Hundreds of doj employees wanting Barr to resign

Exactly. People don’t understand how deep the corruption is and was. It is beginning to be exposed. To the highest levels.
Barr should advertise help wanted , many position's opening soon, then after a couple months worth of applications and resumes. hire the ones he wants and their first job is to let the swamp rats they are replacing know, there down the road. give them cnns number and the number for unemployment.
many of those that signed their names are the root of the problem and worked to hide the truth from the American people. Many of them were paid to give interviews and used to support the cabal. Many of them within our federal agencies violated our laws and the constitution in this damn mess all under the guise of orders from superiors........Sad isn't it when we have people supporting lawlessness and lack of transparency to those they serve.......Many bought the narrative hook, line and sinker but failed to use their own objectivity, education, training, experience and common sense to realize something was foul. Now they're running cover to try to save those who sought to take down the nation.........and some of you can't grasp how well propaganda works.........well here's your proof even when they know the plots exposed they're supporting those who they knew perpetuated the ruse.........Proof positive that our greatest danger is from within!
Imagine that, a bunch of trial lawyers whining that their hero got caught trying to undermine the rule of law for political gain. Sad trombone... wah, wah, wah! Perhaps these partisan sycophants should actually read what the newly released documents are saying. Maybe a better course of action for these pimps would be to go back to law school and study the law and ask for their tuition back since their law school obviously failed them. Justice is blind... yeah right.
Imagine that, a bunch of trial lawyers whining that their hero got caught trying to undermine the rule of law for political gain. Sad trombone... wah, wah, wah! Perhaps these partisan sycophants should actually read what the newly released documents are saying. Maybe a better course of action for these pimps would be to go back to law school and study the law and ask for their tuition back since their law school obviously failed them. Justice is blind... yeah right.

But they better now they released this document.

As far as lieing to any investigative panel or department of law enforcement and dancing around a federal i indictment - one name.

HRC was one of host of names that formulated this little plot to hide their lawlessness to surveil and spy on Americans illegally including members of an opposing political party. Then they went so far as to frame innocent folks to hide their illegal activity. This clearly shows the resolve of those who wish to transform this nation.........this is a huge warning shot across the bow and it's up to us to purge the threat!
One thing is for certain, and not quite sure they realize it, but they are waking a sleeping giant. This giant briefly woke and rolled over in 2016. This same giant is fixing to sit up in bed and put his feet on the floor...
One thing is for certain, and not quite sure they realize it, but they are waking a sleeping giant. This giant briefly woke and rolled over in 2016. This same giant is fixing to sit up in bed and put his feet on the floor...

I hope you are right.....I’m cynical
There's enough people in this country that can distinguish between right and wrong. The left thought they had it in the bag doing all this and it didn't work out now we're going to see just how far they went to take over this country. Hillary didn't misspeak when she said " they'll hang us if they find out what we've done." This whole exercise should wind up being very enlightening when we see just how far they went in their little cabal and other exploitation's of our country. I'm sure it's going to be a hell of a show and make sure you have some popcorn.

One things for certain compared to the Mueller investigation we're going to find some corruption and misdeeds and lawless behavior along with some hard evidence of wrong doing, by many of the featured players............all on Obama's watch........and proven by their own actions, words and deeds as opposed to innuendo. Yep it's going to be a whopper of a show wonder who in Hollywood is going to make the movie to immortalize the story........
I am afraid the media in general won’t cover it, the Dem's will deny/deflect/ cry outrage once again turn to the standard playbook. Bill Barr, Durham and others will continue to undergo smear campaigns at every turn and as a whole the trump haters will still hate, do whatever it takes and life will move one. Dem's have nine lives and a lot of help.
I am afraid the media in general won’t cover it, the Dem's will deny/deflect/ cry outrage once again turn to the standard playbook. Bill Barr, Durham and others will continue to undergo smear campaigns at every turn and as a whole the trump haters will still hate, do whatever it takes and life will move one. Dem's have nine lives and a lot of help.

