Has Anyone Seen the Hyde Park Buck?


Long Time Member
I am just curious if anyone has seen him lately. He's probably off doing his mule deer thing. I have no reason to believe anything good has happened to him and I sure wouldn't want anyone spending any resources looking for him. I'm just wondering. There are people who enjoy seeing him is all.

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
I have not seen him lately. I did a good bit of traveling over the holidays and I hoped I would run into him but it didn't happen. I will gladly post as soon as I do spot him or have any information regarding him.
The DWR is seeing him as we speak. He ain't breathing.


Theres logic, and theres women. They don't go together.
Hit by a car or otherwise?
How do you know of this Larry? What do you know?
What I know is little, but what I've heard is shooter claimed it was shot during rifle season.


Theres logic, and theres women. They don't go together.
Now it time for some-one to come forward with pictures of him AFTER the season had closed.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Thats gonna be the tough part. I have at least 2 friends that saw him in Nov. But neither took pics. Question is, does the shooter have dead pics dated in Oct, and are there friends that varify seeing it dead in Oct? If I kill this buck during the hunt, all of my friends and family would have seen it within a week.


Theres logic, and theres women. They don't go together.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-03-14 AT 04:48PM (MST)[p]I see the pig has already oinked a smartazz comment! What a shame that it appears another giant has been poached in that area! If nobody has November pictures of the buck, it may come down to their testimony if it goes to court. A buck that size and that popular to viewers should have been in the news all over the community in a day or two if it was taken legally during an open season.

So now deer hunters have to have witnesses or dated pics to prove deer are killed legally???????? That doesn't seem ridiculous? I could understand if there was even one single person that witnessed it as an illegal killing but all that the authorities have to go on is a few people saying they saw the deer after the season. There isn't a DA anywhere that would take that to trial. Man I looked through every trophy picture I have of me with a dead animal and not a single one of them are dated. I guarantee my buddies couldn't tell a game warden the date in which they first saw a trophy that I killed and I couldn't do the same for them. Not because we are poachers but because we are not used to living in a world where anyone who kills a fantastic trophy must prove his innocence.


I gave no smartass answer. Everything within my post was one hundred percent truth. If I ever have any information about the whereabouts of this buck I will post it right here on these forums.
The pig has oinked again and is full of #####, as always. Just like I don'tt tell him how to do taxidermy, he shouldn't be telling me after 30 years in LE what can and can't be prosecuted as a crime, LOL! It won't take a dated picture if people are willing to testify in a court of law that the deer was alive after all seasons closed. For the pig to insinuate that he was in the area looking for the deer, which is exactly what his smartazz post meant, is just another case of mocking those of us that are, and should be, interested in this situation.
>I hope this picture doesn't muddy
>the water any but I
>got it from a source
>close to the investigation.

***Posting that with your comment is just as bad as the pig mocking what sounds like another poaching incident. This thread is not a joking matter!!! That buck in your post was a penned animal that was drugged in the pen he was raised in, the velvet stripped from it's antlers, and then a guy came in and shot him with the claim being made by the outfitter that it's the pending world record!!! The sport of hunting is really going down the tubes with crapolla all being done for big money. The bigger problem is that there are shmucks out there willing to pay whatever it takes to get their name in the "BOOK"---sad, very very sad!!!
>I hope this picture doesn't muddy
>the water any but I
>got it from a source
>close to the investigation.

That's clearly him F'er! Unfortunately I don't see a date in that pic. Can he still be entered in SCI?
Lighten up Top, I'm on your side. Ever visit the Campfire?
Serious info from a reliable source (or so I think) says someone will hang soon. I would bet they will get the guy.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-03-14 AT 05:27PM (MST)[p]>Lighten up Top, I'm on your
>side. Ever visit the Campfire?
>Serious info from a reliable source
>(or so I think) says
>someone will hang soon. I
>would bet they will get
>the guy.

***I understood the post and glad to know where you stand, but IMHO the Campfire Forum is where the post should be and not out on this Forum where it should all be serious posts on something like this. That's exactly why I put the post up regarding what the pig oinked and then he oinked again with more BS!!! I hope you're right as far as a bust being made and the SOB that did it should get the book thrown at him. This stuff has to stop and it's obviously rampant when people are even shooting popular animals like this one and others that are being watched by so many hunters and nonhunters alike! It will take a confession or people willing to testify in court that the buck was alive after the season closed. A photo can be photoshopped and would not be allowed in court without additional testimony by the person who took it to pinpoint the date and testify to it under oath.

Edit: Got your PMs Feleno and thanks much for deleting the post/picture!
Tristate, I didn't say he had to, but if you think a dwr officer invvestigating this case won't ask him if he has any pics, you are as dumb as most here think you are. Cops investigating crimes, ask suspects if they have alibies all the time. Same thing. We're not talking bucks killed years ago like you mentioned. We're talking weeks. And digital photos have internal info regarding date, camera, etc.


Theres logic, and theres women. They don't go together.
>Tristate, I didn't say he had
>to, but if you
>think a dwr officer invvestigating
>this case won't ask him
>if he has any pics,
>you are as dumb as
>most here think you are.
> Cops investigating crimes, ask
>suspects if they have alibies
>all the time. Same
>thing. We're not talking
>bucks killed years ago like
>you mentioned. We're talking
>weeks. And digital photos
>have internal info regarding date,
>camera, etc.


***Exactly as you stated Yellum, and I hope the pig has oinked his last oink on this thread, LOL!
Yelem, thanks for adding the info about the embedded information in photos. Some people just don't have a clue about some of this stuff because of their lack of knowledge with the new technology. For anyone that doesn't know, that info can show date and time, camera, camera settings, gps location, and some other stuff as well. Just because it doesn't have the date stamp in the photo itself doesn't mean the info isn't there. My guess is Tristate doesn't know this or he wouldn't have spewed crap about asking for photos. Any officer would ask for a picture knowing this especially in hopes that the person they are investigating might not know this.
The word I am hearing is the buck ended up in Deweyville (about 20 miles west of Hyde Park). DWR thinks it was shot in the field next to Hyde Park Stake Center.


My friends couldn't tell you if the buck I killed this year was killed in November or October. As for what questions the game wardens ask him I am sure they asked their suspect what pics he had. They are going to ask whatever they can to keep the dude talking but if you think they could convict a guy with nothing but a few people claiming to have seen a deer after season ended you are kidding yourself. Don't buy the bull Flopgun is spewing because he doesn't know near as much as he claims to. He thinks he was some kind of g-man but he wasn't. The reality of the matter is if the suspect is talking to the DWR he will probably dig his own hole. If he got a lawyer immediately and didn't talk there is a damn good chance he will skate away. It doesn't matter how many people claim to have seen the buck after the season ended.

