Have some freakin RESPECT!


Active Member
lets take a second and discuss Archery etiqatte... If someone is putting the sneak on a monster buck or any animal for the matter leave them be! dont move in an try to take their animal. had this happin to me this morning on what would have been a buck of a life time! I was so close to the kill it was stupid! had it takin away so fast!

I spotted a buck from my wheeler at about 8:00 this morning. he was 587 yds away. the conditions were perfect, everything wet and muddy, constant strong wind, good cover, ect. I put a stock on this bedded buck while my buddy sat back and enjoyed the show from the high ridge above. some road hunters we had passed earlier showed up an asked my friend "where did your buddy go?" he replied he is puttin a sneak an a "2pt"(27" 5x6) they said "oh is that him out on the ridge?" he says yes as the one guy glasses the buck an says "what a hog! that is no 2pt!" they quickly move down the road in my direction. they catch me in the road right as im about to go in the trees an the stop me as I say im busy an try to walk off.. the give me a sob storry about how they had wounded "this" buck.. an if they minded they came with me an finished the buck.. i said yes I mind! this deer appears to be in full health, I glassed him for 45 mins an he was fine. I said wait here an ill come back and we will see if he has one hole or two when Im done with him. I finally got away annd closed in on the buck. I sat there at 42 yds looking at his horn tips stick up out of the bushes. all of a sudden he is up an gone! I look around to see what happend cause it sure wasnt me that scared this buck. as the two guys that confronted me earlier appeared some 20 yds to each side of me.

why is almost everyone in UT like this? I have been screwed more times in ut than any other..

so please have some respect peaople!

an PS tp the two guys that scewed me over.
Hope you guys had fun getting the air back in them tires :)
oh sorry we didnnt mean to screw you up.. its my brothers first bowhunt so he needs to learn. I said learn what how to screw people up?
All too common with folks cutting gates open, zooming on ATVs into closed areas, hogging water holes with blinds and other items when they are not actually hunting there that day, putting up fake Private Property signs on public property, etc.

Makes me wonder if hunting on public land is worth the hassle of having to sort through the criminals and rude hunters.

Everyone says is more challenging to hunt on your own on public land but from where I am sitting private land hunts get looking better and better for a hassle-free experience.
Sorry to hear of your experience but it happens all the time and will continue on forever. Public land is just that and when the buck of a lifetime is before you; all bets are off. Every man for himself. I don't agree with it but it happens. That is one of the reasons I don't waste my time hunting deer in Utah with a general season tag. It has happened to me in Idaho, Wyoming, etc. It is just not a Utah thing.
We should have every right to gut shoot the stupid bastards and let them rot. Anybody that stupid should not be alive anyway. I've had that happen to me on public and private. Too many stories to mention. I hate mf'ers that are too stupid to know any better. It's usually the weekend off-road warrior that sits at the bar the rest of the year. I hope you educated them on some hunting etiquette.
I suspect the stupid azzes are too dumb to frequent MM so we are all simply belly-aching to the good guys.

Nothing fires me up faster than rude people who are being stupid while I try to hunt.

It's NOT just Utah. I've seen it everywhere there is public hunting.

The SAME thing happened as I watched my son work in on a good buck a couple years ago. I even told the two guys that my son was already in the trees several hundred yards in front of them. Yup, they went ahead and jogged up the hill and screwed the whole thing up!

People! Please!

LAST EDITED ON Aug-23-10 AT 05:12PM (MST)[p]get used to it the more areas they close to rifle hunters. and the more they mess with rifle and muzzy dates the more people are going to go archery.the good old days of archery hunting and not running into idiots like this are over.sorry about the buck man keep on him it will just make the story that much better when you get him
If you're close enough to even hear a F'n Wheeler you're way to close to JACKASSES!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
elkhuntn247, I'd say you are probably a rather nice guy for just letting the air out of his tires. I might have done it with my knife, and checked to see if his gas cap was locked... and anything else I might have thought of.

Sorry to hear that, just remember that in the long run you will be successful and they will not be.

