illegal aliens


Active Member
I learned today that some of our past presidents years ago would have all the illegal aliens deported so our soldiers would have jobs when they returned from war.
Don't think this will ever happen again! But how much of our problem is illegals that suck the life out of our contry?
>I learned today that some of
>our past presidents years ago
>would have all the illegal
>aliens deported so our soldiers
>would have jobs when they
>returned from war.
>Don't think this will ever happen
>again! But how much of
>our problem is illegals that
>suck the life out of
>our contry?

it was called "operation wetback" it

we don't have the will to do those things anymore

great post/pic, thanks for sharing






THERE'S ONLY ONE bobcat!!!
WOW!! I hadn't ever heard of it. I think its a bigger part of the problem then most think it is. Who was the last presisent to do it?
I live in AZ, so I see everyday how they affect things first hand.The border is a war zone,the emergency rooms are filled with them every time I have been to a hospital,and we are now the kiddnapping capitol of the world! Not country, but world.Southern AZ has some of the coolest country anywere and now it looks like a land fill from illegals dumping trash as they cross the border. I am talking about areas with trash three feet deep for several hundred yards in alot of the canyons. People who dont live here have no idea how bad it is. It is an invasion.
...but by gawd we can investigate sheriff Arpaio for mistreating is this world coming to??

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

And if you believe everything that CNN, MSNBC and others report, you will be lead to believe that the "liberal think tanks" have proven that the wetbacks are so wonderful for they actually contribute more than they take. BULLSSHITT! To hell with diversity and multiculturalism when it causes the demise of our once great country.
But wait! Those are just people trying to work for a better life and do the jobs Americans don't want. Well then why is 40% of our prison population illegals? Must have not gotten that job they wanted so they decided to murder and steal for a living. Face it, the democrats are drooling over 15 million new voters when they give them all amnesty.
40% of our prison population are illegals? Maybe in one or two individual prisons but overall, not hardly.

FACTS ON POLICY: Prison Demographics

March 18, 2008

In December 2006, there were 1.57 million people in federal or state prisons.

? Gender: Of the 1.57 million prisoners, 1.46 million were male, and 112,000 were female. Females made up 7 percent of the prison population. The ratio of male to female prisoners was roughly 13 to 1.

The prison incarceration rate of women was 1 in every 1,493 women, whereas the prison incarceration rate for men was 1 out of every 106.

? Juvenile: 2,364 of the prisoners?less than 0.2 percent of the prison population?were juveniles (under 18). Between 2005 and 2006, the juvenile prison population increased 7 percent, the first increase in more than 11 years. Overall, however, the juvenile prison population has been on a decline: since 1995, the juvenile prison population has declined more than 58 percent.

? Race and Ethnicity At the end of 2006, the prison population was 42 percent black, 40 percent white, and 16 percent Hispanic.

Although there were more black males than white or Hispanic males in prison, there were more white females than black or Hispanics females in prison. White females made up 48 percent of the prison population.

? Nativity: The 91,426 noncitizen prisoners constituted 6 percent of the prison population. The proportion of noncitizen prisoners has not changed much over the past few years.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I heard AZ was way higher but on the radio so who knows. I will try to find the AZ numbers when I get some time.
"Statistics: Crimes Commited by Illegal Aliens
July 11, 2007 by Angela Russell Angela Russell Published Content: 227 Total Views: 301,991 Favorited By: 24 Sources Full Profile | Follow | Add to Favorites Recommend (15)Single page Font SizeRead comments (13) FBI/INS Releases Numbers
Illegal immigrants cause many problems for The United States. Sometimes referred to as Illegal Aliens, these people have entered the United States via illegal methods. The FBI recently issued a set of statistics regarding crimes committed by illegal immigrants in theStatistics: Crimes Commited by Illegal Aliens United States. The numbers are alarming.

In Los Angeles, over 95% of arrest warrants issued for the crime of murder are for illegal aliens. At least 83% of arrest warrants for murder in Phoenix are for illegal aliens. The number climbs to 86% for Albuquerque. The most wanted lists for each of these cities is comprised of at least 75% illegal aliens.

The problem of prison overcrowding in California has been in the media many times over the past few months. Governor Schwarzenegger has attempted to gain relief from the overcrowding problem by shipping inmates to facilities in other states. Nearly 25% of the California prison population is comprised of illegal aliens. In Arizona, illegal aliens make up over 40% of the prison population and in New Mexico, the number is nearly 50%.

Illegal aliens account for nearly 30% of prison populations nationwide. This includes both state and federal prisons. The cost to house these illegal aliens is more than $1.6 billion dollars each year.

Statistics from 2005 indicate that over 75% of automobile thefts that occurred in Arizona, Nevada, California, Texas, and New Mexico were either stolen by illegal aliens or used to transport illegal aliens. Almost half of the drivers stopped in California for traffic violations have no driver's license, insurance, or registration. 92% of those are illegal aliens. In Arizona, 63% of those stopped have no license, registration or insurance and 97% of those people are illegal aliens. New Mexico's percentages are 66% stopped with no license, insurance and registration and 98% of those are illegal aliens."

Just a quick Google search but lots of other articles available. Obviously the border states have a much bigger problem.
"Almost half of the drivers stopped in California for traffic violations have no driver's license, insurance, or registration. 92% of those are illegal aliens. In Arizona, 63% of those stopped have no license, registration or insurance and 97% of those people are illegal aliens. New Mexico's percentages are 66% stopped with no license, insurance and registration and 98% of those are illegal aliens."

Looks like Arizona is better at "Profiling" than California...... Terry
Well one thing for sure, 100% of illegal aliens are breaking the laws of the United States. Nobody can dispute those numbers!

"Well one thing for sure, 100% of illegal aliens are breaking the laws of the United States. Nobody can dispute those numbers!"

Yep and 90% of the putts that are short don't go in the hole..... Terry
I see where one of the County D.A.s in Texas is planning to allow no more plea bragains for any illegal alien. They do the full stretch for the original crime and no plea bargain for a lessor crime or less time served.
Give that a few years and Texas will have a majority of Mexicans in their prisons.

You notice that Texas does things in a BIG way. By the way, seems Texas has been pretty much recession proof. Thank God and thank you Geo Bush.
soon, this country will be run by wolves and mexicans. where do we as a nation draw the line? i wonder how much of the border is privately owned land? i have heard rumors of ranchers taking the matter into their own hands....illegals crossing their property...trashing it, tearing down fences. the rumor is there is a lot of illegal fertilizer down i said just a rumor:)

all we need to do is post a possible terrorist threat from our southern neighbors and create a lethal border control...ya, not that simple.
they are all over here in the boom towns of Wyoming, cheap labor for a lot of these companys, its all about profit, thats what this country is about isn't it? getting rich.
that was in the old days, some one once told me that there are more laws on the books than could fit in all the volumes of the encyclopeda Britannica, ever hear that song "signs signs everywhere there's signs? opportunity is not overwhelming these days either, its a cool slogan though
>that was in the old days,
>some one once told me
>that there are more laws
>on the books than could
>fit in all the volumes
>of the encyclopeda Britannica, ever
>hear that song "signs signs
>everywhere there's signs? opportunity is
>not overwhelming these days either,
> its a cool slogan

"Powhatan said the same thing long ago and it only has gotten worse"
Have you seen a picture of Powhatans daughter? I haven't. Here is one, there are more than three times as many lawyers in the city of Los Angeles than there are in the entire country of France, Oh well, at least we can go hunting, thats something.
Piper sent you a PM.

And yes I believe that LA has more Lawyers than France. I hate it when the French are better than us.

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