Tomorrow I will share an interesting pic with you when I get back to the office.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-04-14 AT 06:47AM (MST)[p]Oink Oink! I wonder how many cases the taxidermist has prosecuted with all the BS he keeps spouting, LOL! He keeps spouting like he knows me and I'll bet the house he hasn't prosecuted one, while I had well over 100 during my career and never lost a case. FYI Mr. Piggly Wiggly, a young kid in Wyoming put a picture of the head of a big NT mulie buck up on the internet well afer the open season in the unit where people had been watching it. They contacted the local G&F Warden and when he was interviewed he claimed the deer was killed in a late November season 25-30 miles north of there. While awaiting adjudication the d***a** went out with two other people and killed a couple other big bucks out of season in the county south of where he was nailed on the first one. He was taken in on multiple felony charges as an habitual offender and at 20 years old is doing 7 years in prison, lost his hunting priviledges in 40 states for life and voting rights, all based on people coming forward and testifying against him as to when and where the deer were taken. It all started with a simple picture he posted trying to show how he was such a big hunter. The same thing is probably going to happen to the guy they are now looking at on the Hyde Park buck, but he probably won't face felony charges.
The whole thing is a bad deal. Here is what I saw of him on Oct 17 right in the middle of Hyde Park as happy as could be.
but if you
>think they could convict a
>guy with nothing but a
>few people claiming to have
>seen a deer after season
>ended you are kidding yourself.

Excuse me if I disagree with a mouthy, know-it-all taxidermist from Texas, but if I have multiple witnesses willing to come in and testify under oath that they saw this specific buck after the season ended, I will take this to trial with confidence of a conviction any day of the week. Lawyer up all you want, it's only going to cost you more money paying his/her retainer fee.

But I only do this for a living. So what do I know? I'm sure Tristate will tell me I know nothing.
>but if you
>>think they could convict a
>>guy with nothing but a
>>few people claiming to have
>>seen a deer after season
>>ended you are kidding yourself.
>Excuse me if I disagree with
>a mouthy, know-it-all taxidermist from
>Texas, but if I have
>multiple witnesses willing to come
>in and testify under oath
>that they saw this specific
>buck after the season ended,
>I will take this to
>trial with confidence of a
>conviction any day of the
>week. Lawyer up all you
>want, it's only going to
>cost you more money paying
>his/her retainer fee.
>But I only do this for
>a living. So what do
>I know? I'm sure
>Tristate will tell me I
>know nothing.

***If he was smart, he wouldn't have posted anything in this thread like he has in the first place. He's way over his head as usual and just keeps right on, LOL! Now we can await another smart post with an "interesting" picture according to his last retort.

You want to tell me that you think you can get a conviction on a person for poaching a deer with nothing more than a few statements by people saying they saw the deer alive after a season closed. No statement from the accused, no photo evidence, no scientific evidence, not even a witness to the killing, just a few people that think they saw a deer. I think you are %100 full of it. In fact if you can show me a court record of one single time ever that a person has been convicted of poaching by a jury with NOTHING BUT A FEW "WITNESSES" I would be floored. I bet you can't.


why don't you tell everyone here what your exact job was and quit beating around the bush. By the way your silly story of the kid going to jail has absolutely nothing similar to the case in which we are speaking of now. If you want to describe an orange, don't talk about an eggplant.

For the record I think more than likely this guy is going to get some kind of conviction. First, I think he has already started telling stories to authorities without representation. That is the number one thing that gets people convicted. Its not because LEO's are so smart. Its because the vast majority of criminals are so dumb.

Yall seem to think that I am rooting for this guy and I am not. The only problem I had was Yelum stating this guy needed to have dated pictures and witnesses or he was going down. That ain't justice fellas. One thing I have learned about people is the fact that just as often as a man would poach an animal and lie about that, A BUNCH OF ZEALOUTS WITH AN EMOTIONAL ATTACHMENT TO SOMETHING WILL LIE IN ORDER TO RECIEVE WHAT THEY DEEM AS JUSTICE.

Now I promised yall a picture today.


Now answer some questions.
1. When was this picture taken?
2. Is this deer dead?
3. Where was this picture taken?
4. Can a witness be provided that saw this deer when the picture was taken?
5. Now if none of these questions can be answered and one person stands up and claims he is a witness to this deer being a poached deer, NOTHING MORE, Does that mean the individual within the picture can be convicted of poaching?

Now lets see who wants to quit trash talking and actually answer those questions.
Tristate, about now, I'm jealous of your brother, cause he hasn't heard from you in a month.


Theres logic, and theres women. They don't go together.
Actually Yelum I saw him December 24th-30th.

Let me ask you something Yelum. Why does my stance on justice in this case anger you? Logically it shouldn't.
>You want to tell me that
>you think you can get
>a conviction on a person
>for poaching a deer with
>nothing more than a few
>statements by people saying they
>saw the deer alive after
>a season closed. No
>statement from the accused, no
>photo evidence, no scientific evidence,
>not even a witness to
>the killing, just a few
>people that think they saw
>a deer. I think
>you are %100 full of

You can say I'm full of it all you want. Your opinion of this is worth to me exactly what I paid to receive it. People are convicted by juries on testimony of witnesses alone in the absence of the other stuff you stated all the time. You watch too much CSI and Law and Order and think that is the real world. Cases aren't solved in 45 minutes and in the vast majority of criminal cases there is no smoking gun. And I'm not guaranteeing a conviction. There is no such thing as a sure thing in my world. But if I have multiple witnesses that can testify under oath under the penalty of perjury that they saw THIS deer after the season closed, that's a strong case. I would be very confident in the outcome on that. You know nothing about this deer other than what you see on MM. Which means you know very little about this deer. Those up in Cache County know what I mean, you won't. THIS case would be strong with that testimony.

>Now answer some questions.
>1. When was this picture
>2. Is this deer dead?
>3. Where was this picture
>4. Can a witness be
>provided that saw this deer
>when the picture was
>5. Now if none of
>these questions can be answered
>and one person stands up
>and claims he is a
>witness to this deer being
>a poached deer, NOTHING MORE,
>Does that mean the individual
>within the picture can be
>convicted of poaching?
>Now lets see who wants to
>quit trash talking and actually
>answer those questions.

1. I don't know.
2. Looks to be, but with your support of high fence hunting and farmed game, it may just be tranquillized and in route to a 'ranch' to be 'hunted.'
3. No clue.
4. Not sure. Could easily have been a self taken photo here.
5. Possibly. That would depend on an awful lot of factors that I'm not privy to here.

