

Active Member
Any guesses on how many republicans are out peacefully protesting tonight, you know rioting, looting, burning basically just destroying others property?
Appears Biden voters are fixin to burn down & destroy Louisville tonight. Mostly peacefully of course
These are not memes griz... they are real

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Any guesses on how many republicans are out peacefully protesting tonight, you know rioting, looting, burning basically just destroying others property?

Arrest them all! I hate vandals!

But better not tell RELH, he thinks any Democrats are traitors to America and should be treated as such.
like I said.......educated beyond your intelligence
Haha, your lack of knowledge of Iliad or the definition of a vandal says a heckuva lot about you. Throw in the fact that you self-proclaimed yourself a jerk right here on MM and I'm proud to not share your ideology.

I'm plenty happy to spend commercial breaks pointing out the flaws in your thinking and watching you dance through mental gymnastics trying to justify it.
Grizzy you are not parroting the Democrat party line tonight as they advocate and support the so called peaceful protests while knowing it will turn violent. If that is not being a traitor to your country, then tell us what is.
you are a simple man educated beyond your means Grizz.......these guys are organized and paid dupes.....

yes....to a simpleton "vandal" is all that is seen......but the organization and materials supplied changes what they are.

these are left wing terrorists.....you are in denial...or....on their team
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you are a simple man educated beyond your means Grizz.......these guys are organized and paid dupes.....

yes....to a simpleton "vandal" is all that is seen......but the organization and materials supplied changes what they are.

these are left wing terrorists.....you are in denial...or....on their team

So you think Louisville sustained a terrorist attack last night? ?

Yep, these secret planes of people dressed in black that Trump is talking about flying around the country supplying frozen water bottles and rocks to unemployed loser college kids to throw at police. I hear they even bring beer bottles and old rags for the occasional molotov cocktail. It's a good think those Trumpeters in Missoula stood guard against the bus load of terrorists that never showed ?. I bet China and Russia are funneling billions into this secret terrorist organization bent on stirring unrest to give the "law and order" President his platform to reelection.

Yep, that's a lot more likely than punk entitlement losers getting caught up in a riot mentality.

Somebody calling these kids terrorists is as stupid as somebody calling Guantanamo "auschwitz"... it only shows how ignorant they are of the true facts. It's nothing but idiotic hyperbole.

You and RELH probably need to start traveling the country to fight off these terrorists and traitors in our midst instead of sitting idly by while our country burns and merely punching your keyboard on MM.
Wasn’t it Japan that vandalized Pearl Harbor ?
Pretty pathetic argument Grizz
Then you must be pissed at Trump for being such a coward and not fighting terrorists/soldiers in our own cities with the full strength of US Military Might! He's not even using lethal weapons against traitors and terrorists trying to destroy our country and committing terrorist attacks in full daylight right in downtown America. They post it on their Instagram page and there have been no Antiterrorism arrests made EVER! Law and Order President, MY A$$!

Either you think he's incompetent, a coward, or even you acknowledge you guys are being ridiculous thinking you can compare this to 9/11, or OKC, or Pearl Harbor.
Guys like him...grizz...buzzard....etc., are not interested in justice according to the law. They are interested only in justice according to their feelings.

Detroit Lions defensive end Trey Flowers predicted Wednesday that the lack of charges against the officers for the death of Breonna Taylor could spark a new round of protests in sports.
Guys like him...grizz...buzzard....etc., are not interested in justice according to the law. They are interested only in justice according to their feelings.

Detroit Lions defensive end Trey Flowers predicted Wednesday that the lack of charges against the officers for the death of Breonna Taylor could spark a new round of protests in sports.

Maybe they could burn down....I mean vandalize the stadium and solve a couple problems.
Then you must be pissed at Trump for being such a coward and not fighting terrorists/soldiers in our own cities with the full strength of US Military Might! He's not even using lethal weapons against traitors and terrorists trying to destroy our country and committing terrorist attacks in full daylight right in downtown America. They post it on their Instagram page and there have been no Antiterrorism arrests made EVER! Law and Order President, MY A$$!

