Less than a week out!!


Very Active Member
With the opener here is Utah less than a week out. Lets see some pics of previous years success to get the blood pumping a little more to get us through the next long week of work.
Good luck to everyone on their upcoming hunts this year its going to be another year for the record books. Excited to see everyones pics! Stay safe and have a Great Fall!!
Solo hunt and my largest archery buck to date. Taken in 2010

I hate to see a pic like that. I can't put my finger on it but it just seems a bit disrespectful to the animal. Anybody else feel the same way I do?
Nope. I do not feel the same way. Hell of a buck.

Jake H. BIG BONE HUNTING Page on Facebook.
I will particapate here is my buck from last year.


Jake H. BIG BONE HUNTING Page on Facebook.
> I hate to see a
>pic like that. I
>can't put my finger on
>it but it just seems
>a bit disrespectful to the
>animal. Anybody else feel
>the same way I do?
The same logic used by the people who want to take away your hunting rights. Great job!

Nice buck Pushin, and pic!
> I hate to see a
>pic like that. I
>can't put my finger on
>it but it just seems
>a bit disrespectful to the
>animal. Anybody else feel
>the same way I do?

Maybe you'd fit in better on the green weenie site!?!?
I have no problem with the first picture.Deer is just taking a "dirt nap". I appreciate the picture being shared.

JakeH's picture with the blood in the picture is offensive. This is a hunting website, we don't need to see any blood on dead animals;)
I guess the first problem I have with the pic. is the bow placement the way its covering up most of the body and dominating the whole scene. Second why not hold his head up and use your self timer? Or at least prop it up with rock or stick.Seems to me that would be the respectful thing to do.
Congrats to the hunter on a fine kill.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-13-17 AT 03:56PM (MST)[p]Wow Jake, you couldn't of planned a more beautiful background!


"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
The guy is pumped for the season to start and you want to nit pick his shared photo?

Here's my solo bow kill pic from last year. What would you say is wrong?

It appears you guys are more proud of your really cool Bows than you are of the animals you killed. You spend more time posing them for your pics than you do the critters.
Thanks Joe, right after I shot him a absolute down pour in-suede so I waited it out in the truck, right after it passed this scene presented itself and I was in a mad dash to get set up for the pictures lol I was by myself so had to hurry with the self timer and get the buck positioned.

Jake H. BIG BONE HUNTING Page on Facebook.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-13-17 AT 06:45PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Aug-13-17 AT 06:44?PM (MST)

That pic Jake has with the rainbow in the background and him holding the buck up proud is awesome I have to say. That's the way it should be done. Take some time and give The animals the respect they deserve. I've hunted solo for over 45 years so I know what that's all about.
So if the hunter is not in the photo, or the bow is in the photo...it's disrespectful? Holy CRAP...give me a break. Just another one of the Folks that can find a problem with every solution! So yes...it's just you LOL!
Nice pics guys! Good hunting everyone!
I always laugh about this mythical respect over a beast I was given dominion over and I just brutalized to death and I jerk his guts out and pick his flesh from between my teeth.
So you had to jump out of your truck right after you shot him with your bow to pose for that picture in a hurry?
Buckhorn out.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-13-17 AT 08:54PM (MST)[p]LOL, You got me, I guess I need to clarify, after sneeking up on the buck and shooting him with my bow, my brother drove the truck over to the downed buck, we waited the storm out and then while he drove to my parents house (1/2 mile away) to get his daughter so she could see, the scene behind me unfolded and I had to hurry and set up by myself to get the photos I got as the conditions were perfect and fading fast. Boy you sure are knit picky, next your going to be pointing out my lack of camo saying its disrespectful. lol

I actually agree with you its easy to get good photos by yourself if you have the will and the patience to do it. But that being said I see no problem with the photos of the animal and the bow. I have a few of those as well, but usually take the time to get some good and proper grip and grin photos as well. Not everybody likes to do that though.

Jake H. BIG BONE HUNTING Page on Facebook.
I'm scared to show dead animal photos now.

Quarters hanging outta saddle panniers, "The horse looks overloaded."

I get it if we were posting on a PETA site.
>It appears you guys are more
>proud of your really cool
>Bows than you are
>of the animals you killed.
>You spend more time posing
>them for your pics than
>you do the critters.

It appears you have a vagina.
Well brother you timed it just right. Congrats!


"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
Thanks for sharing your pictures everyone. We need to not be so critical. Respect is how you hunt. Respect the animal, environment, and other hunters.
> I hate to see a
>pic like that. I
>can't put my finger on
>it but it just seems
>a bit disrespectful to the
>animal. Anybody else feel
>the same way I do?

