GUN BAN - Buffalo Wild Wings


Long Time Member
Just had my office partner show me a post from face book. Not sure what state or location, but it showed a Buffalo Wild Wings store with a sign banning guns from their establishment/location.

You may all want to research your area and make a personal decision on your own, but I know I won't be a patron of Buffalo Wild Wings if this is true!!!

Just a heads up!!! I realize not everything on the internet is fact, but I would expect them to make a counter/disclaimer if this is not their stand/policy.
I can not speek for all areas but I believe the Buffalo Wild Wings near me serves beer. By Texas State law it is illegal to bring a weapon into a establishments that serve alchohol. Most of these locations will have a sticker on their door when you enter informing you to be compliant. I do not know if this is the same in other states.
If I owned a business, it should be my right to decide whether or not folks would be allowed to carry a weapon into it. I personally wouldn't want the liability risk. Someone drops their pistol on the ground and it goes off and kills someone, plan on getting sued along with the guy who dropped it. But hey, so what that you just lost yer livelihood because some knucklehead was stupid with his firearm. There's more to think about with some of these issues than just, he doesn't support 2nd amendment rights...
I would welcome gun owners in my business. In one state that I know of (WI), if you have a "no concealed firearm allowed" disclaimer, and somebody gets hurt because they can't defend themselves...the business owner is liable.
>If I owned a business, it
>should be my right to
>decide whether or not folks
>would be allowed to carry
>a weapon into it.
>I personally wouldn't want the
>liability risk. Someone drops
>their pistol on the ground
>and it goes off and
>kills someone, plan on getting
>sued along with the guy
>who dropped it. But
>hey, so what that you
>just lost yer livelihood because
>some knucklehead was stupid with
>his firearm. There's more
>to think about with some
>of these issues than just,
>he doesn't support 2nd amendment

All fine and dandy until evil doesn't care who gets killed. I should have a right to defend myself while I am purchasing items from you.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-22-13 AT 05:18PM (MST)[p]I can't remember hearing about a gun being dropped and killing someone. I have heard that a million times but have not seen any proof it has happened. Maybe Triple_BB can shed some light on it.

I can't remember either, but as someone who used to be involved in handling a lot of litigation, I know what liberal juries will do. And if its my business operation, its my choice, plain and simple. If you want to shop somewhere else, that's your choice...
This would be a tough one for me. I have a relative that is very close to me who manages a Buffalo Wild Wings. I know he supports gun rights. I also know that BWW is run in a very fiscally responsible way (eg. they have NO DEBT). It is headed by a group of women. I know a lot about them, but haven't heard this yet. I guess I will try and find out more before throwin my hat in.

On principal, boycotting a place without them knowing they are being boycotted, or why, doesnt seem to have any merit IMO.

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Saw a story on this in December for Pennsylvania. Good thing is, the businesses in Utah can put up their signs, but that doesn't keep permit holders from carrying. You just have to make sure it's concealed well enough so it's not seen by anyone. If it is and they ask you to leave, you best leave or be arrested for trespassing. You can carry concealed in Utah in any restaurant or bar serving alcohol as long as you don't partake of any. I wouldn't pay any attention to those establishments. I will still carry concealed. Right after the Colorado theater shooting the Gateway Mall movie theater put up a sign on the front door saying no guns allowed.
That is not going to stop a criminal, so I will carry there as well.
Tristate, in Texas an establishment only has to post the sign banning concealed firearms IF they get 51+% of their income from alcohol. Most eating establishments don't qualify. I would bet that if BWW really does have a sign up it is a political statement. As a CHL holder I do not patronize establishments that don't allow my firearm.
>If I owned a business, it
>should be my right to
>decide whether or not folks
>would be allowed to carry
>a weapon into it.
>I personally wouldn't want the
>liability risk. Someone drops
>their pistol on the ground
>and it goes off and
>kills someone, plan on getting
>sued along with the guy
>who dropped it. But
>hey, so what that you
>just lost yer livelihood because
>some knucklehead was stupid with
>his firearm. There's more
>to think about with some
>of these issues than just,
>he doesn't support 2nd amendment

So if a waitress working at this same place closes for the night, walks through a dark parking lot to her car, and gets raped at knife point would they also get sued for not posting a sign at the parking lot reading...NO KNIFES, NO NON CONSENSUAL SHAGGING OF EMPLOYEES IN PARKING LOT?? They gonna make a sign for every possible contingency?

So somebody brings a gun in, it falls, goes off, and whacks another patron in the head. Now they all the sudden have zero culpability vs. full without this sign?

I got a news flash for you. This has way more to do with public pandering than it does liability.

You're correct in that an individual business owner does have and should have the right. Same right for me to not be a consumer there. But for the love of Pete Gladys, you can probably get killed walking your tea cup poodle to the groomers easier than someone dropping their gun and it going off.

Here is an example of a dropped firearm that killed someone. Though it wasn't in a place currently doing business, it can happen.

It is a very rarely occurs and to me shouldn't be a worry for most business owners. The gun in this situation was not physically attached to someone, like it is in most concealed carry situations. Business owners should be more worried about patrons being hurt by slippery floors or falling objects. I very rarely go into places that do not allow firearms. If I can't protect myself, who will? The police that are 5 minutes away?
>I would welcome gun owners in
>my business. In one state
>that I know of (WI),
>if you have a "no
>concealed firearm allowed" disclaimer, and
>somebody gets hurt because they
>can't defend themselves...the business owner
>is liable.


If a business restricts my right to defend myself then that business had better take significant strides to protect me while I am at their facility.
In MN you can post a sign like that, but if they want you to leave they can not ask you to leave. They have to have a cop come and escort you off the property. At this point it is up to the cop as to if he would like to give you the special $10 fine for this type of trespassing. You are still not able to carry at a Hospital, school, or federal place.
MI has similar restrictions on where you can carry:

"Schools or school property but may carry while in a vehicle on school property while dropping off or picking up if a parent or legal guardian

Public or private day care center, public or private child caring agency, or public or private child placing agency.

Sports arena or stadium

A tavern where the primary source of income is the sale of alcoholic liquor by the glass consumed on the premises

Any property or facility owned or operated by a church, synagogue, mosque, temple, or other place of worship, unless the presiding official or officials allow concealed weapons

An entertainment facility that the individual knows or should know has a seating capacity of 2,500 or more

A hospital

A dormitory or classroom of a community college, college, or university

A Casino"

In MI, you better not have ANY alcohol in your system if your carrying CCW...
I have no problem with a business that serves alcohol from banning guns in the establishment. That being said I don't particualrly like Buffalo Wild Wings food so I don't patronize them anyway.
While I hate it, it is private property. If you don't like it don't eat there or don't work there.

You shouldn't be able to tell me what to do with my private property. Same with smoking bans. It is none of your business who smokes or who can or can't carry a gun on someone's PRIVATE PROPERTY.
It's not the fact that they will not let you have guns in the establishment. It's the fact that they are anti-gun and anti second amendment.

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