Game Cameras- AA battery problems


Active Member
I have been running 7-8 game cameras for years and for some reason I am now having problems with AA batteries not lasting but a few days before dying. Have always bought Energizer off Ebay in the 100 or 144 packs and had good luck until this fall. When tested on a voltmeter the new batteries say 1.55 volts which I understand is a good reading for a AA battery. It all started when I bought some Energizer "Industrial" batteries that have the yellow label instead of red and black. Anybody else had this happen? Are my cameras just worn out?
Are you getting thousands of pics in the few days they work or just a couple and the batteries are dead? What type cams?

I don’t know much about alkalines - I use lithiums and rechargeables in my cams.
I had that happen once several years ago, ended up being a bad camera. Replaced it and no more battery eating.
I usually get a couple thousand pics before batteries go bad. If it’s super cold a chunk fewer. Maybe check the battery terminals to see if there is rust?
Perhaps try a different lot or brand of battery. I normally use one of the top two brands and get 2-4 thousand pics. I tried some AA’s from Sam’s club and they did not last nearly as long as Energizer or Copper tops.
I have been running 7-8 game cameras for years and for some reason I am now having problems with AA batteries not lasting but a few days before dying. Have always bought Energizer off Ebay in the 100 or 144 packs and had good luck until this fall. When tested on a voltmeter the new batteries say 1.55 volts which I understand is a good reading for a AA battery. It all started when I bought some Energizer "Industrial" batteries that have the yellow label instead of red and black. Anybody else had this happen? Are my cameras just worn out?
If you are having the same problem on multiple cameras I would lean towards the batteries being defective for some reason. If it is just happening on one camera it is probably the camera. I have had the same type of problem over the years. New batteries would drain over a couple of days without taking an excessive amount of pictures and one of the terminals would have a white substance on it. Never could figure it out.

Alternatively, as Diablo mentioned, I’ve had cameras with what I call a runaway shutter, where they take thousands of pictures continuously over a couple of days at the set delay interval until the batteries are exhausted. Never figured out how to fix this either…

I'm sorry to hear about your AA battery troubles with your game cameras. It's frustrating when something that has worked reliably suddenly starts giving you problems. It's interesting that the issue seemed to coincide with using Energizer ""Industrial"" batteries.While I can't provide a direct solution for your AA battery issue, I can share that there have been similar discussions in the realm of batteries. If you're interested in exploring alternative power sources, you might want to check out the information on CR123A battery. This article could offer insights into battery performance and help you make more informed choices for your game cameras.

???? Is this an AI generated response or something?

Not sure how CR123 batteries are going to fit in a game camera utilizing AA batteries please explain…

???? Is this an AI generated response or something?

Not sure how CR123 batteries are going to fit in a game camera utilizing AA batteries please explain…

No, ChatGPT. Getting pretty common on forums. I have no idea their angle but I’m on a very active contracting forum and it seems like they are 15% of the posts now.
Back to the original question, you might try a new chip. I recently had a bad chip that ate the batteries and killed the camera after a week.

I also had a whole package of Duracells that were ALL bad. No more copper tops for me.
Will barriers loose some of their power setting unused in their original packaging…… over long periods of time?

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