Hillary and her mounting problems.


Long Time Member
The Romanian hacker who claimed he easily breached Hillary Clinton?s personal email server is finalizing a plea deal with the FBI and U.S. attorney, Fox News has learned.

Marcel Lehel Lazar, the 44-year-old hacker also known as ?Guccifer,? first gave indications he wanted to cooperate with the U.S. government in mid-April, during an interview with Fox News. Lazar, in a subsequent discussion, said he was working on a plea deal ? he then suspended media contact earlier this month.

On Monday, a spokesman for the U.S. attorney in the Eastern District of Virginia confirmed that a change of plea hearing is now scheduled for Lazar on Wednesday morning. He originally had pleaded not guilty to the nine-count indictment when he was extradited to the U.S.

He is now expected to plead guilty to some charges.

It is not publicly known whether the deal being worked out has a provision for cooperating with federal authorities ? and whether that has anything to do with the investigation into Clinton?s exclusive use of a private email server for government business while secretary of state.

But an intelligence source familiar with the FBI probe said if Guccifer pleads guilty to compromising Clinton aide Sidney Blumenthal?s AOL account ? which is one of the nine charges ? it will show that Clinton?s use of a personal server put sensitive information outside secure government channels and made it accessible to foreign hackers.

?[Clinton?s] gross negligence allowed this material to get out to an adversary,? the source said. ?Through her communications with Blumenthal, [Clinton] contributed exposure and risk.?

Now we MAY find out if her server was hacked putting her into the position of possibly being charged with a felony that carries a 10 year max sentence.
On another note she has refused to debate Sanders monitored by Fox news. Who is she scared of, Sanders or Fox. I look for her approval rating to go down further in the next month.

the oregon panty sniffer is typing his rebuttal at this moment.....
He will have to get a snoot full of Crown Royal in him before he can think of any rebuttal.

She'll have time to work it out after she's president.

Trumps problems are just beginning. he has so many skeletons in his closets the door won't shut. starting with his tax returns that 2 out of 3 americans say he must release.

Keep praying for Hillary's demise. it's not too late for president Bernie.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>She'll have time to work it
>out after she's president.
>Trumps problems are just beginning. he
>has so many skeletons in
>his closets the door won't
>shut. starting with his
>tax returns that 2 out
>of 3 americans say he
> must release.
>Keep praying for Hillary's demise.
>it's not too late for
>president Bernie.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends
Well if she does get the White House,at least her and Billy can finish taken items from the White House if they don't get caught.
If it isn't her it'll be Bernie.

You guys love jews why aren't you supporting poor Bernie? do we have a bunch of anti-semites around here or what? wait a second......... maybe you want Hillary out of Bernie's way but you don't want to admit it.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Dude Bernie is a lost cause. The powers to be in the Democrat party are going to toss him to the wayside and they started that action several months ago.
As for tax returns, Trump will be able to get around that as there is a hard nose reporter investigating the Clinton foundation. He is far enough along, aftr one year, in that investigation that he made statements that there is outright fraud involved in the Clinton foundation run by Hillary, Bill, and their daughter. Have you noticed that Hillary has not made any comments about suing that reporter for slander or libel. I wonder why.
I look for the Democrat party to be talking right now if they should abandon supporting Hillary due to her baggage that is becoming public more and more every day. Oh shotgun Joe might have to jump in after all and watch out for open mikes or keep his mouth shut.

I'd be every bit as concerned and opposed to Bernie, if I thought for a minute he'd be the Demo candidate running for the Presidency, with the support of the Demo election machinery behind him. He's not and he won't. If the Mrs. goes down the Demos will plug someone else in, and it won't be Mr. Sanders. IMO.

Sanders has many valid points and people are resinating to much of what he's saying needs to be fixed. I agree, many of his issues are in need of repair, I just hope to hell a conservative (more conservative than H or B) gets a chance to go to work on it. That's way I think Trump can win a lot of Sanders supporters from the Mrs., if he would attack Sanders issues, but offer more logical solutions.

A lot of folks don't care who gets the rats cleaned out of the basement, or how they do it, they just want the rotten rodents gone, by whoever, no matter how much they like the exterminator, as an individual.

Go Trump, you stinky, smelly, filthy, old, arrogant, rude, greedy, ugly, mean, blood thirsty rat killer, with your butt crack showing, your beer belly hanging out, your orange hair flapping in the wind. I may not enjoy having you over for dinner but I'm sure glad you're willing to muck out the basement. You generally don't call a piano player to a knife fight!

