He is still at work while they play in Puerto Rico

Imagine if we had a guy who was the greatest deal maker in history, the shutdown would have never happened and we would all be drinking free bubble up and eating rainbow stew. But instead we are stuck with what we got on both sides.


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
Remember WW2?

My grandpa does

Sometimes fixing problems takes sacrifice from those who least deserve to be required to do so.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-13-19 AT 01:41PM (MST)[p]

Well guess that is something your cramps and mine have in common. Mine was on a ship that was Kamikazed off the Coast of Okinawa in April of 1945. He was burned over 50% of his body and spent 2 years healing up from it. Left him scarred for life. He told me the story once just prior to him dying.

He would be ashamed of people who sucked Trump's schlong like you do.

How much have you sacrificed for the nation? Even one drop of blood or 5 minutes of military service? If neither then you and Trump are the same; clueless.


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
He gets a 3way with Hillary and Barrack every night when he is taking a quiet moment from hating America and spitting on the sacrifices made to allow him to do so..

just another liberal gay democrat spewing garbage. When you moving to Cali? Montana is the new California.

How to start an argument online:
1. Express an opinion
2. Wait
LAST EDITED ON Jan-13-19 AT 04:30PM (MST)[p]>He gets a 3way with Hillary
>and Barrack every night when
>he is taking a quiet
>moment from hating America and
>spitting on the sacrifices made
>to allow him to do
>just another liberal gay democrat spewing
>garbage. When you moving to
>Cali? Montana is the new
>How to start an argument online:
>1. Express an opinion
>2. Wait
Hillary, Hillary, Hillary. That is all Trump turds have to fall back on. Comparing your beloved to the worst democrat in the country isn't much to hang your hat on. I know my voting record is as or more conservative as anyone on here so calling me a liberal is funny for clowns who worship a big spending, debt growing president.

Your Butt Odor (YBO)

No enemy killed that I know of. I was there though, were you? Or Asshatadventiure or your beloved Trump?

Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
You being so confident i thpugjt a yes or no answer would suffice.
At least you didnt brag about a total. I can respect that.

I wish self proclaimed conservatives would have some core values they weren't willing to whore themselves out because they are now sheeple.

I don't care what Hillary did, she lost and is useless.


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
Don?t go prancing around like you have principles. The rest of us want to solve the national debt as well. Securing the border has been a conservative ideal for. Well forever. If you don't want the wall than you are no conservative.

The Democrats know that they have illegals coming over the border and voting for Democrats. There?s a reason they don't want voter ID.

If you are against the wall you are not a conservative.
>Don?t go prancing around like you
>have principles. The rest of
>us want to solve the
>national debt as well. Securing
>the border has been a
>conservative ideal for. Well forever.
>If you don't want the
>wall than you are no
>The Democrats know that they have
>illegals coming over the border
>and voting for Democrats. There?s
>a reason they don't want
>voter ID.
>If you are against the wall
>you are not a conservative.

So essentially what you are saying that Trump conservatives are not able to have independent thoughts and ideas, but are merely puppets of the party? Look at that! We agree on something!
i guess that means nemo's mad because Hillary lost. i'm not a huge fan of trump.....but he was the lesser of the evils for sure!
>i guess that means nemo's mad
>because Hillary lost. i'm
>not a huge fan of
>trump.....but he was the lesser
>of the evils for sure!

How do you idiots come up with the crap you do?

Hillary was a terrible choice and Trump was a terrible choice. Two sides of the same coin.

I give less than a Shyt about Hillary and her clan. I do care about the conservative agenda and Trump is doing permanent damage to it's Future.

Trumpturds never look past the latest tweet to find out what they are supposed to believe next.


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
There is a lot of ground between open borders and this idiotic wall. Seeing the world through your tiny little window has to suck. The cute little names you like to think up show the power of your intellect.

Show a post where anyone on here supports open borders.

If you are for confiscation of private property through government over reach then you are no conservative.

Utards whine like girls about government over reach when it comes to public lands but support confiscating private property when Trump tells them how to think.

That is some funny stuff if you do not stop to think about it.

Build the wall, if only there was a great deal maker anywhere in the process who could get it done.


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
You say he is not a great deal maker....but

Obama wanted a wall....couldnt get it done
Bush wanted a wall....couldnt get it done
Clinton argued for a wall....couldnt get it done
Hillary wanted a wall....LOL

This is as close as it has come
Sometimes when negotiating for a lower price on a new truck or house you have to be willing to dig in until the other guy caves...

But, as a small time insurance salesman you are so used to kissing toosh of anyone that wants a $25 live insurance policy that you dont get hardball. Thants ok...leave it to the big boys lil Negative Nancy


"""OH OH Oh"""

ba bi nancy
There you go typical Trumpturd attacking a successful small business man and not knowing shyt from low grade peanut butter about anything. The pretend conservatives are always on the wrong side of any conservative issue because their world view of the orange belly button makes them only believe the liberal from the upper west side.