Any other worthless questions you've got that you think are novel?
What I don't get is why can't whoever killed this buck have his day to tell his side of the story BEFORE getting lynched? Am I defending this guy, NO. Am I saying he's guilty, NO. I've heard some pretty compelling stories that it was a legal kill and I've heard plenty of stories saying it wasn't. Lets let the fish cops do their job of investigating and go from there! Too much to ask?

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
"People are convicted by juries on testimony of witnesses alone in the absence of the other stuff you stated all the time."

Not by sole testimony from "witnesses" who never saw a crime.

" You watch too much CSI and Law and Order and think that is the real world."

I don't watch CSI at all and I have a seen law and order a couple of times. But I do know and deal with a crap load of lawyers and I don't know a single one that would consider your "witnesses" as a "strong case".

"Cases aren't solved in 45 minutes and in the vast majority of criminal cases there is no smoking gun."

Funny, you think that a handful of after the fact witnesses solve this case and that's a lot less than 45 minutes.

" You know nothing about this deer other than what you see on MM. Which means you know very little about this deer. Those up in Cache County know what I mean, you won't. THIS case would be strong with that testimony."

I know justice and it doesn't change from one individual deer to another and it isn't supposed to change by county.

"1. I don't know.
2. Looks to be, but with your support of high fence hunting and farmed game, it may just be tranquillized and in route to a 'ranch' to be 'hunted.'
3. No clue.
4. Not sure. Could easily have been a self taken photo here.
5. Possibly. That would depend on an awful lot of factors that I'm not privy to here.

Any other worthless questions you've got that you think are novel?"

Actually you just proved a point to all these other people. If you want to lynch somebody on here a photo won't even save you. CASE CLOSED SUCKA!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-04-14 AT 12:09PM (MST)[p]Did I hear a pig grunt or was it just a little oink?!!! So why not say what the "compelling stories" are Sir? What more needs to be said if people swear they saw the buck after all seasons were closed. If somebody killed that monster buck legally, wouldn't it be common knowledge all over the area near where it lived it's whole life. It appears that maybe the guy has some friends that don't realize the buck was being constantly watched and are ready to perjure themselves since a member has stated unequivocally that friends of his know for sure the buck was still alive after all seasons closed. What reason would they have to lie compared to the guy who got caught with the buck? Yea, we'll let the "innocent until proven guilty" stand and let the chips fall where they may, but it sounds pretty fishy.

I have been in contact with two attorneys since my last post. I will have dinner with a third this evening. The first two have both stated that if all the state had was witness testimony from people stating that they had seen said deer after season's end and nothing to back up their testimony, just words, that it is almost a guarantee that the state would NOT bring that to trial. Both of them stated it would not happen because the state will not spend the money on prosecution for a case they know there is slim to no chance of obtaining a conviction. Both attorneys stated the cheapest attorney in town would poke so many holes in that the jury would have to made up of complete idiots to convict the defendant.
>Thank you Liecabucks. Finally someone
>posted something of substance.

We all know you certainly haven't! Come on, reply and tell us how much smarter you are than me. I take 'he said-she said' cases to trial without other scientific evidence all the time. Like I said, the smoking gun rarely exists. Win most, lose every once in a while as well. So I couldn't care less what your experience is dealing with lots of lawyers. Because this is what I do...every day. Back to the little boy's sandbox, junior.

I am lynching nobody. I don't know if the deer was poached or not. I'm simply calling the ever ignorant Tristate's out for commenting on things he doesn't understand but acts like he is a pro. If the witnesses that Yelum says exist are willing to testify about the details of when/where they saw this deer, and it is after the hunt, that becomes a strong case. No matter what some obsessed and pathetic taxidermist from another state says. But I'm sure he's quickly formulating his response to tell us how a taxidermist in Texas understands criminal jury trials more than law enforcement officers and prosecutors in the actual state the case exists. Ready, set, go! Let's here it!!!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-04-14 AT 01:39PM (MST)[p]>"People are convicted by juries on
>testimony of witnesses alone in
>the absence of the other
>stuff you stated all the
>Not by sole testimony from "witnesses"
>who never saw a crime.
>" You watch too much CSI
>and Law and Order and
>think that is the real
>I don't watch CSI at all
>and I have a seen
>law and order a couple
>of times. But I
>do know and deal with
>a crap load of lawyers
>and I don't know a
>single one that would consider
>your "witnesses" as a "strong
> "Cases aren't solved in 45
>minutes and in the vast
>majority of criminal cases there
>is no smoking gun."
>Funny, you think that a handful
>of after the fact witnesses
>solve this case and that's
>a lot less than 45
>" You know nothing about this
>deer other than what you
>see on MM. Which means
>you know very little about
>this deer. Those up in
>Cache County know what I
>mean, you won't. THIS case
>would be strong with that
>I know justice and it doesn't
>change from one individual deer
>to another and it isn't
>supposed to change by county.
>"1. I don't know.
>2. Looks to be, but with
>your support of high fence
>hunting and farmed game, it
>may just be tranquillized and
>in route to a 'ranch'
>to be 'hunted.'
>3. No clue.
>4. Not sure. Could easily have
>been a self taken photo
>5. Possibly. That would depend on
>an awful lot of factors
>that I'm not privy to
>Any other worthless questions you've got
>that you think are novel?"
>Actually you just proved a point
>to all these other people.
> If you want to
>lynch somebody on here a
>photo won't even save you.

***The only "SUCKA" is a taxidermist the doesn't know his azz from a hole in the ground when it comes to courtases, court/witness testimony that's allowed, and most everything else he shoots his mouth off about! He**, there are people sentenced to life in prison on witness testimony alone when there isn't even a body recovered to show the person is deceased! If he's so GD smart, you'd think he'd be able tell me exactly what I did for over 30 years, but now he's the genius that knows more than two of us that have spent countless hours in courtrooms, LOL! Funny, he can cut a person's profession down, but doesn't even know what that profession consisted. What a fuggin loser!!!
I already told you to name one case where the person was convicted by only witnesses saying they saw a deer after the season closed and you haven't done it. Its easier for you to talk trash than actually post a case where it happened. If you are prosecuting people with nothing more than the testimony of Zealots who didn't even witness a crime YOU ARE LYNCHING PEOPLE! If you think that's your job you should be fired.
Then tell everyone here what your profession was boy. Tell them. Come on what are you scared of boy. Let them know what kind of a big bad G-man you are. Come on. According to you all I am doing is digging my hole and all you have to do is nudge me in so do it. Do it boy.