Either you think he's incompetent, a coward, or even you acknowledge you guys are being ridiculous thinking you can compare this to 9/11, or OKC, or Pearl Harbor.
Have you read in the book about the state Governors requirements to ask for federal assistance?
I don't post much in this forum, but after reading what Grizzly says here I felt compelled.

Grizzly, I suggest that you get your facts straight before putting your TDS on full display. Trump cannot just send federal troops in to stop the rioters, without the request of that State's Governor. He's offered, but they will not take him up on it. So your comments about Trump being a coward because he won't send the military into our cities is disingenuous at best. And isn't it funny how every single US city that continues to be besieged by riots are run by liberal democrats? What do you have to say about that?

Secondly, you suggest that these rioters are just random wannabe's who just show up to protest. And that they are merely "vandals". Does the definition of "vandal" include assaulting law enforcement, murdering people in the street, stopping the movements of lawful citizens, etc.?

And since when do rioters being paid to inflict chaos, U-Haul trucks showing up full of protest signs and baseball bats, pallets of bricks being dropped off at street corners just prior to the so called "peaceful protests" starting, senators homes being damaged and their occupants threatened with death etc. etc. fall into the "random" category?

These events are highly organized, well funded and violent.

And since you are fond of using the dictionary to make your point, here's one for you:


the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.

Sound about like what's going on out there right now???

Maybe you should inform yourself better and quit echoing MSM talking points if you expect to have any credibility.

Your arguments exhibit a clear lack of critical thinking skill. Maybe you should climb out from under your bridge, open your eyes and see what's really going on in the world you live in...
Guys like him...grizz...buzzard....etc., are not interested in justice according to the law. They are interested only in justice according to their feelings.

Detroit Lions defensive end Trey Flowers predicted Wednesday that the lack of charges against the officers for the death of Breonna Taylor could spark a new round of protests in sports.
Defund the police today, defund the justice system tomorrow.
Then you must be pissed at Trump for being such a coward and not fighting terrorists/soldiers in our own cities with the full strength of US Military Might! He's not even using lethal weapons against traitors and terrorists trying to destroy our country and committing terrorist attacks in full daylight right in downtown America. They post it on their Instagram page and there have been no Antiterrorism arrests made EVER! Law and Order President, MY A$$!

Either you think he's incompetent, a coward, or even you acknowledge you guys are being ridiculous thinking you can compare this to 9/11, or OKC, or Pearl Harbor
Then you must be pissed at Trump for being such a coward and not fighting terrorists/soldiers in our own cities with the full strength of US Military Might! He's not even using lethal weapons against traitors and terrorists trying to destroy our country and committing terrorist attacks in full daylight right in downtown America. They post it on their Instagram page and there have been no Antiterrorism arrests made EVER! Law and Order President, MY A$$!

Either you think he's incompetent, a coward, or even you acknowledge you guys are being ridiculous thinking you can compare this to 9/11, or OKC, or Pearl Harbor.
Grizz, back in the day you used to resemble a reasonable human being. What changed? Maybe it's just all coming out now?
@ELKOHOLIC, my post is merely an exercise in critical thinking for those making hyperbolic claims I'm which I'm taking those claims of terrorism to their next logical step. If somebody truly believes what is happening in Louisville is a terrorist attack, why aren't they mad at Trump, whom they openly idolize, for not treating the people like terrorists? Will he respond as if they're terrorists after reelection? Why isn't he doing it now?

Do you think it's more reasonable to ASK WHY Trump isn't responding like they're terrorists, or to claim this is akin to Japan's surprise attack on our country one December morning?

Everybody knows the date of Pearl Harbor, WTC, OKC, etc... These riots are much more akin to the unrest of 50 years ago (or even after Rodney King in 1992) than the historic events being brought into the discussion by those above.
For all those who say the states need to ask for federal assistance prior to receiving it, that would NOT apply in cases of terrorism. The Patriot Act expanded the term "domestic terrorist" to one that arguably would apply to the rioters by the written definition, but has not been utilized by the federal government here.

