Listen to the Utah Wildlife Board meeting

Terry is correct about RealPlayer. Please make sure you have a recent version. Also, your listening location might make a difference. I've heard from some people (during past meetings) who have said that their workplaces block audio/video content.
I just had to install the new version of RealPlayer on my computer this AM and the meeting is coming in loud and clear just like I was there. Thanks AMY!
I hope I am not too late to attend the UWC Ammendment presentation. I should be there shortly. Will the board take lunch before the UWC presentation?
LAST EDITED ON Aug-16-12 AT 11:21AM (MST)[p]Karpowitz is talking about the convention tag audits. The UWC proposal will probably be after lunch..... Terry
LAST EDITED ON Aug-16-12 AT 12:41PM (MST)[p]The DWR Director sure made a lovely speech in behalf of the MDF and SFW to start this whole discussion on item #10. It sure isn't a coincidence that the MDF/SFW has come up with this paperwork and proposal to have everything above board and I'm happy to hear our guys standing up and asking that nothing be voted on before we get to the UWC proposal in item #12. They just broke for lunch and all of the guys speaking for those groups sure told us how great and transparent they already are, but nothing was said on how much of each $5 application fee is needed to do that 200 tag drawing. I was really shaking my head when the DWR Director didn't have paperwork with him showing an exact breakdown of what it was costing the DWR to run the auction tag program when he knew for a month that all this Expo stuff was going to be addressed in great detail. It sounds like he owes something to someone(s) out in industry after hearing his speech and then not being able to answer questions from the public any better than he did. My guess is that after lunch when all is said and done that the Board will adopt the proposal under item #10 and rule that everything is on the up and up!!! How much can it really cost to have tickets printed up and some people in a booth for a few days accepting and validating the tickets and then have those ticket numbers punched into a computer and randomly drawn. I'll guarantee it isn't one million dollars, but I'd bet they are going to say they are either close to or are losing money on that $5 and there is none of it to give towards conservation! I hope one of our people has done a survey of a company or two that would administer something like this to show an approximate cost to do it and that it isn't near one million dollars. I'm afraid if that isn't forthcoming that we will lose a vote on the UWC proposal under item #12. The meeting should start up at approximately 1:20PM if they take an hour lunch break.
Interesting Byron Bateman can quote Teddy Roosevelt out one side of his mouth while denouncing the NAMC out of the other.... Terry
>Interesting Byron Bateman can quote Teddy
>Roosevelt out one side of
>his mouth while denouncing the
>NAMC out of the other....

Also interesting that Bateman was given 4:50 to talk, while they were attempting to cut off those supporting the UWC proposal right when they began talking, if they were going to "give the same old rah-rah speech."
LAST EDITED ON Aug-16-12 AT 03:13PM (MST)[p]Ole Deloss sure gave the Board and DWR Director a good dressing down on his last trip to the mike, LOL! When the chair made that time statement and then hasn't honored it several times, as well as the rah rah statement and not allowing others that are there with signed cards not to allot their time to someone else that might be a better speaker for their cause really sucked. I can see that exactly what I stated in my post at the lunch break is exactly what is going to happen. The Board is going to go with the AG saying they can't make any changes during the life of the contract and/or say theu need a lot more time and discussion to make a decision.!
Politics at its worst. I hope you can get a few of the groups together for a class action lawsuit forcing an accounting for the sale of a public resource. That is the only way to force the political plants out of your game management. I am sure there is a public interest law group there that would help.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-16-12 AT 03:31PM (MST)[p]Yep, all politics and exactly what I expected to happen from what all the MMers in Utah have said about the Board and DWR being political cronies. Listening to the various Board members speaking now it's very easy to see who is in charge of the Board, the DWR, and from the looks of it the AG that made that dumb rule statement this AM. Now they don't even want the UWC involved in any direct negotiations with the MDF and SFW on getting things worked out.
I hope these groups are smart enough to comply... It's headed for court

I know it's a pipe dream, but it would be cool if enough people would get together and boycott the Expo to get the message across that things need to be changed. That will probably never happen because even the ones that completely dislike the situation continue putting in for those tags and going to the thing!
A lot was said and brought up to the surface. The board knows without a doubt what we, the people, want.Not sure how I feel about the rejection of the amendment. There is to be more talks and who knows where that will go. Makes me wonder if anything at all will come of this in a few years.
From an outsiders viewpoint, after listening to that Board all day today, I'd say nothing will be done based on what everyone says their past history is. Before the Board voted not to do anything today they came right out and said almost all the present Board members would be gone before the next contract is even discussed and then touted how well the groupsd are running the Expo! Talk about an outfit doing a rah rah for the organizations! They're typical friggin political appointees heholding to who got them where they are. They will skate and won't even worry about what happens in the future if they don't have to deal with it!
Is there a link to donate money for the lawsuit against the State of Utah?

