Hunt Expo disappointment


Very Active Member
I loved the taxidermy mounts and few of the booths , but overall I thought it was smaller and not as good as last year . There didnt seem to be as many vendors as last year and there wasnt any new toys that I just absolutely had to have .

The crowd also seemed lots smaller than what I remembered from last time .
I know half of MM uses the expo as an annual reunion and I would hate for that to be taken away from them.

Aside from that I hope it becomes an expense for SFW to bear and they do away with it, maybe then we will get our tags back.....SNAP, Reality.
whoever did the full body island buck mount should be embarassed as hell!!! it was the goofiest face I have ever seen.

It was a big bodied 2 point. (this is my signature)
Good to know I didn't miss much. For some strange reason I really had no desire to donate any money to the SFW.

I wonder what our draw odds would improve to if we didn't donate 200+ tags every year?
I dont remember seeing that full body mount . Was it by the entrance where you validate ?

I could have swore Davis Tents was there last year , and I was hoping they where going to be there this year . I was all ready to lay out some money on a new tent if they had a show special .
wouldn't change much. I like having the chance to put in for whatever tags I want to. I'm stuck right now with 9 moose pts, can't put in for any other OIL tag till I draw moose. So to be able to put in for 5 sheep, mtn. goat and buffalo, to me is awesome. Otherwise, I'd probably never get the chance in my lifetime here in utah.
>Good to know I didn't miss
>much. For some strange reason
>I really had no desire
>to donate any money to
>the SFW.
>I wonder what our draw odds
>would improve to if we
>didn't donate 200+ tags every

Rug the only thing you missed was some eye candy . They had some hottie models wearing shorts , cowboy boots , hats , and real tight shirts trying to peddle raffle tickets for a Toyota .

Oh ya and some high priced guns . I thought I was going to get kicked out when I got in a arguement with sales dude at the Wild West Guns display .
I thought it was lackluster... This is the first year I have been able to make it and it did not live up to the hype... Didn't see any mmers that I knew, had a couple people looking at me like they knew me? Maybe its just cause i'm really rediculously good looking!

One of the reasons you may not see many of the smaller vendors selling gear at the expo may be the prices they charge for table space.

I looked at selling my custom knives at the Sportsman Expo held this past January in Sacramento, CA. For a small 8'X 5' table space they wanted $1,300.00. I am sure your expo is probably higher. I told the guy from the expo that I would have to sell a lot of knives just to break even, let along to make any profit that was worth a weekend of my time.

I can see them charging outfitters that high price for a booth when they are signing up customers for $ 2,000.00 to $8,000.00 hunts, but for the smaller gear vendor it is not worth their time and money to purchase a booth at most Expos.

Justr, your close, but we all know your ugly. They were all looking at you funny because you had a big booger hanging from your nose.

I also thought the show was a little lacking. But maybe with fewer attendees my odds on the Henries tag are better, I am pretty sure its mine this year.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
The expo is a disappointment every year. I go for two reasons. To validate my "donation" and to take my young boys to. It is way more fun for them than me. Even with that it is one quick lap through the show and back out the door.

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