Help scoring


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This is my 2009 general season bull, I have never been very big into scoring, so I dont know how. But this is my best bull yet. I am not lucky enough to draw a LE tag. The main beams are 49 1/2 in long. What would you guys say this bull scores?



Rub some dirt on it, ya sissy!
Go to and look for scoring your trophy. It will tell you how to measure it and give you a print out to keep for your records.
Its fun to do and it will teach you how to measure big game animals.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-10 AT 12:01PM (MST)[p]My guess on its score would be around 305 gross . Lets us know what it really is after you score it on the web site.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-10 AT 12:35PM (MST)[p]Thanks I will go check that out, the pic does not show the passenger side very well there is a seventh point that is about an inch and a half long.

Rub some dirt on it, ya sissy!
I'd be happy with that bull--I'm guessing 295 gross. Let us know what you come up with.
I get 313 gross and 306 net. I'd love to hear what he ends up being.

Great lookin bull for a general season area. I would say 297 gross. If I am right on then you need to take me to the spot!
I must be horrible at taking pictures. According to the b & c website the bull gross scores 326 6/8, net of 313 3/8, I will try and take a pic with me in it so It shows size better, thank you for the help, that site is a blast, scoring is kinda fun.

Rub some dirt on it, ya sissy!
On the drivers side were 14 2/8, 13 1/8, 10 3/8, 18, 11, girth was 8 4/8, 6 3/8 , 6 4/8, 5 1/8. Similar on other side but g5 was only 5 6/8, and inch and half for extra point. Spread was 42 in
Justr86, you were the closest I will send you a pm, I will show you the kill site.

Rub some dirt on it, ya sissy!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-10 AT 02:33PM (MST)[p]I was way off but that doesnt surprise me. I shot a bull two years ago on the archery hunt that I thought was around 290 and it went 320. congrats on a big bull

It looks bigger in the last pic you just posted
I don't need to see your honey hole. But a MM hat would be cool. Reading the story would be cool too.


Thanks odb, I still stoked about it. It was one of those hunts where everything that I have ever learned about hunting fell into play.
My dad had just shot a spike and didn't know this bull was with the herd, I saw all the cows head north and dad caught a glimpse of him heading south. So while dad cleaned his up I went after this fella in the thick timber. He would throw out an occasional bugle to try and locate his cows. About 2 hours later I was able to get close enough. It was so thick, I was within 25 yards before I saw him, he came through the trees screaming. I picked a spot between 2 trees about 12 inches wide and when his shoulder was there, I shot. He went about 10 yards and died. I thought it was a 4 or 5 point. When I got there I almost fell down.

Rub some dirt on it, ya sissy!
Thanks for sharing your story and nice bull! Being just an average hunter, I love stories like this... no ground shrinkage 'cause the animal turns out to be bigger than what you'd expected. I had a great hunt for a bull elk here in Nevada several yrs. ago, and was not able to close the deal; not even able to get within 500 yds. of the bulls I was trying to get, but still was a great experience! Last year while on cow hunt, I encountered at least 10 bulls that I would estimate between 330-380 I could have harvested at less than 100 yds...Hunting, always an adventure :)!
Great Bull, Great story! I was way off as well. Pics can be deceiving, make things way bigger or way smaller! Good job, I would be stoked as well and would proudly display it in the front room where everyone could see it. Even if the wife didn't approve!!

"Half of being smart, is knowing what you're dumb about."
I am lucky, my wife thinks its cool, I hope to have a few of these hanging on my wall, as you could see I went with the euro for this bull. I have 14 points for elk so maybe I will get lucky and close the deal on a bigger bull to have a full mount on, they will look cool side by side. This one will always be special just because it was on an open unit.

Rub some dirt on it, ya sissy!
Yep thats a goog looking bull kawboy . I have seen some guys take smaller bulls off draw units. Be proud of him !
The picture with you holding it makes him look better.
Which unit did you shoot him on ?

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