Has anyone read all the details about this bill?? My biggest worry is there are already lawyers out there trying to find loopholds in it so when some non felon who has been busted many times for poaching goes before the judge and says hey man you can't take away my constitutional right to hunt, fish and trap.
Some people may not like my opinion on it, but I feel its a privilege and not a constitutional right. Just like driving a car, it can be taken away at any time. Also including trapping is going to put alot of people off.

Chuck in Boise
freebird its a NO brainer...if u want to hunt fish or trap in Idaho or if your kids or grandkids want to..Once passed the Idiots that have been & will continue to try & take away YOUR privileges {but can not if passed} will continue to do so !!! there are always going to be some Lawyer that trys to find loop holes...##### look at judge Malloy on the wolf issues !!!
I guess we can agree to disagree. The wolf issue is a total different kettle of worms. Two sides will never come to an agreement on wolves. I know I am still voting NO

Chuck in Boise
that is your choice if it doesnt pass & you & your kids friends family ETC are NO longer allowed to hunt or fish .. well u had ypur vote count
In my opinion anyone against this is an anti. This is a good thing for us and all future generations of Idaho.
> In my opinion anyone against
>this is an anti. This
>is a good thing for
>us and all future generations
>of Idaho.

This is the biggest no-brainer on the ballot -- well, maybe the second biggest. There is no conspiracy, alterior motive, etc. It is simple; no one can take away your hunting rights, ever. If you hunt or fish at all, vote yes.
Call me an anti hunter I don't care, its not a constitutional right. In the same breath as saying there is no conspiracy, even if it were to pass you could still lose that right. Just like it could come down to losing all our guns. Money talks and BS walks.
Then why not put a constitutional right that says public grazing will no longer be allowed?
Why no make driving a car a constitutional right?
We are always going to have greenies, whacko enviro's. All groups need to stop fighting among each other and band together. But that will never happen.

Chuck in Boise
Hey freebie, why don't you start a group that promotes more wolves and griz with no guaranteed hunting rights or gun ownership and no public land grazing, Oh wait.............
Ya and people like you want to kill all the wolves and then IDFG loses control FOREVER and then see how YOUR elk and deer survive. You people are just a bunch of lemmings just following each other right off the cliff. Did you read all the fine print...NO
These animals got along just fine before moron humans decided to play God. I know all my friends & fmaily are voting NO
Interrupt this *******

Chuck in Boise
Freebird63 I dont understand your opposition to this. The only thing I can figure is you dont want hunting to be a right. Why would this be a bad thing. Wouldnt any piece of legislature protecting hunting, fishing, trapping be good for all of us that arent opposed to it. Anything that makes it harder for ANTIS to steal those rights from us is a step in the right direction. Could you please explain to me why this is bad for us. I dont understand your thinking on why its so bad.
destroyer350 - it seems pretty clear you insulted freebird63 first and then when he responds you insult him further and that's pretty typcial of a Republican.

HayZeus - some of the arguments that I have heard against it are that it might inhibit future legislation to address unsportsman like pratices and it could result in F&G's management decisions being challegned.

Freebird63 - all you can do is educate yourself on the topic and go vote! What other folks think is their issue not yours and it really says more about them and their own insecurities than it say about you.

Good hunting and voting to all
idgator- We've traded insults before, Please don't take it to seriously, by the way thanks for the complement, isn't being a dem the equivalence of a moron?
LAST EDITED ON Oct-19-12 AT 09:33PM (MST)[p]Years ago the anti's (mostly out of state groups) nearly banned the use of bait and dogs to manage bear populations. We had to fight hard to win that battle and protect our states rights to manage our own wildlife. Next time Idaho may not be so lucky.

The following is ballot language that will appear before voters:

? Shall Article I, of the Constitution of the State of Idaho be amended by the addition of a New Section 23, to provide that the rights to hunt, fish and trap, including by the use of traditional methods, are a valued part of the heritage of the State of Idaho and shall forever be preserved for the people and managed through the laws, rules and proclamations that preserve the future of hunting, fishing and trapping; to provide that public hunting, fishing and trapping of wildlife shall be a preferred means of managing wildlife; and to provide that the rights set forth do not create a right to trespass on private property, shall not affect rights to divert, appropriate and use water, or establish any minimum amount of water in any water body, shall not lead to a diminution of other private rights, and shall not prevent the suspension or revocation, pursuant to statute enacted by the Legislature, of an individual's hunting, fishing or trapping license? ?


