Lets help Yelum


Very Active Member
I read yelum's post about him meeting Tred Barta and trying out his chair. In the post it says the chair with tracks is 16K. I don't know Yelum and have never met him in person, but I respect the person he is.

I believe the MM world could raise that money to buy him his chair. I know if I told my hunting buddies his story and his passion for mule deer they would donate.

I live in Oregon but would love to lead this effort. I have received so much pleasure from hunting that I would love to give Yelum a tool to help him with his passion.

Lets make this happen.

As I always say when it comes to something like this. I'm in for a C note.


"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you think their right"

-Joe E Sikora
I'm in as we'll if you can work out the details. I think, and he might not like this but I would start with some ideas from Yellum. He seems to be a real giving type of guy possibly if he's only using it 3 or 4 times a year another person or two could also benefit from this technology.
i also do not know yelum, but have been inspired by his hunting adventures....how cool would it have been for him to have been closer to the action when his wife tagged her cali ram last year?
i am in....post up details to donate...do the math...it is very do able we will put one of our own back where he belongs

How to start an argument online:
1. Express an opinion
2. Wait
You guys are just awesome, and I really do thank you for your kind hearts and comments. Heres my thoughts. There is an organization called chairbound hunters, a Utah chapter, That could really put this chair to use, helping dozens of guys/gals me included. I will see them today, and get some specifics on how to help. That way many people could enjoy this cool chair.

I've got a chair that gets me around in the outdoors so I can still enjoy the things I love. I just couldn't stand in it.



Theres logic, and theres women. They don't go together.


Hi Yelum, not sure if we've talked in the past but I do recognize the name.
If you don't mine me asking what happened to put you in your situation?

God bless Joe and Kristie Sikora

"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you think their right"

-Joe E Sikora
I put a post up a couple of days ago, asking folks to please support the Chairbound Hunters, and not one person even replied to it. It's a great organization, that I hope gains some support from this post. They truly need it.
Sometimes a face and personality, someone you at least communicate with on the Internet makes the difference Shummy. I like the idea of Yellum, so it could be available to others as well.
On the last day of the show I talked with Tred and his wife and let them know what was going on here with the MM group after Larry (Yelum) posted about him meeting Tred and standing for his first time in 29 years in the new chair.

I let her know many of us was willing to help out Larry or the orginization that Larry chooses. She seemed very excited. Taking with her and explaining the posts here on Monster Mulies and all the comments that a number of MM members are in really stirred her interest. Hopefully between them, Larry and getting the needed information back with us we can make this happen for Yelum an his choosen orginization. 16K is alot for one person to front, but is very possible for many (160 people at $100.00 gets it done).

Tred's wife stated she was to meet with chairbound hunters this week.

Best of luck to you Yelum. Get Lostinoregan (Rich) the information. Keep hunting and posting here on MM, your are an inspiration!!!

P.S. - Rich, I will talk to you soon. Your original post was awesome to reach out and get this started. You may get a call from Tred or his wife. I gave her your contact info as a contact. Hope you don't mind.
This is pretty awesome. I hope it all works out. Yelum really seems like a great guy, and I always look for his posts specifically on this site.
Hey Larry that looks like pictures that you and I took----man the bugs were bad and I wished I had carried an extra battery as it would have been easier than pushing that chair through the sand.

I saw that chair at the store and thought of you.
You got it bear. Would have been fun if it wasn't so miserable


Theres logic, and theres women. They don't go together.
I am leaving for DC in the morning and will be back Friday. Yelum, please PM me your contact information so I can figure out some logistics. I will post additional information for everyone after I speak to Yelum.

Rick, don't mind at all if it helps us make this work.

Above White Rock Bay... one of my favorite spots out there Yelum... Great thread- thought I'd bump it back to the top..!! :)

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Larry, I left you a message tonight on your phone. I also sent an email to you and the chair bound hunters of Utah to get this ball rolling. Stay tuned


What a great thing to do. Please count me in too.


I saw you at the Expo and regret not saying hi. Take care..

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