
Long Time Member
I'm only gonna list one item!

Take your turn at listing items that should be banned to Improve Hunting!

On second thought!

I'm not even gonna list the worst thing that ever came along that has done more Damage than any other item or items combined!

Ain't Technology Sweet!

This Story happens alot it's True!
But Ya Best Hope it don't ever happen to you!
OK.......I assume we all know what YOUR personal favorite is.
For me, I do not care what others use. I don't have time to worry about it.

If I had to pick one thing, it would those feminine deodorant sprays that taste like paint thinner.

"Being an idiot is NOT an art form. Give it up!"
Other than POS mechanical horses illegally tearing up the countryside, how about some others.

Whiz bang magnums with 25X scopes shooting target bullets a bazillion fps for taking deer and antelope at half a mile??????


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
>OK.......I assume we all know what
>YOUR personal favorite is.
>For me, I do not care
>what others use. I
>don't have time to worry
>about it.
>If I had to pick one
>thing, it would those feminine
>deodorant sprays that taste like
>paint thinner.
>"Being an idiot is NOT an
>art form. Give it up!"
But Nick, they make it in earth scent for the hunt gal on the go...
>OK.......I assume we all know what
>YOUR personal favorite is.
>For me, I do not care
>what others use. I
>don't have time to worry
>about it.
>If I had to pick one
>thing, it would those feminine
>deodorant sprays that taste like
>paint thinner.
>"Being an idiot is NOT an
>art form. Give it up!"

So Nicky?

You've got your Nose So close to 'it' while Hunting you can Taste it?

This Story happens alot it's True!
But Ya Best Hope it don't ever happen to you!
Other hunters,Pickups,Travel trailers.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Any scope less than 9x.....(sarcasm). Really? Lets not improve shot placement? Iron sights for everyone then! How 'bout we outlaw simple minded holier-than-thou inexperienced, my way or the highway, anti everything but what I use, whack jobs. Oh and Greek Yogurt.
You're right lets use 25X scopes and not hunt animals but instead snipe them from 1000 yards. Shot placement with a 9X scope shouldn't be a problem if you hunt and stalk to within 300 yards!
>Any scope less than 9x.....(sarcasm).
>Really? Lets not improve
>shot placement? Iron sights
>for everyone then! How 'bout
>we outlaw simple minded holier-than-thou
>inexperienced, my way or the
>highway, anti everything but what
>I use, whack jobs. Oh
>and Greek Yogurt.

He said anything OVER 9x scopes.

You're that special kind of stupid aren't you?
"If I had to pick one thing, it would those feminine deodorant sprays that taste like paint thinner."

Maybe that's nail polish you're smelling...... Terry
FemoralArchery and Trophy_Taker:

I know exactly what was meant, limit people to a maximum magnification of 9 times optical. Stupid enough for ya? You people that are SO against long range hunting and shooting are my favorite. Your justifications are so entertaining. "My Pa said all you ever need isa good ole Bushnell 3 da 9". Why not limit evryone to a fixed 4 power scope? Why not iron sights only? Long bows with sinew strings and turkey feather fletchings tipped with chert. Maybe only an atlatl. I got it! Lets limit hunters to only using a fricken rock! Better yet, Femoral can keep shooting critters in the ass hoping they bleed out quickly. Trophy: glad you know your limits. You must stay within them at all times while hunting. Attaboy!
I drew a knife tag. Gotta start sharpen my bowie.

;-) Mickey Mouse Outfitters provides an experience you will never forget, because we always do it Micky Mouse style. We always guarantee shots. It might be at the ground or in the air, but it's a guarantee we are committed to.
sneak ass. your a joke,and all the people like you, its called hunting , learn how and you wont need all that long range bull sizz, 2000 dollar spoting scopes, joke joke joke,,,,,,
Too many auction tags driving up the cost of all other tags. PS.Hey BB easy on californians, we're not all bad.
Thanks elkun, I'm glad you find me amusing. I'm really glad this long range mumbo jumbo is a relatively new idea.

Billy Dixon's Lucky Shot 6/5/1874

Controversy prevails over the exact range of the shot; although Baker and Harrison set it at about one thousand yards, a post-battle survey by a team of US Army surveyors, under the command of Nelson A. Miles, measured the distance of the shot: 1,538 yards, or nine-tenths of a mile. For the rest of his life, Billy Dixon never claimed the shot was anything other than a lucky one; his memoirs do not devote even a full paragraph to 'the shot'.
>This thread. mtmuley


It is amazing, how so many of you forget this is still America.

