How many 340 Bulls killed in Idaho each year?


Very Active Member
Casey12 got me thinking. I wonder how many 340 type bulls are killed every year. Checking the results from 2011 6,880 Bulls were harvested in the general hunts and 1,539 were harvested in the Controlled hunts. How many do you think were 340 or better?
How many of those general hunts were spike only? That will mess up the 'bull' numbers.
LAST EDITED ON May-28-12 AT 06:02AM (MST)[p]340 is a really big bull in my book. I think there are a lot of guys who say they killed a 340 but if it was scored out would probly be a 320-330. I would bet the number of 340 elk every year, every unit is around 50-75.
>AT 06:02?AM (MST)

>340 is a really big bull
>in my book. I think
>there are a lot of
>guys who say they killed
>a 340 but if it
>was scored out would probly
>be a 320-330. I would
>bet the number of 340
>elk every year, every unit
>is around 50-75.

Or less. Carter is right, many of the "340-350" bulls guys talk about shooting are quite a bit less in reality.
I'm interested in how many Bulls of this size are really being harvested too. Seems that the bulls in Idaho are smaller, is this due to genetics or General season Tags?
Ask a shed hunter how many 340 sets they find each year or ever. Its not very many.
LAST EDITED ON May-28-12 AT 12:51PM (MST)[p]In 2011, per hunter surveys, 24.5% of general season bulls and 50.1% of LE bulls are 6pt or better, or about 2100. I think your typical bull will be 3.5yrs to be a 6pt, and I would guess at least 5.5-6.5 to be 340 class. So I would guess well under 5%-10% of these 6pts will make 340. So from a statistical standpoint I would say not more than 100 a year, if that. As I think about it I can't even imagine that. I don't know very many guys who have a bull like this from Idaho, and I know quite a few that have killed quite a few.
That is my thoughts. Most mature 6 point bulls I have either killed or been around to put a tape on them come in around 300-320. It seems like to me it takes more than years to get to 340, more like genetics and years. I have only seen a handful of bulls in my 20 plus years of paying attention that make that mark.

I would say that most mature 6 points will score between 270-300" B&C. You see that most often in OTC units in Idaho. There is a much smaller percentage that reach 320-330" When you start talking 330-350" now you are talking a real trophy in Idaho. I compare it to a 30" buck, to put it in perspective. I have only seen one bull in the past 5 years that would go over 350" and we watched him for 9 hrs. When the wind was right we moved in, and the wind swirled at 80 yds out. All we heard was them leaving the country. Never got on them again.
That being said, I have friends that pick up 350" bone more than a couple times a year. The biggest went 405", just a couple years ago. Prior to that it was 375" and roughly 395". That's a big bull in my world. They must be out there somewhere.

Scouting, hunting, and shed hunting are my life and out of all my time in the hills I've only seen a hand full of bulls that would make or surpass the 340other mark. Now...shed hunting is a little different, I only found one set that was bigger then 340 this year. But in years past I have found 3-4 sets in some good years! I think most bulls are around the 300-330 call, because once they get to that 340 and bigger calls they're old enough that they know were to hide!! They don't get big by being dumb!! Lol

The big set from this year. 376ish
Nice set of sheds. Ones like those don't come along every day. I have picked up a good number of sheds and have not found a set like those. Congrats on them and the others you have found.

I personally don't think there was 50 340 bulls killed last year in Idaho. I visit a lot of sporting good stores around the state that people post up there pictures and I don't see that many. I just don't know, but if I do get one I will put the pictures on here.

Its hard to say if 50you is to much, when I know nothing of what is taken in the Northern part of the state! Now if we're just talking from the midle of the state down, I'd have to guess maybe in the 20 to 30 range. But just my opinion?
LAST EDITED ON May-30-12 AT 11:08AM (MST)[p]i would tend to agree with this

" I personally don't think there was 50 340 bulls killed last year in Idaho. I visit a lot of sporting good stores around the state that people post up there pictures and I don't see that many. I just don't know, but if I do get one I will put the pictures on here.

DZ "

but hard to really say. i know i dont many dead, alive or in photos.

So based on some of the Sheds that are being found the genetics are
there. It's more just the lack of opportunity for the Bulls to be able to live long enough to get old?

Regardless, I put in for 44-1 with the dream of drawing the tag and then finding that 340 Bull:)
My buddy and I only found 41 Elk sheds this past spring, and I am new to the state. The biggest set was 335". A few around 300" but that is about it.
I would bet that there is a 340 class bull in at least 80% of the units in Idaho. But the problem is there are to many 300 bulls being harvested that are supposedly "340" These bulls are smart and know when they are getting hunted. I have video proof of at least 8 bulls in 8 different units topping 340.
i would also agree with the fifty or less idea, a actual taped 340" bull is darn, darn big. i know plenty of guys that have 350" bulls that i bet are closer to 280-300". iv'e only seen one 350 + in several decades of hunting.
Nice bull Woodsy! If that bull has an inside spread of 47 inches with the tine and beam length, I would be very surprised if it doesn't gross 340.


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