Then go show me where someone got convicted of poaching a deer with NOTHING but a few witnesses saying they saw a deer alive. Go do it. Come on boy get busy. You can't do it and neither can that sucker Vanilla.
"Let me ask you something Yelum. Why does my stance on justice in this case anger you? Logically it shouldn't. "

Tristate, I'm all for justice. If a deer is killed legally, I have ZERO problem. The SLC cemetary buck lived 10-11 months of the year in the middle of the city. The rest of the time he spent on the mountain where he was legally hunted by many people. He was killed legally, and I have ZERO problem with that.

But what you can't see from Texas is what me and hundreds of residents KNOW is this deer NEVER went to the mountain. He ALWAYS stayed in city limits. Earlier, yor stance was a deer is missing and people are freaking out. No evidence that the deer is dead. Well now we have evidence that the deer is dead, and whether he was killed in or out of season is irrelevant, because shooting a deer in city limits is illegal. I don't know whether justice will take place, but its obvious to us here locally that a crime was committed.


Theres logic, and theres women. They don't go together.
"Tristate, I'm all for justice. If a deer is killed legally, I have ZERO problem. The SLC cemetary buck lived 10-11 months of the year in the middle of the city. The rest of the time he spent on the mountain where he was legally hunted by many people. He was killed legally, and I have ZERO problem with that."

This isn't even what I am talking about. I am not questioning whether you are pro-hunting.

"But what you can't see from Texas is what me and hundreds of residents KNOW is this deer NEVER went to the mountain. He ALWAYS stayed in city limits. Earlier, yor stance was a deer is missing and people are freaking out. No evidence that the deer is dead. Well now we have evidence that the deer is dead, and whether he was killed in or out of season is irrelevant, because shooting a deer in city limits is illegal. I don't know whether justice will take place, but its obvious to us here locally that a crime was committed."

See and this is the problem Yelum. You think, and many others, that I don't believe you, and that's not the case at all. What I am trying to state is two things. First, as much as you or any of these other guys want to admit YOU COULD BE WRONG. Not "wrong" in some moral or righteous way. But wrong in a way where people's lives can be permanently altered by other's judgement. Second, at this point I have not seen any evidence that would convict anyone of this crime. Unlike many, because of that I hesitate to throw stones. A person can be guilty as sin but if people start trashing that person with little more than what yall have and no conviction or evidence to back it up he can still come after you for slander. That's right really bad people can't be legally slandered.

Let me ask you this Yelum. What would happen if one single photo materialized of this deer at any point of his life outside of city limits? That's the risk you are looking at. First you have to convince a jury, that doesn't understand wildlife at all, that you knew the movements of a WILD ANIMAL for the entirety of its life. Then you have to assume the risk that a defense attorney won't find the one sliver of evidence that blows the state's case out of the water. Hey as much as we don't like them, those attorneys are usually very good at what they do.
"Seriously, why won't the mods ban Tristate here? He is a digital parasite sucking integrity from MM."

This might be the most revealing post on this thread. Internet integrity. I will laugh all weekend about that one.
R E: Has Anyone Seen the Hyde Park Buck?

you guys have one deer killed out of season ,and think oh my god, try having deer elk fish birds ect, killed all year long and no body does shzzz, try living on the rezz,,,,,
RE: R E: Has Anyone Seen the Hyde Park Buck?

lol. Thats a whole nother ballgame elk. I feel for ya. By the way, you been a real good boy lately. haha. I guess theres hope for tri.


Theres logic, and theres women. They don't go together.
RE: R E: Has Anyone Seen the Hyde Park Buck?

LAST EDITED ON Jan-04-14 AT 04:54PM (MST)[p]Tristate posted: Flopgun,
why don't you tell everyone here what your exact job was and quit beating around the bush. By the way your silly story of the kid going to jail has absolutely nothing similar to the case in which we are speaking of now. If you want to describe an orange, don't talk about an eggplant.

***Look you dumbazz, nobody is beating around the bush and I've openly stated in the past that I was an Investigator for the MI Dept of Agriculture in the Consumer Protection Division covering well over 100 different laws and regulations. It was not a "silly case" and was very similar to what we are talking about whether you will admit it or not. The buck in Wyoming was being watched in a small area by a number of people because it was a big nontypical just like the one in this thread. The deer was still there after the short 10/1-10/10 season in that unit and then all of a sudden the people saw the kid's post on the internet showing him holding the head/antlers. They called G&F with the information that the deer had to have been illegally killed/poached. When the suspect was questioned he told the Officers he killed the deer in a unit way north of there that is open the first two weeks of November. He was asked to show them the kill site and couldn't because he had never been up there. While that case was in court he was stopped for a traffic violation and had fresh blood in the back of his truck when there were no open seasons on big game anywhere. Search warrants were obtained and the two other big bucks were found untagged. The multiple poachings put him into felony charges and he ended up just like I said. Nobody saw the poachings/killings of any of the three bucks and nobody had any pictures with dates on them of the first buck he posted on the net, but their testimony that the buck was alive after the season closed where he lived sealed the deal. Now stick it up your piehole because you will never admit you're wrong about anything you post and you obviously don't know law like some of us that have worked within the system have. All you do is come up with horseshit and then start asking people to answer a bunch of questions you come up with and that are meaningless to what is being discussed. I'm also somewhat surprised that someone hasn't canned your sorry azz from this site because you ruin every thread you post on!
RE: R E: Has Anyone Seen the Hyde Park Buck?

Barny said, "***Look you dumbazz, nobody is beating around the bush and I've openly stated in the past that I was an Investigator for the MI Dept of Agriculture in the Consumer Protection Division covering well over 100 different laws and regulations. It was not a "silly case" and was very similar to what we are talking about whether you will admit it or not. The buck in Wyoming was being watched in a small area by a number of people because it was a big nontypical just like the one in this thread. The deer was still there after the short 10/1-10/10 season in that unit and then all of a sudden the people saw the kid's post on the internet showing him holding the head/antlers. They called G&F with the information that the deer had to have been illegally killed/poached. When the suspect was questioned he told the Officers he killed the deer in a unit way north of there that is open the first two weeks of November. He was asked to show them the kill site and couldn't because he had never been up there. While that case was in court he was stopped for a traffic violation and had freah blood in the back of his truck when there were no open seasons on big game anywhere. Search warrants were obtained and the two other big bucks were found untagged. The multiple poachings put him into felony charges and he ended up just like I said. Nobody saw the poachings/killings of any of the three bucks and nobody had any pictures with dates on them of the first buck he posted on the net, but their testimony that the buck was alive after the season closed where he lived sealed the deal. Now stick it up your piehole because you will never admit you're wrong about anything you post and you obviously don't know law like some of us that have worked within the system have. All you do is come up with horseshit and then start asking people to answer a bunch of questions you come up with and that are meaningless to what is being discussed. I'm also somewhat surprised that someone hasn't canned your sorry azz from this site because you ruin every thread you post on!"

