Last of the Broder Buck



Don't know if many of you know what's happening lately about the disappearence of the World Record Non Typical Mule Deer and the impending outcome.

It appears that Don Broder son of Ed Broder who shot the world record buck, vowed on his fathers death bed he'd never let the antlers be sold. He has hid the antlers somewhere and has refused to tell anyone as to their where abouts even after being ordered by a judge to turn the antlers over to his fathers estate. Don Broders son Jeff believes his father will go to his grave as the only one to know where the world non typical mule deer antlers are hid.

Following is a recent news clip about the event.

Alberta news
Monday, Apr 26, 2004

Alberta senior remains in jail over antler fight.

Ed Broders huge mule deer buck remains a world record, and the subject of a fight that has landed Ed's son Don in jail.

EDMONTON (CBC) - A 75-year-old man remains in jail, after again refusing to hand over a set of world record deer antlers that has become central to a family feud.

Don Broder, of Sundre Alberta, spent the weekend in the Edmonton Remand Centre after ignoring a court order to turn in the 78-year-old rack. Monday morning, Court of Queen's Bench Justice Myra Bielby again asked him to produce the antlers, and he refused.

His children voiced concerns about their father's health, citing heart problems and pain from three hip surgeries ? but Broder's two sons declined the judge's offer to replace him in jail.

Broder's father Ed shot the deer with record-sized antlers in 1926. He died in 1968 without a will, but the antlers didn't become an issue until almost 30 years after his death.

Don Broder has had the antlers since 1973, but in 1997 his six siblings launched a lawsuit to have the trophy antlers sold and the money divided.

He lost the court battle in March, and was ordered to turn the antlers over to his father's estate. However, he has refused and a judge, finding him in contempt of court, had him taken into custody Friday.

His son Jeff said Broder promised his father he wouldn't sell the rack. Broder is back in court on Thursday

I was fortunate enough to see the broder buck at our anual Trophy and Awards Show a few years ago and I'm glad I did. There's a good chance that set of antlers may never surface again.

What a great story, his kids should be jailed for wanting to go against their fathers and grandfathers wishes! Sounds like some pretty selfish kids.

Keep us posted!

it figures money always causing chit, does anybody have a pic, i saw it before but can't remember what it look like...?.......
It was for sale on ebay but nobody bought it. I cant remember the amount wanted for them but it was 6 figures. Anyway it wasnt but 6 months or so that they were on ebay. What shame some dam (lol) antlers have been the cause of a family fued!
Yeah, thats my question too. That thing was for sale not long ago already, so how did that happen? Was old Don trying to slip one by the relatives and keep the dough for himself??

I held a replica of that SOB one time at Maniacs place. It was unreal. (the replica wasn't complete, just a smooth white cast of the set).
Horn....that's probably what was for sale on ebay was a replica. From the sounds of this story it doesn't sound like the ol' man's gonna cave. I hope he doesn't. His siblings should be in jail.
it wasnt the replica for sale..infact..I think the auction ended at 170 grand..and the reserve wasnt even met yet.

Later, Brandon
Here's the latest news release on my web site.


Alberta news
Tuesday, Apr 27, 2004
Controversial antlers may already be sold

EDMONTON (CBC) - A record-sized set of antlers at the middle of a family feud, which have landed an elderly man in jail, may have already been sold, a U.S. businessman says.
Don Broder, 75, has been in jail for more than three days, because he refuses to hand over the trophy rack to his siblings, who want to sell it and split the proceeds. Broder says he promised his father, who shot the mule deer in 1926, that he would keep the antlers in the family.

He has defied a court order to give up the deer head and was found in contempt of court Friday, and again on Monday.
That picture in this thread is of a replica mount that is for sale in a shop that collects mounts and sells them in Canada.
They want $5,000 for the mount if I remember.
Yes the original was offered on ebay,Maniac was high bidder I think,but the reserve was never met.
IMO if my family needed the money after I pass on,more power to them to sell all my mounts,My family means a hell of a lot more to me than my mounts!
It Sounds like the family estate sold the head probable through something similar to a sheriffs foreclosure sale. The only problem is one of the family members kept his word and will not give up the goods. Good work Don Broder!!
Hi All:

Just a quick update from the news this A.M. I wonder who might have bought this buck???????

EDMONTON - Jeff Broder said Tuesday he doubts his father would ever sell the prize mule-deer antlers which are the focus of a bitter lawsuit and family feud.