Best of luck getting in on him again.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
Sorry to hear about this....I'm sure that most of the guys on here have had it happen. I was with my buddy last year when the same sort of thing happened. We were deciding how to put the sneak on a 25inch 4 point and 5 guys showed up. we told them that we were looking at a good buck on the hill. They told us that they were headed down a different draw. They proceded to hike down the other draw. around 20 min later while we were watching the buck, they started fireing off rounds and eventually hitting the buck on the 10th or 12th shot. My buddy and I just sat there watching the incident happen right infront of us. They would have never even known that the buck was there if it werent for us. We just thought that they would be considerate hunters like I would have been. I can't believe how some people turn morally and ethicaly retarded over a deer.
I would like to think that most hunters out there would have behaved different but hearing stories like this leads me to believe that there a ton of inconsiderate hunters out there that deserve to get their tires deflated! Good luck to you...Hope the deer gods are on your side!
Wow, you have a much cooler head than i do, one of us would have gotten our a$$ whooped over crap like that, plus my kershaw would have made it through the valve stems and they could have talked about the mistake they made on their little walk.
"I spotted the buck from my truck".......and now some OTHER roadhunters mess you up?

Sorry that it happened, but what did you expect! You were just the first roadhunter there. They were rude and dumb.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-23-10 AT 08:29PM (MST)[p]"They catch me on the road ,as I am ready to go into the tree's"
What would you expect from another ROAD HUNTER.
If you hunt in sight of a road it will happen more then once.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
That's a crappy deal. I've been in the same situation before and it makes for some tense moments. That's the bad part of hunting on public land for ya.

I can't believe some of you are bashing this guy for hunting from a road. He found a good buck that was near a road. I'm sure most of you would have seen the buck and just drove by because he was to close to a road so it wasn't as much of a challenge. Come on...lets be honest here.

This isn't about one road hunter vs. another road hunter, this is about hunter ethics. And the two that blew up the mountain after they knew you were working in on the buck obviously have no ethics. It wouldn't matter if they were 15 miles back in wilderness or on a road, they knew he was on the buck first and didn't give a crap.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-24-10 AT 00:04AM (MST)[p]Road Hunter complaining about a Road Hunter ???
Boy there are some real DB's out there....both on this site and in the field.

Just plain out a lame deal. One of the primary reasons I prefer to hunt during the week. I rarely run into anybody on the mountain during the week.
Not sure I understand your complaint-----

""they catch me in the road right as im about to go in the trees ""

So all you guys road hunting and then kinda race to this bedded buck??

+1 alp75-----I travel to and from on the week-ends and hunt during the week.

Sorry about the bad experience, but it doesn't just happen in Utah and it doesn't just happen when hunting. There are DB's in all walks of life, it just seems to suck a little more when it happens on the mountain and not when someone cuts in line, or jam's to steal a parking spot, or a bunch of other things. I've had it happen before, and am sure it will happen again. It is, unfortunately, the Human Condition, so to speak. I really don't think your "tire inspection" really helped the situation, but it probably made you feel better...
So you get screwed out of a nice buck which makes you mad which in turn makes it okay to slash tires, put stuff in the fuel tank, destroy someone elses property. Doesn't that make you just as guilty as those guys if not even worse? Got totally screwed out of a big oryx on a once in a lifetime hunt and never even thought about doing anything other than letting them know what I thought. I don't agree with what they did but don't think two wrongs made a right.
You don't need to be hunting by a road to get screwed. I've had idiots 12 miles in screw me up because they were stupid and in the middle of a pivot field where they shouldn't have been driving.
Good heck guys! Are we not all road hunters? I defy any one on this site or otherwise to say that their eyes aren't open when driving down the road. Especially during hunting season. I also would guess with a great deal of certainty that if any one of you "purists" seen an above average buck driving down the road and thought that you had a decent chance of harvesting him that you would give it a try. So lay off the "I'm a bad azz backpacker and only shoot things that I have to pack out 15 miles to feel good about myself." I am not a road hunter, but I am also wise enough to realize that you take opportunity where you cross paths with it.

