Gila moisture?


Very Active Member
I've heard that the moisture on the Gila is down this year and that this can have a significant effect on antler size. I'm not sure if this is a really big deal or not. I've not draw NM ever and with the new rules next year, I'm guessing this will likely be my last to apply. Odds are extremely low to draw (archery) in 16D anyway so I'm not sure if this should deter me from picking this unit or if I should just try for some of the units more north with more moisture. Since I normally hunt non-trophy class areas in CO, I think anything around 330-340 would be a great hunt. Over all for me personally, if I'm going to spend $800 on a tag, I'd only want to hunt units where you'd have a legit chance at a 340 class bull. So the question is do you think the low moisture is enough that I should be deterred from applying in the Gila? Thanks for your opinions!
there are lots of 400" bulls taken out of the gila every year. i wouldn't be deterred if you are after a 340". moisture or not i think its possible to find a good bull. you just might have to work harder. since it near impossible to draw those units i would put in and give it a shot. good luck man.
Thanks! That's what I thought but just wanted to hear it from someone else I guess. At least it's worth 1 of my choices!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-28-11 AT 09:16AM (MST)[p]>there are lots of 400" bulls
>taken out of the gila
>every year. i wouldn't
>be deterred if you are
>after a 340". moisture
>or not i think its
>possible to find a good
>bull. you just might
>have to work harder.
>since it near impossible to
>draw those units i would
>put in and give it
>a shot. good luck

Lots of 400" bulls are taken out of the Gila every year?????

The B&C & P&Y Record books STRONGLY suggests you are WAY off!

If that was even remotely true, there would be proof somewere... pictures or something!

The grass will still grow & so will the antlers.

"Windage & Elevation Pilgrim, Windage & Elevation"
Lack of water can also be your friend in the archery season if you can find a water hole back away from the roads getting hammered.
There are good 400 bulls in the Gila..I have seen them with my own eyes. Not alot are taken because they are darn smart. Those bulls are also the meanist bulls in the country.. local's tell of incidents of bulls charging hunters. Those big bull are in areas so steep if you don't have a guide that knows the country it is hard to get a shot. The country is so steep when guides spot those big boys and call. They have the hunter set up half way inbetween the bull and the caller. The guides know from where the bull is located which trail the bull is most likely to take comming to the call. If you can't walk those small trails the rest of the country is to steep even for the elk to walk. They put the client half way in between in a shooting lane off the trail. Then ambush the bull because those bulls are so skittish and spookie you are busted so easily, The bulls are focusing on the call and do not expect a shooter that far from the call. At least that is the way the top guides do it for archery and muzz.

Those bulls live in that country and know where the water is..If you get a chance and draw make the trip.. good genes, aaaaaantlers... there will be big bulls in the Gila..

Good luck drawing...that Gila would be a # 1 pick for me.

ok maybe Alot is stretching it a little. if my old cell phone hadn't taken a crap i would show you three taken out of there by one group of hunters a few years ago. littlest was 390. and not everyone scores and submits theirs. i know LOTS that don't submit scores.
hell Kimber, i'd love to see them pics...crappy cell versions or otherwise

Gambler rightfully points out the lack of recent Records Book entries...and yes, there are plenty of big bulls that are never entered, but it sure is hard to keep the kill of a legit 400 bull quiet, entered or not

you make it sound like the Gila proper is just crawling with top end bulls...which is just one hundred percent bull scheiss

like i said, show us them horns...ya think EVERYone around here is that frikken stupid??

and you, 'trophyhunter'..."smart and savvy" bulls that come charging into a call from a mile away?? bull 'charging' hunters??? give me a goddamned break!

NO UNIT ON EARTH kicks out 'lots of 400 bulls every year', unless that particular 'unit' happens to be enclosed by a high fence...and still, even then!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-29-11 AT 09:56AM (MST)[p]I have to agree with greatwestern...while there are some monster bulls in that area (anything over 360 is big in my book) 400" is a rarety. And while there are some 400" bulls running around on good years, when they get taken down, it's even more rarely a secret.

I also agree that such bulls do not come charging in. The one's I've chased might respond to calls by calling back, but it's been my experience that they will NOT leave their harem to come to the call. The bulls that come in are typically satellite bulls, which still might be plenty big for the OP.

So, while 400" bulls are actually rare in the Gila, 325" class bulls are very common (often satellites), with bulls pushing 350" often doing the actual tending of the cows during the peak of the rut, and anything better being a shooter for almost any trophy hunter.

Even those 350" class bulls will not just run away from their harem to answer challenges. Especially with a bunch of 6x6 satellite bulls hanging around nearby.
>there are lots of 400" bulls
>taken out of the gila
>every year. i wouldn't
>be deterred if you are
>after a 340". moisture
>or not i think its
>possible to find a good
>bull. you just might
>have to work harder.
>since it near impossible to
>draw those units i would
>put in and give it
>a shot. good luck

