Kids first goat


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This kid has impressed me more then most adults. This is her first goat she has been running cameras and setting up blinds with me the last 2 seasons but this is her first season with a tag in her pocket. This buck was a loner and he was one of the ones she wanted but he always watered alone on land we didn't have access to, well this changed quick during the rut and soon enough he ended up with a group of does that were coming to our set up. I couldn't see him out of the blind from my angle but she could, she set up and took the shot all on her own without me being able to see him. It was a pass through and then ran out where I could see him but far enough out I couldn't see a hole with my bare eye right when I was about to ask her if she hit him he fell over in a pile. And then i asked why she wasnt nervous and she said idk he was right there it was a easy shot ?. She has ice in her veins buck went just a hair over 78 I killed about 20 bucks before I ever got one the big!


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Congratulations! I like her confidence.

An old man I know always laughs when people talk about buck fever or shaking or just getting excited in general before a shot. He always asks, “why are you excited, you have done anything yet?” He said he never got excited until after he shot something. ?
That is cool. Congrats. And as a guy who takes my kids, its a serious commitment and sacrifice of your own hunting time. Worth it every time.
Great job young lady! These are some memories that will never get forgotten for the two of you. As a father of 3 girls getting closer to the hunting age, I can sense just a hint of pride in this story. ??
That's so dang cool!
Congratulations to her and you too.
Dang girl, that's a fine trophy pronghorn!!!!!!


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