman's but any program that films the hunter sneaking/crawling towards the camera and whispering as if the cameraman is the game their after, drives me nuts. As well as wearing full body and head camo, with pack, shooting out of a cozy heated box. I like ground hunters for western game. When Montana Secrets was on they seemed to video the hunt from behind the hunters and never showed the hunters walking up to the downed game from the animals perspective. Dave Watson even showed how they re-film shots and act out situations for the camera, after the fact. On one show, Pearson exclaimed, after a shot, he had to load another cartridge into the chamber for a follow-up shot, and right on camera he ejects a live round from the chamber. That fake crap sends me to another channel. I want to believe the hunt. For fiction I can go to the movies.
montana secrets was a great show, i really wish it would have caught on. does anybody here know if they released any dvds or are operating under a different name now?
Uncle Ted the Wack Master is towards the top of my list. I met him once during the mid 90's at an archery shoot. He is a really cool nice guy. Ted Nugent does more promoting the sport and gun rights than all of these other hunters combined. What I like about him is he doesnt care if people don't like him. I can see where some people think he is over the top, but people listen to him and he knows what he is talking about.

1) Eastmans hunting journal. (Like the Fair Chase hunting)
2) Primos truth about hunting. (Funny)
3) Easton's Bowhunting Journal. (Fred working on the Super-Slam).
4) Sweaty Teddy. (Love the Wack Master)

Worst- Huntin' the World Southern Style. Rednecks Rapping makes me wanna throw up. It should be cancelled.

You will never kill a big one if you continue to kill the small ones.
Mike eastman is right in there with dumbo for my worst. Arrogant is putting him lightly!
Wizards quote
" don't know what Zumbo said to piss people off "
About two years ago he said something about semiauto rifles being terrorist guns.
Got him fired from Outdoor Life, also pulled his TV show.
I belive hes done alot more good for hunters, than that silly statement hurt us.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-19-08 AT 03:16PM (MST)[p]He said a lot more than black rifles were terrroist weapons!

His actions are similar to Sylvester Stalone's. He is anti-gun, yet makes his millions with violence and guns! Zumbo made his living with guns and was pro-gun, and yet condemned guns!

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