I might try a different broadhead this year???


Active Member
I'm kicking the idea around of trying a different broadhead this year. I would love to hear your input even though this subject has been beat to death several times. So here is my broadhead background 20 yrs ago when I started bowhunting I used a 2 blade bear broadhead had ok luck killed 3 whitetails with them. Then I changed to Muzzy 3 blades killed several animals with them but had the gut wrenching experience of loosing a few animals. Then I heard that cut on impact broaheads where alot better so 4 yrs ago I switched to Montec G5. At first I thought I had found the ultimate broadhead when the first animal I shot was a huge cow elk she went 35yds piled up great blood trail I was smileing ear to ear however since then I haven't been quite as impressed this year for example I shot a nice 6x7 bull he was mostly broadside I made a good hit problem was the blood trail was terrible within 30 yds the blood trail had petered out to just a spec every 5 to 10 yds and mind you this was with a passthru shot after 3.5 hours of intense searching we found my bull he had only gone about 200yds. Then I shot a 300lb black bear a few days later she only went 30 yds but we never found one speck of blood not even where she was laying and that also was a passthru then next up was muledeer granted it wasn't the best shot in the world left and right was good just hit him real low I miss judged the yardage I thought he was 40 but he was 53 anyway i hit him about 2 inches up from his belly anyway long story short it was a long tracking job with once againvery little blood. I love the way G5's fly and I will say they are the best broadhead I have used I'm just looking for a better blood trail. I have a couple of friends who swear up and down rage is the way to go, I have also heard horrer stories about them. I wood love to hear what broadhead you guys have gotten the best bloodtrails with and it would be realy great if you had any pic to back up your stories with. Thanks
> I'm kicking the idea around
>of trying a different broadhead
>this year. I would love
>to hear your input even
>though this subject has been
>beat to death several times.
>So here is my broadhead
>background 20 yrs ago when
>I started bowhunting I used
>a 2 blade bear
>broadhead had ok luck killed
>3 whitetails with them. Then
>I changed to Muzzy 3
>blades killed several animals with
>them but had the gut
>wrenching experience of loosing a
>few animals. Then I heard
>that cut on impact broaheads
>where alot better so 4
>yrs ago I switched to
>Montec G5. At first I
>thought I had found the
>ultimate broadhead when the first
>animal I shot was a
>huge cow elk she went
>35yds piled up great blood
>trail I was smileing ear
>to ear however since then
>I haven't been quite as
>impressed this year for example
>I shot a nice 6x7
>bull he was mostly broadside
>I made a good hit
>problem was the blood trail
>was terrible within 30 yds
>the blood trail had petered
>out to just a spec
>every 5 to 10 yds
>and mind you this was
>with a passthru shot after
>3.5 hours of intense searching
>we found my bull he
>had only gone about 200yds.
>Then I shot a 300lb
>black bear a few days
>later she only went 30
>yds but we never found
>one speck of blood not
>even where she was laying
>and that also was a
>passthru then next up was
>muledeer granted it wasn't the
>best shot in the world
> left and right was
>good just hit him real
>low I miss judged the
>yardage I thought he was
>40 but he was 53
>anyway i hit him about
>2 inches up from his
>belly anyway long story short
>it was a long tracking
>job with once againvery little
>blood. I love the
>way G5's fly and I
>will say they are the
>best broadhead I have used
> I'm just looking for
>a better blood trail.
>I have a couple of
>friends who swear up and
>down rage is the way
>to go, I have also
>heard horrer stories about them.
> I wood love to
>hear what broadhead you guys
>have gotten the best bloodtrails
>with and it would be
>realy great if you had
>any pic to back up
>your stories with.
Coyote, My son and I shoot the Slicktricks-Grizztricks. We used them on the last 3 bear hunts and the blood trails were really impressive.The furthest we had to track a bear was maybe 60-70yds and a few only 30yds.They are super sharp and seem to fly great out of our bows.
I've used a lot of heads over the last 30 years, 2's, 3's, 4's, and recently single bevels. All of them left good blood trails that you could follow at a walk except for 4. One was shot with a 2 blade, one with a 3, one with a 4 and one with the single bevel.

With the traditional Magnus 2 blade I hit low, the arrow did not pass all the way thru and hit the dirt but did leave two holes. The elk filled up internally, that was a tough tracking job.