But, you gotta have hope that fortune is not on their side and Karma is on ours...
well one things for certain there's a lot of firsts in this damn mess. Grassley has informed a former sitting president he's under investigation regarding this mess and while we all know they're not going to indict a former President the mere fact he's being investigated is reason enough for him to toss a little in his sleep. That's not a step to be taken lightly it's probably going to ruin his legacy. Nixon had to resign for covering up information on a crime committed to obtain information on a political rival. It's common knowledge now crimes were committed against Flynn and a few others and yet no dems came forward to ask them to resign or stopped the insanity, knowing full well they abused the system unlike the GOP with Nixon. There most certainly was a cover up on what happened on this mess of epic proportions and damage to our country.

So the fireworks are just starting and the IG report and the newly released docs on Flynn support the fact several people entrusted to enforce our laws abused the process on more the one instance. I think we're going to find that some folks will fall on the sword and better laws with teeth are enacted to discourage further attempts in the future even by the politicians and other employees within our justice system. This whole damn mess was a black eye on this country and you can't have a nation founded on laws that are subject to abuse by our elected officials and people entrusted to protect our process to promote a damn political agenda. One things for certain the democrat party wasn't serving the people in an honest manner in this whole damn travesty and their sworn testimony proves it.
Here's the problem... unless people are indicted and put in jail, none of this expose' on the previous shitshow of an administration will mean a damned thing. Does anyone really believe anyone is going to jail? I certainly don't and I hope like hell I am wrong but I think that we will be given some lame excuse why so and so was bad but we just can't prosecute him.

Heads need to roll. Period!!!
CAforkedhorn, yep I agree. Right now they're wasting time and more money. "We gotta make sure this never happens again" is about all that will happen.
Exactly Eel but it will happen again if people don't go to jail. It's ******** sad that we have people being arrested for trying to keep their businesses alive during this pandemic but the greatest political scandal in American history won't produce a single sound of hand cuffs.
There's zero doubt it will happen again. They have proven it time and again by their past and current actions. Imagine Schiffshow as attorney general and a whole cast of leftist miscreant losers pulling the levers of power. The opposition party turns into political enemy number one with the full weight and force of the govt. behind them. The republicans are pussies that want to get along and reach across the aisle. For dems it's war at all costs, all day, everyday to destroy their enemy (you & me) where the end justifies any and all means necessary to enact their leftist agenda.
Now we all know how Washington plays the game, and we know it's never going to reach the "Untouchables" since they are elite. Things are changing though because frankly we've had them force people to resign over misconduct in the house and in the senate. This whole damn mess is a case of misconduct of epic proportions but in reality Trump was on an island battling opposing forces in both parties. The never Trumpers are part of the issue just like those that think Trumps too unethical to be president here on this forum.

Most of them can't see or simply won't admit how dirty politics really is so we haven't elected too many saints in our nations history. Look at the Clinton's, Obama's, Nixon's and a host of others and it's very easy to see they've all had some things that removed all of them from sainthood. Trump being an outsider only allows them to focus on his faults to a greater extent since in reality Every politician in Washington has made some deals and done some things that they would be chastised for if the truth were known.

Washington looks the other way when members of the fold are involved if it suits their purpose. For god's sake Obama was consorting with former terrorists and had a mobster arrange the purchase of a home in Chicago and many things in his story don't pass the smell test. But yet he was revered by the left and took his place on the pedestal and was the second coming of Christ as the first black president according to the left. How important to their electoral strategy is electing the first black president? How has electing him allowed them to continue playing the race card? Can you see how electing him let them place the race card against the majority in this country?

No party was shaming white kids UNTIL they had a true minority sitting in the big chair and then it opened up more avenues for them to play their divisional political games to a bigger extent. You think the left didn't know they had the golden child sitting on the throne? Hell it played right into them being able to exploit more issues to divide and conquer the GOP base since they had the righteous cause! You think Obama being sainted with that huge propaganda media machine didn't give them more tools to attack with.

Obama's style and grace just allowed them to exploit the system because after all, it was Obama and he wouldn't do anything wrong and was always a few arms lengths away from any smidgen of impropriety in his administration. Obama was a product of their media machine without fault and beyond reproach.

