
Long Time Member
I Think We've Got More than Enough!

When I Can See/Count More Damn Wild Horses than I Can Deer I Think We've Got Enough!

Your Thoughts?

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[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
I can't stand them. Wildlife management is based on science not politics. It's politics that save them. Show me a biologist that says it's positive to have feral animals then I will change my mind. In AZ they have "wild horses" near the Salt River, yeah more like abandoned horses. They're untouchable too, they make a real big deal about protecting them.
I would be okay with it if they were managed as intended and outlined by the Wild Horse and Burro Act.

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
Their more destructive than any animal I've ever seen. Elk need to be managed or they'll overgraze, the same common sense should be used for "wild" horses.
Treat them as you would a wolf!
Way overpopulated in some places. They should have to thin em out.

They remove deer and elk from Santa Rosa island because they are not native and they leave these to ravage good deer and elk habitat.

I used to enjoy seeing them in the 80's when I saw VERY FEW. But now I'm done with them. Kill em all.


People who work for a living are quickly being
overwhelmed by people who vote for a living.
There a much bigger threat to wildlife in Western Wyoming than Wolves & grizzlies. They absolutely destroy habitat. It is no coincidence that the areas that harbor large populations of feral horses are also areas where deer herds are struggling the most.
The worst thing is they are not "wild" they are Feral. No different that the feral cats living in a haystack. Except for the fact that animal rights groups have elevated these horses to some misguided "god like" status. The horses in Wyoming are escapees (in most cases were turned loose) from livestock, and mining operations over the last 110 years.
>"Treat them as you would a
>No way! You ever try to
>bury a horse with a


[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
Utah estimates they have 6000 feral horses. In Nevada we have 40,000... FORTY THOUSAND. I would love to have a measley 6000.
>Utah estimates they have 6000 feral
>horses. In Nevada we have
>40,000... FORTY THOUSAND. I would
>love to have a measley

Well NVB!

You'd Best get ahold of T Boone Pickens' Wife!

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
All these guys saying to shoot em should give it a try. That all sounds good to the tough guy crowd. They will serve more time for shooting a mustang than if they molest a kid.

We have burros on our world class shooting range the F&G owns and they can't get rid of them. Some nearby rancher rounded them up on his land and let them go on the range and the anti's watch over them like their kids, and love reminding us they're protected. They'll come walking down and they have to hold fire during matches or shooting sessions until they're gone so some guy doesn't plug one of them and get himself in big trouble.
>All these guys saying to shoot
>em should give it a
>try. That all sounds good
>to the tough guy crowd.
>They will serve more time
>for shooting a mustang than
>if they molest a kid.

Well NVB!

It'd Be OK if the BLM/GOVERNMENT decided to Toast a Bunch of them!

But Like You Said!

They Won't Let You Auction them Off for Glue any More!

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
LAST EDITED ON Dec-11-16 AT 01:11PM (MST)[p]So funny how some people will drive past a horse in a field and not give it a second thought,, but point one out wandering through the sage and tell them it is wild and they look at it in wonderment.

So called 'Wild Horses" have become Americas sacred cow,, don't even think about disturbing one.
We Had a Pack Mule get away from a Guy in the High Uintah's this last Summer!

The Mule has Teamed up now with Some Wild Horses!

Can't Wait to see the Purebreds here in a couple Years if they Cross!:D

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
^^^^^ or ^^^^^

Let the Utah DWR manage them,

Seem's like everything they touch go's DOWN in numbers...JK

That is a great idea 264. Unfortunately it won't happen any time soon. The US taxpayers are paying almost 70 million dollars a year to feed the horses that have been gathered. Each horse captured will cost $45,000 before it dies in captivity.
>That is a great idea 264.
>Unfortunately it won't happen any
>time soon. The US taxpayers
>are paying almost 70 million
>dollars a year to feed
>the horses that have been
>gathered. Each horse captured will
>cost $45,000 before it dies
>in captivity.

Hey NVB?

Any Chance We could Catch a Few & Sell them back to the Government?:D

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
I have heard it cost 40 million+ a year to take care of the wild horses captured. How many of those tree huggers are giving extra $$$ to save there beloved ponys?
No wonder these Mother F#ckers are starting these horse farms,they could give a ##### about the horses,you would see a lot of these horses turned loose once they lost their money from the Government.
I know one thing they make great bear bait. Shoot a couple go back in a week and bing,. Bears all over.
I guess that's one of the down sides of public land. Even ignorant people have a say in how it's managed.
There are no such thing as wild horses in the United States, they are an invasive species that got federal protection because a bunch of people who don't have to deal with them thought they were pretty. If I had my way, I would shoot every one I ever saw and leave it there for the birds.
the answer to getting rid of these horses is easy, and the government could make money if they would open the slaughter houses back up. They could pay a $100 bounty for each horse brought in alive, and then sell them to the slaughter houses. The BLM would make money. They could have a harvest objective, and when the objective is achieved, they could shut the bounty down for that unit. I used to love to see the wild horses when they were actually wild. Now, there are so many of them, they don't even run from the truck anymore. I would like a few to be around, but keep the numbers in check. I guarantee you, there would be a ton of guys out trying to catch wild horses if there was $100 bounty on them.
We took care of 4 of em this spring...we adapted them..they do make good huntin' horses especially antler hunting and whats nice is they have tough feet...most of the time we ride them unshod....adapted em in the past and the wife has trained them and sold them..we buy wean-lings only..
When a Feral animal has more rights than a human being we've got a problem. I think they need to put the numbers in check to help out our big game habitat. And believe me they could find a use for the meat.
Pacific Islanders love that meat, they would put it to good use.
This needs to be brought up to Trump. He hears about the $40m to feed feral livestock, I bet the glue factory opens back up...
>This needs to be brought up
>to Trump. He hears
>about the $40m to feed
>feral livestock, I bet the
>glue factory opens back up...

+1.....I hope so!

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