Greatest Rock Band?

Man you guys are getting way out there... I cant believe that no one has mentioned th Alman Bros and especially The Marshall Tucker Band!!! Way Way Way better than the Eagles. Talkin about guitar pickers...Uhhhh Duane Alman....Uhhhh.....Dickie Betts!! C'mon man... At least we still have hunting in common!!!
Well Polar, as I look back on it I didn't know it but you were the one that made the comment:

"I've played guitar, bass and (sometimes) drums for 30+ years and with some pretty damn good bands. (Albeit many years ago) I have yet to run into a seasoned guitarist that would consider "the Edge" an innovator or a "god" at what he does. He happens to be an ok guitar player in a decent band, nothing super about him."

Was this a polka band you were in?

Anyways, that's why I came up with the analogy of the baseball player. Do you get it now? Do ya, do ya kid? The Edge is well known for his guitar many. That's one of the reasons U2 is in the rock HOF. (HOF= hall of fame, if you didn't know)

I think this should shed some light on my supposed incoherent statements. Or, do you still not understand?

No hard feelings, just passionate about good music.
Well, seems we've pretty well covered the spectrum here. Turns out our opinions on rock bands are about as diverse as our politics. Let's not forget:

Little Richard
Jerry Lee Lewis
Chuck Berry
The Supreams
Gun's & Roses
Black Sabbath
Bob Dylan
Brittney Spears

And my all time favorite: "The Clique" I played rhythm guitar until they fired me! Poop, I wasn't very good anyway!

AZtrophyhunter, I played in metal and blues bands. We did everything from Iron Maiden/Van halen to The Allman Bros/Stevie Ray Vaughan as well as being in a couple of original bands. I didnt state the whole band thing to start a "penis" measuring contest, only to establish that I had a background in music and have an opinion different than the average casual listener. I am aware of the whole Hall o fame thing, but take a look at some of the bands that have been inducted and those who havent and you will scratch your head. U-2 deserves to be there, it dosent mean that I have to like their stuff. I didnt call anyone out by stating that they were "clueless" because they didnt agree with my personal musical tastes. That would be wrong. Everyone is entitled to enjoy whatever music floats their boat. I couldnt care less.


Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

Led Zepplin, of course, is the best, considering the combination of talent, ground breaking music, and influence on the modern state of rock music.

Not mentioned yet;
Roxi Music
Jimi Hendrix

Speaking of Roxi, have any of you ever herd of;

801 (live) or Brian Enos ?

How about;
The Jim Carroll band ?
Personally, I think longevity means something. For that reason I'd have to go with the Stones even though I prefer The Who. I will admit, though, that Zeppelin certainly deserves consideration despite the fact that I'm not a big fan of their music.
i said it before and i will say it again none of these bands can touch Guns and Roses or Motley Crew

Just Living The Dream
U2 is the Greatest band of my generation hands down. It's music for the educated hunter.

" Metallica. Bar none. If they can rock with the San Francisco symphony orchestra, they can rock with the whole world baby!!!

You can't top that!!

Still a country man at heart. Chris LeDoux may he rest in peace."

X1000000!!!! Couldn't have said it better myself.
I like all kinds of music except jazz, classical, operah, and some rap... But remember guys this is ROCK, no Jennings, no Nelson, no Cash... ya they do rock, but they aren't rock!

"What I could do, I was doing, and that was simply putting my butt on the line for my country, the country that I loved, so that all the protestors and the academics and the liberal intelligentsia back home could enjoy the right to protest against people like me, the hated middleclass." --Gary R. Smith, US Special Forces
Geez.........there's a lot of kids on this website.
This is it, right here.

Best rock: Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band.
Best Guitar: Eric Clapton....even though he says he can't sit in Mark Knopfler's shadow.

What the hell, 90% of you kids never even heard of these guys....they produced real music.

"I wouldn't have a U2 CD up my ass, if I had room for a sawmill!!"
So the radio in my truck doesn't work, and I'm looking at a 12 hour drive to a mule deer hunt next week. No rock and roll, pretty boring, right ?
Somebody gave me am ?I-pod?, so I guess it's time to figure it out.
I manage to load some CDs, basically the first 4 Led Zeppelin LPs, Bowie/Ziggy Stardust, The band, some Doors, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Hotel Calif., Nugent, Traffic and Yes.
Then I go shopping at I tunes, and got the following;

Rolling Stones - Sympathy for the Devil & Street Fighting Man
Humble Pie ? 30 Days in the Hole
The Who ? Magic Bus (Live at Leeds)
Jefferson Airplane ? White rabbit
Dylan ? Knocking on Heavens door
Annie Lennox ? Would I Lie to You
Lou Reed ? Intro/Sweet Jane (Rock & roll Animal)

No point to this post except this mix ROCKS !
You kids with your U-2 and Gun & Roses don't know what you missed. ALL the best rock was written 30+ years ago.

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