I'm inTrouble


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Jan-14-17 AT 10:42PM (MST)[p]I noticed some "sign" of wood rats in my wood shed the other day, so I decided to set a Victor rat trap. It happens every winter when the critters look for a dry place to hole up.

My wife feeds the little Douglas squirrels almonds and walnuts on the back deck so I can only set the rat trap after dark when the squirrels are sleeping. That's fine. Whatever.

I caught a rat the first night, so I set it again the next night.

The next morning (this morning) while it was still dark I checked the trap but it was empty. I got side tracked with something else and left it set. I forgot all about it.

About noon my wife went out to the wood shed to get some firewood.

All I hear is my name and a bunch of swear words. She never swears. Yep, one of her pets got killed.

I cooked my own dinner tonight and it's pretty quiet around here.
Please Re-Set All Traps ASAP!

And Kill Every F'N Wire Chewing Rat/Squirrel/Chipmunk/Mouse on Earth!

So Eel?

You have to add Salt & Pepper on the little Bastard?

[font color="blue"]It Was them Damn Lake Trout that took them Elk
Yup your in trouble. To keep peace I would tell her Roy did it. Rutnbuck

I better not. I've been to the well too many times as it is.
Well enough! I guess you could hire a taxidermist have the vermin mounted and place it on your fire place mantel along side the rat. Would make for good conversation. Consider the fighting mount. Where as the rat has the squirrel by the neck. Rutnbuck
just buy a live trap for your wood shed....that's what we did for our tack room......and the wife loves drowning them in our stock pond..
Eel, you're in trouble alright!

The swearing followed by the silent treatment is a classic which is employed by many wives upon the husbands doing dumb things. I SHOULD KNOW!

This too shall pass.

On a side note: my wife filled her cow elk tag this weekend and was still pissed that I spooked a cottontail down it's hole without getting a 22 lr slug into it. She loves rabbit dinner better than elk!!!! I can't seem to ever get it right, LOL


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