Grouse in 67


Very Active Member
Heading to unit 67 for a 3rd season deer hunt. My buddy is going to tag along and hoping to do a little browse hunting. Any areas of the unit he should concentrate on or will he be waisting his time.
I don't know much about 67, but I have seen more grouse this year than the last three years combined. Not sure what that's all about. I also have never thought of them as critters that will consistently be in the same spot year after year, but definitely could be wrong on that.

My take on grouse is if you walk through the timber long enough, you're bound to have one scare the sh!t out of you and then you can shoot a few of his friends that are still in the grass.
Always be ready for grouse but by mid november they gonna be at the top of the ungulate summer range. reverse migration, like hunthayden said. They are spooky this year around where I hunt, too much road activity from OTC Bow. Had 3 or 4 grouse straight up outrun me before I even had the gun out the truck bed. bobbin and weavin.
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Thanks for the info. He will at least get exercise. Hopefully helping with a drag. I’ll make sure I tell him they are all over the place. Don’t want him to back out?
I was helping someone on a muzzy bull tag in 67 this year. We were hunting anywhere from tree line to about 700 feet below. I saw more grouse than I've ever seen in any unit this year. Look for edges like where clearcuts meet timber, willows converge with different habitat, etc.
I was helping someone on a muzzy bull tag in 67 this year. We were hunting anywhere from tree line to about 700 feet below. I saw more grouse than I've ever seen in any unit this year. Look for edges like where clearcuts meet timber, willows converge with different habitat, etc.
Ya, but did they kill an elk??

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