Nope nothin disrespectful! thats just absolutely ridiculous to call that disrespectful. good god get over yourself! He didnt seem to break any laws and propped the deer up pretty nicely etc. you are a freakin fool. I cant stand stupid people like you that nit pick everything!
Tovern that's freaking hilarious!!!! Some people!!!!! This isn't whitetail t.v. or primos hunting videos!!! Social media ,the internet ,and all of the so called hunting shows have brought up a whole other level of weirdo !! Animals deserve respect , especially after losing their life. Let's get this straight... THERES A GOOD CHANCE A DEAD ANIMAL HAS BLOOD ON IT, A HOLE IN IT ,AND IS PROBABLY NOT SMILING. GREAT PICS,AND ANIMALS . The bows is a little alarming to me , gotta shoot the hoyts guys hahaha.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-15-17 AT 09:30PM (MST)[p]Thank u sir!! As do you. But if a good cow walks out I'm not picky if a calf isn't in tow.

But I hope the wife gets a giant cuz that would be awesome!!
I read this thread yesterday and it's just been eating at me. Buckhorn, you are the one who is disrespectful sir. I've taken plenty of pics just like this one. And it had nothing to do with disrespect or "showcasing my bow." I like to put it there because that's what I shot it with. I'm proud when I take an animal with archery equipment and I want pictures that show so. Get off your high horse. It's no wonder so many people think hunters are ##### wads. Because a good amount are! It's amazing to me how so many people can get so caught up in stupid crap like this and "respecting the animal" that they lose respect for their fellow human beings! Now if I found out that that buck got the head chopped off and the rest was left to rot, THAT would be disrespectful. But I'm sure that's not the case. And he will have the story and memories to pass on to his kids and whatnot. No greater respect than that if you ask me. Congrats to everyone who posted pics, great animals!
>The guy is pumped for the
>season to start and you
>want to nit pick his
>shared photo?
>Here's my solo bow kill pic
>from last year. What would
>you say is wrong?

Um, your bow is bigger than the bear
I feel I am happy for the successful Hunter. Any bow kill is a great accomplishment and that is a fine looking buck. I see a young hunter who is deserving of a huge congratulations.
I'm glad to see that the hunter is holding the Deers head up and is in the pic with his kill. The blood doesn't bother me at all as long as it's not dripping out of his mouth and I'm glad to see that the animals tongue is not hanging out.
If I may make a suggestion however next time you pose your animal for a picture you should make sure the body is behind the head. And keep the bow to the rear part of the body that way the head and antlers are the prominent part of the pic not the bow and body. Also make sure the head is stretched forward a bit and not tucked back away like it is in that pic.
Those details will come to you guys as you gain experience and look back upon your previous kill shot pictures.
If you will notice the previous pics posted on this topic by the more experienced guys show the kill shot pics the way I am describing.
>I feel I am happy for
>the successful Hunter. Any
>bow kill is a great
>accomplishment and that is a
>fine looking buck. I see
>a young hunter who is
>deserving of a huge congratulations.
> I'm glad to see that
>the hunter is holding the
>Deers head up and is
>in the pic with his
>kill. The blood doesn't bother
>me at all as long
>as it's not dripping out
>of his mouth and
>I'm glad to see that
>the animals tongue is not
>hanging out.
> If I may make a
>suggestion however next time you
>pose your animal for a
>picture you should make sure
>the body is behind the
>head. And keep the bow
>to the rear part of
>the body that way the
>head and antlers are the
>prominent part of the pic
>not the bow and body.
> Also make sure the
>head is stretched forward a
>bit and not tucked back
>away like it is in
>that pic.
> Those details will come to
>you guys as you gain
>experience and look back upon
>your previous kill shot pictures.
> If you will notice the
>previous pics posted on this
>topic by the more experienced
>guys show the kill
>shot pics the way
>I am describing.

Ya, nothing like trying to make a buck look larger than it really is.

Get ready for change because it's going to happen!
Are you saying that pic posted by Wilsonio doesn't look good?
I'm saying that's the way it should be done.
Has it come down to this on here?! People complaining and trying to tell people how they "should" take pictures?! Sounds like everyone else in the world.

*We are all in the same boat, just
wishing to be hunting right now!*
>I've never understood why some people
>try to tell others how
>they should live it do
Well that really makes a ton of sense.
I'm just trying to help out some fellow hunters.
But sometimes you just can't fix it!
Absolutely nothing was done wrong. If it offends you, oh well. There is nothing disrespectful about any of the pictures. Not everyone is going to pose for what you consider to be the right way to take a picture. That's your opinion, not a fact.

*We are all in the same boat, just
wishing to be hunting right now!*
Buckhorn's attitude and lack of an attitude filter (shared by others here) is the reason many now choose to not share here anymore.
I guess some never heard the saying "different stokes for different folks" or ""some will cry about getting hung with a new rope"".

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Had a blast in southwest wyoming last year. Actualg a really cool story with this buck.



Also lucky enough to draw my WYO antelope tag after 9 years. Father and brother pictured with him.

> I hate to see a
>pic like that. I
>can't put my finger on
>it but it just seems
>a bit disrespectful to the
>animal. Anybody else feel
>the same way I do?

Plus 100
> I hate to see a
>pic like that. I
>can't put my finger on
>it but it just seems
>a bit disrespectful to the
>animal. Anybody else feel
>the same way I do?

Well if a pic with a dead buck laying in the dirt and a bow set on top of it is offensive, here's a pic I'm sure you'll really love

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