I am sorry to hear of your experience. Unfortunately human nature is selfish and thats the case with those individuals who took away your opportunity. As more hunters take to the field, the likely hood of having any space to yourself is becoming less and less. Sad thing is that these types of people give the rest of us a bad name as hunters.
Just talking with a coworker about this and he said on public land he would go after that buck in the blink of an eye. I believe his words were he would rather see it in his trophy room than some guy he does not know and if he could not have it then he didn't care if the other guy did either. Just this guys perspective.
>Just talking with a coworker about
>this and he said on
>public land he would go
>after that buck in the
>blink of an eye. I
>believe his words were he
>would rather see it in
>his trophy room than some
>guy he does not know
>and if he could not
>have it then he didn't
>care if the other guy
>did either. Just this guys

This guy must not hunt much. If his wife is hot I will try to sleep with her. Maybe afterwards he can have her back but she will probably want to divorce him and take the house and I could store my junk in his trophy room.

Just my perspective.
Well, IF we are to believe this story in all respects, then:

1. The other guys were behaving unethically

2. YOU were behaving illegally!

Because the other guys didn't show you the respect you think you deserve, you decided to break the law? No excuse, and while I might sympathize with your situation, I'd throw the book at you for your actions.

Now reading your story a bit more carefully, you meet up with these guys while still on the road, and the buck is close enough that everyone can see he is a nice deer. Yet you expect the others to just drive off. A nice thought, but few would do it. About the best you could hope for was for them to cover some of the escape routes in case you bumped the deer. It appears they were within 60 yards of the buck (maybe closer) about the same time as you. Hard to imagine you were far from the road.
It would be nice if everyone would back off and allow a little more space for other hunters in the woods. Good Luck with that...

Why or how was he illegal? Spotted the buck at 587, walked down a road to probably get the stalking conditions in his favor. He then gets bent over, and poked in the brown eye by two individual banjo players. Still not seeing how he was at fault!
put your self in his position,you glassed the buck, you found a good stalk route. then had two jackasses screw it up. im sure many of you, if not all of you on here would be mad as hell. i know i would. i wouldve felt justified

"Shoot Strait"
i'd be pissed too.

but it is kinda ironic that the thread is called ---have some "respect" then you go let the air outta someones tires...............
>put your self in his position,you
>glassed the buck, you found
>a good stalk route. then
>had two jackasses screw it
>up. im sure many of
>you, if not all of
>you on here would be
>mad as hell. i know
>i would. i wouldve felt
>"Shoot Strait".........What have you got against George Strait?
some of you guys are retarded.. did I ever sat I was a road hunter? no... I so happened to be running a hair late an caught the buck on the way th the canyon I was hunting...
nickman, lmao! that never dawned on me. im used to seeing the little red line under the word if i spelled it wrong. and it never happened when i wrote that!! ha ha there i fixed it for ya.

"Shoot Straight"
>I would love to see a
>pic of their faces when
>they saw those flats. Fricken

Yea, probably just like the look on his loser face when the buck spooked....... :) I mean c'mon, really??? Let the air out of their tires???

Bottom line has already been expressed: That's public land hunting.... Especially close to roads! ;)


If it was me and I were so close to a buck like that....I'd have just kinda guessed where his vitals might be and let an arrow fly. :)

Even though you did something illegal, I feel you did the right thing. No one can imagine how pissed you were at that moment you looked around and saw these guys closing in on that buck. My head would have been exploding! As said before, they're lucky a knife wasnt used on those tires.

T&A Inspector
I almost felt sorry for you(almost!)

But then you said almost everyone in utah is like this.

Now I say... Get over it crybaby!

<Stu Padasso Pro Staff

<Dixie Nourmous Field Staff
Take it easy on Founder, he was Dazed and Confused that mourning after being kicked in the head by a horse! :eek:

<Stu Padasso Pro Staff

<Dixie Nourmous Field Staff
This story is hilarious.

You spot a buck from your wheeler. You definitely are NOT a road hunter.

It's 8am, but you are just a tad late. Way to get up early bro.

You put a stalk (aka stock) on this buck. "They catch me in the road". So this means you got off your wheeler, and stalked this buck all the way from your wheeler to.....(drum roll please)....the road. Sweet 10ft stalk. Id be pissed to if I stalked an animal that far.

The deer was bedded. You watched him for 45 minutes. What about a bedded buck indicates a healthy deer? Maybe its just me, but a bedded buck doesnt indicate health or being sickly.

Just curious, if you shot him and saw two holes in him, would you have given the deer to those guys?