If this really was terrorism, as defined by the Patriot Act, then why isn't Trump responding as such? It's because Trump knows this is a law enforcement issue and not terrorism. Remember when he sent feds into Oregon and they still used rubber bullets? He seems to be more reasonable than his supporters on this one.

If you DO think it's terrorism, then you should be upset at Trump for not responding as such. It's only honest to do so.
...you can be upset for all of us Grizz.....domestic terrorism, especially with domestic support and or denial makes it a very sticky subject....

You know that....
...you can be upset for all of us Grizz.....domestic terrorism, especially with domestic support and or denial makes it a very sticky subject....

You know that....
Do you give Trump a pass for failing to aggressively confront domestic terrorists because it's a "very sticky subject" or should the "law and order President" defend the country from "all enemies, foreign and domestic" as he's sworn to do?

These are the "mental gymnastics" I referenced earlier that y'all try and go through to justify your positions. Wouldn't it just be easier to admit you were exaggerating and that these protestors/rioters/vandals (I think they all apply in certain situations) are merely that, and not "terrorists" as some here have claimed?
Grizzy you can whine and cry your TDS all you want. Trump offered help and Democrat Governors and Mayors turned him down to the point of telling him his help was not needed and not wanted. Other words they put their political agenda over the safety of their citizens. Deny it all you want, but your opinion on the matter sucks big time.
Grizzy you can whine and cry your TDS all you want. Trump offered help and Democrat Governors and Mayors turned him down to the point of telling him his help was not needed and not wanted. Other words they put their political agenda over the safety of their citizens. Deny it all you want, but your opinion on the matter sucks big time.
I never denied the Dems handle things poorly. They do. I've never supported anything about how the Dems have responded to this. But if this is truly terrorism, as you guys claim, and Trump isn't responding as such then it's on him.

Those of you that claim this is terrorism and don't blame Trump for not treating them as terrorists can't honestly claim he's the "law and order" President. By your own estimation he's pussyfooting around as terrorists are running roughshod through our country. Your positions don't hold water.

I guess on this subject I'm the bigger Trump supporter as I don't think he should declare them traitors and terrorists.
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Don't act stupid Grizzly........he is on egg shells....remember we have elections in this country.....I'm glad you hate him...
.I'm glad you hate him...

That is because we do not want you in the same group as we are as you are unfit due to your TDS.
Grizz argues just for the benefit of his ever expanding ego. In other words a huge douche bag ready to explode.
Grizzly, are you denying that what is happening is not the definition of terrorism? Nobody is saying that every person out there is a terrorist performing terrorist acts, there are peaceful protesters in the crowds which would kind of limit what the federal government can do.

IMO it isn't much different than Taliban and Al Qaeda hiding in schools and hospitals. These thugs burn, loot and assault and then run to the middle of the crowd to blend in. It is the very definition of terrorism but not on the scale of 9/11 so I wouldn't expect Trump to send in the troops and start mowing people down. Sorry but the man who shot those two cops in Louisville is a terrorist, period. Thankfully a peaceful protester pointed him out to the police probably because said peaceful protester isn't a thug which is why the military can't just go in and smash people. None of it changes the FACT that by definition it is terrorism.
the man who shot those two cops in Louisville is a terrorist, period
No, he's an attempted murderer.

You'd think if the DOJ or Trump think he's a terrorist, the law and order President would charge him as such. What do you bet there was no federal terrorism agents involved in the investigation or arrest.

I'll bet you a $100 bucks right now he's not charged under terrorism laws. Takers?
It’s just semantics Grizz. Again what is the definition of terrorism regardless of what the feds do or say. Was the DC sniper a terrorist or an attempted murderer? They were randomly shooting people which is exactly what the terrorist in Louisville did only he targeted cops. One of the victims is black so obviously he was randomly shooting cops and probably would have shot more had he not been caught. The only difference in the two cases is the DC snipers hid better and had more victims but both cases are terrorism.
Trump has announced that he is going to declare Antifa and KKK as a domestic terrorist organization. He also pledged more money to build up black business and jobs. I think he just screwed the Democrats for the black votes. The Democrats are going to go insane over Trump sticking it in them where the sun does not shine.
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