I used to agree with you, but it's become clear Trump is just another politician , just without the experience.

He backtracks hourly blowing the way the wind blows. and now he says he'll take the money campaign he said he wouldn't , part of what made him different evaporates every day.

Being a racist bigot is all we have left to admire about him. that will never change.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
The bottom line is that the majority of the voters will take Trump over Hillary and Sanders. A lot of Democrats will set home this time around and that may give Trump his majority he needs to continue in Congress in both houses.
Then it will be up to him to deliver and not be another Obama with a lot of wind and no substance. It will be cut bait or go fishing and just about every voter will be watching to make sure he goes fishing.

Of course, he's a politician. He became a politician the second he announced he was running for a political office. The point is, he hasn't been a politician, as a career, although his business came up against politics and politicians, and apparently he did will working in, around, and up against it.

He has always accepted money for his run for President, I've got bank records to prove it, withdrawals from my checking account, every month since last October, for 25 measly dollars. He said he wouldn't take money from certain individuals and certain organizations, because he didn't want to owe any favors, like most politician have done and got themselves corned, once they were in office. But anti-Trump folks will only say he "said he wouldn't take any money". Not true and never has been. But............let's say it was true anf he changed his mind about it.

Trump claims he's a deal maker. A negotiator, is what I call it. A successful deal maker/negotiator is flexible, above all else. He moves, he changes, he shift, he gives, he takes, he bends, he adapts. He's like a well tempered spring, you push or pull and he moves with you but in the end he gets back to what is good for him, and if he's really, really good, the guys pushing and pulling, trying to make a deal/negotiate with him are as satisfied as he is with the outcome, but he always ends up better off then when HE started, and if Trump want's to do business with you again, Trump will try to make sure you're satisfied too.

With that in mind, expect Trump to be in a continual, "I changed my mind mode". As the need changes, he'll flex. As the pressure moves here, he'll shift there. As an open/opportunity opens up here, he'd dodge there, to fill a need or create a larger opening, maybe on an entirely different issue, that no one was thinking about, until the situation presented itself.

He's clearly not a ridged, dogmatic, idealist, he's a generalist and a big picture kind off thinker. He'll never stop changing his mind, when he sees a better solution, for the over all benefit of the project, which in his words are to, "make America great again."

For example, in the past, if a politician said, "I'll never kick that dog." To avoid media and political criticism he'd try to never kick the dog, for any reason, In Trump's, case he will say "I'll never kick that dog" but the first time it takes a crap on the seat, it gets booted across the yard, without apology, because Trump would assume and believe that any normal man would never stand for any dog $hitting on the truck seat. I think he calls it "Counter Punching, and he hits harder, so you don't want to get punched again." People don't get away with crapping on Trumps seat, regardless of what he's said he would or won't do.

So..... yes he's a politician but he's not like a present day, bought and paid for, media coward, ridge ideologue, that we've grown to expect out of the profession.

Regarding his bigotry....... I've never noticed him being as nearly bigoted as you and I are. I guess if he's less bigoted than you and I, you and I can live with him. Actually T, how is it that you claim he's a bigot anyway, I've never noticed any bigotry coming out of his mouth or his behavior. What has he said or done that would lead you to believe that he is?

Hey Lumpy!

That's what ya get when you mix dude with some CROWN!

Not that I wouldn't mind Hillary going away (not going to say "going down". **shiver**), I think Guccifer is full of sh*t. What little that has been released to the public is full of ankle-biter scriptkiddy talk.
LAST EDITED ON May-24-16 AT 09:48PM (MST)[p]Considering the noted sources here against Bernie gives me great reassurance I am supporting the best candidate.

As for the Dems finally discovering Hillary's skeletons RELH, really? What in the world do you think Bernie supporters have been doing for the last 8 months? What party do Bernie supporters belong to?

Bottom line is...your political prognostications since the inception of this forum have been consistently wrong which can easily be proven by simply checking the archives.

Again you are speaking about Trump through your rose rimmed glasses, you don't care about his policies or taxes, we get it. Just so you know, the last the Donald showed his taxes was in the 78 and 79 and he paid 0 dollars in taxes.

Independent voters do want to see his taxes and we are the ones that will make final decision in this election, not the minority of Trumpeteers.