The above post is just another example of exactly why i said that i didn't miss topgun while he was gone hunting. Nope, didn't miss him at all... :)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
RE: R E: Has Anyone Seen the Hyde Park Buck?

yellum, why yes I have , haven't I, it must be the tonic elkassassin left at the fort for me,90%?? 10% water, but it is way to good. to waste on a Texan head stuffer,,,,

RE: R E: Has Anyone Seen the Hyde Park Buck?

So the only similarity between this case and your Wyoming example is that a mule deer died. Absolutely NOTHING else relates. You are just babbling and talking big thinking that somehow your experience in the great tomato case of 1982 makes you more of a law expert than anyone else.
RE: R E: Has Anyone Seen the Hyde Park Buck?

As an outsider looking in, I'm curious as to why the hell you keep responding on a thread about a deer that ain't in your backyard and yet you think you know more than those whose backyards this deer was in? You are no different than me. An outsider looking in. You might like the attention of looking like an 'A$$' all the time. I get that. But seriously, you have taken this one way to far. Time to drop it and just let it go dude.
RE: R E: Has Anyone Seen the Hyde Park Buck?

>So the only similarity between this
>case and your Wyoming example
>is that a mule deer
>died. Absolutely NOTHING else
>relates. You are just
>babbling and talking big thinking
>that somehow your experience in
>the great tomato case of
>1982 makes you more of
>a law expert than anyone

***Can you not fuggin read anything that's posted?! The initial case up in Worland was almost identical to this Hyde Park Case AFTER the deer was found dead. Nobody saw either one killed, but many kew where both deer lived and that they both had to have been killed illegally because they were both seen after the hunting seasons were closed. I know you're a GD Aggie, but you make most of them look like Stanford graduates with the stupid ##### you post!!!
RE: R E: Has Anyone Seen the Hyde Park Buck?

Ive been here a long time. I have never quoted a PM then posted it in the open Forum, BUT, Topgun does it all the time so some of his own Medicine. I didn't even read it through, don't know if i will. This all started when i nicely asked Topgun to calm down some, i have been a bad guy ever since.

His PM to me: "Too bad you can't stand the truth and then just have to add a post to be a total azzwipe. Yea big man, you and Tri are cut out of the same mold because you're both dumber than a stump and prove it in a lot of your posts. It's pretty obvious that Trisate does't like law enforcement and judging from what you've posted about your past younger years you probably don't either. Hey, if you don't like some of my posts, tough ##### and don't read them! In this particular thread Vanilla and I damn sure know the laws due to our careers and we've stated all that is needed for a conviction whether Tristate will admit it or not. I even told him about the exact type of case where the kid was convicted up in Worland and Thermopolis and sentenced to prison on multiple felony charges. Then he came back with another stupid statement that it wasn't even similar. You don't like me and I don't like you, so at least we have something in common"

Easy there guy, you're gonna bust a vein in your neck! lol

This is why i didn't miss Topgun while he was gone hunting!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
RE: R E: Has Anyone Seen the Hyde Park Buck?

I'll get the Octagon set up!

It's gonna be way better than UFC/MMA!:D


[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
RE: R E: Has Anyone Seen the Hyde Park Buck?

Bess, Topgun is all mouth and no go! He hides behind his puter and shoots his mouth like a tough guy way too much. In person, i'm sure that he would like everything i had to say just fine! lol


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
RE: R E: Has Anyone Seen the Hyde Park Buck?

LAST EDITED ON Jan-04-14 AT 06:59PM (MST)[p]As if I give a rip whether Sage misses me or not, LOL! Putting a PM out on the Forum shows exactly why I stated in that PM what I did about him and I'll not take one damn thing back that I said because it's all true---totally classless, to say the least. I haven't said anything that others haven't said on this thread telling Tristate he's a pain in the azz with all his BS posts just meant to stir things up. Now the taxidermist is telling two people that have spent their careers and countless hours in courtrooms that we don't know anything about the law. The guy is a troll and I can't understand why he's been allowed to ruin every thread he posts on and hijacks it just like he's done this one. If Sage wants to get on someone's azz, I'd suggest he go after Tri and let me the he** alone.
RE: R E: Has Anyone Seen the Hyde Park Buck?

Alright guys. Let's get back on topic. ;-)

Here's what I have learned from this whole thing... The guy who shot the cemetery buck was smart to call dwr from the scene and take all suspicion away.

The hard part about finding the shooter of the HP buck was always going to be matching the horns with a shooter. That part is done. My prediction is charges are pending, they got the guy who poached the other city deer (because they put a name with the horns) and this deer, due to his unique antler configuration and huge amount of available witnesses will proceed as well.

Of course I could be wrong about charges, but we'll see.

RE: R E: Has Anyone Seen the Hyde Park Buck?

LAST EDITED ON Jan-04-14 AT 08:04PM (MST)[p]Flopgun,

There is no similarity in the examples. Give it up. Your bleed in your brain is preventing you from seeing you have missed the point of what I was saying. And being the guy that checks the Chinese buffet for slime in the ice machine doesn't make you a judicial expert. Come Down to reality boy.

I just had dinner with a third attorney. That's three now and all three have agreed there is no way it ever comes to trial if all the state has is eyewitnesses saying they saw a deer after the season ended.


I am glad you have brought up another point that I was hoping this thread would lead to. Many are so emotionally attached to these deer that hunters are finally realizing that killing a deer is now on the level of a justifiable homicide. You may be completely in the right but you better call the law if you don't want to face the lynching that is coming from. Everybody else.


Has Flopgun sent you the pm saying that people were driving to your house to kick your azz. I got a hellavu good laugh out of that one. He really isn't a stable person at all.
RE: R E: Has Anyone Seen the Hyde Park Buck?

>I'll get the Octagon set up!
>It's gonna be way better than
>[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red
>Hot Barrel & My Dead
>Cold Hands I Shall go
>down Fighting for American Pride
>& Rights!
>I Know I'm Out Numbered by
>Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll
>Throw Their Hands in the
>air & I know I
>can't Lick the U.S. Military
>by Myself when they Turn
>on us but I'll make
>you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a
>Situation where I Hope to
>Hell All Americans become True
>Americans once again & Stand
>up for their Rights!

My money is on the old guy.
RE: R E: Has Anyone Seen the Hyde Park Buck?

Aren't there any Moderators on this Forum who have the balls to keep a thread on track when a total troll continually ruins them? It's a shame, especially on serious threads like this one on poaching, that get completely ruined by someone who continually does that for no purpose whatsoever and is asked over and over by 99% of the members to cool it! If his goal is to ruin a website, he has certainly accomplished it!
RE: R E: Has Anyone Seen the Hyde Park Buck?

