Kenai, Soldatna Help!!!


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Jun-21-11 AT 08:55PM (MST)[p]Hey I'm headed to Soldatna to fish on the Kenai river for the first time. Just wondering if anyone could give me an idea of what to expect. We are going July 12th - 19th. We are staying with a friends sister who lives on the river. We are hoping to fish from their back yard, but neither of us has fished the river before, I have fished the ocean for halibut and salmon and had a great time. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
Expect a lot of people, fishing should be very good at that time.Reds should be thick at that time, kings should be at there best then also.Pm me if you need more info. Need name of a good guide etc. Might be able to take you out king fishing, although the season so far has been the worst in history.
Moose creek is a awesome river it is a slow moving river that dumps into the Kenai right at Soldatna and if the fish are in can't be beat. But there is also lots, and lots of people so follow the people if the fish are in you will know it by the amount of people on the river. Have fun also you should make a ferry crossing and fish the Russian river with all the combat fishing you got to see it and you can always catch lots of fish and might evan see a few bears... Have a good trip.
If you go to the Russian, you WILL see brown bears. There is a sow and 2 cubs romaing the area near the ferry landing on the other side and it's been closed until July 21st. If you've never combat fished before, your in for a real treat. Wear safety glasses and bring a net.

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