I have lost all respect for Mr. Jim K..simply a puppet bought and paid for...

I just got home from the meeting. I missed the pre-lunch portion but joined after the break for the important stuff. It went pretty much how everybody already knew it would. The board (bored?) looked sleepy and disinterested as those of us who care got up and gave our 3 minute sermons. Three minutes on the dot, mind you, not 3:10 (unless you side with the SFW/MDF folks).

There were quite a few that voiced their opinions in favor of UWC proposal, myself included. Hopefully these comments will be made available online somewhere so that we can go back and review them. We all repeated the same thing we've been asking for for years now- give us some accountability. We're now on record, again, that this whole thing is a serious problem that the DWR needs to fix. They are now on record, again, that they aren't as concerned about the utah sportsman as they are about the bottom line and their revenue streams.

The Don used 2:55 of his 3:00 reminding the board that he has done more for Utah and Utah's wildlife than anyone in the history of this great state of Utah outside of anyone not named Jesus. Hopefully somebody there had an arm sling for him, as his shoulder was surely injured after so much self love.

Byron told us how he was fighting the good fight, like Teddy Roosevelt, and that the $5 wasn't really money they got for selling the permits, it was money they earned from processing the applications, so it shouldn't be available for public perusal. He almost brought a tear to my eye.

Several people made mention of the injured veterans and the poor children with cancer that benefited from SFW's generosity. Surely we wouldn't want to stop helping those kind of causes now, would we?

We already knew what the outcome of this meeting would be, but it was an important step that needed to happen. Thanks to all of you who took time to come and show support. Now, on to the next phase.

Ben Armstrong

Vi Et Armis Invictus Maneo
I went to the meeting,knowing it was a waste of my time.
I did not need to hear PEADAY tell the board how great he is and what he has done for utah.SFW,MDF are controlling the wildlife board it was evident early in the meeting by some of the boards comments.It seemed like we were wasting their time and where clearly upset that anyone dare question the board.

Well I was there in person. Even gave a speech. It's hard to say what you think and how you feel in 3 minutes. But got the feeling from the board members that what we said didn't matter. I'm not surprised at all with what they did say. With that....I've decided that I won't be attending nor applying for any expo tags until at least the contract is changed or it's current contract expires. They're not getting my money. The board members were so quick to cut off those who are demanding transparency and accountability but when SFW lovers spoke longer than their time allowed, the board members wouldn't say much. The Ra,Ra, talks were irritating to listen to.

So many out there want or expect to get paid for anything they do or they want a lot of recognition.
If people really share a passion for hunting and really care about the wildlife in Utah, then they should be willing to give their time and effort without wanting our expecting anything in return. To me there is self gratification for helping the herds. I take great pride in helping wildlife in anyway I can. On SFW's expenditures list they had a volunteer expenses column. Doesn't most volunteers work for free and donate their time? Maybe I'm wrong but it sounded like an oxymoron to me.

This was my first meeting that I have attended and met some nice people. Overall, I'm glad I went. I brought my son with me who will be hunting for his first time this year. I hope he learned a few things today.
It will be interesting to see how things develop from this meeting in the next 12 months. But I won't hold my breath that these organizations are going to voluntarily sit down together and come up with some solutions.
AZ and MT hunters fight effectively to counter SFW Inc in ways that UT hunters are not able to accomplish.

Several UT hunters are fighting the good fight to shed light on the questionable methods of SFW, BGF and MDF but the power brokers keep on having their way with the tags and money.