"Aren't there any Moderators on this Forum who have the balls to keep a thread on track when a total troll continually ruins them? It's a shame, especially on serious threads like this one on poaching, that get completely ruined by someone who continually does that for no purpose whatsoever and is asked over and over by 99% of the members to cool it! If his goal is to ruin a website, he has certainly accomplished it!"

A skunk can't smell his own stink! LMAO, Top doesn't realize that he's part of the problem. Feleno above asked him to cool it, i have in the past, and a lot of others did too but he's gonna fix the world and anyone that suggests different are, in his words, "Dumb-azz's! LOL

Top, don't take the bait! Tri is the master at fishing. He's got you hook, line, and sinker! Get over yourself and chill!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
RE: R E: Has Anyone Seen the Hyde Park Buck?

Sage---Are you so blind that you can't see that about 95% of the members on this thread and every other one that Tristate posts on are saying that he should take a hike either voluntarily or otherwise? I'm in that majority and it's too bad that you can't stand for anyone that apparently stands up and says it like it is similar to you. It's exactly like Travis told you while I was gone on my three month trip and you came on spouting off about not missing me and trashing him. Why not stay out of other's business, as I've never come on a thread and addressed you a single time until that one where you started it and again this time when you shot your mouth off.
RE: R E: Has Anyone Seen the Hyde Park Buck?

You Boys gonna need a Room?:D

Will Uncle sage 'School' somebody before it's over with?

Will TOPGUN Make the Drive to KALI?

It's getting Late & I gotta get up Early Boys!

Carry On!

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
RE: R E: Has Anyone Seen the Hyde Park Buck?

Why do you care what anybody says or thinks? I don't care for Tri's attitude one bit but i'll let him have his say. Just because i don't agree with him, doesn't mean that i have to personally, jump down his throat every time he goes fishing for fools!

You ask me, "Why not stay out of other's business?"

I do try and generally do but you need to ask yourself the same question! IMO, you are part of the problem and not the solution.

Top, you do great things with your info giving in the Wy Forum. In that respect, my hat is off to you...but sometimes, you just need to chill!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
RE: R E: Has Anyone Seen the Hyde Park Buck?

Berry/sage you two aren't the only ones. He's (top gun) a tough guy behind a computer. He still makes me laugh every time he brags about being a LEO. Never had arrest powers and carrying a gun was "optional". Too funny.
RE: R E: Has Anyone Seen the Hyde Park Buck?

LAST EDITED ON Jan-04-14 AT 11:33PM (MST)[p]+1 Joey. I got the same type of PM's from BIGMOUTH as have several others. He belittles people, calls names like a fifth-grader, and tries to intimidate. Then he accuses others of those same acts while failing to see the hypocrisy in his statements. He is oblivious to himself.

While I am no huge fan of Tri, some of what he says makes sense; he just has no tact. Much like that other guy.

I usually don't even read what either of these guys post any more. All they do is fight and keep picking; never letting up. One is as bad as the other.

Anyone know where we can get some tags to send to topgun? I would be willing to pony up a couple bucks for a javelina tag or some such winter time hunt.

Ok, topgun, I'm ready for my PM, but I won't be responding.

Oh, yeah!! I almost forgot! Has anyone seen the Hyde Park buck??:)
RE: R E: Has Anyone Seen the Hyde Park Buck?

I got to admit old berry blaster posted a pretty funny one.

I always enjoy some good ol' Flopgun statistics too.
RE: R E: Has Anyone Seen the Hyde Park Buck?

Obviously there are a few that like stretching things because I have never said I was a LEO, but I did say that I had more powers than a State Police Trooper up here when I was working, including the power to seize property being used fradulently without a warrant, but I did not have the power of arrest and did not carry and said so. I did have a bullet proof vest though when in areas where I probably also should have been carrying. I have stated exactly what I did and it does sort of hurt when a guy tries to protect consumers from all walks of life from all types of fraud like I did and then have to listen to a bunch of BS trashing a career when people don't have a clue as to what all I was involved in. Go right ahead and BS all you want as this website has gone down the tubes with Tristate ruining avery thread he posts on. Now I will literally chill with the weather we have coming in and you all can continue to have fun at my expense or anyone else you'd care to.
RE: R E: Has Anyone Seen the Hyde Park Buck?

LMAO! So you're like the mall cop then right? IMO after reading all of this, you Topgun act just like a 2 year old calling names and putting down other opinions that people have. You "LEO's" are all the same, everyone is guilty until proven innocent and everyone else is wrong and when they offer up a valid argument that is different than yours you can't handle it.

Tristate can be a PITA sometimes but you are no different. It looks like you're losing your fan base so I suggest you stop acting like a child. Do you act like this at work? If the burger joint disagrees with you do you start whining and calling them names? Grow up!

I also find it hard to believe that the DA would bring charges with ONLY a few people saying they saw this deer after the closing of deer season. Not one person on here has said they personally saw that deer after closing day, they only have their sister's uncle's dog's friend who saw it.

Why don't we all agree that nobody here knows shyt about what evidence the DWR has and stop convicting someone of a crime when we don't even know for sure if a crime even happened. If someone did poach that deer then great, lock him up and throw away the key but at least prove it first for Christ sakes.
RE: R E: Has Anyone Seen the Hyde Park Buck?

CAforkhorn I would appreciate it if you would not use a broad paint brush and paint all "LEOs" as being the same. We are not all the same just as it is in every profession and the people working in that profession.

RE: R E: Has Anyone Seen the Hyde Park Buck?

So any word on the Hyde buck? Atleast one picture was posted this thread.
RE: R E: Has Anyone Seen the Hyde Park Buck?

>CAforkhorn I would appreciate it if
>you would not use a
>broad paint brush and paint
>all "LEOs" as being the
>same. We are not all
>the same just as it
>is in every profession and
>the people working in that


***Not only is he full of baloney, but his reading comprehension is about like the 2nd grader he mentioned in his post. I WAS NOT A LEO, but kudos to RELH and the other good ones out there!
RE: R E: Has Anyone Seen the Hyde Park Buck?

LMAO! Topgun, you are worse than Tristate! I called you a mall cop who aren't LEO's and when I did call you a LEO it was in quotes like "LEO" meaning we all know you're not a LEO but you don't. Is there any mods out there that could ban Topgun from ruining such a great site? His personal vendetta against Tristate is really hindering the quality of discussion on these forums and he acts like a 2 year old.

RELH, my apologies to the probably 2 out of 100 LEO's out there that don't let their job go to their head. I believe you are one of those, it's just that the other 98% don't give a crap about anything except writing that ticket or making that arrest. I have seen it too many times with "king shyt" cops where the cop is absolutely 100% wrong but they don't care, they are better than you.
RE: R E: Has Anyone Seen the Hyde Park Buck?