I didn't run for president claiming I was the greatest ever now did I but your orange hero did and it is just one more thing you are a complete sell out on holding him to any standard on. Where is that Mexican check? Oh that's right you don't hold him on that one either.

Perfect? Where have I mentioned perfect. How about getting just to the good, where is that?

Build the wall then watch the number of illegals not change.


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
NeMont thought the Dems would just cave?

What do you mean he isnt a great deal maker?

Trump has renegotiated all sorts of issues and deals. The wall is going to take time. And Trump is willing to wait it out. Classic negotiation skill. Get over yourself Nemont
LAST EDITED ON Jan-14-19 AT 09:36AM (MST)[p]What a bunch of idiot, faker, yes men and Californians.

That is right, me running a business, starting from zero 20 years ago and still keeping the lights on and payroll met is now just not something Trumpturds can get behind because they are oxygen deprived.

Does it make for sore throat when Trump turns to the right or left too fast?

Where did I claim to be the greatest deal makers in the history of the world? I didn't ever claim anything close to that, your beloved did though.


what a bunch of sell outs to the conservative cause. Useless lemmings.

Government Over reach is fine with the phonies as long as Trump does it.


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
Again, it's understandable that you, as a small town insurance salesman from Montana, might not get what negotiations look like when they are being done with an enemy that has been entrenched for 60 years, out in the public debate, with billions of support dollars, might look like. Its over your head and doesnt make sense to you. But, again, be patient, watch and learn.
>Again, it's understandable that you, as
>a small town insurance salesman
>from Montana, might not get
>what negotiations look like when
>they are being done with
>an enemy that has been
>entrenched for 60 years, out
>in the public debate, with
>billions of support dollars, might
>look like. Its over
>your head and doesnt make
>sense to you. But,
>again, be patient, watch and

That is funny right there but hey you don't know what your don't know.

A Trumpturd telling anybody to learn anything is some funny stuff, too bad you didn't learn to discern a con man from a real leader prior to you getting your ballot.


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
>>Again, it's understandable that you, as
>>a small town insurance salesman
>>from Montana, might not get
>>what negotiations look like when
>>they are being done with
>>an enemy that has been
>>entrenched for 60 years, out
>>in the public debate, with
>>billions of support dollars, might
>>look like. Its over
>>your head and doesnt make
>>sense to you. But,
>>again, be patient, watch and
>That is funny right there but
>hey you don't know what
>your don't know.

I would agree. And it is obvious what you dont know. :)

Hardball negotiations. That is exactly what you dont understand. You are used to customers replying to your coupon or finding you in the yellow pages. It's commendable and cute but you would not understand large scale commercial land leases and probably shouldnt hand out advice about it. And, if you observed one, you might think it was a fight and neither side was winning. But, in the end it would work out. Dont be silly lil Nancy

>A Trumpturd telling anybody to learn
>anything is some funny stuff,
>too bad you didn't learn
>to discern a con man
>from a real leader prior
>to you getting your ballot.

I have been quite pleased with so many of Trumps accomplishments. You would have been happier with Hillary, you have made that quite clear.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-14-19 AT 10:06AM (MST)[p]


You are just another lying sack of shyt Trumpturd.

I have never supported Hillary in any way, shape or form. I know Trump tells you what to think but at some point you should try to remove his schlong, come up for air and start the gray matter between your ears.

So we can safely say you are not conservative on the matter of government over reach. What else are you going to sell out on?

How many mega deals have you done? I am willing to make a guess and say it is zero but you want to thump your chest that you know more.

What happens when the compromise is something no conservative would ever agree to? That is what is coming because Trump is no conservative.


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
If Trump is some great deal maker (who walked away from an offer of $25 Billion for the wall in early 2018) and he still doesn't have a wall, even though he had both houses of Congress for two years... then using your metric, the best negotiators are really the pro-immigrant crowd that has stopped it.

Agreed, and they have convinced you that letting mexicans come over and slowly take over your country and vote for their democrat ideals and give free insurance and give free food and create sanctuary cities and allow crimes to run rampant....you have signed up for it all

who needs russia propaganda when domestic bs works so well on you :)

he never had both houses as evidenced by FLIP FLOP FLUBBER MCCAIN and JEFF FLAKEY FLAKERTON.


And now you believe him when he says a wall is a bad idea?

I guess you would have to assume the conservatives in the House and Senate had spines in 2017, and were telling the truth about what they wanted.

And if you believe that. Then it's no wonder the Russian Facebook ads worked so well :)
LAST EDITED ON Jan-14-19 AT 10:53AM (MST)[p]Why did Mitch Agree to not pursue border funding after McCain died? Can you find where it was ever put on the Senate floor for a vote?


Remember the money was in there from the House and the Republican Majority Leader didn't take up the bill because the greatest deal maker couldn't get even his own party to take yes for an answer.

Now the idiots, yes men and sheeple still believe it all the stupid democrats fault?

Can you find where Mitch forced a vote to show the real colors of the democrat party? Or was he more worried about how his own members would vote? Cloture could have been waived and they could have gone nuclear too. Not that you have any standards you are willing to hold your beloved to or any core or any value.