You wont get any sympathy from me complaining about road hunters when you are doing the same. Ive road hunted before. Ill admit it. But if you complain about me while you are on the road yourself, you can suck it.
To me....this post is like the game "Clue". Everyone trying to pick apart the story and decide who was in the wrong.

Grizz- LMAO!!

T&A Inspector
"We should have every right to gut shoot the stupid bastards and let them rot. Anybody that stupid should not be alive anyway. I've had that happen to me on public and private."

Zigga..... You've been gut shot multiple times?...... Terry
Let me give you a little perspective on this whole thing. I would be pretty upset too if that had happened to me, but letting the air out of his tires (while I'm sure seemed to be a great idea at the time) is very dangerous business. In fact, messing with anybodies form of transportation while on federal land is huge! For example; I work in emergency medicine and we had a guy come in via helicopter off the mountain in critical condition after he fell and ran a stick into his abdomen. They got back to their truck and found all 4 tires flattened with a knife because they were partially blocking part of the road where they had parked. The guys left them a nasty note with their finger prints all over it. I don't know whatever came of it but I do know that it was federally investigated because the guy died from injuries. Their claim was that he would have recieved medical attention faster if they could have taken the truck down the canyon. I know this is extreme but be really careful with your form of retaliation. I would be really careful about coming on a public forum and admitting to vandalism too. Not smart!

It's always an adventure!!!
I'm surprised it took this long for someone to point out how bad it is to mess with someones mode of transportation. Yea it sucks BALLS that they screwed your stalk but letting the air out of their tires and possibly stranding them in the hills is a whole hell of a lot worse.
>I'm surprised it took this long
>for someone to point out
>how bad it is to
>mess with someones mode of
>transportation. Yea it sucks
>BALLS that they screwed your
>stalk but letting the air
>out of their tires and
>possibly stranding them in the
>hills is a whole hell
>of a lot worse..........when you could just as easily have busted out their windshield and took a dump on their dash.
I don't know what's funnier...road hunters whining or road hunters telling a story about road hunting and claiming NOT to be a road hunter...LMAO!!

LAST EDITED ON Aug-26-10 AT 08:49PM (MST)[p]"Have some freakin RESPECT!"

an PS tp the two guys that scewed me over.
Hope you guys had fun getting the air back in them tires

How about you go first!! LMAO +1 ~Z~ Jim very good point!
haha all the guys raggin on this are just like those two guys... like really i hope i run into some of you an flatten your tires :) you may think im just as low as the two guys but there is a little thing out there called "give respect get respect" if your going to give DIS-respect then you can geuss the rest... oh wait maybe I should say it cause some of you seem a tad retarded!

but yes I was on the road at 8:30 so what.. funny thing is I had been in a nother canyon since 6:00... god Im such a road hunter.. I mean the buck I shot the other night was 3 miles from the road... haha some of you are probably thinkin "wow thats a long shot!" once again some of these haters on here are a hair slow :)
>haha all the guys raggin on
>this are just like those
>two guys... like really i
>hope i run into some
>of you an flatten your
>tires :) you may think
>im just as low as
>the two guys but there
>is a little thing out
>there called "give respect get
>respect" if your going to
>give DIS-respect then you can
>geuss the rest... oh wait
>maybe I should say it
>cause some of you seem
>a tad retarded!
>but yes I was on the
>road at 8:30 so what..
>funny thing is I had
>been in a nother canyon
>since 6:00... god Im such
>a road hunter.. I mean
>the buck I shot the
>other night was 3 miles
>from the road... haha some
>of you are probably thinkin
>"wow thats a long shot!"
>once again some of these
>haters on here are a
>hair slow :)

Chase, what an ugly thing to say. I abhor ugliness... does this mean we're not friends anymore? You know, Chase, if I thought you weren't my friend, I just don't think I could bear it. There. Now we can be friends again... :)

No sir. The definition of retarded is admitting to a crime on the internet. I hope they do read this and turn you in. Brilliant is say! Just BRILLIANT!

