Grizzly problems


Long Time Member
Bear attack in the park. The guy had been somewhat consumed and buried.

This story is where a bear ran out and hit a motorcycle on the Chief joseph highway.

Then Game and fish is searching for a Grizzly bear just few miles north of cody. These stories can be found on plenty of sites I just picked something quick so you guys could see the stories.

It is fairly obvious by now that grizzly bear numbers are way up. I have seen 7 just along the Chief Joseph Highway this summer. A couple almost became hood ornaments. The Game and Fish moved a couple of problem bears a week or so ago. The dumping sites are always the same. One bad bear was dropped off on Mormon Creek (North Fork) and the other was dumped in the Upper Sunlight area near Sulphur Creek. I believe that both of the bears were from the area around Pinedale. There has got to be a better way to handle this.

A couple of years ago, people started talking about delisting the grizzly bear in the Greater Yellowstone area. I even heard a few claim it would be a slam dunk. That has really quieted down, as more folks realize it will be a battle to accomplish this task. After the Washington D.C. court case with the Wyoming wolf, there is no doubt in my mind that the delisting battle will be finally determined back in the same D.C. District Court. I can only guess what the outcome will be. I do wish that the recovery zone could be enlarged while the battle is raging on over delisting. I believe that more people will be killed or mauled before anything significant happens.

Had a really big boar run right in front of the truck and across the road by Quake Lake, just a month ago. One mile from the campground, and those people never even imagine there's one that close. Keep an eye open fellas.

The bear that got released at Mormon creek was a problem from Montana if I heard right. Also the game and fish is slacking. They are releasing bears with out informing people in the area or putting up signs.

Last time they did this didn't they not inform people and that guy got ate up at Kitty creek????

You and I both know living in this area the numbers are out of control. Im not saying go and kill every bear but proper management needs to take place.

I have been charged one to many times and have lost a partial elk. Back in 2001 my dad shot a moose back in eagle creek. The moose was 56 inches wide and he got it with his bow. We had to ride the 10 miles out that night to go get more pack horses. When we came back in the morning we counted 13 bears surrounding that moose. The moose was buried completing and while a few of us worked on the moose others had to watch bears and stand our ground.

I feel like with the wolves the bears have it made. Since the wolves kill to kill they leave whole elk or most behind in some cases. That's a free lunch for the bears. From November to April when the bears are hibernating I see so many bears then getting that free wolf killed elk for lunch.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-13-15 AT 11:00AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Aug-13-15 AT 10:58?AM (MST)

I'm not a motorcycle rider but I can't believe that guy in the 2nd story that nfh linked was able to keep the bike up.

And I think I heard on the radio this morning that the autopsy on the guy in the first story did show he was killed by the bear and there were no signs of other health problems like a heart attack.

The bears and wolves are pretty bad on livestock this year too.
The thing that ticks me off about the 1st story is that the people/lib tards/left wing think the life of the bear is more important than the life of the human. They are mad that the park is thinking of killing the problem bear. And shame on the human for venturing into the back country. REALLY??? These people are nuts!
>The thing that ticks me off
>about the 1st story is
>that the people/lib tards/left wing
>think the life of the
>bear is more important than
>the life of the human.
> They are mad that
>the park is thinking of
>killing the problem bear.
>And shame on the human
>for venturing into the back
>country. REALLY??? These
>people are nuts!

The fact that the bear buried the guy after getting a small snack means that bear had an intention of coming back for another snack. It deserves to be put down. They got plenty of other bears around..

The bear that is hanging out north of cody game and fish said the bear has a history of being a problem bear.

The Joint Travel, Recreation, Wildlife and Cultural Resources (TRW) Committee met in Kemmerer, WY on Tuesday, August 11th. One of the topics discussed was wolf management.

An update was given by a Senior staffer from US Senator Enzi's office, Mike Jimenez- USFWS, Rod Merrell USDA Wildlife Services, State Representative Sommers - Upper Green Grazing Association and WY G&F Director Scott Talbot.

While the discussion was primarily focused on wolves, there was some discussion related to grizzly bears. When the public had an opportunity to speak, I asked them to keep pushing for removal of unwarranted federal protections of grizzly bears as well.

There was discussion about the Congressional efforts and H.R. 884. This bill will reinstate wolf management plans approved and implemented in The Western Great Lakes and Wyoming. It also makes the plans protected from Judicial review, similar to what happened for Idaho and Montana.

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