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
Ryan got it through the House fully funded, yet the guy still in the Senate Majority leader seat never took it up for a vote. Ryan is gone now and Pelosi took is gavel. McConnell is still there and nothing has come out of the senate.

So yeah Thanks Ryan, you passed the wall funding just to see McConnell avoid taking any actions at all.


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
It was an appropriations bill dum bazz

How many votes do you need to pass an appropriations bill in the senate?

How many dems were willing to vote yes in the senate?

You idiot
but, but Trump said he could get anyone to make a deal? 8 Democrats is all you need and he didn't even try.

Why not go nuclear? Remember that was his idea before and Mitch said no.

The cloture rule can be changed any time. Easier to declare a national emergency and take property through government over reach, right?

Look the Democrats are totally stupid on the issue but to pretend Trump is some how above it all just shows you are truly in the tank for the orange con man.

What deal is ahead that doesn't involve giving the dems amnesty of some sort? You up for another round of amnesty? I am not.

I will give you a hint: The Republicans in the Senate are going to blink. It is up to Trump now to be the decider.


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
You would think this is a deal that you would root for that you would be a great cheerleader for especially in that cute little skirt
Weird that your fantasy is a dude in a skirt but I don't expect anything less from Trumpturds. They are as ammoral as their leader in most cases.

So Trump isn't the greatest deal maker since time began or does he just suck at his job as the leader of the country?


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
It's simple. You?re making this much more complicated than you need to. Building this wall and securing the border is a very very conservative principal. If you don't want it there's no way you are a conservative. There?s no way. There?s just no way about it my friend
>It's simple. You?re making this much
>more complicated than you need
>to. Building this wall and
>securing the border is a
>very very conservative principal. If
>you don't want it there's
>no way you are a
>conservative. There?s no way. There?s
>just no way about it
>my friend

Now I'm intrigued. Please give us a list of more of the subjects the require agreeance to fit your self-aggrandizing description of a "conservative".

What kind of test did you have to pass to be able to make that declaration? Can anybody else decide that list, or just you?

No you are probably right. People who love the illegal aliens and want to set up sanctuary cities and want to cuddle with them and kiss them and snuggle with them or known as conservatives :)
Hey I agree that conservatives can have multiple viewpoints but you have a great point. When it comes to illegals crossing the border in the incredible amount of crime, job rubbing, and incredible cost to the system, it's amazing that anybody would call them a conservative if they oppose the wall.
>It's simple. You?re making this much
>more complicated than you need
>to. Building this wall and
>securing the border is a
>very very conservative principal. If
>you don't want it there's
>no way you are a
>conservative. There?s no way. There?s
>just no way about it
>my friend


Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back. Go back and look at how many times I have said to build the wall. So GFYS or in lingo of Trumpturd GFY because they are too stupid to understand internet lingo.

Why would a conservative support the taking of private property without due process? Why would a conservative support more power given to the executive branch? Neither of those are conservative core values.

Here is a question: How do most people who are here illegally get here? If you can figure that you then you will be further ahead but like most Trumpturds you are like a magpie, dazzled by any shiny object.


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
>No you are probably right. People
>who love the illegal aliens
>and want to set up
>sanctuary cities and want to
>cuddle with them and kiss
>them and snuggle with them
>or known as conservatives :)


Instead of channeling your inner Trump and being a total phuking liar, why don't you show where anybody on here has said any of this.

Build the wall, Imagine if we had a leader who could have gotten it done when Republicans had majorities in both Houses. Since he couldn't do it then, what makes you think he can cut a deal now?

Or is that you simply are a conservative who doesn't think beyond what Trump tells you think? I suspect that is the case because you have make shyt up.


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
Here?s a question. How do you stop almost half the people coming into the United States? And that's just the ones that they catch LOL
Answer my question first, How do most illegals end up here? Simple answer to that one.

Then if you can answer it, explain how a wall will make that stop.

Build the wall and then you better be man enough to own it when nothing really changes but we know Trump supporters and keeping their word is mutually exclusive.


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
Are you kidding? I thought this was brilliant. He served a bunch of college kids some hamburgers. That's exactly what they want. Any saved the text payers a bunch of money :) brilliant
>Are you kidding? I thought this
>was brilliant. He served a
>bunch of college kids some
>hamburgers. That's exactly what they
>want. Any saved the text
>payers a bunch of money
>:) brilliant

Well of course you did precious. Brilliant? Really? Did you even read the article? You're pathetic.

"Critics also pointed out that elite college athletes most likely weren't supposed to be gorging themselves on burgers and fries, and?wondered?why the president didn't have his hotel ? located just minutes from the White House ? provide catering.

Clemson football has an "executive performance chef" dietary coach, whose specific job is to ensure the players do not eat the very food Donald Trump is serving them in the White House tonight https://clemsontigers.com/the-culinary-coach/??

?Our nutritionist must be having a fit,? one Clemson player was?reportedlyoverheard saying.

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