Is the UT culture that different from other western states that in UT a compliant majority accepts on faith that a higher power is doing the "right" thing? SFW's swagger to keep books closed while getting public tags would get it blacklisted by hunters in most states. In UT, SFW is not run out of town on a rail but instead thrives. Why?
Thank you everyone who showed up and those that e-mailed. I appreciate everyone that gets involved in the political process.
I have scanned this post and I am missing what was said. Can someone put together a paragraph or something about what happened or did not happen? I am trying to read between the lines but missing something. Was it brought to a vote? Tabled? Exactly what happened or can you refer me to what I am missing where it was posted on here.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-16-12 AT 05:53PM (MST)[p]In agenda item #10 they voted to accept the proposal by MDF (the sponsoring organization of the Expo) that they are now contracted with to have a report of money received and expenses as of next year and accepted paperwork offered voluntarily for this past one. However, the paperwork offered up was no better than the BS they have been passing off on their websites according to the guys thet were there and could see what was offered up. When it came to agenda item #12 on the UWC proposal they said each person would have 3 minutes at the mike. They were almost to the second to cut off anyone speaking for the proposal, but several against it were well over that time limit. They actually cut off Tye and told him they didn't want to listen to any more "rah rahs" as time was short, but made all kinds of positive comments on their own about how great the Expo was and how it was being run so well. They also said a lot of people didn't know all the ins and outs of running the Expo and that kind of BS. The DWR Director actually started the whole thing with a real great dissertation for the organizations like he was on them instead of in his Director position. In the end they said they didn't agree with trying to change a contract in midstream and if the contract was changed it would not be done until contract renewal time in 3 or 4 years after most of them are gone from the Board.

In essence, nothing happened. A lot of hot air with no results. The board didn't want to be forced to do anything, so they hid behind the excuse of the contract and punted until the contract expires. This despite the fact that the contract has the verbiage included to allow for exactly this type of scenario - bottom line, if they wanted to make changes, they could. But they won't, because the guys who pull the strings were also present, and they are all in the same boat.

So, for the time being, SFW and MDF will continue to bring in the windfall that comes from the expo, and they'll have nobody to answer to but themselves.

Vi Et Armis Invictus Maneo
I think a few people haven't really looked at the accounting MDF provided. Voluntarily, with a gun to their head maybe, but they did provide probably 95% of what I have been pushing for. The board did vote to require this level of accounting from them in the future. No, it wasn't everything I wanted, but it was a huge step forward.
Not entirely sure how I feel about everything else at this point. Lots of hard feelings, accusations, and counter-productive arguing. I must take this opportunity to compliment Bill Christensen of RMEF, as he did give an excellent speech asking for more transparency from all groups. It seems some took exception to this stand, but it is hard to understand how anyone can oppose transparent government. That said, every board meeting I have attended has left me shaking my head at different times, but if you didn't know government was far from perfect before going to this meeting you probably can't be helped.

I would also like to thank Hawkeye and many others for their hard work and effort getting the UWC proposal even on the agenda. I have no doubt this proposal led to MDF being more transparent. It would have been far prefereable for MDF to have been more open from the beginning, but real gains in transparency were made this week. I'll try to chalk this up as a win and move forward.
>Thank you everyone who showed up
>and those that e-mailed.
>I appreciate everyone that gets
>involved in the political process.

You're more than welcome! I know UWC didn't necessarily represent your views, but the political process is, indeed, alive and well and people are waking up to express themselves.
And, thankfully, there was no name-calling or swearing (at least not into the mikes).
Thanks to all the went and participated. I went for 1 reason only. I already knew what the outcome would be but I wanted to be on record as saying the intent of the money was to be used on Utahs wildlife and that the amount agreed on was the "lions share".

That was in the minutes from 7 years ago and it is in them again. No one not even the savior of Utahs wildlife refuted that. BUt it does not matter. We have 3 board members who want to do what is right but for some reason wont and we have 4 board members who want to do what is right for the savior Utahs of wildlife.

I have fought my last fight at the racs and Wildlife board. When you all are ready to fight it another way let me know. I will be all in.

Tony Abbott
The next buck to have a fawn will be the
Because of work I was unable to attend and listen. Would they have recorded the audio by chance for play back on the net?

Several years of Misc BS & NO CHANGES?

I've had my Ass Jumped several times over the Years when I get on the UDWR!

Everybody Screams at me claiming it's always the WB's fault & they make the decisions!

Then I hear this from you Guys saying the WB is Brainwashed & Asleep & Old during this meeting,WTF?

Well Boys!

We've known for Years & Years Hunting in this State was gonna become a Rich Mans Sport!

I said 25 years ago something needed to be done,We could see it comming!

But as normal!

Everybody kind of sat back,didn't do much,(We couldn't get everybody to Band together & still can't!)so here We are!

You gotta have $$$ which I don't or be LUCKY which you all GAWD-DAMNED well know I ain't that either!