It's always an adventure!!!
>haha all the guys raggin on
>this are just like those
>two guys... like really i
>hope i run into some
>of you an flatten your
>tires :) you may think
>im just as low as
>the two guys but there
>is a little thing out
>there called "give respect get
>respect" if your going to
>give DIS-respect then you can
>geuss the rest... oh wait
>maybe I should say it
>cause some of you seem
>a tad retarded!
I can see your point "eye for an eye" right? Well what you did was more like an eye for an eye, an ear and a left nut. Yes they might have been the ones who messed up your stalk but who knows maybe the deer caught your scent and you were the one who spooked him off. It's not like you had the deer in your sights and was ready to seal the deal when these guys came up to you.

I'm pretty sure we've all unknowingly screwed up a stalk for someone else at one time or another. No matter how good of a hunter one may think he is it's bound to happen. It's a part of the game. Can you imagine how many flat tires there would be out there if everyone reacted the way you did? Hell you'd probably get a couple yourself.
Sucks they screwed you out of that buck.

I take great pride in my truck, its very expensive and everything on it is very expensive. Tires for my truck are $350-$400 each. If you let the air out of my tires your setting yourself up for me hunting you, not deer/elk the rest of the season. I wouldn't do anything to your vehicle. But everytime you turn around I'd be there, everytime you tried a stalk I'd screw it up for you.

You don't mess with somebodys vehicle no matter what the situation is!

You have the right to let them know where they screwed up, nothing more! Its public land people are stupid and you need to figure out ways of dealing with it other than vandalism.

Chase, with your reputation it isn't true without pictures.

"I mean the buck I shot the other night was 3 miles from the road..."
Just out of curiosity why didn't you tell them you were putting a stalk on a great buck, point it out, and then "in the name of common courtesy" say you'd appreciate it if they didn't horn in. I think they felt like you weren't giving them any respect when the first thing said to them was a lie ("2 pt"). When you wouldn't even speak to them long enough to make the situation and your expectations crystal clear they decided to screw you.
"the buck I shot the other night was 3 miles from the road..."

So you're telling us that you "shot a buck the other night" 3 miles off the road? Dude, you need to show me where we can get 2 deer tags in Utah! I must have missed that one in the proclamation. Either you're a criminal/poacher or you're full of shi+. My guess is probably both. You have 2 problems now,

#1 - you've admitted to vandalizing someones truck

#2 - you've admitted to hunting another deer after you
supposedly shot one "the other day"

Brilliant I say! Just BRILLIANT!

It's always an adventure!!!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-27-10 AT 08:51PM (MST)[p]Your story is more full of holes than swiss cheese! For example;

(Post #35) "I so happened to be running a hair late an caught the buck on the way th the canyon I was hunting". Then you write this in Post #52 - "but yes I was on the road at 8:30 so what.. funny thing is I had been in a nother canyon since 6:00..." So what were you late for? It must have been a really small canyon that you were in at 6:00 to have hunted it, blown out of there and get up the ROAD to find that "monster buck". What you want everyone to believe is that you hiked into another canyon to be there at first light, hunted that canyon, hiked back out to your ATV, drove up the road, found this other "monster buck" bedded, made a plan and started your stalk by 8:30? Am I the only one that sees the wholes in this guys bullshi+?

Oh yah, and all this only 3 days after you shot a another buck 3 miles off the road! YOU DA MAN!

It's always an adventure!!!
I feel another MM conviction coming on!:D

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
LMAO...no Jim...you da man buddy!! I don't know where he's been since he's stopped arguing but imagine he's probably out hunting his next Utah buck!! }>

LAST EDITED ON Aug-27-10 AT 10:58PM (MST)[p]As an avid hunter I understand the passion for being out there chasing trophy animals. That being said, I end up shaking my head way too often when I read these forums. It would appear far too many of us behave and talk like hunting trophy animals is the only thing too live for.

As an outsider who rarely comments in the forums, but who reads them frequently because some good posts do happen now and then, I personally believe many take things way too seriously. If people were to spend as much time and passion in developing important relationships or careers as they do checking trailcams and keeping honey holes a secret, then perhaps they would feel better about themselves. Forums and blogs on practically all websites become outlets for people to let out their darker sides because there is no one to face in person. They really do bring out one's true character.

