I just wonder if cv19 will bring landowner tags back down


Active Member
This could be something that finally stops the increase on landowner tags. Hard to say as it seems someone is always willing to spend the money I guess. I gave up once a unit 13 tag went over 2500 if I did not draw. Was still cheaper then a guide hunted for me. Hope I get lucky and draw but will be watching to see for sure
It will bring down the price for at least a month or two. Some landowners may be holding on to their tags and gambling that they will get more money for them by late summer or early fall.

I'm actually hoping the price goes up by because that means that our economy is bouncing back and this COVID isn't having as much effect on all of us.
It will bring down the price for at least a month or two. Some landowners may be holding on to their tags and gambling that they will get more money for them by late summer or early fall.

I'm actually hoping the price goes up by because that means that our economy is bouncing back and this COVID isn't having as much effect on all of us.
14 million plus and growing people on unemployment I’d say we’re a long way away from rebounding and LO pricing going up is no indication of the economy rebounding imo. The people that have money will still have money during this pandemic. As usual the people who are blue collar or live check to check are going to suffer the most imo. $1200 stimulus is a drop in the bucket for most at this point all though appreciated.
Forgot to add Brian. I do get the just of your reply and understand the optimism. Unfortunately I think the reality is a downer more than an upper.
14 million plus and growing people on unemployment I’d say we’re a long way away from rebounding and LO pricing going up is no indication of the economy rebounding imo. The people that have money will still have money during this pandemic. As usual the people who are blue collar or live check to check are going to suffer the most imo. $1200 stimulus is a drop in the bucket for most at this point all though appreciated.
numbers are way off partner , new releases stating 22 mil on unemployment this is great depression ****
I believe apps were up in New Mexico and Montana so I doubt the price of any tags will fall.
Prices will go down, Supply and demand. Economy and businesses are going to crash.......sorry to say with 30 million + unemployed no jobs no money no money no sales, oil under $20 Yea right, people lining up to spend 10K on a tag. Even rich people are getting their ass handed to them.
With Idaho stopping sales of NR tags and Wyoming thinking about doing the same- demand might actually go up here if they do not lift the ban. That's a lot of hunters.
Hopefully that was sarcasm because our apps were up over 20% and our deadline was after the first couple big market crashes.
He was making it a joke. apps were up but I think landowner tags will come down or at least stop going up. There is a few units in new mexico I will watch for if I do not draw a tag
numbers are way off partner , new releases stating 22 mil on unemployment this is great depression ****
Dang! I can’t keep up with the numbers they vary so drastically from day to day! None the less it’s mind blowing to day the least!
I am curious about NR hunting here...most other states have banned NR at least his year for hunting.

I agree that I'm likely being too optimistic. I still do think that it will be a good thing for all of us if the prices don't drop. Landowners that hold off on selling at a lower price in May and June may end up settling on even a lower price come September.
Let the market work and it's possible some prices could drop. Issue is most are bought by outfitters which naturally drives them through the roof. Interesting to see as ranchers that dont convert vouchers into tags are suppose to loose them with the new eplus system. I've never been a fan of the rancher welfare elk system.
On the other hand ranchers are struggling with low beef prices in this market and we should support them where we can. The high meat prices at the store isnt reflecting increased $ with the ranches as they're forced to sell very low right now. Somewhere the middle guy is the one with increased profits right now. With possible meat shortages in the near future might be a good idea to contact your known rancher and buy beef directly from them in these hard times. They're a huge part of our economy. I did just that as I ordered 1/2 beef that's been corn fed.
By the way the beef market right now is being flooded with holstein cows that dairies cant sustain with low milk consumption.
...this COVID isn't having as much effect on all of us.

The numbers are showing it already has not had the effect on us they thought. Two weeks ago, the death count in the USA was supposed to be around 200,000 by now. It is sitting at just under 32,000 this morning. It appears the number of positive cases from testing has been reducing in its rate of climb as well.

I know there are many in the healthcare industry that vehemently disagree with me, but from a data analytics standpoint, the numbers just aren't there and we have been in this lockdown mess now for one solid month with exposure over a two month span.

