
Long Time Member
Seen a Few!

Seen My Brother Take a Big Ole Treble Hook Rigged Up with 30 LB Test & 2 Ounces of Lead & 1/4 Pound of Velveta/Treble to the Ear!

I'll Never Forget that Snap/Pop of the Line when it Snapped!

Seen a Friend get one through the Eye Lid When We used to Fish at Night!

Lucky,just the EyeLid!

A Friend/Guide got Hooked by a Long Liner Hook & Drug him in to the Ocean & He all but Drowned & they Brought Him back to Life!

I Had a Fish I shoulda tried Releasing with Pliers!

Decent Fish & I ended Up with a Treble Hook on a Rapala/2 Barbs Deep!

Then I Got the Pliers out!

Damn Straight it Hurt!

Let's hear your Stories!

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I Always Found it Amusing to see all the FISH HOOK REMOVAL Clinics along the Kenai River!

They Have Signs out Front saying how many Hooks they've Removed that year!

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I was killing some time fishing off of a pier on a small lake in northern Wisconsin, thankfully I wasn't out on the boat. After a few casts I hooked a small bass, I was using a Shad Rap, not thinking I just grabbed the fish by the lip, apparently this bass wasn't happy about being caught. The back treble hook, was turned into a pair of handcuffs, one still in the mouth of the largemouth, one in my right thumb, one in my left forefinger, both buried!! I was by myself. After walking back to the cabin, with my fishing rod under my arm, my hands hooked together and the bass dangling I was able to get a little help...
>Shouldn't this be in the fishing

Come on booty!

Travis ever Hook Ya?:D

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For some unknown mysterious reason, I've never taken a hook past the barb, in over 55 years. Knock on wood. :D
LAST EDITED ON Apr-24-17 AT 01:50AM (MST)[p]Took a hook to my right thumb nail on the Kenai River.

It was a fish one of my younger of two brothers caught. My youngest brother decided we did not need the fish bonker and dropped it in the river, the fish is doing the death/getaway roll, the hook decides it no longer wants to stay hooked in the fishes jaw, pops out and as the fish is rolling snags my right finger nail, slips in at the cuticle and slides in just past the barb.

Its a 1x hook and now I have a situation, so I cut the line to free my thumb and hand from the fish, its bleeding like I am gonna die soon, so I tell my brothers I am going to just deal with it myself instead of going to the emergency center. I have a rusty pair of pliers in my tackle box, so I try to cut the hook with no avail, it hurts to just move the hook a little and the barb starts to cut in reverse under my nail so I make the decision to just push the hook on thru the bottom of the nail and it comes out the front of my thumb. Hurt like hell.

Now the pressure goes down and my thumb is feeling normal but still bleeding. I now have a hook piercing! So my youngest brother asks a fisherman up river and he has a brand new leatherman so I cut the shank off and slip the hook out with no problems actually the blood helped it slide out easier, took about two weeks to heal up and I hope that never happens again.

I now carry a leatherman.
>Shouldn't this be in the fishing

You seen the outfits boot hunts in? Let's just cut to the chase and say he caught his flesh balloon once. Nuff said.

I took a Panther Martin treble hook in the eyeball. I live on the Gunnison river and was fishing behind my house. Caught a good sized rainbow and when I bent down to grab him, the lure came out like a sling-shot. Hit me in the left eye. My 4 year old was home with me at the time. I tried to remain calm so she wouldn't freak out. Called a friend to drop me at the ER and he went and found my wife. 2 hours of surgery and I can still see 20/20. I do have some trouble with night vision.
>>Shouldn't this be in the fishing
>You seen the outfits boot hunts
>in? Let's just cut
>to the chase and say
>he caught his flesh balloon
>once. Nuff said.

LMAO! Truth^^^^^^
Not a fish hook, but a fish weight story...

I was maybe 7 when I went fishing for the first time. Dad bought me a reel/pole combo, some weights and some eagle claw hooks and some lures.

I dug some crawlers out of the ground and decided to get up extra early on the blessed day and practice casting.

Tied a weight on the 12lb test line, went out to our driveway (about 1/4 mile long) flung it out a couple times and decided I'd try one more time before I had to do chores. The weight snagged on some weeks. I pulled. Harder. Harder again.

Uh oh..... here comes the weight ... and just like time stood still, I saw it headed on a beeline towards my noggin. It hit me just above my right eye, hard enough that it started bleeding. Wouldn't stop until my mom slapped some flour on it.

Still had to do chores....I miss those days.
>What happens in elk camp stays
>in elk camp.... Wanna come
>to elk camp?

I Went to Elk Camp Once!

Nobody there though!

Next Time I'm Checkin the Cooler!

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I've stirred some old memories and am going to hijack this thread one further. A couple and a half decades ago, me and a couple friends went camping. We got a little over ambitious with our alcohol contraband and midway into the night it became clear we were not going to be able to consume all of the liquid treasure.

A few hours earlier one of the buddies got feeling a little guilty and crashed for the night in the tent some twenty yards from the bonfire. As we sat looking into the white hot coals, someone came up with the genius idea to put a pin hole in the top of a long neck, and set it into the coals. Surely there would be a steam geyser that would make old faithful proud.

Sure enough, it bubbles up into a raging boil and sprays molten booze thirty feet into the summer night air.

Naturally, not to be outdone, someone else says hold my beer and watch this, placing a capped bottle of nectar into the coals, this time with no manufactured pin hole escape route. What happens next should have resulted in burns, shrapnel injuries, and other mayhem one would expect. As we watched the bottle, its contents bubbled, and the bottle almost seems to jump about and squeak in anticipation of its own demise.

During the last few moments of anticipation, someone gathered enough brain cells to support a notion that we should move back and take cover. Just as we move from certain peril, this thing goes off like a 300 win mag breaking the silence of the night.

We stood in disbelief as the party pooper emerged from the tent shouting a tapestry of profanity being waken from his slumber by an audible tidal wave. The tent and its contents looked like a claymore mine was detonated from within.

Small miracles, no persons or animals were harmed during the making of this story. How anyone ever lives to adulthood is nothing short of a marvel.
Hey 1911!

I Was down at Towave Res on the Rez several Years ago & Had A Similar Sperience!

Flash Flood came through & We Were Dumb enough to Stay out in it & Get SOAKED!

Finally Breaks & I decide We gotta Build a Fire to Try & Warm up!

The Boy Scout Skills weren't even Helping but I Finally got a Fire Going!

Still don't know Why I'm alive?

After about 30 Minutes!

Unexpectedly A Bomb goes Off!


Not a little one Either!

Some JACK-TARD took what I Think was a Quart Beer Bottle & Filled it part way up with Gas/Or maybe it was Just Beer I Don't Know?

They Buried it under the Old Ashes!

Which one of You PLICKS was it?

Luckily Nobody Lost any Eyes but there was some Nice Battle Wounds!

I'd Still like to know Who the ##### was!

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Was fly fishing a spring pond in northern WI on a dark steamy night with my bud for brown trout. He's in the front of the canoe while I'm paddling. He does a roll cast pick up with a lot of slack and pin's his lower and upper lip together with a number 4 streamer fly! I tell him when we get back to camp where the rest of the guy's are staying MY LIP'S ARE SEALED about this screw up!

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