As for Guccifer, the quick extradition, the 2013 release of an alleged "Clinton-Blumenthal" e-mail, the guilty plea-deal, the Pagliano Immunity, and the closed meetings with Clinton staffers I think Bernie is in a good place.

October Surprise....wonder what that saying means?
Well, he's a thinker, whether he wears a Crown or not. ;-) I like thinkers, that's why I like your style BC.

I think T reads a lot, then fit's what he's seen, heard, and experienced into his "view of the world", same as you and I, Bob, Steve, DW and handful of us lunatics do. We're all pretty prone to "confirmation bias" (my new favorite term), and there is plenty of a confirmation to go around, regardless of who's camp your in.

If T's only ignorant when he's into the Crown, at least he's got a legitimate excuse, I wish I had one, when I'm acting all hip shot and full of self pity. :D When us Mormon's get all pissy we simply have to admit, we're just out right a$$holes, without a crutch to fall back on. ;-)

Oh, it's a mess!

Crap, now I am in a rotten mood. GSW played like they were trying to blow the Vegas sport's books out of the water tonight!

FW, you are a "Independent voter" as much as Bernie Sanders is a conservative GOP party member. As for Bernie being in a good place, the chairperson of the Democrat National Party will disagree with you and so will the Hillary supporting Democrats.
You guys kept saying that the GOP was the ones divided and will fall apart. It now seems that option belongs to the Democrats. Sanders supporters starting near riots, saying they will never support Hillary and the crap will hit the fan when Sanders is ousted by the powers to be in the Democrat party.
This is going to be one heck of a election year with numerous surprises in store.

LAST EDITED ON May-25-16 AT 01:03AM (MST)[p]The Chairperson of the DNC and Hillary supporters are one in the same or do you not watch the news. A near riot in Vegas, wow, you really are watching way too much Faux.

The blatant corruption and misguided outrage by Boxer, the DNC media pundits and the establishment is comical.

I guess Bernie is a Conservative then because I've been non-partisan since halfway into Bush Sr. term. I would have voted former Utah Gov. John Huntsman in 08 (see archives) but he dropped out early because he uttered the words Congressional Term Limits.

Outside of that the GOP has offered myself and other non-partisans nothing other than more failure. The last decent presidential candidate outside of Huntsman was Bush Sr. in 88 prior to announcing Quayle as his running mate.

That's almost 30 damn years RELH! I know you fell into line with your party-first votes for such greats as Dole, Bush Jr (twice), McCain and Romney.

Failure to legislate, failure to uphold real Conservative values and most of all a complete failure to produce viable presidential candidates in the last 3 cycles.

Trump is nothing more than silver spoon garbage, always has been and always will be. I can see your attraction for Trump since he lies 76% of the time on the campaign trail and is being sued for Fraud.

Let me speak Faux Language to you....

Excerpt: Fox News Op-ed

"Donald Trump is unfit to be president of the United States for reasons almost too numerous to mention."


Personally, saying you want Trump over Hillary, is no different than saying you want Hillary over Bernie. If the current choices were Clinton, Huntsman, or Trump, Huntsman would have my vote. I vote for what is best for the entire country, not what is best for me or my ego or even worse some political party that does not represent me.

I Nominated dude & Nemont!

But Neither one of them will Cowboy-Up to the Job!

Did I not Say many Months ago the Choices were PISS-POOR?

Poor RELH is stuck in a time warp. he thinks Hillary just busted onto the scene and we're going lots of new stuff.

There will be lots of new stuff, about Trump. starting with his tax returns. Hillary will have a fortune to spend on ads to make sure.

Com'on lumpy, is Trump a racist? does he really need to say most beaners are rapists isn't just saying most Mexicans are rapist good enough?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
LAST EDITED ON May-25-16 AT 10:07AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON May-25-16 AT 10:05?AM (MST)

I'll come on.

Never heard him say, "most Mexicans are rapists". Has he said that, if so, where and when? I have heard him say he likes a lot of Mexicans, likes them a lot.

Never heard him say, "most Muslims are terrorists". I have heard him say he has had a lot of great relationships with Muslim business people.

I've heard him say, illegal Mexicans have raped American women. Is that true or isn't it? If it's true is it bigoted to speak the truth?

I've heard him say, Muslims have killed and continue to kill innocent Americans, in an effort to terrorize. Have they or haven't they? If they have is he a bigot to say so?