PEAYDAY has created a way for TARDS to Gamble in TARDville & Legally,I don't see most Tards gonna Quit Gambling no matter how mad they are at the Whole Deal!

I am SICK of the UDWR Blaming the WB & vice-versa,course I been Sick of that for many years!

As wiley would say:Carry on Boys with the BS!

Maybe Utahs Big Game Herds will just Fix Theirselves,Ya RIGHT!!!

[font color=red size=redsize=18"face"]SHOW THEM TO ME![/font]
If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

I've got Wild Honey Tree's and Crazy Little Weeds growin around my Shack!
These Dusty Roads ain't streets of gold but I'm happy right where I'm at!
All these Perty little Western Belles are a Country Boys Dream!
They ain't got Wings or MM Halo's but they sure look good to me!
"Well Boys!

We've known for Years & Years Hunting in this State was gonna become a Rich Mans Sport!

I said 25 years ago something needed to be done,We could see it comming!

But as normal!"

The problem is the people who were mad about this becoming a rich mans sport, thought class warfare was how they would fight it. The answer needed to be a more constructive solution, but that is too hard for some to understand.

Who are you?

And who do you represent?

[font color=red size=redsize=18"face"]SHOW THEM TO ME![/font]
If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

I've got Wild Honey Tree's and Crazy Little Weeds growin around my Shack!
These Dusty Roads ain't streets of gold but I'm happy right where I'm at!
All these Perty little Western Belles are a Country Boys Dream!
They ain't got Wings or MM Halo's but they sure look good to me!
>Who are you?
>And who do you represent?
>[font color=red size=redsize=18"face"]SHOW THEM TO ME![/font]
>If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM
>I've got Wild Honey Tree's and
>Crazy Little Weeds growin around
>my Shack!
>These Dusty Roads ain't streets of
>gold but I'm happy right
>where I'm at!
>All these Perty little Western Belles
>are a Country Boys Dream!
>They ain't got Wings or MM
>Halo's but they sure look
>good to me!

Right? One minute defending the WB and another bashing members here and then on to supporting the UWC's proposal. You confuse the hell out of me and clearly other members of the forum here...surely there is a great story behind your wisdom? :/
>Who are you?
>And who do you represent?

I am the lone gunman that does what is right. Not what some organization tells me to do. I represent a path to better your deer herds and secure a hunting future for our decendants. I want people to start talking about the reality of wildlife management and quit getting in these pissing matches with nothing more than spin to back up their failing arguements. Gentlemen it is time to put all our cards on the table and flush our egoes down the toilet. It is past time to abandon outdated wildlife management tools and certianly the outdated politics built around them. Like I said in a previous post you know this whole wildlife system is starting to fail each and every one of you. You can feel it every day. Instead of panicking and trying to turn back the clock it is time to be dynamic. Your wildlife herds are dynamic and the relationship of them to society and politics is even more dynamic. Don't be afraid of the future, be the future.
>Who are you?
>And who do you represent?
>[font color=red size=redsize=18"face"]SHOW THEM TO ME![/font]
>If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM

The PCOAA... The Pisscutters of America Assc.
>>Who are you?
>>And who do you represent?
>I am the lone gunman that
>does what is right.
>Not what some organization tells
>me to do. I
>represent a path to better
>your deer herds and secure
>a hunting future for our
>decendants. I want people
>to start talking about the
>reality of wildlife management and
>quit getting in these pissing
>matches with nothing more than
>spin to back up their
>failing arguements. Gentlemen it
>is time to put all
>our cards on the table
>and flush our egoes down
>the toilet. It is
>past time to abandon outdated
>wildlife management tools and certianly
>the outdated politics built around
>them. Like I said
>in a previous post you
>know this whole wildlife system
>is starting to fail each
>and every one of you.
> You can feel it
>every day. Instead of
>panicking and trying to turn
>back the clock it is
>time to be dynamic.
>Your wildlife herds are dynamic
>and the relationship of them
>to society and politics is
>even more dynamic. Don't
>be afraid of the future,
>be the future.

