
Long Time Member
I'm all for making the World Safer!


They want tougher laws to prevent such deaths!


As Soon as they pass such Laws, they Think these Types of people Obey such Laws?

Some of these People wanting More Laws/Your Guns are So Blind they don't Understand the THUGS/MURDERERS will always find a way/another weapon!

Too many People like dude that would be the first person to help/vote to take your Automatics/Black Guns away thinking that it would fix everything!


I Feel for these People in the Link but what they're Thinking Ain't the Fix!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>Dude probably disagress with you.


I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
I'm still waiting to see their law, that takes the guns from criminals. All the laws they talk about, are targeting citizens that obey laws. Outlaws are called outlaws for a reason.
At one time CA. had a law that did drop the homicide rate and violent crime rate. It was called, "Use a gun, go to prison". If you use a gun to commit a crime, you got 5 more years tacked on to your sentence. No probation or parole could be given for the 5 years. You flat did the full 5 years.
Really worked on getting the gun toting gangbangers off the street and career criminals committing armed robbery. Then the loop hole was found, County D.A.s would drop the gun clause if the suspect would plead guilty to the assault charge or robbery charge and the D.A. avoided a time consuming jury trial. The suspect would plead out just about every time to avoid doing the additional 5 years in prison.
Also it crowded our prisons, so our liberal Democrats will not re-instate it and doing away with the D.A. loop hole. They do not want to use those tax paying dollars to build more prisons and take away from their welfare programs to the poor and homeless and illegal immigrants. In other words SCREW THE HONEST CITIZEN AND THEIR SAFETY.

>At one time CA. had a
>law that did drop the
>homicide rate and violent crime
>rate. It was called, "Use
>a gun, go to prison".
>If you use a gun
>to commit a crime, you
>got 5 more years tacked
>on to your sentence. No
>probation or parole could be
>given for the 5 years.
>You flat did the full
>5 years.
> Really worked
>on getting the gun toting
>gangbangers off the street and
>career criminals committing armed robbery.
>Then the loop hole was
>found, County D.A.s would drop
>the gun clause if the
>suspect would plead guilty to
>the assault charge or robbery
>charge and the D.A. avoided
>a time consuming jury trial.
>The suspect would plead out
>just about every time to
>avoid doing the additional 5
>years in prison.
> Also it
>crowded our prisons, so our
>liberal Democrats will not re-instate
>it and doing away with
>the D.A. loop hole. They
>do not want to use
>those tax paying dollars to
>build more prisons and take
>away from their welfare programs
>to the poor and homeless
>and illegal immigrants. In other

I like that. Further cut down on it by putting them on death row for the 2nd time it happened.

>At one time CA. had a
>law that did drop the
>homicide rate and violent crime
>rate. It was called, "Use
>a gun, go to prison".
>If you use a gun
>to commit a crime, you
>got 5 more years tacked
>on to your sentence. No
>probation or parole could be
>given for the 5 years.
>You flat did the full
>5 years.
> Really worked
>on getting the gun toting
>gangbangers off the street and
>career criminals committing armed robbery.
>Then the loop hole was
>found, County D.A.s would drop
>the gun clause if the
>suspect would plead guilty to
>the assault charge or robbery
>charge and the D.A. avoided
>a time consuming jury trial.
>The suspect would plead out
>just about every time to
>avoid doing the additional 5
>years in prison.
> Also it
>crowded our prisons, so our
>liberal Democrats will not re-instate
>it and doing away with
>the D.A. loop hole. They
>do not want to use
>those tax paying dollars to
>build more prisons and take
>away from their welfare programs
>to the poor and homeless
>and illegal immigrants. In other

Bill Clinton signed a law that made it a mandatory 10 year sentence for stealing a firearm. The problem is that the feds rarely make those charges and enforce them. Maybe the law has been repealed but I haven't heard so.
I see there was almost a whole 100 people there! That's one helluva rally!!!!

Probably just some Demo's who don't work anyway ...but I suppose we should take them seriously since they vote.

Sad to see the tail wagging the dog again.


>I see there was almost a
>whole 100 people there! That's
>one helluva rally!!!!
>Probably just some Demo's who don't
>work anyway ...but I suppose
>we should take them seriously
>since they vote.
>Sad to see the tail wagging
>the dog again.

True that Zeke!

But You Know how it works!

100 This Year!

1,000 Next Year!

10,000 the Following year!



I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
It is so frustrating to listen to these liberal, idealistic fools that think criminals will begin to be law abiding if we have more laws. For example, if we have "gun free zones" those buildings will be safe. I think something like 95% of mass shooting happen in gun free zones. What kind of morons think a guy intent on killing people shows up at a building to kill but reads the gun free zone sign so he turns around and goes home because he isn't allowed to have a gun in there? Funny how the liberal media fails to mention when these shootings happen in a GF zone.
Hey Elk...everybody in the Mormon 500 gonna start wearing flags on their cars on I-80 and I-15 now?????

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