Flying service for new Mexico units

I was lucky enough to ride along last year when a unit was flown. We flew out of Belen, pilot was great, and it was pretty cool.
I am wondering who you used for a flight. What was the cost? I will be in the scarp area. Thanks
>Glen Griffin for Gila units. He
>is out of Reserve.

You wouldn't happen to have a phone number for Glen would you?
Has anyone else tried to elk hunt when an airplane buzzed over the top of the trees?

I wish game & fish would bust these jerks. In my book, this type of advantage is super unethical and borderline illegal. I just got back from an archery elk hunt in the Gila and a small white plane flew over at least three different prime hunting times at less than a 1,000ft. I would have called it in if I were able to get a tail number on the plane.
Did you see any blue on that white plane in the Gila?

Exact same thing happened to me 2 years ago. On top of that I was in the middle of the herd with a really solid bull about 90 yards from me.

The plane pushed the herd down into the draw directly into a hunter. I watched as the herd bull got killed. The plane was probably 500 ft. off the ground. Went back the next day to find the gut pile and quad tracks (on National Forest land) in the middle of nowhere.

I hear that it is the plane from the Jack Glass outfit. Can't confirm it but seems likely based on where they guide down there.
you didn't happen to be in 16E? same thing happened to us one day 2 Sept 2 in the east side of the Pelona Mts...hopefully game and fish steps in, it is getting way out of hand

>Has anyone else tried to elk
>hunt when an airplane buzzed
>over the top of the
>I wish game & fish would
>bust these jerks. In my
>book, this type of
>advantage is super unethical and
>borderline illegal. I just got
>back from an archery elk
>hunt in the Gila and
>a small white plane flew
>over at least three different
>prime hunting times at less
>than a 1,000ft. I would
>have called it in if
>I were able to get
>a tail number on the
I bet it was the same airplane that you saw. We weren't far as a bird flies from the area you were hunting. We were in a different unit. We were on the southern and eastern sides of the large 30,000+ acres ranch that extends north up to the Pelona mnts. From all the info we could learn about the elk on the ground and the way the plane was flying, they were looking for elk that they missed during their aerial and possibly ground based elk drive to the ranch.
It is way frustrating when the planes are flying when you are hunting whether it's elk or even coyote hunting. The goverment trapper/flyer up here in wyoming doesn't like us much and seems to always know when we are out hunting and is constantly messing with
That's why whenever we try to fly we do it 2-3 days before the hunt starts, so we don't screw anyone's hunt up. With us hunting a new area like this year in NM it's the best way for us to scout and get a lay of the land before we starting riding it. We're going to be flying with Glenn on Sunday morning and that way we can start riding Sunday afternoon and get a real feel for the land.
the only problem is that there will be other guys in there hunting on the 2nd hunt, wish the planes were ground once any season started....just sucks to work your butt of to get close and have the elk blown out of the country because someone else is flying for a later hunt..
its illegal to:
Shoot at, pursue, harass, harry, drive or rally any protected
species by use of or from a motor-driven vehicle, powerboat,
sailboat or aircraft.
? Hunt from, signal game?s location to hunters from or harass
game with aircraft; hunt game observed from aircraft within 48
hours of observation; or hunt game the same day of air travel,
except by commercial airline or direct flight to a landing strip.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-11-12 AT 11:48AM (MST)[p]Sunday is the first day of many of our hunts. Your recon could blow someones hard work. Like others I wish flights were suspended till after hunt season.
Couldnt agree more me and my dad were out scout during the first hunt and where watching a nice herd with a big herd bull and the group that ended up with the governors tag bull flew over and pushed them all into the trees.... glad they got the bull before the second hunt... what happened to using topo maps to get the lay of the land?? They are pretty simple to read and if u have a compass and can find north you should be set... aerial scouting is a bunch of b.s. i spent lots of time money and hard work scouting and it paid off. thats the way it should be done not fly 2 days before mark where usaw the big bulls on your gps and go hunt
LAST EDITED ON Sep-20-12 AT 09:59AM (MST)[p]Once the hunts start there are no "open" days for aerial scouting--the archery hunts run back to back to back. I think I saw that same plane referred to above the first day of my hunt. We watched him circle above a couple different herds. Wish we would have been close enough to read a tail number...
LAST EDITED ON Sep-20-12 AT 08:40PM (MST)[p]youtube video link shot from airplane deleted. I don't care. Fly if you can afford it.
Hey dipchyt. I took that video for my elk hunt three days prior to the hunt. Get off your fricken high horse and worry about yourself. I have flown several times last year (none this year). If you have the resources readily available and a buddy of yours owns a plane, why would you not fly. I have found new country and water that I never knew existed.

Have you ever flown in a plane to scout? You would know that if you get too close or put too much pressure above the game will run away defeating the purpose of "scouting".

Most planes flying in the Gila regions in my opinion are not for scouting, but from landowners checking for tresspassers. Some of you who have hunted by Collins Park, Salvation Peak probably know what I am talking about.
Yes, that video was in a white Cesna. Aren't they all white? Thanks for implying that it was me doing the flying. Don't call me out without some facts.
Still on youtube buddy... just dont call someone and and make the statement others are breaking laws.

Again, my buddy owns a plane and will take me up when I ask him too. Costs me almost nothing.

Regardless, a person could rent a plane/pilot for a few hours and spend $300-$400. Pretty reasonable if you ask me
Tayhot, sorry for being mad when I saw your scouting video. I am just still pretty pissed that some knuckleheads flew over me super low to push elk to private land. You were pretty high during the video you recorded. It's a petty cool video so thanks for sharing.
Thank NMHNTR. There are laws regarding flying in aircraft and I always follow them. Like I said before, if you are flying too low you wil chase the animals away. Making it pointless to call it scouting. If you notice in my video, the elk were moving, I didnt like that so I said to go to another area.

There are a few landowners in the Gila that have airstrips on their property and they will send up 1,2, and even 3 planes up at at time patrolling their property. I have no issue with that. If you hunt the fringes, you will be buzzed. This is an entriley different topic of conversation though.

The law says that you cannot fly 48 hrs before your hunt (commercial flight doesnt count). You cannot harras animals (dont know why a person would, but they do). If you see any of that going on, then by all means call it in. They have to keep records of this stuff. The only potential issue a hunter on the ground may have is if he is hunting the 2nd archery hunt and a guy with the 3rd archery hunt is flying overhead to "scout" he is legal as long as it isnt 48 hrs before his hunt.
On your comment about collins park and salvation peak during the second hunt the planes where hitting that area real hard

New Mexico Guides & Outfitters

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