"He would never do it," the younger Broder said after a report surfaced that an American outdoors enthusiast is trying to sell the trophy to a Nebraska-based chain of hunting and fishing outfitters.

Don Broder has been in the Edmonton remand centre since last Friday after being cited for contempt of court for refusing to turn over the antlers. He will appear before Court of Queen's Bench Justice Myra Bielby again on Thursday, when she plans to ask him once more if he is prepared to hand over the antlers known as the Broder Buck.

Jeff Broder has said repeatedly his father told him the antlers are stashed in a secret location. A 2001 court order prevents them from being sold or otherwise disposed of.

But Mark Dowse, who buys taxidermy mounts for Cabela's, a chain of hunting and fishing stores based in Sidney, Neb., said Tuesday he has spoken five or six times in the past year with an American man who apparently bought the antlers and is now trying to sell them.

The conversations have been by telephone and Dowse hasn't seen the antlers in the man's possession.

Jeff Broder said he is perplexed by Dowse's story.

"I don't know why this guy is going around saying this," he said. "I'm having a hard time with this."

The antlers are from a mule deer shot by Don Broder's father, Edmund Broder, near Chip Lake, 115 kilometres west of Edmonton, in November 1926. In 1962 they were judged to be a world-record, non-typical mule-deer trophy.

Edmund Broder died in 1968, leaving no will. The trophy remained in his Edmonton home until 1973, when Don Broder removed it against the wishes of another brother, George, so he could show it at a sportsmen's show.

In 1997, George and five other siblings sued Don Broder to get the trophy back.

In March, Bielby ruled that Don Broder must return the trophy to his father's estate. The antlers are to be sold and proceeds divided up between all of Edmund Broder's children.

Edmonton lawyer Elizabeth MacInnis represents Don Broder's siblings in the lawsuit and said if it's true the trophy was sold, she will seek legal remedies against Don Broder and the new owner.

"The court issued an order that it was not to be disposed of, and if it has been - and of course this comes as enormous news to us - it clearly would be in breach of the court order," MacInnis said.

Dowse said he and the seller last spoke about the Broder Buck sometime within the last month, but doesn't expect they'll reach a deal because the seller likely wants too much money. Dowse wouldn't reveal the identity of the seller but said they've known each other six years.

"We've got a pretty good working relationship," he said. "I've purchased a lot of things from him in the past."

Dowse said he understands the man bought the antlers privately after they were advertised on the Internet auction site EBay in April 2004 as part of a legal quest to determine their worth. The auction closed after bids failed to reach the reserve price, which was not revealed.

"The person who was the highest bidder contacted the owner and they worked a deal out and the deer was sold," Dowse said.

He said he understood the highest bid was about $180,000 US. But a visitor to an Alberta hunting website wrote soon after the auction ended that bids had closed at $170,100 US.

While Jeff Broder has repeatedly said his father would never sell the Broder Buck, documents filed in the lawsuit indicate otherwise. In 1971, all of Edmund Broder's children, including Don Broder, agreed to buy a small display ad in Field & Stream magazine to find a buyer. The ad ran in the October 1971 issue.

Cabela's has a large catalogue business and nine retail stores. Taxidermy mounts hang in each store to attract customers. Dowse's job is to purchase the mounts, and he has never paid more than $30,000 US for an item.

Cabela's already owns three of the four world-record mule-deer trophies and would buy the Broder Buck if the price was right, Dowse said.

"It's an incredible trophy," he said. "There's nothing even close to it." In 1998 or 1999, the prize antlers were displayed for a year in the Cabela's store in Sidney.

"A lot of people came in to look at it and take pictures of it," Dowse said.

? CanWest News Service 2004

Interesting I think

Sounds like our good ole buddy from Idaho, might know something about the dissapearance after all! :eek:
Now we all know where that huge shed came from. But why hack up such a great Canadian treasure? LMAO!!!! Just kidding!!!
Very intersting drama to say the least. As an Armchair Cheerleader I'm hoping the old man didn't sell it and has it hidden in some old trappers cabin somewhere. Imagine 50 years from now, opening the door to the cabin and finding a rack like that hidden inside. That would be cool!!!

i hope the man hasn't sold the buck. It is his family's. that man's father earned the buck said that he didn't want it to sell i hope that man goes to his grave being the only one who knows where the antlers are
Seems to me the whole Family has a shallow gene pool.

land 75-year-old in Edmonton jail
Last Updated Mon, 26 Apr 2004 22:06:06
EDMONTON - The whereabouts of a world record deer trophy is keeping an elderly Edmonton man, who is confined to a wheelchair, in jail.