And the future is? What is our next move? Stop with the philosophy and enlighten us with those dynamic moves!
Tristate the hypocrit..... Nobody gets in more pissing matches on here more than you. So shut your pie hole. You weren't at the meeting were you? Maybe you should go to them and speak your nonsense like you do on here and find out if you get laughed at. You remind me of the last guy that tried to talk on item 12 yesterday. He didn't fill out a speech card. For those of you who were at the meeting, I'm sure you understand. Lol
"I am the lone gunman that does what is right. Not what some organization tells me to do. I represent a path to better your deer herds and secure a hunting future for our decendants. I want people to start talking about the reality of wildlife management and quit getting in these pissing matches with nothing more than spin to back up their failing arguements. Gentlemen it is time to put all our cards on the table and flush our egoes down the toilet. It is past time to abandon outdated wildlife management tools and certianly the outdated politics built around them. Like I said in a previous post you know this whole wildlife system is starting to fail each and every one of you. You can feel it every day. Instead of panicking and trying to turn back the clock it is time to be dynamic. Your wildlife herds are dynamic and the relationship of them to society and politics is even more dynamic. Don't be afraid of the future, be the future."

For once TROLLSTATE hit the nail on the head. I couldn't agree
more with what he said.

The RAC Wildlife Board process has run its course. Like the troll said we've pushed this system in to a gerrymandered state at the RAC level to a complicit / kick the can down the road state at the WB level. It simply does not work anymore.

Lumpy took what I would consider a personal shot in my direction in his dialogue yesterday. DC, if you think this is about you and what you have done or simply screwing SFW you are dead wrong. News for ya lump THIS AIN'T ABOUT YOU OR YOUR IDOL DON!! Birds of a feather eh DC.

All that being said I would personally hope this ain't the end of
finding out where OUR money is actually going.

"And the future is? What is our next move? Stop with the philosophy and enlighten us with those dynamic moves!"

The future is large scale auction tags. The majority of the tags should go up for auction anually. It MIGHT even be good to allow second sales of auction tags as in outfitters purchasing tags and then re-selling them to the public. It would probably be very good for states to start adopting long term lease agreements for specific areas where people could feel they are investing in their future through some control of surface rights. There are many different options and some very well could fail but the truth is it is time to capitalize the tag system.
"The future is large scale auction tags. The majority of the tags should go up for auction anually. It MIGHT even be good to allow second sales of auction tags as in outfitters purchasing tags and then re-selling them to the public."

HA HA Just when I agree with ya TROLL you confirm that you are in fact an idiot!! Way to go!!!

"Tristate the hypocrit..... Nobody gets in more pissing matches on here more than you. So shut your pie hole."

Really????? I can gaurantee you this boy, I have never written something as offensive as that last quote on these forums, nor have I been so egocentric to believe I could command other people to not talk as I wish.

" You weren't at the meeting were you?"

Why attend meetings that I allready know the outcome. Topgun, attacked me about this allready today and I had to remind him of what I posted as soon as yall started talking about changing the contract. If you notice after that I got pretty quiet about the meeting. The minute yall started talking like that you had tied your own ropes.
"HA HA Just when I agree with ya TROLL you confirm that you are in fact an idiot!! Way to go!!!"

Care to defend that statement??????
"Care to defend that statement??????"
That you are an idiot???

Keep typing idiocy like you did a few posts above and I wont need to.

I'm not going into the NAWCM debate you seem to want to re-hash
Keep reading your Ayn Rand books and keep telling yourself how you are thinking outside the box. Truth is, you are just another sycophant that has his hand out for something he didn't produce
and cant maintain but wants to get paid for.

Have we run TROLL'S IP addy to make sure he isn't the Don having fun here??

"The future is large scale auction tags. The majority of the tags should go up for auction anually. It MIGHT even be good to allow second sales of auction tags as in outfitters purchasing tags
and then re-selling them to the public."

TRISTATE 8/17/2012
>"Care to defend that statement??????"
>That you are an idiot???
>Keep typing idiocy like you did
>a few posts above and
>I wont need to.
>I'm not going into the NAWCM
>debate you seem to want
>to re-hash
>Keep reading your Ayn Rand books
>and keep telling yourself how
>you are thinking outside the
>box. Truth is, you are
>just another sycophant that has
>his hand out for something
>he didn't produce
>and cant maintain but wants to
>get paid for.
>Have we run TROLL'S IP addy
>to make sure he isn't
>the Don having fun here??
>"The future is large scale auction
>tags. The majority of the
>tags should go up for
>auction anually. It MIGHT even
>be good to allow second
>sales of auction tags as
>in outfitters purchasing tags
>and then re-selling them to the
>TRISTATE 8/17/2012

So you can't defend that statement. You can only talk trash. Now you sit and wonder how the SFW whipped you.

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