I support HJR 2
How many on here have read every detail, every fine print??? how many are lawyers??? They can and will find a way around it and it will come back to haunt us. The only way to beat anti's is strength in numbers, we all ban together and thats never going to happen, too many lies being spread by both sides, who knows what to believe. When I was younger am fairly certain I have harvested more salmon then most Idahoans will ever see. You all have surely seen mistakes in other states and what fine print can lead too. No one can convince me that hunting and fishing and trapping is a constitutional right. We should be figuring out ways to help better fund wildlife management. If the wildlife is mismanaged then it does not matter if its a constitutional right or not.

Chuck in Boise

Generally I don't try to insult people, I would much rather have an intelligent conversation put differing ideas out there ... and maybe we learn something and maybe we don't. If somebody wants to start insulting me I won't shy away from insulting them if there is a point to be made, but I leave it up to them to define how the conversation will go.

I thought the way you approached freebird63 was completly disrepectful and I honestly don't understand why people on this board feel so threatend by someone who has a different opinion than their's. If you disagree with what freebird63 said then bring something to the table other than an insult.

Now ... to your question of is being a Democrat the equviolent of being a moron. I wouldn't know as I have been a registered Independent for 26 years. I would say this though, after 8 years of George W Bush I would seriously challenge your assessment of which party is represented by morons. Additionally, I will give you the opportunity to enlighten me and the "morons" out here as I have a couple of questions regarding Mitt Romney that I am looking for serious answers to and you, as a Republican, surely know the answer to these.

1. Mitt Romeny signed an assault weapons ban in MA as Governor ... how do you know he won't try and do the same thing as President or even go beyond an assault weapons

2. Can you explain to me what the impact will be if Mitt Romney does as he says and "greatly expands" fossil fuel development on public lands ... will this effect my ability to hunt public land, is he talking about selling public land to the highest corporate bidder and what about any adverse enviornmental impact to the land or wildlife how will that be handled

3. non hunting related, but one I would like to hear a Republicans view on ... Mitt Romney's tax plan calls for an across the board tax cut of 20% to be paid for by "broadening the base" which means eliminating tax deductions. Can you tell me which tax deductions Mitt Romeny is going to take away to pay for this plan as he says it will be revenue neutral (mortgage deductions, education, health deduction, state and local tax deduction, chartible contributing ... which ones). Romney has been asked this question repeatedly and never answers it ... he says you have to wait until he is elected to find out and that scares the hell out of me (and this is his stated position on a lot of things)

Please don't respond with Obama is evil and all the things he is doing wrong (in your opinion). I want to talk about Romney ... I already know what I am getting with Obama.

Like I said idgator, don't take it to seriously. I wasn't real high on George myself, as for Romney, he is better than the alternative, my opinion of course. As for freebie, he has thrown his fair share of barbs, so I don't think you need to protect him, but, I guess that is a democratic trait, is it not!!!

I'm not protecting or defending freebird63, I'm questioning you and your approach to people you disagree with on this board. It just happens that it occured on freebird63's post.

Insulting other people is very easy to do, but bringing rational thought and facts is a little more difficult. My point being, that if you disagree then lets here something that adds to the conversation, but if all you want to do is spout off insults then it's probably best not to say anything. However, if you insist on doing so then be prepared to take some criticism.

I would say you are the one that shouldn't take it so seriously as you were the one that came out swinging in the first place.

just my 2 cents
LAST EDITED ON Oct-20-12 AT 11:52AM (MST)[p]I take the same approach face to face as I do on this key board, not to worried about criticsim. Now if you want to start throwing insults back and forth, fire away!!LMFAO

As for freebie I'm sure he can take care of himself, as I've said before he's thrown a few arrows himself!!

I'll give you your 2 cents back
Yep me and destroyer agree to disagree. I respect his opinions and am sure he respects mine. We are here to express our opinions. Hunting was pretty poor today, not even a fresh track for my pot of track stew. dang it.

Chuck in Boise
Thats a damn fine way of putin it freebie!!!

May have called you a dem, but never a lemming or a moron!!Lmao
Ole idgator ain't gunna stop me from pokin at ya when the occasion calls for it. Better luck tomorrow!

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