Earlier this month, 75-year-old Don Broder lost a fight with his brothers and sisters over a set of antlers from a deer their father shot decades ago.

In March, a judge ordered Don Broder to give up the trophy hanging in his family room so his six brothers and sisters can sell it.

On Friday, Broder refused to give the trophy to his deceased father's estate as ordered by a judge. So he was sent to Edmonton's Remand Centre.

On Monday, Broder refused the judge's order again.

His sons say their dad is in need of another hip replacement and has heart problems. They say he was bleeding from the bowel while in jail and should be taken to see his doctor. But, the judge told them there is adequate medical care in jail.

Broder was given a choice. Hand over the record mule deer antlers to his dad's estate as ordered by the court, or head back to jail.

When he was asked what he had to say, Broder's only response was, "What can I say?"

The judge offered Broder's sons an opportunity to take their dad's place in jail, but they declined.

Outside the court Jeff Broder told reporters his dad won't allow it. "I would do it tomorrow, (but) my father said no because we got families to raise and stuff like that. And he just doesn't want it. He said to me, 'I'm the one doing this. This is mine.'"

Jeff and his brother Craig accuse jail officials of not providing their dad with proper medication for his heart problems, although they couldn't specify exactly what problems he has. They also claim he wasn't given enough food while in jail.

"They're treating him probably worse than the Americans are treating Saddam Hussein from Iraq," said Jeff Broder.

While the Broders were in court, Mark Dowse, a U.S. businessman who buys and sells taxidermy pieces, told CBC News an American he regularly deals with now owns the antlers. Dowse says that man offered them to him for a price, but he won't say how much.

Jeff Broder says only his dad knows if the antlers have been sold.

And Don Broder isn't saying anything. He's back in jail and will make another court appearance on Thursday.
So what if he did sell the antlers? Is he still a martyr for the family heirloom or a sneaky sibling that juked his brothers and sisters out of their share? I heard from a relatively reliable source of mine that it was sold back in January. Of course thats heresay and rumor and completely unsubstantiated so take it for what its worth. Internet banter.

I seriously doubt the cops are treating him worse than terrorists. Sounds like a little fanning of the flames to drum up public sympathy and outcry.
OK, like all, I hope I'm wrong and Don is the upstanding family man he claims to be, but here's my theory. He sold the horns, hopefully secretly and pocketed about 170 big ones, then when the chit hit the fan he is claiming to have hid them and will never reveal the hiding place to honor his word to his father. Doubtful. What sucks is, if our Rainbow Warrior does have them, he probably didn't know he was buying a controversial and possibly legally protected rack.

Where ya at Maniac, time to confess and set this all right!
I saw the buck on e-bay with an outstanding strating bid I beleive it was $167.000, but nobody wanted to bite on it, so I assumed it never sold...but it was on ebay for sure back in Dec. or Jan...
Heard today that the old man did sell the rack! He ended up getting $170000.00 for them, id never have sold it! Thats one record that'll never be broken.
So, the old fart keeps the bone that rightfully belongs to the whole family and you all think that is right???

Who is he to determine the outcome of something that he only has part ownership in????

I just love it when everyone thinks with their emotions about stuff like this.

Sounds to me like the old man is the one doing the end run on everyone else....
I think the majority is for the mount not being sold for financial gains and also against the wishes of the man who killed it..I dont think you can put a price on something like that if you are connected to it..however..people often do..just look at the whitetail killed last year..that thing is already sold...And knowing that my own grand kids want to sell it for the money would make me roll over in my is all of that right?? Now, if he sold the mount for himself..then that an entirely different story..

Later, Brandon
He has already sold it so he is worse than the others, he was trying to keep all of the cash for himself.

It was in the local paper today he did sell the antlers. I'll scan the article on Saturday and post it.
Alta. man admits he sold 'Broder Buck' antlers News Staff

A 75-year-old Alberta man jailed for refusing to surrender a record-setting rack of deer antlers has admitted he sold the heirloom. But he won't say where the money went.