Are you referring to typical/non typical gross/net scores?? Not many 400" elk in the record books that are out of NM.
>hell Kimber, i'd love to see
>them pics...crappy cell versions or
>Gambler rightfully points out the lack
>of recent Records Book entries...and
>yes, there are plenty of
>big bulls that are never
>entered, but it sure is
>hard to keep the kill
>of a legit 400 bull
>quiet, entered or not
>you make it sound like the
>Gila proper is just crawling
>with top end bulls...which is
>just one hundred percent bull
>like i said, show us them
>horns...ya think EVERYone around here
>is that frikken stupid??
>and you, 'trophyhunter'..."smart and savvy" bulls
>that come charging into a
>call from a mile away??
>bull 'charging' hunters??? give me
>a goddamned break!
>NO UNIT ON EARTH kicks out
>'lots of 400 bulls every
>year', unless that particular 'unit'
>happens to be enclosed by
>a high fence...and still, even

greatwestern: OK I see I need to draw you a map. Never said I shot one but I did see them and they are there. Clearly you haven't hunted with the Guides in the area. So here's the spot because I am not able to go back... Zone 16A primitive weapons only...Reserve, New Mexico, hwy 12 about 10 miles from Reserve, NM going towards Cruzville west side of highway...You go do the scouting.. Since you were so nice I thought I would give you a break and a chance at a bull of a lifetime if you can get a tag. Oh yeh..would be best to find one of those stupid local top outfitters that do the ridiculous calls accross those 1000yd canyons or you will be wasting your time and money..Don't say I never gave you noth'n. If you make it here be sure to post your pic's and report on the game..If not then don't so quick to shoot from the hip...when you clearly have not been in that country.

Dear Christ Almighty...have yourself another round 'trophy' guy, and give us some more of these wonderful and tasty bits, eh? Would ya please? Just excellent stuff!

mmmkay...Cheerio now, Matey! :)
Hey Trophy... what are you?
1) 7 years old
2) Heroin addict
3) Just plain 'ol full of shite

16A is NOT primitive weapons only and your directions will get someone a big fat ticket for hunting in the wrong unit... you just put GW in unit 15 and the east side of Hwy 12 would be 16D, NOT 16A!

Get off the MM forumn & go back to the toys r us website to play around on.

Three bulls & the smallest was 390? Yea right! I bet you'll tell us next that you can walk on water too...

A friend of mine was a guide for USO in the glory days of the Gila. Although his photo albumn is full of monster bulls... Not even then did they see or much less kill 400 bulls.

Get real dude.

"Windage & Elevation Pilgrim, Windage & Elevation"
oh no Gambler, say it ain't so!!

I have the truck all packed and was gonna take off fer that Heeler country 1st thing tomorrow! Got my ultra-primitive Slingshot Atl Gun dialed in and my Maps all laid out and everything!

Now keep this here quiet, but them boyz sent a couple PMs tellin me that the Big Time Guides say that the real hotspot is ZONE 16F'er North along the AZ border, where there's a year yound Depredation Season to help all them poor Crappola farmers from gettin eaten outta house and home by them evil legions of MEAN 400 bulls that don't shed their horns till June!

Are you tellin me this was all jist a bunch o' 390 inch BULL???

Aaaaawww SHUCKS!! :)
All you guys are a joke!

There can be a 400 class bull in any western unit! The Gila has 400 class bulls and yes 1 or 2 might get killed every year but the people don't come on here to show there prize kills cuz of jacks that are on here that think they are Hunting Gods!

Last time I checked a trophy was in the eye of the shooter!

I've noticed this site is getting lame as hell for all the sword fighting going on about who can kill the biggest animal. Last time I checked this site was to be cool and interact with other people and not ##### on someone just cuz a picture doesn't do an animal justice!
Yeah! What Sin said...... !!!! ha..
It's the New Mexico thing !!! Hell,,, might even be some 500's out there.
hey tin i would never go that far as to say there is 500's!
None the less I guess anything is possible, But I guarantee we probably never see one of those in NM and I spend a hell of alot of time in the Gila!
Shoot, ya never know Sin...some dude on the wolf thread was moping about them big bad wolves making off with his 465 inch honker (guy musta put the tape on it before them dogs came alookin for some head cheese)

But as you said, ANYTHING is possible....'specially on the interwebz :)
Guys, hate to break it to you, but there are 400 " bulls in the Gila. Not running on every hill, but they are there. Along with other units in New Mexico. This state is not like Utah, or Colorado, where everyone hunts. I have seen plenty of trophy animals taken, no pictures, no circus when the person returns home. It is not like some states, where word circulates in ten minutes of a "trophy" taken, and everyone and their grandpa comes to see it. Not everyone is trying to get there entry in the B&C. New Mexico isn't like these other states, where "trophy" hunters come out and compete on who kills the biggest animal, and puff our chests out when we do. We do this for the sport! Not as a competition!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-05-11 AT 08:45PM (MST)[p]'we do it for the SPORT...not the COMPETITION'...ha! and the guy calls himself MOSSBACK

of course the Heeler can, does, and will continue to produce 400+ inch bulls...does it kick out 'lots of 400s every year'???

Hell no...NEVER has, NEVER will!

anyway CO Elkman, welcome to the Land of the Delusionally Enchanted Intertardz...but if you draw the tag, you should find much better antler quality than much of your homestate is capable of, with a very real opportunity at a solid mid 300's bull if you do it right and have good luck

And ya never know! Just might be that you meet up with one of them brutish soldiers outta that MEAN 400 inch Legion....just don't let 'im gore ya before ya shoot him, watch out for them damned rack stealin' Lobos, and fer god's sakes keep the kill quiet and DON'T enter the damn thing in any Books! :)

Seriously, Good Luck and I apologize for some of my fellow nuevo mexicanos on here

I've always enjoyed the great state of NM but never have hunted it and I realize it's a long stretch to draw a good tag. I do feel lucky to live in a state where I can always get tags and just enjoy the hunt and challenge. Thanks for the opinions as I did shoot for a Gila as a top choice and will now have to wait it out like everyone else as the CO apps are done tonight and the wait for UT, NM and CO is now on! Good luck to you all in the draws!
Never said they were kicked out every year, just stating they are there. And mossback is showing that I love animals in velvet, 50 cal was that I used to hunt with a muzzle loader. Plain and simple.

New Mexico Guides & Outfitters

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