How To DVD's


Long Time Member
I may be interested in learning how to do my own mounts. I'm not sure if I'm serious about it yet or not. I'm wondering if you guys could suggest a "How To" DVD that will cover the basics of taxidermy just to see if it is something I'd be willing to dig deeper into. I know it's an artform and it takes years of practice, but I think it may be neat to try. So, basically, I'm looking for a generic DVD to show the steps of how to mount deer- to begin with. Thanks in advance.

I appreciate the help. I'll look into it. Why is it a second job and not more serious than that? What are the positives and negatives to it in your opinion?

You're welcome Steve,....taxidermy is usually a second job around here..(SE) because the money just hasn't been there to make it worthwhile as a primary job. If you take great pride in your work and don't settle for just getting 'em done and out....then it takes more time on each mount, therefore requiring you to charge a fair price for your time. Being self-employed as a taxidermist is a big step for most folks, it required a heck of a committment and work ethic. Thank goodness that people are finally understanding that this is an artform and not something you do in your basement for kicks. In my opinion there are 2 requirements to being a top shelf taxidermist....(1) must be able to 'see' an that I mean see every small, obscure detail that makes it what it is. (2) must be able to make a piece of skin and a piece of foam look exactly like what you 'saw' when you looked at it before you skinned it and what your reference shows. Taxidermy can be an exceptionally rewarding job when done with talent and love of the task. Hope this helps you out....I'm here anytime if you need help.

Hey Neal- I fully understand where you're coming from. We've all seen mounts that look like it was hurried so the taxi could get to the next one. I had a mule deer done in Wyoming about 10 years ago and took it to a local guy there. Everything in his shop looked good...don't they all? So, I waited about 9 months to a year and finally got the crate. I was so stoked....until I took the head out of the crate. My Dad was there when I opened it and we both were a little bummed. It wasn't a big buck but it was the biggest buck I had shot to date and it was my first mount. I won't go into detail but I was not happy with it in the least. One major problem with it is that the darkish brisket area is off center. Something so obvious that the taxidermist had to have been blind not to see it. AND- I figure it couldnt be that hard of a fix, could it? Anyway, it is an art form and you do have to have an eye for what your customer wants as well. I'm not looking to ever be a "taxidermist" at this point. I just think it would be a fun experience to give it a try and who knows, maybe I will enjoy it enough to do more of the animals I harvest. I appreciate the help and the generosity with your knowledge. Take care.

Wiz, back in the late 60s early 70s I was pretty heavy into taxidermy for myself. I've done maybe 100 ducks and geese. I kept some, threw some out and gave a bunch away. My sister still has a pair of Brant and a pheasant I did for her.

It's fun and a rewarding hobby. I was never good enough to go into business, but I was good enough for me.:)

There is a learning curve like most everything else. You can't get discouraged when you first start out. You have to learn as you go. If nothing else it really makes you appriciate what masters some of these guys and gals are.

Birds are very inexpensive to practice with too.

I did my own pronghorn years ago. It's hanging up in our back room. NO, I'm not posting a picture. It's a CA antelope so it's a pretty special trophy to me.:)


Glad I could help you out a little bit Steve,...get yourself a couple of DVDs and go to it....don't worry about messing a mount up....we've all done that at some time. Have some fun while you learn and just enjoy doing something with your game besides eat it. If you have any questions just ask me and I'll do my best to answer them for you. Good luck and have some fun with your first mount!

Thanks guys. I will be getting some DVD's and I will be experimenting this hunting season with the animals I harvest. I'm looking forward to it. There is a local taxidermist who is in the same sportsmans club that I'm the secretary of and he's willing to help me along as well. The bad thing is that he's an older gentleman and his work show his age at times.....maybe his eyes aren't working so well, if you know what I mean!

Eel- I'd like to see a pic of your antelope. I won't make fun. I really think that is pretty cool. I appreciate the encouragement and the info guys.


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