Topgun sent me a little PM as well...

"You can sure put up a lot of crap for one who hides and doesn't even have the balls to post their real name in their profile. Seems like most of the ones that do that ##### on this site are the same and can;t put up their real name, LOL! You don't know any more about RELH than you do me or anyone else on the site to mmae statements like you are and in case you haven't been reading all the posts, about 99% of the members are dishing it out to Tristate and not just me. FYI I retired in 2002 after 30+ years working for the MI Dept of Ag. and am doing just fine regardless of what kind of BS you or others care to dish out. That was really tasteless when you came back and made that stupid post about 98% of LEOs after RELH asked you not to make paintbrush statements." -- Topgun

What in the hell does posting up my real name have to do with ANYTHING? Apparently Topgun would like all my info so he can come to Cali and kick my ass. LMMFAO! Look Topgun, you continue to prove that you are no better than Tristate. At least Tristate puts a different perspective on topics to make the discussion more interesting. All you do is call people names that don't agree with you. That is exactly what libtards do to try to silence the opposition.

FYI, I've had many discussions with RELH about many different topics and I'm certain that RELH isn't nearly as butthurt as you are about what I said. In fact, I apologized for lumping all LEO's into the same category and said that I thought RELH was one of the good guys. I could give two shyts what you retired from. Being retired doesn't make you any less of a dumbfuck who is hellbent on destroying anyone who happens to disagree with you. I imagine you call yourself a conservative but just like liberals you want to silence anyone who has a different viewpoint. Like I said before, I don't agree with Tristate on a lot of stuff but I certainly don't want to ban him from being able to speak his mind. He does make some compelling points in this discussion and you don't want to hear it because you're already sold on the notion that this buck was poached, much like the 98% of LEO's that I was talking about. Why not let the facts come out before convicting someone about something you know absolutely nothing about?
RE: R E: Has Anyone Seen the Hyde Park Buck?

This thread is entertaining as hell! :) Some of you need to unwind your panties cause they are all twisted up!

Didn't realize Barney Fife was still alive and even posting on MM's... Maybe not though cause he didn't even have a bullet proof vest back then. Maybe he is keeping up with the times though :)


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
RE: R E: Has Anyone Seen the Hyde Park Buck?

LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-14 AT 09:45PM (MST)[p]

>Topgun sent me a little PM
>as well...
>"You can sure put up a
>lot of crap for one
>who hides and doesn't even
>have the balls to post
>their real name in their
>profile. Seems like most of
>the ones that do that
>##### on this site are
>the same and can;t put
>up their real name, LOL!
>You don't know any more
>about RELH than you do
>me or anyone else on
>the site to mmae statements
>like you are and in
>case you haven't been reading
>all the posts, about 99%
>of the members are dishing
>it out to Tristate and
>not just me. FYI I
>retired in 2002 after 30+
>years working for the MI
>Dept of Ag. and am
>doing just fine regardless of
>what kind of BS you
>or others care to dish
>out. That was really tasteless
>when you came back and
>made that stupid post about
>98% of LEOs after RELH
>asked you not to make
>paintbrush statements." -- Topgun
>What in the hell does posting
>up my real name have
>to do with ANYTHING?
>Apparently Topgun would like all
>my info so he can
>come to Cali and kick
>my ass. LMMFAO!
>Look Topgun, you continue to
>prove that you are no
>better than Tristate. At
>least Tristate puts a different
>perspective on topics to make
>the discussion more interesting.
>All you do is call
>people names that don't agree
>with you. That is
>exactly what libtards do to
>try to silence the opposition.
>FYI, I've had many discussions with
>RELH about many different topics
>and I'm certain that RELH
>isn't nearly as butthurt as
>you are about what I
>said. In fact, I
>apologized for lumping all LEO's
>into the same category and
>said that I thought RELH
>was one of the good
>guys. I could give
>two shyts what you retired
>from. Being retired doesn't
>make you any less of
>a dumbfuck who is hellbent
>on destroying anyone who happens
>to disagree with you.
>I imagine you call yourself
>a conservative but just like
>liberals you want to silence
>anyone who has a different
>viewpoint. Like I said
>before, I don't agree with
>Tristate on a lot of
>stuff but I certainly don't
>want to ban him from
>being able to speak his
>mind. He does make
>some compelling points in this
>discussion and you don't want
>to hear it because you're
>already sold on the notion
>that this buck was poached,
>much like the 98% of
>LEO's that I was talking
>about. Why not let
>the facts come out before
>convicting someone about something you
>know absolutely nothing about?

***Says a lot about you like I said and now even worse when I take it to a PM so as not to muck up the thread like you keep saying I'm doing. My PM is exactly what I stated and there was no name calling. RELH asked you not to make a paintbrush statement about LEOS since he is one and then you came right back with another post and made more disparaging remarks. Seems as though your reading comprehension is pretty poor! I did not say anything more on that thread other than what Vanilla said in the debate/argument with Tristate. What was said was that if people saw the deer alive after the seasons closed that they could certainly testify under oath in a courtroom to that effect and convict him. I made no statements about when or where the guy killed the deer, but we now know the deer is dead and the DWR knows who killed him. I agree 100% that they should do their investigation and let the chips fall where they may. If they get a confession or it goes to court we will all find out what happens. Therefore, I agree with you 100% just like vanilla stated that the guy is innocent until he either confesses or is found guilty in a court of law by witness statements. Contrary to what has been stated by our taxi expert, they do not have to have seen the deer killed to get a conviction, just as Vanilla explained and what I stated happened to the kid in Wyoming. I hope this post clears this up for you and the rest of the crowd. This will be my last post on here as Sage and I have made amends and I told him I would do my best to stay away from controversial stuff to try and keep everyone happy, so I'm outta here!
RE: R E: Has Anyone Seen the Hyde Park Buck?




Good thing Huntin Season is only 8 Months away!:D

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
We took video footage of him on the 2nd to the last day of the rifle deer hunt(Saturday). He was eating apples in the field across from Stake Center.
I believe at night LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
RE: R E: Has Anyone Seen the Hyde Park Buck?

"I agree 100% that they should do their investigation and let the chips fall where they may."

Why waste the money on an investigation? You and Vanilla stated all they need is the testimony of those people who claim to see deer.

"Contrary to what has been stated by our taxi expert, they do not have to have seen the deer killed to get a conviction,"

Quote me where I stated that! A dare you. I double dare you. I never said that. Why do you make up crap in your head that I never said. Go point to it right now and I will leave these forums forever. Go boy.

"This will be my last post on here as Sage and I have made amends and I told him I would do my best to stay away from controversial stuff to try and keep everyone happy, so I'm outta here!"