You see in Trump, Clinton, President Obama, RELH, elkassasin, Christians, Democrats, Republicans, and everyone else, exactly what you want to see. So do I, from an entirely different view of reality. We may as well be living in different universes. Conversations between folks like you and I amount to nothing more than speaking into a void.

I'd wish you a good day, and mean it, but I wouldn't have the faintest idea what a good day in your world would be.

LAST EDITED ON May-25-16 AT 10:44AM (MST)[p]
That is not what he said or what he meant. I know lots of the people he's talking about and while they may be simple folks I would trust them not to rape a girl before I'd trust the average white trash who loves Trump. they came here to work and raise their family not to rape and murder and that sp4eaks to the vast majority..

Listen again with an open mind if you can.

That said I'm all for closing the borders to ALL immigration we have more than enough people of ALL colors here as it is. but if we're going to play that game let's make it retroactive WTF gives you the right to decide who get's the door slammed in their face? my mothers people were here first and the came Mexicans second. maybe you should go. that's crazy talk right? well so is Trumps wall so lets be real.

The point is Trump is a racist as are you and I . we both know it so lets be honest about it. I like many of Trumps racist ideas I really do, but there is a political price to be paid and he will pay it. there just aren't enough white males control elections anymore.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Listened to it when he gave it T. Didn't hear a single racist or bigoted comment then nor when I just listened to it again. Sorry, like I said, we live in different universes.

All races commit rape. Trump's point and the point of us white trash is a percentage of those that cross the borders illegally commit rape, along with orher crimes, including murder. Allowed undocumented people, of any race, to enter the country is adding risk that some of us prefer to avoid. Remember, many are not from Mexico but from other nations as well. They are just using the Mexican border because it's the point of easiest access.

All who come into or stay in the US , without legal process are, at the present, violating our laws, that makes them criminals, at the outset. Trump and the white trash brigade are correct when they refer to that group of people as criminals, regardless of how long they've been here or regardless if they work their guts out. Still don't see how stating that or thinking that makes Trump a bigot. If that's what makes me white trash, by your definition, I'm good with the label. :)

Sure, if we can agree that we are all, meaning you and I and everyone else, is a bigot, I'll agree that Trump is one too. But.....if we agree to that, then so is every other candidate, past present and future, so it's a mute point that carries no weight. But...... we both know the majority of the country doesn't think that we're all bigots but they are twisting reality to claim Trump is and others are not, thereby falsely accusing Trump and praising others who are equally as bad or worse. And.....yes, your most likely right, that misconception will be leveraged by the Democrats and a lot of Republican and it will keep Trump from getting elected. We have always agreed on that. In my case I've said while that may be reality, it does not mean Trump should not continue to try to over come the bias. He has gotten further than you or I expected six months ago so I'm hopeful we're wrong again and he pulls off another unexpected win in November. Not counting on it however.

I would prefer we not close the borders to Mexicans or anyone else, if those that enter are closely vetted, during times of war and....... if they come with intellectual assets that contribute to the original concepts and values that the US was founded on and.......they come at our invitation, not just when and where they choose.

And......just my opinion T but if you or anyone else has any non-Native American blood in their vains, they're are product of immigration. Truth is the world is a blend of people regardless of how far back we go, be it 5 years or 20,000 years. Everybody has moved somewhere, from somewhere, Native Americans included. So that's another mute point as far as I'm concerned.

Lennie just feels guilty for bein a bigot and wants somebody else to say they are as well so he feels better about himself.
We're all racist it's human nature. some people just control it better than others.

If I want to feel better about being a racist I need look no farther than Donald Trump's succeed thus far. there's more of us than I figured I'm not alone.

But not enough to win .

Stay Thirsty My Friends
That's what they been telling us, for nearly a year. So T........... let's give it a go. You get a few and I'll get a few and we'll make a run at it. Nothing ventured.........

I'll start by working on my ole bud, elkassassin.............then I'll get him to gather up a few too and so on. Stranger things have happened T.

Like we've all said, from the beginning, it would be better if we had some other choice but we got what we got, so let's makes some lemonade!

We all know Tog is not a man of his word. He is an internet coward. Except, of course, his subscription to the "Hillary scent of the month" granny panty club.

Sniff Sniff Sniff Sniff Sniff....What a loser!
I think we all know what made you a yellow bellied coward. And your last statement just shows how much you run your mouth with little to no good information.

God bless you Tog, one of these days you will figure it all out!

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