Don Broder of Sundre, Alberta was sent to prison last Friday for defying a court order to hand the stuffed buck over to his father's estate.

Citing a deathbed promise he said he made to his father -- never to part with the antlers -- Broder refused to divulge their whereabouts.

But in an Edmonton court on Thursday, when a lawyer for a sibling of the accused confronted Broder with a report he had actually sold the antlers last May, his story changed.

Broder told the court that the trophy had, in fact, been sold. But he wouldn't say what he did with the proceeds.

Lawyer Elizabeth MacInnis told Court of Queen's Bench Justice Myra Bielby that she is investigating reports the antlers were sold to an American buyer for $171,000 US.

If the claim turns out to be true, MacInnis said, Broder would be guilty of fraud and "should be sent a strong message that he is in breach of a court order."

For his silence on the matter, the judge ordered Broder back behind bars.

The trophy at the centre of the feud is known as the 'Broder Buck'.

Don's father Ed shot the mule deer with the record rack -- its antlers have 22 points on the right and 21 left -- in 1926.

When Ed Broder died without a will in 1968, the trophy went to his son Richard. Don took it from his brother in 1973, and has held it ever since.

In 1997, his six siblings launched a lawsuit to have the heirloom sold, and the money divided.

A judge ruled that the late patriarch's estate was entitled to the trophy and ordered it be sold last March. Don Broder would be entitled to the first $20,000 of the sale proceeds, the judge said, as compensation for its maintenance.

Although Broder is free to tell the court where the money is at any time, he is scheduled for his next court appearance on June 8th.
The old man sounds like a greedy dirt bag. I'd leave him in the pokey until he ponies up the money and splits it with his family members. If I was the guy who bought them, I'd be finding a buyer in Europe or Mexico real fast or he's gonna be out his money. More than likely they'll be confiscated, returned to the court, and put back up for auction anyway.
i don't know the whole story, what i got out of it is just what i have read here on this post! it is the first i have heard of this dispute. here is my opinion on the whole thing, remember, it is just my opinion. the whole fu*^(&$ family should be ashamed of themselves and don broder along with the rest of them, and yes i mean every last one of the greedy, low class, money starved crap heads should be rotting in a jail cell right along with don broder. what a shame of a awesome trophy like this. all for what? money, greedy sob's. i am not placing any blame on one of them in particular, rather the whole dam family.
Anyone have any thoughts on the guy that bought the rack? He kept pretty quite and was also trying to profit from what appears to be just an investment.
>i don't know the whole story,
>what i got out of
>it is just what i
>have read here on this
>post! it is the
>first i have heard of
>this dispute. here is
>my opinion on the whole
>thing, remember, it is just
>my opinion. the whole
>fu*^(&$ family should be ashamed
>of themselves and don broder
>along with the rest of
>them, and yes i mean
>every last one of the
>greedy, low class, money starved
>crap heads should be rotting
>in a jail cell right
>along with don broder.
>what a shame of a
>awesome trophy like this.
>all for what? money,
>greedy sob's. i am
>not placing any blame on
>one of them in particular,
>rather the whole dam family.

So I guess your saying that an animal is worth more then a human being, it's just an animal and it's just money.......leave it to money to start a family feud and leave it to a trophy buck for people to get greedy...
> Anyone have any thoughts on
>the guy that bought the
>rack? He kept pretty quite
>and was also trying to
>profit from what appears to
>be just an investment.

Maniac probably bought the dam thing..LOL...
The fight was not with the family, it was trying to stop the corrupt Judges and lawyers from extorting the Broder Buck for their personal gains. The whole ordeal was fake, we proved it and show you the trail of conspiracy, fraud, and false imprisonment.
Read the facts as you decide.

The fact is the old man "Donald Broder" new what these white-collar criminals were up to, and the rest of us were being played.


Son of the Old Man.
Now that you've read let me open your eyes to how Alberta Justice and lawyers use the RCMP to enforce crimes against the innocent.
Read George Butlers Affidavit and it will reveal the RCMP constable that was used to force entry into Donald Broder private residence to steal the Broder Buck. Your dam right the old man sent it south of the border to try and stop these white-collar bandits from stealing The Broder Buck. When a smart old man stopped them then resorted to jailing him at Edmonton Remand Centre until he succumbed to their demands.

