Idaho Draw



So when can we find out about the Idaho draw and what info do I need , I put in a group hunt with a couple buddies from out of state so I guess I need to get some info from them . Thanks
Need hunting license number only. If you put in on a group, one draw-all draw. Start watching the web page around June 25th for results.
Thank you very much , thought I might need something special where it was a group hunt .
Hope you know that when you put in a group hunt with non-residents, it usually significantly drops your chance as a resident (depends a little on the odds on each hunt). Good luck, though.
I thought about that and forgot to mention it for everyone. On the non-resident applicants, the 10% cap kicks in and if there are no tags left for them, then it kicks you out also. My nonres friends always plan on hunting a general hunt anyway, if not drawn, but some people don't have a backup plan. Good luck in the draw.
I dont mind they are paying for my tags and I would not have put in had it not been for them , doubt they will draw any how very tough draw only 10 permits.
I don't know if you meant 10 non-resident tags but if there are only 10 tags total you are screwed because only one of them can go to a non-resident. It limits non-residents to putting in by themselves or one other person on most trophy hunts. I hope if I ever draw I will be able to talk a buddy to go on the 16 hour drive to Idaho to watch me shoot a monster.

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