Getting real tired of the ATVs....


Long Time Member
Every year I am getting more and more frustrated with atv users. This last weekend I done a ton of looking at maps, and found a canyon with no real access shown in it. Between google earth and the maps It had a main road at the mouth then showed about 5 miles of canyon with no other access. the area is about an hour drive from camp and as a result required me to commit an entire hunt. As I headed to the area I passed a camp with 8, 4 wheelers and 4 dirt bikes. I had an idea of the situation at that point but pushed on. When I got to the moth of the canyon you could see an old cow trail that was completely grown in, but had a 4 wheeler track on it. Again at this point being committed for the night to this area I pushed on. I parked at the canyon mouth and went for the hike... We circled to the top from above you could see where the cow trail went to a huge wash, one that the 4 wheelers did not appear to be crossing and it appeared that about 1 mile in was all the further they could get. So at that I felt good about the next several miles I had in front of me. I hunted the North side of the cayon and looked in a ton of fingers to the south. I had found sign that was 3 days old and all the tracks I saw were leaving the area to the north. I made a huge 6 mile loop and then was going to sneak back down the canyon bottom at last light in hopes of catching some elk dropping down to feed.

Well when I started down off the rim I found the top of the cow trail, and once again I found the atv tracks and at least 2 of teh dirt bike tracks. the trail it self was difficult to walk, it was over grown on in many places required my to duck under brush etc. the very fact that the guys were riding up through this area made me extremely upset. About 1/2 way down the canyon upset turned into outright rage. The cow trail ended up dumping into the bottom of the wash. In it I found an amazing wallow and spring area. Both of which are nearly unheard of in the country I hunt. However instead of being a nice little oasis the 4 wheelers and dirt bikes were driving right through the middle of it. they have even removed and cut down willows and layed em in the mud to keep from getting stuck. Where a little grass should be growing there was only rutts. Where the water once flowed down valley it was not trapped in ruts, where an once wallowed there is now a mud pit willed with logs, rocks and sticks.

Needless to say I have had many hunts ruined by atvs users over the years, but this one tops it all off. The disrespect for the land and for the game is unreal. In one of the worse drought years I can remember a good spring is ran over and trampled. I am contacting the BLM today and going to report the group. However I am certain that without a pic or evidence, just have a dirt bike track will not be enough to get them in trouble.

Sorry had to vent this year has been hard already and this one pushes me over the edge.
hey elks96 I have two bad knees a replaced hip, three blown disks, glaucoma, severe allergies, a lazy streak a mile long and I how dare you tell me that I can't use my $12k side by side wherever and whenever I want. It is my right to abuse the forest it is my right to try to cut in a new trail right down to that wallow you were talking about. Screw you, you ethical hard working hunter. I may not see any game but I am going to be buzzing around to make sure that you don't see any either!
Seriously, 96, this will always be a problem until our federal lands managers take this issue seriously. I was up in 61 and 62 this weekend and was nauseated by just the sheer number of hunters using atvs, even legally they are obnoxious. Keep trying to find that spot that hasn't been impacted by these rude individuals and you will be rewarded with not only plentiful wildlife, but a peaceful and quality experience.
Good luck.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-10-12 AT 02:28PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-10-12 AT 02:27?PM (MST)

elks 96, I agree with you in this case. Those type of people are ruining it for everyone and that is a shame. However. ATV's do not do near the damage to our land and forest that free range cattle do. I am so sick of seeing cattle EVERYWHERE I go. Their trails turn into washes, They over grase the little food there is for our animals and the wreck and contaminate every water hole there is. I am so sick of hearing how if I drive my atv off road to retreave my animal during off hunting hours I am going to distroy the land. I have never seen a respectable atv distroy as much land as a herd of cattle.

i see nothing wrong with being allowed to take my atv in a area between say 12pm and 3 pm to retreve a down animal. There are areas in colorado that do allow this and have no issues with it. I bet alot of meat goes to waste every year because the hunter doesnt want to pack it ALL out. But if he could get a atv closer to it then he would take it all.

We use our atv's to get to and from our hunting spots and to save gas and wear and tear on our vehicles.Thats all, we do not hunt from them, we do not road hunt and we do not leave the trail other than to retreve a animal. Hunterfisher, Do you mean to tell me that you walk to and from camp everywhere? Or do you use your vehicle? I bet you use your vehicle and if so what is the difference (about 20 miles per gallon i bet?).

I see nothing wrong with atv's if used honestly and respectably.

I was in a "roadless" area not to long ago and ran into the same thing. We had rode our horses into a remote area and some jackass had bushwhacked his wheeler back in there. When he saw us, he got out of there like his azz was on fire!