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Here's Ed Broders cabin south of Carrot Creek right beside Rat Creek and you can see the front wheels of the Model T parked beside it. Time was around 1955 - 1960. I know because I found the cabin remains and built my cabin within a 100 yards of Ed's.

When Donald Broder tried to fight these white-collar criminals see how low these SOB's will go. They garnished his wife's bank account while she was in a long-term care facility suffering with Alzheimer's. Don Broder took on the corrupt justice system and his family paid the price, so let's not call it for what they lead you to believe but for the truth that's been proven.

Imagine the low form of lawyers that garnish an elderly woman with Alzheimer's, and they know there caught for conspiracy, fraud, and collusion to frame an innocent senior.


  • JBGarnishee1.pdf
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You all can now do your part and spread the truth to exonerate an innocent senior for whom ended his own life for his cause on April 11, 2012. He chose to go to the other side where he could rest and prepare for the day of reckoning that's coming for these white-collar bandits.

There were many days Don Broder took his boys out to where Ed Broder had his hunting cabins in the Rat Lake area. Even showed us the old tote road Ed cut into the country so he could drive his Model T to his cabin at Otter Creek.
Looked pretty special taking 3 shots into a herd then wonder where ya might have hit one that’s for sure. All those shots at the same animal? Even a clue what one you might have hit? What a clown show
Herd running full speed and all your shots straight down the road. One stop you shot three times that the video just doesn’t show? We’re your eyes even open?
Homer - The driver was a Cow Elk and we had Bull tags, the herd was 90% cows and go figure I picked a Bull out of the herd as it crossed then took it with a clean kill around 200 yards in the field it crossed into. I was taught by the best.
Homer - The driver was a Cow Elk and we had Bull tags, the herd was 90% cows and go figure I picked a Bull out of the herd as it crossed then took it with a clean kill around 200 yards in the field it crossed into. I was taught by the best.
Homer - The driver was a Cow Elk and we had Bull tags, the herd was 90% cows and go figure I picked a Bull out of the herd as it crossed then took it with a clean kill around 200 yards in the field it crossed into. I was taught by the best.
What we’re the other two shots at?
Still trying to pick out the one bull that stood in front of the truck while everything else was running full speed :rolleyes:

Hard to argue with the tape there bud. I’m mean for Gods sake you posted the thing. First bull you “picked out” was half a mile away by the time you were shooting your third shot straight in front of the truck.

Well earned for sure…
Yes, my 300 TIKA has a three-round clip. Go figure I shot three times and only killed one Bull. It was perfect and by the rules set by Fish & Wildlife, in fact we were also told at the brief every morning before we entered the land for this hunt that the herds were large. Anywhere from 300 - 600 head and if by chance a Cow Elk was dropped it would not be a problem as the meat would go to feed those in need. Imagine, I could have shot and many but chose to be accurate at only shoot at a Bull.
Now don't let the image get you all worked up, because most hunters would drag it whole from the field to the road to dress it out, especially when it was almost dark and -40C.
Thank you Horsecorn for your input, I've also never shot an animal sleeping or swimming. But I've shot a few on the run. Here in Canada it's bush and sometimes it's now or never. So, we trained ourselves for fast accurate shots. I study ballistics and am proud to say that accuracy for a kill shot is critical.
It's not hard to understand, the rules were made by Fish & Wildlife to cull the enormous herds in a land reserve. It was either that or these Elk were at risk of developing CWD. Every head was left at a drop off for testing. The herd has been culled and all is good for the health of the remaining animals.
And you call yourself a "crime fighter" dude, you were lining up for a 4th shot on a totally different group of elk that wasn't anywhere near where your 1st three shots were taken & you had no idea where your previous shots went. You got a good driver though... so props to him for hitting the brakes. Have a cold Moosehead you earned it
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The Story Will Be Told and History Will Be Made one again and The Greatest Buck of all Time will be known as.

The Buck for Justice


View attachment 79143
This is retarded. I guess you didn't know there is already a "Buck of Justice" ?? Pretty popular in Utah. There used to be replicas of it in every Sportsmans Wharehouse in the state.
So you name it "The Buck For Justice" Almost like you got the idea from somewhere??
This is retarded. I guess you didn't know there is already a "Buck of Justice" ?? Pretty popular in Utah. There used to be replicas of it in every Sportsmans Wharehouse in the state.
So you name it "The Buck For Justice" Almost like you got the idea from somewhere??

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