I appreciate good postings and they keep me coming back to frequent sites like this, but I get sick and tired of obviously insecure and depressed individuals taking their wrath out on others. I expect to hear from a few of said individuals after posting this. Enough of my ranting, I guess my feeling is I would like to read more about hunting and the animals I love and less about things that are better left in therapy sessions. Good luck to all who are out there chasing the bucks and bulls of their dreams, I hope you find them, but I hope it doesn't come at the expense of losing your character.


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Both of these posts are by elkhuntn247

Post 35.some of you guys are retarded.. did I ever sat I was a road hunter? no... I so happened to be running a hair late an caught the buck on the way th the canyon I was hunting...

Post 57. but yes I was on the road at 8:30 so what.. funny thing is I had been in a nother canyon since 6:00... god Im such a road hunter.. I mean the buck I shot the other night was 3 miles from the road... haha some of you are probably thinkin "wow thats a long shot!" once again some of these haters on here are a hair slow

Confusing to say the least.

1. didnt slash the tires..
2.never shot the one deer... I only shot one shot this season..
3. some of you need to learn how to read and not add Sh!t to my story..
Maybe you need to learn how to type. Go back and read your posts. I can see if it's only one person (me) that misunderstood your post but when everyone is getting the same thing out of it, it just might be YOU! I don't care if you "slashed" the tires. Leaving someone stranded in the hills is pretty childish and dangerous. I hope they prosecute your ass!

It's always an adventure!!!
Hmmmm! Wonder what Flounder would do in this situation or for that matter Jason Carter?

elkhunter247... a little advice... don't skip school to go hunting anymore.

no skippin school here :)

ha I guess Im kinda being a troll here lol this whole thing happened "but" I didnt touch his truck... thought about it but didnt.. cause I wouldnt want anyone to mess with my truck.

But with that thought as a story I knew this would explode! ha its kinda slow and lame on here so I had to spice it up a bit lol idk bout you guys but I had some good laughs!

this esceladed quick :)
everything happened exept messing with his truck.. haha some of you guys were all for it an some were way against it! hhaha its funny to see the reactions :) that fire blazed for quite some time!
Remind me that if I'm ever tempted to tell a bull-shi+ story that I not do it here! LOL
Mamma said it's always better to tell the truth.

This is better than the dam TV I was watching!

So I guess the one thing we all know for certain is elkhuntn247 is full of $hit !



The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
So for any of you who have not read this whole post, here is the summary:

"Im a road hunter. Im pissed cause another road hunter screwed my stalk. . . which took place on the road. I got pissed and aired out his tires. But its cool cause I already shot a buck a couple nights ago. I thought Id be da man be telling people I messed with the dudes truck so I told people on MM about being a bad azz. Lots of guys said I wasnt as bad as I thought. So, I totally told them I was kidding and never really did that. The MM guys are totally gonna fall for it too. Then my mom came in and told me it was bedtime."
HOLY BALLZ,After GRIZZMOOSE summed it up the way he did ,I am having a flash - back.
Could it be TIMBERHUNTER telling tales again????
Personally I'd have told the other guys that you lost something, and was looking for it.More than likely they would have driven on by and not offered to help.I could see where this was going,so smack your buddy for telling these opportunistic butheads you found a buck big enough to shoot.

PS I was glassing a big ravine one trip for several hours, when a member of our party graciously walked up to see if I had seen anything, when a 4x4 bigger than any mulie I've ever taken bounced out of the quakies and shot it right in front of me!!!!
WOW and WOW can it get any better then this. LMAO

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
+2 I wonder if his mom is going to get mad. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Okay,here is how I see it.

I think 247 was obviously extremely agitated when writing this post.

1)The typos in the writing.

Example:Cody(a friend since this)sent me a PM after finding out he too drew the Sargents.It was hard for me to read,because of the typos.He at the time a newly graduated Lawyer.Not a stupid person.Excited YES stupid NO!

2)The business on letting the air out of the tires.

Example:Have you never said you did something to someone because they hurt you,when actually you really didn't.But at the same time it made you feel good just saying you did?

I think 247 is a person who wears his emotions on his sleeve and it hinders him sometimes.

Calling someone stupid,not knowing how to type,or worst,the graph of learning or lack of.


I think 247's post was his way of looking for support and venting his frustration nothing more.

I don't know 247.I just hate how a post gets out of hand.One person makes a negative comment and the mob jumps in.

"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you think their right"

-Joe E Sikora

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