For governors to be 'OK' with the prospect of keeping things shutdown until mid May and into June shows me they have no clue on the utter destruction they are causing the economy and well being to this country. Especially when some governors say "we appreciate the guidelines set forth by the Trump Administration on reopening the economy, but we (I) know what's best for our (my) state...". Never mind they have zero business experience and have only been in office for a few short years on their first rodeo.
As it stands you are supposed to quarantine at home/residence for 14 days if you come in from out of state. So that would seem to eliminate a lot of out of state hunters. It would be foolish for me as a landowner to have you out to my place if you are coming from any sort of hotspot IMHO. Guides too

Idaho has banned the sell of some licenses to nonresidents. Nonresidents cannot currently buy an OTC bear tag, OTC turkey tag or fishing license in Idaho. I'm not aware of any state that has banned nonresidents from hunting this fall. I wouldn't be surprised if California banned nonresidents from hunting deer during their early season this summer.

Idaho has banned the sell of some licenses to nonresidents. Nonresidents cannot currently buy an OTC bear tag, OTC turkey tag or fishing license in Idaho. I'm not aware of any state that has banned nonresidents from hunting this fall. I wouldn't be surprised if California banned nonresidents from hunting deer during their early season this summer.
I saw that but several people have been mistakingly saying that states have banned hunting for the year. That’s flat out wrong.
Oregon (adopted by the full Commission about an hour ago)

27.) 635-010-0000, 635-011-0100, 635-051-0000, 635-065-0001 Prohibit nonresident recreational participation in hunting, angling, and shell fishing in Oregon. Adopted: April 9, 2020 - Effective Dates: April 10, 2020 through October 6, 2020 Temporary rules are needed to modify OARs 635-010-0000, 635-011-0100, 635-051-0000, and 635-065-0001 to exclude nonresidents from participating in hunting, fishing, and shell fishing in Oregon. These rules will assist with compliance of Oregon Governor Kate Brown’s Executive Order 20-12, and similar orders in other states, which direct people to stay home to save lives and to minimize travel including for outdoor recreation. These temporary rules remove recreational hunting, fishing, and shell fishing as incentives for nonresidents to travel to Oregon with the intent of reducing the spread of COVID-19. Failure to amend the rules immediately would result in serious prejudice to citizens of Oregon due to concerns about travel to Oregon to participate in these outdoor activities. Such travel could spread the virus and put more of a burden on Oregon’s rural communities
Not likely, ODFW has the authority to shut it down. I suspect it'll be a moot point anyway; it appears 30-45 days is about the extent Americans are willing to sit on their thumbs. Things are gonna open up, those at risk will hunker down, and the rest will go about their business, as it should have been from the start.
Just talking about the ones who conduct business in Oregon, the state is forbidding them to exercise interstate commerce...
Just talking about the ones who conduct business in Oregon, the state is forbidding them to exercise interstate commerce...
Its arguable, they aren't selling a good across state lines. The NR is coming to their state and receiving services in that state. They came from another state sure, but the completion of all transactions were arguably in the same state. Back in the 80's Kansas alcohol age was 18. Living in KC a lot of high school seniors would drive over and pick up alcohol and bring it across to MO. They could be arrested. However MO could do nothing to the liquor Store as the transaction took place over there. An argument was attempted about credit card use, and being interstate, but failed
To make matters worse for any business that would sue the state. They can also be designated as non-essential services, and that would hurt them more if they wanted to pursue lawsuit. Governors are being pretty non-sensical at times in deciding what is non-essential. Did you see the post by former Rep Steve Pearce about the NM state police shutting down a car wash in Artesia and then the picture of NMSP using the same Tornado car wash in Carlsbad a day or 2 later?
Its arguable, they aren't selling a good across state lines. The NR is coming to their state and receiving services in that state. They came from another state sure, but the completion of all transactions were arguably in the same state. Back in the 80's Kansas alcohol age was 18. Living in KC a lot of high school seniors would drive over and pick up alcohol and bring it across to MO. They could be arrested. However MO could do nothing to the liquor Store as the transaction took place over there. An argument was attempted about credit card use, and being interstate, but failed
To make matters worse for any business that would sue the state. They can also be designated as non-essential services, and that would hurt them more if they wanted to pursue lawsuit. Governors are being pretty non-sensical at times in deciding what is non-essential. Did you see the post by former Rep Steve Pearce about the NM state police shutting down a car wash in Artesia and then the picture of NMSP using the same Tornado car wash in Carlsbad a day or 2 later?

If an outfitter from one ID is providing a service in OR, then they and their hunter are not being allowed to conduct interstate commerce, maybe.