You might want to try sitting on one of those padded seat doughnuts.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-14 AT 07:00AM (MST)[p]***I hated to make another post, but this opportuniy is too good to be true and if Tristate is a man of his word and does what he said in his last post to me he's done here! If his post #8 to Yellum below isn't exactly what he said he never said, then there are two different people with the same Tristate username. Read the last two sentences as it was the same retort he made to Vanilla and me in other posts. I'm sure he'll come up with another post to try and get out of it and bait me back into this, but it will do him no good! Bye Bye!!!

Your last post to me:
"Contrary to what has been stated by our taxi expert, they do not have to have seen the deer killed to get a conviction,"

Quote me where I stated that! A dare you. I double dare you. I never said that. Why do you make up crap in your head that I never said. Go point to it right now and I will leave these forums forever. Go boy.

Tristate (1467 posts)

Jan-03-14, 04:11 PM (MST)
8. "RE: Has Anyone Seen the Hyde Park Buck?"


So now deer hunters have to have witnesses or dated pics to prove deer are killed legally???????? That doesn't seem ridiculous? I could understand if there was even one single person that witnessed it as an illegal killing but all that the authorities have to go on is a few people saying they saw the deer after the season. There isn't a DA anywhere that would take that to trial.
DO you know how to read at all? DO you have any skills whatsoever with reading comprehension?


You have no capability of logic whatsoever. Please get in a car that you are not driving and be taken to a Doctor because your brain is not functioning any longer. You will probably need constant hospice care at any moment.

By the way how did I know that with one post I could make you go back on your word?????
Lets get this post back on track!

Who's the shmuck that killed the buck? Where's the pics? If it was legal, why is he hiding? Why did he wait 2-3 months after the kill to tell people about it. How is the DWR involved?

Is there any useful information at all, or is it all just rumors?
Hmmm.... I'm thinking that the state of MI is owed a refund!

Where in that post does Tristate say that a witness to the actual killing of the deer is REQUIRED to have a conviction?

Have you ever heard the old saying, it's better to have people think you're a dumbass than to open your mouth and remove all doubt? That saying totally applies here!
This thread has turned into a mondey f****** a footbal!

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
>It's BCB's fault. He started it.

Hey Now nontypical!

I only started the same Thread because NVB was being a PLICK when He re-started the same Thread!:D

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
Topgun wanted me to share his other PM to me and so I copied it along with my reply back to him. Man it's unbelievable how dumb some people are!

>You must be Tristate's twin brother,
>LOL! He stated in
>that quote that no DA
>would take a case to
>trial with only witnesses that
>say the deer was alive
>after the closed season.
>That IS EXACTLY saying what
>I said that you couln't
>obtain a conviction that way.
> Just because he didn't
>say the EXACT words doesn't
>mean it wasn't the same
>result. I figured both
>of you would come back
>with more crap and the
>posts you're making are personal
>attacks just as bad, if
>not worse than what you're
>accusing me of. Look
>in the mirrow bro and
>get a life!!! PS:
> Be a standup guy
>and post this one up
>too if you care to.

My reply...

Look retard, here is what you said...

"Contrary to what has been stated by our taxi expert, they do not have to have seen the deer killed to get a conviction,"

And then Tristate said...

"Quote me where I stated that! A dare you. I double dare you. I never said that. Why do you make up crap in your head that I never said. Go point to it right now and I will leave these forums forever. Go boy."

After his post you immediately began searching for this...


So now deer hunters have to have witnesses or dated pics to prove deer are killed legally???????? That doesn't seem ridiculous? I could understand if there was even one single person that witnessed it as an illegal killing but all that the authorities have to go on is a few people saying they saw the deer after the season. There isn't a DA anywhere that would take that to trial."

Now how in the entire hell does this last paragraph made by Tristate to Yelum state that you HAVE to HAVE a witness to the illegal killing of the deer to get a conviction? What he is saying is that if there WAS a witness TO THE KILLING then absolutely yes you could get a conviction but simply having a few witnesses who say they saw a deer wouldn't go over too well in court.

Now, reading comprehension is done for today so please take your crayons out of your desk and practice making funny faces until it's time to sing ABC's

Good God!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-14 AT 07:48PM (MST)[p]These pictures were taken October 20th about 2pm. This was the second to last day of the rifle hunt. I went back the following day and was not able to find him. Not saying he wasn't there but I didn't see him. Too bad either way, it was fun having a buck like that around to see on a regular basis.




Awww, how cute. A homo from Kali and the runt of a litter of piglets from Texas are in love. That's precious.

No estas en mexico ahora, entonces escoja tu basura
chancho sucio.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-14 AT 08:03PM (MST)[p]Now you have made me make another post that I said I wouldn't do because you're a sorry POS and a liar by putting that PM up and changing words in it. I did not say "couln't" and that sentence was completely changed around to suit your purposes and make me look bad. I very seldom, if ever, make spelling mistakes and my spell check would have caught that one in a heartbeat if I had typed it. I damn sure didn't type that stupid sentence that mispelled word was in like you just put up saying it was mine and it sure shows how sorry you are to do such a thing!!! Sorry I'm going back on what I told you in the PM Sage, but this guy sucks doing something like that and there is no way I'm going to let something like that go by! Too bad this site doesn't save a PM you send to someone so I could put up the EXACT PM I sent because that was stooping to a new low!
Top, don't worry about me. Just because you are proving yourself dumber than a bag of hammers is no reflection on me. You should have quit while you still had your pride. These guys are dicing you up and feeding you to the fish!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
>Top, don't worry about me. Just
>because you are proving yourself
>dumber than a bag of
>hammers is no reflection on
>me. You should have quit
>while you still had your
>pride. These guys are dicing
>you up and feeding you
>to the fish!
>"It's all about knowing what your
>firearms practical limitations are and
>combining that with your own
>personal limitations!"

***These couple of jackwagons aren't going to hurt my pride one bit, just like that retort of yours won't either, LOL!
Holy Shyt! Are you ##### serious right now? You're accusing me of changing what you wrote in a PM to me? I copied and pasted exactly what you PM'd you douchebag liar. You are a special kind of batshyt crazy. I would LOVE it if Founder could produce the original PM that YOU wrote. PPPLLLLLEEEEAAAAAASSSSSEEEEE Founder if it is possible that this site saves exact PM's from people, please post it up. This dude is out of control stupid!

ShotgunJim, just because I'm not bashing Tristate I'm somehow in bed with him? You people are THE most asinine people on the planet.

Dreamin' of Elk just posted pictures of that buck two days before the hunt ended and admits that he couldn't find him again the next day. Isn't it possible then that this buck could have been taken legally?

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