You can go about your chosen lifestyle, worship whichever God you choose, live where you choose .......and many other things........until it comes to the "Monster Muley's Ethics Police".........

All of a sudden, your right to hunt however you see fit is NOT an option.

You guys need to remember something.........if they can "outlaw" one thing, they can "outlaw" anything.

Mind your own business, do what you do and let other people do what they do.

"Being an idiot is NOT an art form. Give it up!"
GAY HUNTERS You all know which ones they are .LOL
They are the happy ones who drew a tag.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
I can think of lots of things that annoy me or that I find disturbing. They would include, in no particular order, long range shooting, trail cameras, wolves, high fences, bad bow hunters and most outfitters. However, this country is a free country so I would not outlaw any of them. It would be nice if some self control and common sense was utilized.
Limit hunters to no more than 2 hunting companions at a time in the field I'm so sick of seeing three trucks full of people for every one or two tags.
>Limit hunters to no more than
>2 hunting companions at a
>time in the field I'm
>so sick of seeing three
>trucks full of people for
>every one or two tags.

I thought I said We were gonna not make the Guides & Outfitters mad in this Thread?

This Story happens alot it's True!
But Ya Best Hope it don't ever happen to you!
I would outlaw the "automatic transmission" so women would stop blocking traffic from the drivers seat while putting on their makeup.....
If we really wanted to out law something to improve hunting my vote would go to Game Wardens. Get rid of Game Wardens. Game Wardens do important work but only occasionally. Seems only logical to send calls to the help stop poaching hotline to the County Sheriff instead. A guy with a gun, a badge, and a brown truck would respond to Poaching calls either way.

In Utah our DWR budget is $80,000,000.00 a year and Law enforcement eats up about a forth of that money. My understanding is that our Game Wardens only prosecute about 10 poaching cases a a cost of $2 million dollars a piece to the taxpayers.Even worse is that overfunding Law enforcement encourages Game Wardens to try to Trump up or manufacture poaching cases against honest sportsmen.

These funds are forever lost and would be better spent on real Wildlife conservation. That money could be spent on habitat, research, predator control or any number of things that would actually yield a result in more wildlife and more or better tags or budgets could be slashed and the money returned to the taxpayers.
Keep them. They also enforce fishing laws and are a valuable asset. I am always compliant with the law and enjoy seeing them out working. They do much more than just bust poachers.


"One can take my life but not my faith or my
confidence. I fear none and respect all."
Bob cat said "Take your turn at listing items that should be banned to Improve Hunting!"

To improve hunting I would out law. Over the Counter Licenses.
1. Bonus Points
2. Age Classification
3. Wealth Tags
4. CWMU's
5. Roads on every ridge
6. Tape Measures
7. SFW
8. Wildlife Board Corruption
9. Pet Units
10. ATV's

And hunters from Altamont.

"The future is large scale auction tags.
The majority of the tags should go up
for auction anually. It MIGHT even be
good to allow second sales of auction
tags as in outfitters purchasing tags
and then re-selling them to the public."
TRISTATE 8/17/2012
>1. Bonus Points
>2. Age Classification
>3. Wealth Tags
>4. CWMU's
>5. Roads on every ridge
>6. Tape Measures
>7. SFW
>8. Wildlife Board Corruption
>9. Pet Units
>10. ATV's
>And hunters from Altamont.
>"The future is large scale auction
>The majority of the tags should
>go up
>for auction anually. It MIGHT even
>good to allow second sales of
>tags as in outfitters purchasing tags
>and then re-selling them to the
>TRISTATE 8/17/2012


Founder just Out-Lawed my Signature!:D
Hey wiley!

You forgot one:

PISSCUTTER age Objectives in Trophy/LE Units!

Founder just Banned My Signature!
Hang in there!
I'm working on another one!:D
Huntin the Nomad unit this coming weekend Bessy?

Stay outta my cooler!!!

"The future is large scale auction tags.
The majority of the tags should go up
for auction anually. It MIGHT even be
good to allow second sales of auction
tags as in outfitters purchasing tags
and then re-selling them to the public."
TRISTATE 8/17/2012

With Work & other BS I'm not sure?

How bout you ww?

Don't Shoot the South Slope PISSCUTTER Crop!:D

Founder just Banned My Signature!
Hang in there!
I'm working on another one!:D
>If I had to pick one
>thing, it would those feminine
>deodorant sprays that taste like
>paint thinner.

You're not supposed to spray it in your mouth
Distilled spirits. They make Overton down right mean.

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