The problem is that most atv users/hunters obey the laws, And, once again, the small few jackasses are ruining it for the majority of the people!!!
Good post oldmossback. I have had more problems with sheep herders, cattle ranchers and even outfitters/horsehunters degrading my hunting areas (in forest and wilderness), than what 4 wheelers/motorcycles have. For some reason, the majority on this board complain only about 4 wheelers...
hunterfisher is one of those guys who drives his powerstroke 20 miles on the dirt road to his hunting area, and thinks he is way better than you because you drove a yamaha. Whatever......
Hopefully,the BLM goes out there and nails their a$$es!They could be held financially for any damages they do,and BLM like to get folks for ruining/degrading property.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-10-12 AT 05:26PM (MST)[p]No matter how you cut it the cattle, sheep horses etc. Are not the same. They are managed and while they may at times be mismanaged and allowed to over graze they have specific rules and regulations to follow. From ranching I have seen many ranchers who make great efforts to fight weeds, develop water sources, etc. They tend to try and be stewards of the land and realize that they are directly tied to the land. While the animals may cause damage, they will work to resolve issues as needed. In my area I know of several water tanks that have been developed with the ranchers in combination with the BLM. Also I have hunted around horses and cattle and have never noticed a real change in animal behavoir as such. I have sat at a water tank and watched elk drink as cows roamed around just feet away.

On the flip side I have never seen an elk go to a water source while an atv was sitting there. I have not seen elk run 3 miles because a horse came through or a cow mooed etc. However I have seen elk run that far from an atv.

While I would prefer my area to be void of livestock, livestock do not create the same issues. While they may cause damage, at least there is benefit to that damage that is tangible, be it something listed above or financial gain for the rancher, etc.

This was a willing blatant decision made by a sentient being that showed total disregard for the land, animals and fellow hunters.

Also I know there are a lot of good ethical people running around on ATVs, but as we all know a few bad apples can spoil the whole bunch. There simply is not enough law enforcement in the field, heck the regional office where I am has an area larger than the state of NJ to patrol and only 1 ranger....
you can't change it...just deal with it.
its the times..I sold my quad because where I used in the past
went to hi way legal only!!
until some states, national forest and blm changes the laws fud it I just get away from them in the wilderness never seen a jeep or a quad in wilderness areas which are the same because you still have to walk for miles!!
good luck
"deal with it"

Nice solution goatroper. I suppose if you found a bunch of motorized idiots crossing into your wilderness area, you'd have a different perspective. What's the difference, in both cases the drivers are breaking the law and deserve whatever fines etc. they get.

I have seen an atv in the West Elk Wilderness. It came off of the Davenport Ranch, now owned by monied out of state people. When I confronted him (I was bowhunting, he was blackpowder hunting) he pointed his bp rifle in the general direction of my waist and asked what I wanted to do about it. I went to the Paonia District Ranger Station and those dipshit granola heads couldn't even find a map of 'their' district that had contours on it and they never followed up on it. If I had been armed with a side arm I may have shot the southern bastard when he pointed it at me.
Beanman, I have had that exact same thing happen to me on two different occasions. It is a dangerous situation....two guys armed and having a confrontation. These guys jumping to the defense of people breaking the law and acting this way are way off base. I bet they would sing a different tune if it were to happen to them.
Turn them in, write down license plate numbers, and turn it in to DOW, or Forest Service. I guess thats all you can do.
WON'T HAPPEND..I will never see a quad in the Jarbridge so be jealous.. it sucks I know but you don't have to be a dickweed
about it and wish bad things to guys how have their anger under control.. I carry a camera and am not afraid to use it...Do you think the outfitters at a trail head do nothing about a quad if they see it in the wilderness...they got a spine and balls..

With the BP rifle pointed at my spine and balls, from about ten feet, I was reluctant to get close enough to read the very small tag numbers on a Colorado ATV license. As you must have read I did turn them in and the USFS did nothing. The CPW has little to do with ATV use, or misued.

Most of the West Elk is remote enough that atv's wouldn't get there but some afternoons I'll hunt the borders after work.
Take a picture of ATV and take a pic of your GPS with coordinates. (With same backdrop if you cannot focus on plate and GPS at the same time).

It is not worth a gun battle, but I am more than happy to provide enough details and evidence to virtually FORCE the FS to act.(IE So they don't have an excuse)
goat roper sounds tough, but in the cases like this that I have been involved with, one snap of a camera picture would have resulted in gunfire! It is pretty easy to sit at your computer and tell the rest of us how we should have done it while starring down the barrel of a gun!
I'm with you ZBB, my encounter was about 16 years ago, before I had a GPS and a small digital camera with a large zoom. Those are standard for me now.

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