Fuel for Sheep Fanatics


Very Active Member
I just got my new issue of Eastman's and was pretty impressed with the "Sheep Issue". Lots and lots of spectacular rams but the guy with the huge Dalls in Alaska on the backpack hunts most got my attention. That last Dall is a monster. Great shape too!

You have to hand it to Eastman's for giving Duncan Gilchrest a nice tribute and dedication on the last page. What a fulfilling life Duncan seemed to have led. And for a sheep fanatic like him to give up the ghost on the mountain while on a sheep hunt.....well, lets just say, if you gotta go, then it was a hell of a way to go. Beats dying in a nursing home with all your memories long ago have escaped you.

Raise your glasses to a guy with a passion and a desire to share.
I'm not on their Priority Mailing List so I haven't recieved my issue yet. Look forward to it.

Got my copy of Eastman's yesterday too. You're right, great issue! This publication, on top of my getting my Grand Slam / Ovis magazines in the mail on Saturday have kept me awake at night!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-04-03 AT 05:42PM (MST)[p]Right On BUCKSPY! A few years back at a FNAWS convention, I gave Duncan a pat on the back and thanked him for his contributions to the hunting community.He was a very humble and gracious man. He had a wealth of knowledge.It is sad that all that knowledge goes with him to the big sheep mountains in the sky!You can bet that he has one great honey hole up there!-----Duncan,--we'll miss you! You were a fine man!------->(HunterHarry)
It's an excellent issue! Eastmans' did a great job!

R.I.P Duncan Gilchrist

I'll drink to him also, what a way to go!!! I can only think of one other comparable way if I have my choice, I'll take either. Gary
LAST EDITED ON Jun-05-03 AT 10:37PM (MST)[p]Heck of a man Duncan was,....Eastman's did a great tribute in his behalf.....Great sheep issue....love the 40" rams.....(even the one Gordon has of the stone way back ..46")......now that is one I would love to see......very rare to see 40" with the brooming....that is probably one of the best sheep issues I have seen in a while....Dwayne
I thought is was an excellent issue as well... Did you see moosie and a couple other hunttalkers with their bulls, and one with his antelope.
Now if I could only draw a sheep tag, a great issue but frustrating too if you haven't had the opportunity to hunt sheep yet.
Finally made it to the Post office and picked mine up, great issue. I really love the movie High Wild and Free, so it was great to see a bit on his Dad. Lots of real great sheep.


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