NMSP seem to be the gov'rs brute squad....
If the Utah tags are any indication of costs prices are at a all time high

Yep, whoever keeps spreading the message that hunting is dying is a liar. Every year more applications than the previous and cost of tags outside of the draw increases too....
They never seem to go down. Rule of thumb is about $500 a year increase. I think this year there may be some last minute bargains here and there. Those that do guided hunts may luck out on a cancellation deal.
if the governor blocks out of state license purchases/hunting like some states have then it will

Highly doubtful now. NM has just lost 40% of its total state revenue today and along with her keeping state parks closed and any revenue generated by that, NM's fiscal wellbeing is now 3rd world at best. Gishy can't afford the revenue loss by the sale of any license now...

Go, go socialism, go!
The sad thing is the left could careless about our economy right now. They see it as leverage for Nov 4th and no matter the cost. that is thier goal. I can already hear Grisham bashing trump for NM economy for years to come. I'm getting fed up with this control.
Americans will only be pushed so far though that is something we can take to the bank. There are some definite leftist shutdowns. Mostly against our constitutional rights. You can drive thru for a cup of coffee but can practice your 2nd ammendment right. Big box stores parking lots are packed for they want to silence the church.
Sorry got off topic. If Michelle has her way then I believe eplus tag cost could drop.
Was watching some news stuff this evening (don't much because of the negative effect it has on me) and everything the left agenda has been pushing for is happening right now. Collapsed economy, healthcare system, and energy.

Wonder who is on board to just show up at the state parks to camp, boat, and fish and show a big middle finger to grisham?
Supposedly Texas is reopening tomorrow. Will see. I am on a conference calll with my team and guy from Boston said that they tested a neighborhood near him and 38 % of the people tested positive anti bodies. That means lots of people have had this already and made it and or didn’t know it and beat it like a regular flu. Very interesting!!
Supposedly Texas is reopening tomorrow. Will see. I am on a conference calll with my team and guy from Boston said that they tested a neighborhood near him and 38 % of the people tested positive anti bodies. That means lots of people have had this already and made it and or didn’t know it and beat it like a regular flu. Very interesting!!

As suspected all along by many...

Interesting about 38% exposure. I haven't heard about that one yet. There is a new study on antibodies coming out of Stanford that is also showing that the number of people with antibodies is much higher than expected. As more data comes out the more upset everyone is going to be with the liberal media creating this hysteria and the government over reach that has caused a loss of jobs.

It will be interesting to see what happens in states like Texas over the next month that start to open up vs states like California and Michigan that may continue with more restrictions. If liberal governors restrictions fail to provide solid results, even liberal voters will be upset with their state. Look at what California did with sand being dumped into skateboard parks.

Sweden is refusing to shut down their economy. It will be interesting to see the effect of COVID on Sweden vs other similar countries over the next few months. If the data shows these over the top restrictions don't have much results besides wrecking the economy, then many people are going to be very upset.

Interesting about 38% exposure. I haven't heard about that one yet. There is a new study on antibodies coming out of Stanford that is also showing that the number of people with antibodies is much higher than expected. As more data comes out the more upset everyone is going to be with the liberal media creating this hysteria and the government over reach that has caused a loss of jobs.

It will be interesting to see what happens in states like Texas over the next month that start to open up vs states like California and Michigan that may continue with more restrictions. If liberal governors restrictions fail to provide solid results, even liberal voters will be upset with their state. Look at what California did with sand being dumped into skateboard parks.

Sweden is refusing to shut down their economy. It will be interesting to see the effect of COVID on Sweden vs other similar countries over the next few months. If the data shows these over the top restrictions don't have much results besides wrecking the economy, then many people are going to be very upset.
sorry I can't site the study but I saw that too on Boston, but it was 35 or 38% of those tested in a boston area. LOL. The standford study showed (if I recall correctly)that 85% of those who were antibody positive had never had symptoms or been part of the screening pool requirements.
Sweden seemed to have a higher death rate 2 weeks ago when I was looking at the per capita and +test results of 35-50%. Hard to compare with them though as they have a lock historic lockdown on immigration(very difficult) and are fairly monochromatic (not much diversity). They appear to be more health conscious (wash their hands) and have embraced social distancing (have you seen Walmart here?).
Apparently here in NM flip flops and a muscle shirt and going to the store for a 12 pack is the normal and worth putting yourself in harms way! It is very interesting that we have really no middle ground meaning either people literally have no regard or conscious thought of the situation or they are wearing a full blown hazmat suit! Common sense is hard to come by apparently.
It is very interesting that we have really no middle ground meaning either people literally have no regard or conscious thought of the situation or they are wearing a full blown hazmat suit! Common sense is hard to come by apparently.

Not terrified of it or don't like the thought of a liberal telling them what they can and cannot do.

Some take cautionary measures because they have to, the others are good little sheeple.

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