Trouble is, he was a devout leftist and had plans to transform this nation and he'd do it by any means available to him and given what his administration was involved in the proof is right there before all our eyes. This latest little plot just plays into how sordid his plans for this country really were and given the fact the media isn't reporting on it only proves they are the propaganda arm of the left. After all these were things that were done to innocent people and were all a multifaceted attack on the individual involved and the rule of law in our nation, how is that not news worthy. The party that built it's brand on equality and right's violations doesn't care?

So the bottom line will be like it always in in Washington some pawns will be sacrificed and it will be business as usual with the majority of the damn mess being swept under the carpet. Trouble is that's not going to fix a damn thing is it? That's clearly why it's up to us at the polls to remove the offending party from power so that we can start the cleansing process with the only tool we have our votes.

Bill Barr is trying to right a big wrong in this mess but given the extent of the moral decay involved he's limited in what he can do by the evidence he can use to build a case and we know from previous scandals in the Obama administration destroying evidence is something they know how to do quite well. Then when you factor in their ability to mask the news and create a dialogue to cover their crimes with their media machine it makes for hard sledding in the poll of public opinion. After all lest not we forget it's very easy to make a white guy that commits a crime against a different race far more news worthy than any crime committed against a white by any other race they deem more valuable to their agenda. All lives or crimes don't's about as rare a commodity as a voter registration card on an illegal alien at the polls,
The biggest surprise to me in all this mess is that they haven't yet attempted to assassinate President Trump. Barr seems like a likely Target as well.
There have been more than a few attempts or plots on him up till this point. He's very well guarded with a different blend of protection than most other presidents have had. Let's not encourage the wack jobs out there giving them something to think about!!
The biggest surprise to me in all this mess is that they haven't yet attempted to assassinate President Trump. Barr seems like a likely Target as well.

Well, if it happened, the people they don't want to royally piss off would know exactly who the party behind the curtain was...
RR given the magnitude of what's gone on there's too many players behind the scenes pulling some strings and it's not just the faces we associate with their party that are involved. In other words dere's some wolves wearing sheeps clothing in our own herd. FYI There were reasons why when we had the majority in both houses Trump couldn't get things done.......think about it a bit......
Mitt & Flake... both whiny biches that got their ego hurt. Both on the same level as higher loyalty super patriot James Comey
smokepole There's quite a few that clearly were in the fold. Mitt had Obama on the ropes in that debate yet he wouldn't throw the punch where it was clear Russia was a threat to our nation. He could have easily toppled the Black messiah in that moment. His running mate Paul Ryan blocked Trump from getting legislation on the floor in the house. Ryan and Mitt are both globalists along with the Black Messiah. Mitt said he voted his conscience and to some extent he did but like John McCain he voted against his party when they needed the vote.......reflect on that a bit there's a reason they're called RINO's.

Now add this into the mix he most certainly knew Trump was being railroaded in the sham impeachment like everyone in Congress and the Senate and he damn well knew asking for things with foreign aid is SOP. The dems clearly knew it was DOA unless they could get a few defectors who aligned with their plan or hated Trump so much it might work. So he was confronted with having to choose between Trump or globalism and he choose to vote against his party and knowing what he knew our laws, right's and Constitution. Hatch would have cast his vote to protect the union. Hatch was a true statesman and loved this country, Mitt was always an opportunist. IMO
Trust God, in this moment in history, a rational man can only say that we have arrived at the point where men are calling ,good evil and evil good . Totally predictable from scripture. As a side note , where are the libs ( Founder, FTW, Griz, Nemont, Dude etc) defending this ??????????????
Founder does not have time for this thread, he’s to busy over on the Wyoming Guides thread, so I will ask the same question here. Why does a liberal always want to change the law to fit his needs?
RR given the magnitude of what's gone on there's too many players behind the scenes pulling some strings and it's not just the faces we associate with their party that are involved. In other words dere's some wolves wearing sheeps clothing in our own herd. FYI There were reasons why when we had the majority in both houses Trump couldn't get things done.......think about it a bit......

Even though there are a few copperheads in the tall grass out there, a message would be clearly sent if the ones who are visible were taken to task.

A little good 'ol fashion strong arming needs to be sent their way...
Founder does not have time for this thread, he’s to busy over on the Wyoming Guides thread, so I will ask the same question here. Why does a liberal always want to change the law to fit his needs?

Those who can, do. Those who can't, cheat.

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