Another with a 3 blade that I kicked out of its bed after 35 minutes. I think that deer was running on adrenal because there was hardly any blood trail from that point on.

The 4 blade centered the heart and the deer went 30 yards. No blood trail.

The single beveled hit elk dropped in its tracks with no blood trail.

I have found that 3 blades tend to promote more of a run than 2 or 4 blades, especially chisel point heads which I refuse to use anymore. Most of the animals shot with the 2 and 4 never new they were hit. They usually became spooked by the arrow hitting in the brush behind them which makes em jump but none have gone over 50 yards before collapsing and most of em walked off.

I do believe that any head can leave a good blood trail if the animal is hit in the right place and that broadhead is razor sharp. If you cut an artery and the heart keeps pumping blood trails are good. If you go thru the lungs there will be some blood but for the most part the lungs fill with blood and the animal suffocates. Heart shot animals tend to not leave much because the heart stops pumping, however, they don't go very far either.

I would stick with a coc head that I could get insanely sharp, personally thats 2's and 4's for me. I can get 3 blades sharp such as the VPA but not as sharp as a 2 or 4 because of the blade angle. Lots of good 2's out there but one of the best 4's I've found is the Magnus Stinger in 125 or 150 grs. The Steelforce Phathead is one tough head although not as wide as the stinger. Both of these heads are pretty easy to get insanely sharp to the point you're almost afraid to touch em. The sharpest 2 blades I've ever seen are made by Alaska Bowhunting supply, you really have to watch it when you handle em or you will cut yourself.

Any way, good luck and I'm sure more guys will be along to give you their 2 cents.
Seabear and 3 blade

Seabear to get great blood trails on bears is impressive. I have killed 6 bears and have seen several others bears shot. I have only gotten a good blood trail on one bear There fat and long hair soak up most of the blood, even rifle and muzzleloader hit bears don't bleed well. So I will check out these broadheads you use for sure thanks. 3 blade I didn't have great luck with 4 blades I didn't get as much penetration with them. I like the idea of useing a 2 blade should get more penetration with them. I agree shot placement is key but I have made great hits on numerous animals and some just did not bleed like I thought they should Thanks 3blade
RE: Seabear and 3 blade

You know, a good head would be a Silver Flame XL. Its a 2 blade, 1 1/2" cut, scary sharp and they fly superb.
RE: Seabear and 3 blade

RE: Seabear and 3 blade

I shot my bull Elk this year with a Ramcat. Certainly a different concept but worked great for me and flies very well.
RE: Seabear and 3 blade


The Silver Flame XL is a fixed blade, not a mechanical.
RE: Seabear and 3 blade

The Silver Flame XL might be a great head but for $100 for a pack of three they should be. I just switched to the three blade VPA and they are awesome.
RE: Seabear and 3 blade

If you like the style of the G5 but not the results, try a 3 blade VPA. They are what I have finally settled on after trying everything under the sun. Unlike the G5, which is molded pot metal, the VPA is actually machined from one solid block of steel. It's the strongest broadhead I've found. The steel is much superior and you can get them way sharper with less effort. I've killed 20+ animals with them and have zero complaints. Good flight, good blood trails, and nearly indestructible.

Buy from www.rayzor-vpa.com
RE: Seabear and 3 blade

After 25yrs of archery hunting and 16 yrs of guiding hunters(Elk), what 3blade suggests runs right along with what I've witnessed. I use Silver Flame 125s because of what I've seen in the field, price be damned. Single bevel heads have been inpressive as well. Have not been overly impressed with mechanicals especialy chisel points but haven't seen'em all in action. Although a 3 blade Grim Reaper laid down the most impressive blood trail I've ever seen, gastly!!!
RE: Seabear and 3 blade

Ive only been bow hunting 8 years now and tried a few different broadheads and they have worked good ive had impressive blood trails with all of them some friends told me to switch to muzzy 3 blades so i tried then at first flight is hard to get down but than i tuned my bow much more than usual and they started flying great for me up to 60 yards thats as far as im willing to risk wounding a trophy of any size. I shot my 6x6 this year at 20 yards quartering away and some how pulled the shot and hit the main artery right before the back leg bad shot i know but that blood trail was massive and my bull went 40 yards and hit the dirt so not a great shot but the muzzy did its job for me.

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