Hanoi Jane honored


Long Time Member
I just read where Hanoi Jane Fonda is being honored as "100 women of the century".
I am betting that Ret. Col. Larry Carrigan would have something to say about her being honored. He was a P.O.W. in the Hanoi Hilton when Fonda paid a visit as a "Visiting American Peace Activist" in 1968. Carrigan and three other P.O.W.'s were made to clean up and meet with Fonda and were told to tell her that they were receiving "Humane treatment". The four P.O.W.'s decided to slip her small pieces of paper with their Social security numbers on it to let everyone know that they had been captured and were in the prison. Carrigan was listed as M.I.A. for the first three years of his 6 year internment in Hanoi.
With the cameras rolling, Fonda walked down the line and shook hands with the P.O.W.s while making comments like "aren't you sorry that you bomb babies", and "Are you grateful for the humane treatment from your benevolent captors".
The P.O.W.s believing that this was an "act" on her part, went ahead and passed her the pieces of paper while shaking her hand. She took them without missing a beat while going down the line. After the cameras were stopped, she turned to the NVA officer in charge and gave the papers to him in front of the P.O.W.s. As a result, the four P.O.W.s were severly beaten and three of them died from the beatings. Colonel Carrigan almost died himself, but did survive and told about her actions that day after he was returned at the end of the war.
I will say it again, Jane Fonda should be prosecuted for treason and lined up in front of a firing squad for her actions. This B##ch has blood on her hands for murder.
Anyone who would honor her, should be given a one way ticket out of this country and told not to return.
This article appeared in a local paper in my area.

I don't know the whole history behind "Hanoi Jane" but
I cannot believe anyone in their right mind would "honor"
her. But then again, with all the screwed up liberal policies
in our country, nothing surprises me anymore.

Its an amazing coincident that just before her idiotic movie
came out, she does these "tell all interviews" with the media.

I rank her right up their with Ted Kennedy, Clinton (both), O'Donnel, ........ the list goes on and on.

I look forward to the day may consertives influence the media and not the liberals.
correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't she apologize and say it was a mistake....?...if so why can't some one be forgiven, have you not done something in your youth that you would be ashamed of if it got out into the public...?...
If we follow your logic Manny, I guess we will have to start forgiving all persons who have committed treason, murder. As for her apologizing for her actions, it is about as sincere as a snowball in hades.
In my youth I did not turn against my country, I served from 1965-1968, and I did not cause the death of American soldiers by committing treason against my country.
Maybe you can forgive her and all other persons like her, but I can not and will not and there is alot of other vets who feel the same.
I Guess I'm too young to remember all the facts of the incident...my bad....?...

I can understand where you are coming from if you are too young to have experienced what Hanoi Jane did, just about every vet who served during 1965-1972 hate her guts for what she did.
I guess the best way for you to put this in the proper context whould be this. How whould you feel if she did this today to our troops serving in Iraq and she caused the death of several American Marines who had been captured by insurgents in Iraq while spouting off about how the American troops are nothing but baby killers. I think you also would be calling for her to be treated as an enemy of this country and be tried for treason. It is one thing to voice your opinion about what this country is fighting for, and if you are for or aganst it, and it is treason to aid the enemy as she did and to cause the death of American P.O.W.s. The only thing that saved her butt was that she was the daughter of a famous actor and other liberals, like John Kerry, who supported her actions.

LAST EDITED ON May-30-05 AT 11:56PM (MST)[p]RELH'

sorry to get your dander up and all, but I never heard about all the stuff you explained happened, and that her actions actually caused death's but I do remember hearing that she went there in protest to the war...that was it...

P.S...I'm some what sick to my stomach...treason is treason...

Another thing she did was to collect a bunch of medical supplys from anti-war students at U.C. Berkley and deliver them to the N.V.A. and Viet Cong. There was another air force officer, can not recall the name now, that was also made to meet with her during her visit to the prison, he did not like her comments about being baby killers and spit in her face, he also was nearly beaten to death by his N.V.A. captors.
This bi##h went far beyond just protesting the war, she aidded the enemy and turned in those four officers that were beaten and three of them died because she turned them in for passing her their social security numbers.
May the day come that we can piss on her grave.

Woe'' too friggen much!...I've heard of demon possessed people, but to have caused the deaths of your own people...that's cold hearted, a little red demon was on her shoulder, no wonder she disappeared from media for such a long time, hoping every one would forget her acts of treason...wow...I'm speechless...
Been a member of the Armed Forces for over twenty years, joined in 82, first heard of her injustices when I was gone for Desert Storm, got back from Kuwait last year after spending a year there, ,, ,,,,, still can't stand the ##### for what she did to the generation before me and will never watch a movie, show or commercial with her in it!!!!!!!!!!!!
That liberal C#NT can rot in Hell!!

Same here, her image or movies are not allowed in my home. I have a better idea for her. She and John Kerry should hold hands and skip down the primrose path right over the cliff edge together.

This is one retired AF officer who will never forget, and never forgive, Hanoi Jane. Her actions went far beyond legitimate protest and crossed the line into treason. She's a traitor and deserves to burn in hell. I just hope one day she gets to endure the same treatment she caused on American war heroes.
Avery, Lt Col, USAF, Retired
Manny you have to understand persons like Jane Fonda, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy and a few others, do not think like you or I. They are able to live with themselfs because they feel that they are superior to other humans and that we should follow their advice to enlightenment.
They do not have any morals as you and I know about, they believe their path is the only right one and anyone that does not follow their path are morons that need to be led around by a lease. In short they do not give a damn about other humans, only themselfs.

RELH said it best:" Jane Fonda, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy and a few others, do not think like you or I".

These people have never had a "real" job and have let fame
and fortune convince themselves that the common man is uneducated and out of touch with their so called reality.

It scares me to think that someone like Hillary could actually be nominated to become the next president.

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